...uhh so do any of you actually have anything that you consider a pack or are you all writing this just out of paranoia from the lame RPG g33ks and fear of the Evil Cult People? :? I have a pack... and I must say whenever I mentioned it to another I got the whole can of worms that's between the lines of all of these posts here... so much negativity on something as esential to my nature is really of no use, even to I may have learned to ignore most of it. I suppose guidelines should be written in such a way that any generic hormone-struck young wolf therian should be able to comprehend what he is doing right and where is he missing the point. After all, if I remember my slightly younger days, instinctively looking for pack structure in something as wildly diverse as the modern human society can be pretty much a general health hazard when without (the currenly nonexistant) packwise experienced per-species therians guidance. Well that's my 2 cents anyway.