I've always fancied anything with "hybrid" in it, basically because I am one }:} (lol, not that, I believe the more common expression is "mutt" :lol: ). The thing about unethical and wrong about keeping them as slaves, to me well, that paranoia is arrogant. Some species tend to enjoy subordination, not to mention symbiosis isn't at all uncommon. The problem of course is that humans tend to be a little well... inconsiderate some times, turning from use to abuse rather easily, but well we know which cans of worms this opens. The idea of making perhaps a man-wolf hybrid sounds to me primarily like a better chance for me to get a friend I can link with. And personally, I don't care if they make a willing labour-force out of it, I'd let them take my genetic material to do this if needed (after all I am workaholic, maybe it's genetic :wink: ). And let's not forget I do work in the area of biotechnology... The problem is I know exactly what you end up if you want to just combine things like that and it's not like the paranoia pictures it... it's much worse. Basically, if you hybridize you will likely end up with a metabolism problem, because the two aren't really all that compatible (unless we're talking about plants or something like that) and this means you end up with something that doesn't look like either of the things you mixed and grows up terribly degenrated, if it does not die rightaway.