Hello Neil, I have been working on further improoving the ICI system and my latest idea, which I am working on right now, is to utilize the Windows 98 (and further?) capability to use a web-page as a desktop (it is called Active desktop). I am putting togather a combination of VBA, VBScript, JavaScript, HTML and graphic design that will serve as a convenient desktop interface to the local ICI system and the ICI network... It will be started up quickly as Windows starts and it will provide with access to some of the desktop-appropriate ICI features, such as chat and program starting, for example. It will be made to look nice, easy to use and practical, while as HTML it will remain fully costumizable. With chat it will be possible to send a message to any ICI peer currently online directly from the desktop and with program starting, access to all other features will be enabled. I will provide you with the prototypes as I devolop them and I am also interested in your oppinion about it. And if you have any ideas what could one have on such a desktop, do tell. Observer aka DustWolf aka CyberLegend aka Jure Sah C'ya! -- Cellphone: +38640809676 (SMS enabled) Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly reply. "Yes, Master." Have you been told Internet will always be threatened by worms viruses etc? We don't think so: MesonAI -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM)