Chergarj wrote: > Do we take it then, that after learning or studying a good form of BASIC, C is > a possible good next step? C ain't no next step! C is just another language, but it's worth learning if you're onto programming because it works everywhere. It's the only link between MS and *nix. People that have learned Basic well and have an option of programming career, should learn C for the pure sake of knowing it (easier to get a job then), even if they won't need it ever in their lives. > Can any form of C work in Windows? That would be Visual C++ as I understand it. It's one truly Object Orientated monster, just like Visual Basic. > Is C not a good beginners language? If you managed to learn C as a beginer, you will use C. However if you learned Basic as a beginer, you will be using Basic for the rest of your life. Same goes for practicaly all programing languages. > Visual Basic IS confusing to learn; some forms of BASIC are much more easily > learned. I started with Commodore 64 BASIC, continued with GW-Basic, upgraded to QBasic and steped over to Visual Basic. The jumps between the various languages were equaly hard. I still work with QuickBasic from time to time and I sometimes even make hybrid programs over both languages. I would say like this: Visual Basic with it's Object Orientated manners is way to complex for someone to just come by testing features (which is the easiest way of learning Basic, BTW). There are ways of learning VB using templates, but it is definately easier to start up with a DOS based (single main obvious program loop) programing languages, but then firmly learning Visual Basic takes it's time! If you start off in Visual Basic, you will be firmly in right from the start and that gives you a big fat bonus, keeping in mind however that you will probably find it hard to understand all the DOS based programing languages then. Good luck whatever you choose! -- Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly reply. Digging for info? Try AI Meta Search: Http://WWW.AIMetaSearch.Com MesonAI -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM) Http://WWW.MesonAI.Com