Umm, hello group. I tend to be pretty skeptic about what people find out about Autism and that, I don't just belive them, I analize myself rather. As of lately, I have noticed that, what tends to cause most of my problems, is that at some point 'I' (umm "my body" better) have been locking up at some stage of devolopment of a particular area, because of some external situation. This external situation might be the pressence or absence of a specific matter. As an Asperger, I guess I only have a bigger tendency to get myself 'hooked' on these problems, which will cause a little chain reaction of various problematic matters. For example on my case, the lack of understanding in my first social environment, caused me not to enjoy phisical activity with them enough, causing me not to enjoy any sport at all, which lead to me 'locking up' and not allowing me to give it a try in a new social environment, which caused me to belive nobody really understands me... The solution was finding a team sport suitable for me, where I could interact only with the ball and not worry about socialization... I could feel myself 'unhooking' and I can now (magicaly) manage things I previously could not, such as making jokes that actualy sound funny for example. Part of the previously mentioned solution (it's a progress) actualy even included a change in diet. I hope my examples make it clear what exactly finding a solution for a momentary problem involves. I have been reading up some stuff I should consider old and I 100% dissagree with the approach some parents/doctors might be taking which is Observer aka DustWolf aka CyberLegend aka Jure Sah C'ya! -- Cellphone: 0038640809676 (SMS enabled) Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly reply. [AC/HFA(AS) -- no suprize] The perfect package for online business, get your free copy of the ICI system now: MesonAI -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM)