13,1. ________ . 13,1. \ / . 13,1. \ / . 13,1. \ / . 13,1. \/ . 13,1. . You may not use any information on, gained from, or derived from this site and it's services as evidence in any court of law. If you are a member of any countries law enforcement, you may not enter, view, or obtain data from this site, it's affiliates, the mentioned files, or users without a valid search warrent. This site and it's services were put up to aid people in need of software, information, and other material. We do not force people to commit the pirating of any copyrighted material. You are not allowed to harass this site's owners legally or in any way, shape, or form. We permit all forms of data traffic from this site to its users, as long as they abide by all rules. We explicitly forbid anyone who is a member of the USA government, its president George Bush, or any affiliate of the aforementioned insititutions or president, from accessing this site for any reason or to obtain information on any person or persons, directly or indirectly. By maintaining your connection to this network you agree to the terms of the agreement!