VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "mFile" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = True Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes" Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes" Public fTemporaryPath As String Attribute fTemporaryPath.VB_VarDescription = "Path used for placing in temporary files." Public Function iAbout(Box As Boolean) As String Attribute iAbout.VB_Description = "Returns internal information about the component, can display a MSGBOX." iAbout = "ICI style I/O PO file access module" + vbCrLf + _ "Made by Jure Sah of MesonAI" + vbCrLf + _ "Last modified on 12:32 3.5.2002" + vbCrLf + _ "DO NOT MODIFY WITHOUT MY PREMITION!!!" + vbCrLf + _ "" + vbCrLf + _ vbCrLf + _ "FREEWARE!" + vbCrLf + _ vbCrLf + _ "ICI xc project, originals for ICI Console interface" If Box Then MsgBox iAbout, vbInformation, "DS DLL" End Function Public Function iVB_Code(Box As Boolean) As String Attribute iVB_Code.VB_Description = "Returns the internal VB code to get the Temp path. Can display a MSGBOX." iVB_Code = "File.fTemporaryPath = Environ$(" + Chr$(34) + "ICI" + Chr$(34) + ")" + vbCrLf + _ "If File.fTemporaryPath = " + Chr$(34) + Chr$(34) + " Then File.fTemporaryPath = Environ$(" + Chr$(34) + "TEMP" + Chr$(34) + ") " + vbCrLf + _ "If File.fTemporaryPath = " + Chr$(34) + Chr$(34) + " Then File.fTemporaryPath = Environ$(" + Chr$(34) + "TMP" + Chr$(34) + ") " + vbCrLf + _ "If File.fTemporaryPath = " + Chr$(34) + Chr$(34) + " Then File.fTemporaryPath = App.Path" If Box Then MsgBox iVB_Code, vbInformation, "DS DLL" End Function Public Sub xDeleteEntry(xFile As String) Attribute xDeleteEntry.VB_Description = "Removes the top entry from the PO file." ' On Error Resume Next Randomize Timer Dim Copy_now As Boolean, Already_got_an_entry As Boolean, xSwapFile As String Copy_now = False Already_got_an_entry = False ''Name a temporary file and make sure it doesn't already exist xSwapFile = xSwpFile(xFile) FN1 = FreeFile Open xFile For Input As #FN1 FN2 = FreeFile Open xSwapFile For Output As #FN2 Do Line Input #FN1, a$ If Left$(a$, 3) = "---" Then If Already_got_an_entry Then Copy_now = True Already_got_an_entry = True End If ''When past the first entry, copy to swap file If Copy_now Then Print #FN2, a$ Loop Until EOF(FN1) Close #FN1, #FN2 ''Swap swap file with original Kill xFile Name xSwapFile As xFile End Sub Public Function xReadEntry(xFile As String) As String Attribute xReadEntry.VB_Description = "Reads the top entry in the PO file." ' On Error Resume Next Dim OK_to_quit As Boolean, Already_got_an_entry As Boolean OK_to_quit = False Already_got_an_entry = False ''Don't read if the file is empty If FileLen(xFile) = 0 Then xReadEntry = "": Exit Function ''Read an entry FN = FreeFile Open xFile For Input As #FN Do Line Input #FN, a$ If Left$(a$, 3) = "---" Then If Already_got_an_entry Then OK_to_quit = True Already_got_an_entry = True Else xReadEntry = xReadEntry + a$ + vbCrLf End If Loop Until EOF(FN) Or OK_to_quit Close #FN End Function Public Sub xWriteEntry(xFile As String, xEntryText As String) Attribute xWriteEntry.VB_Description = "Appends an entry to the PO file." ' On Error Resume Next FN = FreeFile Open xFile For Append As #FN Print #FN, "--- Entry by CFP Default on " + Date$ + " " + Time$ Print #FN, xEntryText Close #FN 'Debug.Print "("; FN; ")", "("; xFile; ")", "("; xEntryText; ")" End Sub Public Function xTrim(xS As String) As String ' On Error Resume Next ''Strip leading and trailing CR and linefeed If Left$(xS, 2) = vbCrLf Then xS = Mid$(xS, 3) If Right$(xS, 2) = vbCrLf Then xS = Mid$(xS, 1, Len(xS) - 2) ''Strip leading and trailing spaces xTrim = Trim$(xS) End Function Public Sub xLog(xFile As String, xEntryText As String) ' On Error Resume Next yFN = FreeFile Open xFile + ".Log" For Append As #yFN Print #yFN, Date$; " "; Time$; "| "; xEntryText Close #yFN End Sub Private Function xSwpFile(xName As String) As String ' On Error Resume Next inst = 0 2 inst = inst + 1 xSwpFile = File.fTemporaryPath + "\CFP." + Dir$(xName) + "." + Hex$(inst) + ".TMP" 'Debug.Print "["; xName; "]", "["; xSwpFile; "]" If Not (Dir$(xSwpFile) = "") Then GoTo 2 End Function