Hello Team, Here is an updated and bugfixed Console. It's gone up two version numbers, in which I have included more GUI for the features already present in it (to allow more flexibility). This is mainly for system priority (internal timer speeds: external control, 2000 ms, 1000 ms, 300 ms and 1 ms [works really fast, just GUI features become less responsive and CPU use is on 100%]) and log writing (you can keep this on or off as you wish, for best preformance keep all off [unchecked], but when debugging please keep all on [checked]) I have also updated the Console's message sending subsystem, so I am unsure it will work, therefore please backup your old ICI.exe before installing the new one. And do not panic if the messages do not seem to be getting across. These modifications are an attempt to allow so called "ICI routing", which allows one to transfer messages trough computers on diffirent networks (ICSA, null-modem or whatever communcation application is used), without risking security problems. Neil, from you I will need all the information about what I have told you the ICSA must do with the messages, before/after they are sent to the remote Console ("---" needs to be added, etc... what all was this?). So I can continue to work with this "ICI routing" technology. -- I could run like the wind just to be with you. Observer aka DustWolf aka CyberLegend aka Jure Sah C'ya! -- Cellphone: 0038640809676 (SMS enabled) Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly reply. [AC/HFA(AS) -- no suprize] Do anything... ICI: http://www.aimetasearch.com/ici/index.htm MesonAI -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM) Http://WWW.MesonAI.Com