VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "mData" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = True Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes" Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes" Public xTemporaryPath As String Attribute xTemporaryPath.VB_VarDescription = "Path used for placing in temporary files." Public DataFilesPath As String Attribute DataFilesPath.VB_VarDescription = "The common path of the data files if any." Public xPleaseLogs As Boolean Attribute xPleaseLogs.VB_VarDescription = "Will write an I/O log if set to True." Type xPropertyAndValue xProperty As String xValue As String End Type Public Function iAbout(Box As Boolean) As String Attribute iAbout.VB_Description = "Returns internal information about the DLL, can display a MSGBOX." Attribute iAbout.VB_UserMemId = 0 iAbout = "ICI style I/O databank file access module" + vbCrLf + _ "Made by Jure Sah of MesonAI" + vbCrLf + _ "Last modified on 12:32 3.5.2002" + vbCrLf + _ "DO NOT MODIFY WITHOUT MY PREMITION!!!" + vbCrLf + _ "" + vbCrLf + _ vbCrLf + _ "FREEWARE!" + vbCrLf + _ vbCrLf + _ "ICI xc project, originals for ICI Console interface" If Box Then MsgBox iAbout, vbInformation, "DS DLL" End Function Public Function iVB_Code(Box As Boolean) As String Attribute iVB_Code.VB_Description = "Returns the internal VB code to get the Temp path. Can display a MSGBOX." iVB_Code = "Data.xTemporaryPath = Environ$(" + Chr$(34) + "ICI" + Chr$(34) + ")" + vbCrLf + _ "If Data.xTemporaryPath = " + Chr$(34) + Chr$(34) + " Then Data.xTemporaryPath = Environ$(" + Chr$(34) + "TEMP" + Chr$(34) + ") " + vbCrLf + _ "If Data.xTemporaryPath = " + Chr$(34) + Chr$(34) + " Then Data.xTemporaryPath = Environ$(" + Chr$(34) + "TMP" + Chr$(34) + ") " + vbCrLf + _ "If Data.xTemporaryPath = " + Chr$(34) + Chr$(34) + " Then Data.xTemporaryPath = App.Path" If Box Then MsgBox iVB_Code, vbInformation, "DS DLL" End Function Private Function xFixName(xName As String) As String ''Filename problem handler ' On Error Resume Next xFile$ = "" If Not DataFilesPath = "" And Not InStr(xName, ":") > 0 Then xFile$ = DataFilesPath + "\" xFile$ = xFile$ + xName xFixName = xFile$ End Function Public Sub xCreate(xName As String) Attribute xCreate.VB_Description = "Creates a new databank (not required to set)" ''Create a new database or insure it exists ' On Error Resume Next xFile$ = xFixName(xName) ''Does it already exist? If Dir(xFile$) = "" Then ''Place emptyness in new file OutputFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Output As #OutputFN Print #OutputFN, "INTERNAL FLAG = EXISTS!" Close #OutputFN End If End Sub Public Sub xRemove(xName As String) Attribute xRemove.VB_Description = "Removes a databank" ''Delete a database ' On Error Resume Next xFile$ = xFixName(xName) ''Does it really exist? If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then Kill xFile$ End If End Sub Public Sub xSet(xName As String, xProperty As String, xValue As String) Attribute xSet.VB_Description = "Sets a value to a property (will create databank and property if required)." ''Set a value to a property ' On Error Resume Next 'On Error GoTo 0 'Debug.Print xProperty; "="; xValue ''Set filenames xFile$ = xFixName(xName) swapfile$ = xSwpFile(xName) If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then ''Find Property in file and save the remaining data in the swap file SwapFN = FreeFile Open swapfile$ For Output As #SwapFN MainFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Input As #MainFN Found = False Do: Line Input #MainFN, a$ ''If the thing behind the "=" is our property... If UCase$(Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1))) = UCase$(Trim$(xProperty)) Then Found = True Else ''Otherwise copy to the swapfile Print #SwapFN, a$ End If Loop Until EOF(MainFN) Close #MainFN, #SwapFN Else Found = False End If If Not Found Then ''If property not already inside, append it AppendFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Append As #AppendFN Print #AppendFN, xProperty; "="; xValue Close #AppendFN Else ''If property inside, put it in the swap file and switch them AppendFN2 = FreeFile Open swapfile$ For Append As #AppendFN2 Print #AppendFN2, xProperty; "="; xValue Close #AppendFN2 Kill xFile$ Name swapfile$ As xFile$ End If Kill swapfile$ If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(MainFN) + " Set" dLog "Swap serial " + Str$(SwapFN) + " Set" dLog "Append1 serial " + Str$(AppendFN) + " Set (OR Append2 if 0)" dLog "Append2 serial " + Str$(AppendFN2) + " Set (OR Append1 if 0)" End If End Sub Public Function xQuery(xName As String, xProperty As String) As String Attribute xQuery.VB_Description = "Returns the value of a property" ''Get the value of a property ' On Error Resume Next xQuery = "" xFile$ = xFixName(xName) ''Don't read if the file is empty If FileLen(xFile$) = 0 Then xQuery = "": Exit Function ''Find the right Property and then extract the Value If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then InputFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Input As #InputFN Found = False Do: Line Input #InputFN, a$ 'Debug.Print "("; UCase$(Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1))); ")" If UCase$(Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1))) = UCase$(Trim$(xProperty)) Then xQuery = Trim$(Mid$(a$, InStr(a$, "=") + 1)) Exit Do End If Loop Until EOF(InputFN) Close #InputFN End If If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(InputFN) + " Query" End Function Public Function xNextSerial(xName As String, xProperty As String) As Long Attribute xNextSerial.VB_Description = "Finds next available serial" ''Find the next available serial number for a property name ' On Error Resume Next xNextSerial = 0 Do: N = N + 1 tmp$ = xQuery(xName, xProperty + Trim$(Str$(N))) Loop Until Trim$(tmp$) = "" xNextSerial = N End Function Public Sub xRemoveEntry(xName As String, xProperty As String) Attribute xRemoveEntry.VB_Description = "Removes an entry." ''Remove an entry, given a property name ' On Error Resume Next 'On Error GoTo 0 ''Set filenames xFile$ = xFixName(xName) swapfile$ = xSwpFile(xName) If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then ''Find Property in file and save the remaining data in the swap file SwapFN = FreeFile Open swapfile$ For Output As #SwapFN MainFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Input As #MainFN Found = False Do: Line Input #MainFN, a$ ''If the thing before the "=" isn't our property, copy to swapfile If Not UCase$(Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1))) = UCase$(Trim$(xProperty)) Then Print #SwapFN, a$ Loop Until EOF(MainFN) Close #MainFN, #SwapFN End If ''Swap the files and ignore the fact that we've just left out something Kill xFile$ Name swapfile$ As xFile$ Kill swapfile$ If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(MainFN) + " RemoveEntry" dLog "Swap serial " + Str$(SwapFN) + " SimpleAddSerial" End If End Sub Public Sub xRemoveSerial(xName As String, xProperty As String, xValue As String) Attribute xRemoveSerial.VB_Description = "Removes a serial entry, without the need for a serial number." ''Remove a serial entry, given the base property name and it's value ''The last serial should be sought, written over ''the to-be-removed and then removed (as an entry) ' On Error Resume Next ''Get the last serial entry number N = Data.xNextSerial(xName, xProperty) - 1 ''If no entries, nothing to do If N = 0 Then Exit Sub ''If one entriy, simply delete it ElseIf N = 1 Then Data.xRemoveEntry xName, xProperty + "1" ''Otherwise... Else ''Find the entry we need to remove TProp$ = Data.xFindSerial(xName, xProperty, xValue) ''Overwrite Data.xSet xName, IProp$, Data.xQuery(xName, xProperty + Trim$(Str$(N))) ''Delete the last serial Data.xRemoveEntry xName, xProperty + Trim$(Str$(N)) End If End Sub Public Function xFindEntry(xName As String, xValue As String) As String Attribute xFindEntry.VB_Description = "Finds an entry by value" ''Find the property name by it's value ' On Error Resume Next xFindEntry = "" xFile$ = xFixName(xName) ''If the database exists If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then ''Find Property in file MainFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Input As #MainFN Do: Line Input #MainFN, a$ ''If the thing after the "=" is our value... If UCase$(Trim$(Mid$(a$, InStr(a$, "=") + 1))) = UCase$(Trim$(xValue)) Then xFindEntry = Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1)) End If Loop Until EOF(MainFN) Close #MainFN End If If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(MainFN) + " FindEntry" End Function Public Function xFindSerial(xName As String, xProperty As String, xValue As String) As String Attribute xFindSerial.VB_Description = "Finds a serial entry by property name and value, without the serial number." ''Find the property + serial number by the base property name and it's value ' On Error Resume Next xFindSerial = "" xFile$ = xFixName(xName) ''If the database exists If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then ''Find Property in file MainFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Input As #MainFN Do: Line Input #MainFN, a$ ''If the thing after the "=" is our value and the thing before the "=" contains our property... If UCase$(Trim$(Mid$(a$, InStr(a$, "=") + 1))) = UCase$(Trim$(xValue)) _ And InStr(UCase$(Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1))), UCase$(Trim$(xProperty))) Then xFindSerial = Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1)) End If Loop Until EOF(MainFN) Close #MainFN End If If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(MainFN) + " FindSerial" End Function Public Function xQueryByLineNumber(xName As String, xLineNumber As Long) As xPropertyAndValue Attribute xQueryByLineNumber.VB_Description = "Returns the property and value of an entry in the databank given the line number." ''Get the value and property on a specific LineNumber ' On Error Resume Next xQueryByLineNumber.xProperty = "" xQueryByLineNumber.xValue = "" Dim N As Long xFile$ = xFixName(xName) ''Scroll to the correct LineNumber If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then InputFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Input As #InputFN N = 0 Do: N = N + 1 ''Read Line Input #InputFN, a$ ''Split the read xQueryByLineNumber.xProperty = Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1)) xQueryByLineNumber.xValue = Trim$(Mid$(a$, InStr(a$, "=") + 1)) ''Confirm when at correct LineNumber If N = xLineNumber Then GoTo 9 Loop Until EOF(InputFN) Close #InputFN ''If it ever gets to this point, return blank xQueryByLineNumber.xProperty = "" xQueryByLineNumber.xValue = "" End If If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(InputFN) + " QueryByLineNumber" 9 End Function Public Function xFindSerialNumber(xName As String, xProperty As String, xValue As String) As Long Attribute xFindSerialNumber.VB_Description = "Finds a serial number, given a property and value name" ' On Error Resume Next S$ = xFindSerial(xName, xProperty, xValue) xFindSerialNumber = Val(Mid$(S$, Len(xProperty) + 1)) End Function Public Function xNextSerialFile(xPath As String) As String Attribute xNextSerialFile.VB_Description = "Finds next available serial file (for ICSA comm)" ' On Error Resume Next Dim N As Long ''Fix the path If Right$(xPath, 1) <> "\" Then xPath = xPath + "\" ''Increase until found an available slot Do: N = N + 1 xName = xPath + Trim$(Str$(N)) Loop While Dir(xName) <> "" ''Produce the result xNextSerialFile = xPath + Trim$(Str$(N)) End Function Public Sub xAppendSerial(xName As String, xProperty As String, xValue As String) Attribute xAppendSerial.VB_Description = "Appends a serial entry" ' On Error Resume Next N = Data.xNextSerial(xName, xProperty) Data.xSet xName, xProperty + Trim$(Str$(N)), xValue End Sub Public Sub xRemoveAllSerials(xName As String, xProperty As String) Attribute xRemoveAllSerials.VB_Description = "Removes all serial entries of a specific property." ''Remove an entire series, given a base property name ' On Error Resume Next 'On Error GoTo 0 ''Set filenames xFile$ = xFixName(xName) swapfile$ = xSwpFile(xName) If Dir(xFile$) <> "" Then ''Find Property in file and save the remaining data in the swap file SwapFN = FreeFile Open swapfile$ For Output As #SwapFN MainFN = FreeFile Open xFile$ For Input As #MainFN Found = False Do: Line Input #MainFN, a$ ''If the thing before the "=" dosen't contain our base property, copy to swapfile If InStr(1, Trim$(Mid$(a$, 1, InStr(a$, "=") - 1)), Trim$(xProperty), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Print #SwapFN, a$ Loop Until EOF(MainFN) Close #MainFN, #SwapFN End If 'Debug.Print "("; FileLen(xFile$); ")", "("; FileLen(swapfile$); ")" ''Swap the files and ignore the fact that we've just left out something Kill xFile$ Name swapfile$ As xFile$ Kill swapfile$ If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(MainFN) + " RemoveAllSerials" dLog "Swap serial " + Str$(SwapFN) + " RemoveAllSerials" End If End Sub Public Sub xSimpleAddSerial(xName As String, xProperty As String, xValue As String, xSerial As Long) Attribute xSimpleAddSerial.VB_Description = "Light procedure to add serial entries." ''Simpler method On Error Resume Next ''Fix filename xFile$ = xFixName(xName) ''Append p$ = Trim$(xProperty) + Trim$(Str$(xSerial)) FN = FreeFile ''If it already exists, delete it 'If Not xQuery(xName, p$) = "" Then xRemoveEntry xName, p$ Open xFile$ For Append As #FN Print #FN, p$ + "=" + xValue Close #FN If xPleaseLogs Then dLog "Database " + xName + " serial " + Str$(FN) + " SimpleAddSerial" End Sub Private Function xSwpFile(xName As String) As String ' On Error Resume Next 'On Error GoTo 0 inst = 0 3 inst = inst + 1 xSwpFile = Data.xTemporaryPath + "\DSP." + Dir$(xName) + "." + Hex$(inst) + ".TMP" 'Debug.Print "["; xName; "]", "["; xSwpFile; "]" If Not (Dir$(xSwpFile) = "") Then GoTo 3 If xPleaseLogs Then dLog " --> Database " + xName + " allocated swap " + xSwpFile End Function Private Sub dLog(xEntryText As String) ' On Error Resume Next 'On Error GoTo 0 yFN = FreeFile Open App.Path + "\Database_IO.log" For Append As #yFN Print #yFN, Date$; " "; Time$; "| "; xEntryText 'Debug.Print Date$; " "; Time$; "| "; xEntryText Close #yFN End Sub