One interprets one's experiences according to one's culture. dasistoffensichtlichwerdeutschverstehtkanndiessehrleichtdekomponieren Intelligence can ve viewed as a judgement about the behavior of a living being, made by an observer who makes the distinction between the unity (living system) and its enviroment (or what he or she sees as its enviroment). If the behavior seems to correspond to the enviromental stimulus, they the living being may be called intelligent. Hello again Brains. >It makes no sense to talk about similarities between incomparables. argh, on earth with a similar brain topography we don't have all that many 'incomparables', let's not split hairs. The basis of ideas is in the applications, and in the practices and traditions of the mathematical community. Once humans learn how to learn, they can be taught without having to think too deeply about how they're learning But we're not quite at that stage with computers yet /\/\/\/\/\....I love humanity. It's people I can't stand...../\/\/\/\/\ And I don't think humans are all that "intelligent" when compared to computers {just more robust} At various times, he used the English spelling "Michael" and the Russian spelling "Mikhail"...he was obviously Russian.