Attribute VB_Name = "Convert" ''RYAN: HEX nicks need a % symbol in front as an indicator according to the protocol Public Function NickToIP(HexNick As String) As String ''This converts a 8 length Hex string into an IP address x.x.x.x Dim count As Integer, X As String X = "": NickToIP = "" For count = 1 To 4 X = X & ToBase10(Mid(HexNick, (count * 2 - 1), 2)) & "." Next count NickToIP = Left(X, Len(X) - 1) ''removes last period End Function Public Function IPToNick(IP As String) As String ''This converts an IP address x.x.x.x into an 8 length hex string Dim arrayPoints() As String, count As Integer, X As String ''**HERE** 'arrayPoints = Split(IP, ".") ''RYAN: There is no such thing as Split in VB5, can you replace this? IPToNick = "": X = "" For count = 0 To 3 X = X & Format$(Hex(CInt(arrayPoints(count))), "00") ''so it's 8 length Next count IPToNick = X End Function Private Function ToBase10(Hex As String) As Long 'This converts a HEX to base 10 ToBase10 = Val("&H" + Hex) End Function