I recieved a link by e-mail not long ago from a petatv website of an animal being skinned alive... now as I understand this thread is about something simmilar. As far as the movie is concerned, it was downright disturbing and while I understand the peta folks got a real feel for responsibility there, it does not give them the exclusive right to turn people's stomachs. But then again it could be said that it's my own fault that I have clicked the link I recieved. Now don't get me wrong, I really am against raising animals for their furs and lets face it, wearing furs is not particulary necesary either and I do agree that most people involved in the production process should be sent in for psychiatric evaluation. BUT... things like these PETA people or your generic Group Of Idiots Against Radars, Windmills, Solar Cells, Nuclear Plants, Abortion and Biotechnology In General... that's all just downright stupid, and that for the same reason it's not being very succesfull: It's really counterproductive. I'm not one crazy scientist or a person or anyone particulary concerned with any economy... I just do have a feel for what is creative and what is destructive... and all of the stuff that got round to me from PETA, etc was definately not creative. If you really want to know, raising animals for skins could be erradicated entirely by growing animal skins in a biotechnological process... following certian procedures could have produced technology that would give you an abbility to end up with more perfect, natural animal furs right off the production lines for a much cheaper price than any breeder could approach. It's not all that far-fetched, IF those PETA people knew how to point their activities and propaganda at something more productive than making and distributing disgusting videos over the internet. But I guess I can't blame them for this either, as most people truely fail to see the good in doing good to this world (not in an idealistic sense but downright litteral).