Hello, More wolf posts, hehe. Anyway, one day I recieved this comment for my track "MorningStar DreamMix", from Novus (whom I remember like years ago from United-Trackers and who is likely a tad more fameous than me too). Anyway: [quote]An entertainingly melodic dance romp with pop influences. This song has a strong enough beat to work as a dance tune, but it clearly has a pop sensibility to it in the freewheeling rhythm of the percussion and melodies. The song also avoids any trap of becoming repetitious, but does so oddly, with awkward changes in the tone and energy level, especially in the low-key finale. A more consistent sound across the entire song would've kept the vibe more intact. To that end many of the melodies from the quieter sections would've worked well with a stronger beat under them to make the song's tone more consistent. But what's here now is good enough for a spot in my Lineup article for the Static Line e-zine.[/quote] ...You will notice there is mention of a lineup for an article. A little while ago I set out to find this article, but scouring the internet prooved to be something very unproductive to me. I guess somebody in the sceene knows where I could find this article tho. I'd love to read that article and see what role my remix played in it... Help?