Vlado Bevc wrote: > Truly asinine assertions by Jure Sah (guest.arnes.sssr)claiming > parallels between the United States and the Nazis: > Assertion by Sah: 1. Overemphasis [in the USA]of importance of the > nation, government and the leader. Patriotic enthusiasm following > September 11 among Americans.( 1. Pretiravanje s pomenom naroda, > države, voditelja: Patriotsko navdušenje med američani po 11. > Septembru. > FACT: Situation is calm and pretty much the same as it always was. > Americans, of course, respect their country and their government. It > belongs to them, not to a "Party" or some LDS creeps. Allas, Vladek, I have insider information. My friend from america, who is fully american has commented that everybody (particualry the politics) is insisting on not forgeting sept 11th only to keep a level of anger to foregin countries. These are her actual words, she said it's not called not forgetting, it's called keep hating. > 2.Assertion: Hatred of communism [ Sovrastvo do komunizma: Kajpak, > vendarle spomnimo se ustanovitve NATO-a]. > FACT: It is American tradition to hate tyranny. Dating back to Thomas > Jefferson who wrote: "I have sworn on the altar of Almighty God > eternal hostility to any kind of tyrany over man's mind." Obviously > communism is such tyranny, the worst humanity has seen so far. Nothing > new here and hardly a Nazi precept as idiotically asserted by Jure > Sah. I couldn't care less what capitalist govermnent populist kissass politicians made up the last second for their speaches 20 years ago. Communism is an idealism with all it's right to exist and no it is not tyranny, go read a history book or something. What is taught in school and a well known fact is that hate towards communism is, amongst others, a characteristics of a Nazi idealism. > 3. Assertion by Sah: Brutal abolishment of democracy [in the US]. The > United States holds that it has right to arrest and detain anyone by > "abbreviated procedure" disregarding generaly acknowledged norms > [perhaps those that are in effect in Slobovia?] under the pretext of > suppressing terorism. [ Odprava demokracije lahko na brutalen način: V > ZDA si pridržujejo pravico (v kontekstu boja proti terrorizmu), da > aretirajo in priprejo kogar koli po skrajšanem postopku, mimo splošno > priznanih norm; podobno kot v času Mussolinija.] > FACT: The United States certainly has every right to defend itself and > will defend itself from the likes of Jure Sah and his communist > masters. Due process is scrupulously observed. Foreign agents, > saboteurs and terrorists are arrested, when discovered, and most of > the time deported as they should be. The There are extensive legal > precedents for action against the enemy during the time the nation is > under attack. Government actions are questioned all the time and > reviewed by an independed judiciary -- a situation of which Sah, who > never lived in a free country, cannot comprehend or even conceive of. Detaining of underage people being one of the most important concerns of federal security. > 4. Assertion by Sah: Spreading of fear, propaganda CNN, shock > therapies of military tactics.[ Zastrasevanje, propaganda: CNN, razne > sokterapija vojaske taktike nad Iračani.] > FACT: Straight reporting by embedded and independent reporters, > presentation of Arab network reports, careful avoiding of civilian > targets, (Sah never heard of the indiscriminate bombings of London by > V-1 and V-2 who did target civilian settlement as the guidance was > nonexistent. And Sah compares the selective bombings of military > targets in Iraq to Nazi practices!) Cluster and megabombs being probably ones of the signs of sheer precision of bombing, I gather? As for CNN, I have listened to it myself, what a shame I don't have any tapes. Reporters were truly independend to what the army allowed them to film anyway, their comments represented a more realistic situation HOWEVER I did not ignore how the comments back at CNN home, desperately tried to wipe out all that has been said about the truth and inplant propaganda to where it obviously did not belong. > 5. Assertion by Sah: Preparations for war [Priprava na vojno: > Ne. ] FACT: It's probably all over. But > preparation was good, effective and had results. From the millitary POV perhaps, from the international political POV, it was a sheer dissaster, which the USA will find themselves trying to repair for decades to come. Nonetheless, what I said was true. > 6. Assertion by Sah: Corporate policies, cooperation of workers, > foremen and politicians; bombing for acquisition of contracts for oil > that were "lost" to the French and Russiona" [Korporativizem > (sodelovanje delavcev, delovodij in politike):[ Bombardiranje za > nasilno pridobitev pogodb za nafto, ki so bile > 'izgubljene' Rusom in Francozom.] > FACT: US oil imports from Iraq are minimal and are likely to stay low > or diminish. This must be why the USA government recently reafirmed the position that the Russian and French oil companies will loose all their contracts for the oil and that new contracts will be decided about by the USA puppet government about to be set up in Iraq. > Statement by Sah: Worthy of thinking over. [Vredno premisleka.] > COMMENT: Indeed, too bad Sah is not equipped for this process Vladek, Vladek, I am after all, looking forward to a productive discussion. I do not know if you are ready. Observer aka DustWolf aka CyberLegend aka Jure Sah C'ya! -- Cellphone: +38640809676 (SMS enabled) Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly reply. "Keeping an open mind is not about disregarding new definitions to things." The perfect package for online business, get your free copy of the ICI system now: http://www.aimetasearch.com/ici/index.htm MesonAI -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM)