----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Debug GUI4FTE and include new functions according to Neil] [On download or upload, the filenames should automaticaly be set to match originals. Example: ReturnFile=C:\Download\Jure\ici\FTE.rtn FromName=Local FromPath=C:\programs\ici\src\bn_asm.c ToName=Win_Neil ToPath=C:\bn_asm.c fteAction=Copy] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Debug GUI4FTE and include new functions according to Neil] [Overwrite confirmation boxes must appear on local and remote duplicate, on upload and dowload] [Copying to the same file should result in a notification] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Debug GUI4FTE and include new functions according to Neil] ["(New) Path\Filename" should be a combo-box containing up to 20 history entries] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Debug GUI4FTE and include new functions according to Neil] [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Make a Status function and support it in the Console] [- a Status function would: - Broadcast messages as CPU use changes (or user says) - It would know up to 3 diffirent messages: - Idle - Normal - Overloaded - When it would recieve a status report, it would reconfigure Console's node availability settings - the Console: - Before each broadcast, it would scan the node file for the availability setting - Broadcast only to computers that have the function and aren't overloaded] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Add ICI file format support] [Console should open the file and execute all ICI commands in it] [Consider which method should be used. DDE or external app or batch.] [DDE: 1. Innitiate on load 2. Constantly recieve 3. Terminate on unload] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Introduce a function-bussy/available managment system to the Console FS] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Make the support MSDOS in the Console better] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Do Harold's modifications] [Discuss additional esthetics fixes] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Devolop methods for remote debuging] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Webpage for the ICI programatic collective] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Debug the Society] [Postreference = chat-forum] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Continue devolopemnt on Automatic System Optimizations Service] [Continue devolopemnt on remaining ideas] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Make NetSim3] [5 computers should accept counters according to response time] [1 should be closest, 2 nearer and 2 far away] [Speed should be random and set on startup] [Response time = Range + speed; No reply if overloaded]