[quote="Coyote"]Well, first off, I would not worry too much about trying to see how your wants and desires and relationship tendencies fit into being a wolf or not. And while wolves might not "share" and be in threesomes (despite an amusing photo or two that I have seen), I'm guessing they also don't make packmembers leave the room, either.[/quote] I agree there. Also let's clear up the missconception while we're at it. I'm not into threesomes either, it's the female that chooses the mate and it's only the alpha female that mates... so go figure it flows out pretty naturally. The guy I saw as my Alpha in the first relationship I respected and I did not want to have sex with him... w:o ...I just wanted to be part of the love relationship, part of the pack. I was simply utterly submissive and I needed some wolf-style reasurance. Anyway, I have had many debates regarding this in the past and the bottom line is that I am not a wolf, I am a contherian werewolf and there is a distinction. I am a normally civilized person but I like to apply my own wolf nature onto whatever I can. In life I can adapt a lot but I need a few simple things, like reasurance that I am a part of my pack, etc... and these are as much important to me as that I got a GF and that I get to have a family with kids at some point in life. [quote="Coyote"]I wouldn't worry about whether it's wolf behavior or not. I'd worry more about what you want out of a relationship, and what kind of dynamic you'd like to be in. Whether you end up in a monogamous or polyarmous situation, the most important thing is that everyone has to agree to the situation and be happy with it, and has to be able to be trusting and trustworthy with it.[/quote] A word or two regarding the labels. I have determined after some scrutiny that I would be a monosexual polyamourous latin mumble-jumble if I tried to define my nature anywhere near accurate in these wooden human defecto-describtive terms, where I am essentialy a contherian werewolf with a unique hybridization pattern of the wolf and human natures. [quote="Coyote"]I think it's important for you to decide what you want, what you are happy with, and make sure that everyone else is on the same page also.[/quote] Yeah I know... well my current GF, who is a shifter wolf therian, appears to still be alive (just heard from hear after almost 3 months of silence), so I really preffer sticking with her over any other option, even tho she does live half a world away from me. There is some point in mating with your own kind as the people agains zoophilia will be quick to confirm. But then again I am a teenager like any other and this rarity of potential mates was not light for me to accept. [quote="Coyote"]As for zoophilia, yes, there _are_ other weres who are zoophiles or have leanings that way, so you aren't alone. There are also weres who are _extremely_ uncomfortable with or are against such a thing. This issue, while a touchy one, does come up. Unfortunately, sometimes tempers really get high over it, because there's people with strong feelings about the issue.[/quote] I can understand that rather well as I have met many zoophiles and they are mainly not the kind of folk you'd trust on the point that they're being totally fair to their pets. Things like letting a bitch choose her mate as is in her nature is sort of out of the question in 99% of the cases. And I don't think there is a point in labeling me as a zoophile... there's some point in [b]not[/b] doing it since it's illegal, but I feel like I'm not one bit like them... I would never risk harming another for the sake of my own personal feel-good or for the sake of curiosity. I know some bitches, I know they enjoy my company because of the signs they exhibit, I know some of them consider me their packmate and I'll be there for them, but this is as far as I will go. And the same goes with humans mostly, because while they are matable, they lack the other half of what it takes to be mates with someone. So it's really only wolf therians I have any potential of making a life with. I was thinking maybe you knew any teenage remedies for the lonelyness thoe. :roll: :D