> So, basically, let me get this straight (no pun intended): Some young > (but adult) guy moves in with his lover, and his ex-boyfriend or his > mother freak out and tell the authorities and the newspapers that > he's joined a cult? Because the people involved are either furries or > weres? > > Some people just blow my mind. Umm, somewhat like that yes. The details involved are that: One of the boys is a shy submissive pup that got rather involved in werewolf stuff after he met me. The other one is a force-my-way-trough kind of person, also a furry, when he was involved with the first guy some years ago he has been said to be making holes in the walls when he didn't manage to get his point across, logicaly the shy fur booted him eventualy. By some unverified information he is part of a subcategory of furs called Burnt Furs, who are said to be particulary strict about what is and is not a furry (whatever that's supposed to end up meaning anyway). The mother of this other guy is by all acounts a bit of a fruitcake... perhaps nothing more than an extensively concerned parent. The point is that her son has since moved away and lived with a vast spectrum of gay furry mates... he got a genetic disease however and he's dying and he hasn't told his mother about it. So the mother finds out that her son is loosing weight and all, she finds out he's a wolf furry and looks up the wolf stuff on the Internet and happens to come up with the wide variety of werewolf stories you normaly find on the net. So she begins to put two and two togather and decides she better put her findings on the media, so that anti-cult activists start messing around and get her son home so she can feed him back to health. The story gets all complicated enough when a smart-ass psychologist who basicaly has even less information than the mother, decides to make some free money and adds a proffesional comment on the arguments of the mother, which makes the story perfectly credible to all the people who have even less knowledge of the reality. This all ends up in something that would be laughable in situation in which the poor furs didn't get all the lies about themselves they never wanted to have around on the web... in effect getting their ISPs to start closing their accounts on the double (because of the "abuse"; they are belived to be gathering cult members on the Internet), them loosing credibility and friends on all areas and more and more trouble with psychologists who think they know everything (the shy fur has a form of skitzofrenia that in effect only shows as a hearing disorder, without actual mental implications, which enhances the delusion with the psychologist even further). It was said that another furry subcategory, the OzFurs are asking everybody not to mess with it, because they're "taking care of it" and some say they have a pretty systematic approach to it. But they appear to be taking care only about the second fur, while the first shy one is on his own, or should we say, under my protection. I would appreciate help on getting the truth around... not just around weres and furries but also to the people who read the article.