I guess I could write a book on this topic... I'm a shy fellow and all but especialy when I was a bit younger a lot of my wolf behaviours came out, some of which problematic to myself also. Now well with one obvious exception: I don't make very many wolf sounds... I normally don't feel anywhere near safe enough to howl or anything like that... I do whine sometimes when I'm alone (and I'd like to go out and it's raining :D ) and I remember to have emmited yip-like sounds in a few occasions when I was really involved in the fun (and recieved odd looks for it too :wink: ). I will mention there were also times when I would end up marking my territory.. of course I made sure it wasn't causing any harm on the materials and that noone saw me... but I didn't know what I was doing either... well untill it struck me when I saw the neighbours dog doing the same. :D And then... hmm... you mention reflexes, I had a time when I couldn't do much on the toilet sitting down... that was a pretty troublesome one. :oops: I also tend to really enjoy following scent trails when I go for a walk... and it's not like I find it fun for something obvious, but it gives me such a warm feeling inside when I pick one up and I get totally hyper when I follow it along. The sensory and social issues I have mentioned before and so I won't repeat them here. And there's lots more I can't remember right now. :) Shouldn't this thread be moved to "Beaten paths"? :lol: