Documentation – Organization side

Principles and Classes

To avoid excessive bureaucracy and possible future complications, we at EOS have devised a simple system of agreement to be used within the Technate.

As you join the Technate, we will lay out some ground-work in accordance to which we expect you to act when working with us. We will formulate this in the form of simple principles we expect you to follow. You may define your requirements and expectations of us in the same way and we will strive to follow them.

Every now and then, the Technate directors will verify everybody's compliance to all principles and award appropriate certifications. We will require you to maintain compliance with some of these in order to let you continue to work with us, but you are also perfectly free to refuse cooperation with anyone who does not meet your requirements of certification as well. These same rules apply to everybody within the Technate, including EOS.

To maintain an easy and comprehensive overview of the principles currently in effect, we have designed a computer database into which we want you to enter these and where you can look them up. You can find it here:

Energy Accounting

In the Technate, an economic system of Energy Accounting is used instead of the usual monetary system of exchange. The reasons for this lie in the need for sustainability and you will find this accounting system to be the primary attribute of the Technate.

The energy accounting system requires of you two simple things:

To further simplify the use of this system we have designed a software program that will do all the calculation and everything needed for compliance with the others, all you need to do is enter the above information into it, keeping it accurate to the best of your ability. Before publishing any information to the Internet, the program will ask your permission. Everything else is completely automatic.

Everybody within the Technate will then get an equal share of this, for organizational or personal use. The more work capacity is provided to the Technate, the more everybody within it gets to use at no particular cost. Regardless of this, how much of your work you offer to the Technate remains strictly under your control.