Gyll wrote: > I previously posted a message askig if somebody knows about any current > Human-Level AI prject (and the web-site if available). I got no answer, so > now i come with a new question: > Would anybody be interested in starting a collaborative, long-term, > web-based Human-Level AI project? Me of course. I would not be starting it now, I already have 2 years ago. I have a lot of work on it and am (still) 'desperately' looking for more coworkers. If you're interested I'm not letting you go. ;] My project is called ICI and is more elaborately explained in the "Reasoning v. other AI stuff" thread. If by web-based you mean Java and HTML, ICI has a link available between these and the ICI communications system ("ICI://Win_YourPC/C:\AI\index.html?funct=User&Param=Hello_world" will send a "Hello_world" to the user and open the index of the AI folder on your PC if you have given the remote view access to that folder), so we can still cooperate. Tell me what you think. Observer aka DustWolf aka CyberLegend aka Jure Sah C'ya! -- Cellphone: +38640809676 (SMS enabled) Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly reply. "Keeping an open mind is not about disregarding new definitions to things." The future of AI is in technology integration, we have prepared everything for you: MesonAI -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM)