[00:00:12] !irc [00:00:12] ACTION loves IRC and thinks that pan should maybe trigger !help [00:00:18] !help [00:00:23] lol [00:00:51] panz brain explodes! [00:01:13] !hammer pan [00:01:14] ACTION slaps pan with a big |-| /-\ /\/\ /\/\ /-\ of hard informations. (Only because DNS requested that.) [00:02:18] !dns [00:02:20] ACTION knows this guy, but dont know why he has this trigger. _0 Maybe nairboon should try !whois or !loc [00:02:34] !loc [00:02:47] !loc rbose.org [00:02:48] GeoBytes Location: (rbose.org) @ Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden (90%) [GMT:+01:00|Proxy:false|Swedish Krona|SEK] [00:02:57] hosts or ips [00:02:58] help text would be nice [00:02:59] xD [00:03:02] hehe [00:03:19] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_uC8oxJi7FqE/Sl6D6m10HaI/AAAAAAAAAoI/U1ak-50WZ7Q/s400/sphinx_cat.jpg [00:03:32] http://catlovingcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/sphinx-cat-with-tatoo.jpg [00:04:27] google qcad [00:04:28] http://www.qcad.org/ [00:15:11] mooo [00:15:40] yo [00:16:12] *** Quits: dtr125 (dtr125@RBOSE-95602a08.epm.net.co) (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~) [00:18:42] hey [00:25:13] http://www.facebook.com/TVPchallenge?ref=search&sid=Ua81TCn8MIqV2Zoca70DCw.761435028..1#!/TVPchallenge?ref=ts [00:25:14] URL Title: Brandy Zeitgeist | Facebook (at www.facebook.com) [00:25:36] A picture of her with the zeitgeist movement as text [00:25:49] now if thats not the advertising face of zm i dont know what is [00:25:51] :) [00:27:30] http://www.facebook.com/TVPchallenge?ref=search&sid=Ua81TCn8MIqV2Zoca70DCw.761435028..1#!/JustinThisWorld [00:27:32] URL Title: Brandy Zeitgeist | Facebook (at www.facebook.com) [00:27:45] thats her bf gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay [00:29:01] she's black right? [00:29:29] yeah [00:29:33] he's not gay [00:29:40] he looks too dumb to be gay [00:29:41] ah ok [00:29:46] lol [00:29:49] haha [00:29:55] true [00:30:17] lol nairboon [00:30:25] he looks retarded [00:30:27] why do somany use gay as a swearword [00:30:42] wtf...her name is 'Brandy Zeitgeist" [00:30:50] hi anti cultist! [00:31:22] hey pan :) [00:31:23] zeitgeist has nothing to do with the "zeitgeist movement" [00:31:36] O_o [00:31:36] face palm [00:31:50] heh wonderful logic [00:32:13] you guys have stolen that word from german [00:32:13] hmm [00:32:23] that's like saying the sun has no correlation to plants growing [00:32:24] =P [00:32:30] ha [00:32:39] we still have some threads hoping you would grace us with.. [00:32:40] that's not the point [00:32:48] he's retarded [00:32:48] especially the one on paranoid delusions.. [00:33:28] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PKjF7OumYo [00:33:29] You4Tube 2[Title] Molecular Visualizations of DNA 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:07:47 2[Views] 473490 2[Rating] 4.94 2[Uploaded] 2008-05-09 2[Description] Amazing CGI visualization of molecular biology's central dogma. It shows animations of DNA coiling, replication, transcription and translation. It was created by Drew Berry of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research [00:34:17] if the name wourld be brandy tzm, ok but brandy zeitgeist is like obama dumb [00:35:08] totally dumb [00:35:08] http://www.rbefoundation.com/grouptopic.php?f=389&t=2128 [00:35:09] URL Title: Paranoid Delusions (at www.rbefoundation.com) [00:35:10] indeed [00:35:12] LOL [00:35:21] your the one who got me on that tangent..lol [00:36:29] free market debate: http://www.abc.net.au/news/video/stream.htm?stream=http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/abc-video2.asx&name=ABC%20News%20Breakfast&image=/news/assets/v5/images/homepage/live-media-promos/breakfast.jpg&layout=popup [00:36:29] neocortex's URL: http://tinyurl.com/2wydz5y [00:36:31] URL Title: ABC News (at www.abc.net.au) [00:36:49] haha [00:36:52] checking it [00:37:37] tinURL page not found [00:37:55] question: can you open tar.gz on windows? [00:38:37] pan: libraries for qcad are in this format [00:38:44] ah [00:38:55] but i have zip also [00:38:57] should i look for such files? [00:39:18] zip is bigger [00:39:19] no items match that search [00:39:32] 4500 elements :)) [00:39:50] i have no clue [00:39:57] i guess we can try it and see. [00:40:04] ok i will upload zip [00:40:41] compression in tar is better [00:40:50] okay [00:41:51] pan i like this much "you can't save the world by first alienating it because your projecting your fears and making the problems somebody in particulars fault." [00:42:02] yes [00:42:18] TVP.. lol [00:42:23] yup [00:42:26] and all of its enemies [00:42:27] we know it [00:42:37] but why does it do it? [00:42:40] sadly.. [00:42:44] because of fear [00:42:51] its terrified into a strait jacket [00:43:04] that we might find out that they don't have anything under the hood [00:43:10] i can only attribute it to a lack of social integration [00:43:19] and hierarchy [00:43:31] rather than seeing us as possible help to fill in the blanks [00:43:40] only feel threatened and competing. [00:44:00] but this is only rehashing your points. [00:44:15] which is why i bring it up.. [00:44:17] its fight or flight at a hightened extreme [00:44:21] yes [00:44:38] fight and flight both actually [00:44:47] yes [00:44:52] running to fight and fighting to run away [00:45:20] so i hoped you'd fluff that thread out [00:45:31] yeah i will [00:45:39] we need a strong pass through all the evidence before i dive as judge. [00:45:45] k [00:46:04] and anybody else.. i hope .. [00:46:11] that whole area needs help.. [00:46:22] so that we can learn by TVPs example what not to do [00:46:59] http://www.rbefoundation.com/viewgroup.php?f=389 [00:47:00] URL Title: Brainstorm heap (at www.rbefoundation.com) [00:57:49] I will spnd a day or two grabbing examples from FB and TZM to give some of the more extreme exmaples i have encountered [00:58:05] then I will post the less obvious and masked examples [00:58:17] axiom: be the change you want to see in the world [00:58:19] bye [00:58:28] bye :) [00:59:58] bye [01:00:02] thanks [01:00:24] also post the obvious examples 2 [01:00:26] lol [01:00:46] branman has shown as great example of how to present evidence.. [01:02:20] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [01:19:10] take a look [01:19:17] 2 examples of 2 users [01:19:45] numerous evidences of each user, both tzm/tvp members one on their FB one on their forum [01:20:16] one even a moderator ontheir forum agrees and backs up and even supports his paranoia [01:20:42] Tanktop [01:23:34] but ends with comforting him [01:23:44] its truly srange [01:32:27] *** Joins: Hermes (neocortex@RBOSE-5c3968d9.iinet.net.au) [01:37:29] *** Hermes is now known as neocortex [01:41:04] *** Quits: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) (Quit: %nick, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) [01:42:00] *** Joins: test (qwebirc@RBOSE-f7bd05d8.graz.surfer.at) [01:42:54] *** Joins: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) [01:43:52] the best programmers start before 12 years old [01:46:06] <- [01:46:06] *** Quits: test (qwebirc@RBOSE-f7bd05d8.graz.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [01:46:47] I love it when the architects check-in code that doesn't compile [01:47:09] it justifies just sitting back and doing nothing [01:47:43] Fat64 is a god [01:48:12] it's funny because they always do it [01:48:25] and they always blame the source-control system [01:48:44] *** Quits: Hermann (nicklas@RBOSE-9290e1da.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [01:48:46] "no it's correct...just get-latest again" ... they always say that [01:54:17] *** Quits: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [01:58:09] I love you neocortex [01:58:15] :D [01:58:17] yay [01:58:20] I love you more [02:03:27] *** Joins: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) [02:04:35] *** Parts: i-sonzo (i-sonzo@RBOSE-973a00cd.cityconnect.pl) [02:05:28] Fat64...I can't stop watching that monkey playing with the dog [02:05:31] it's so funny [02:06:15] ::::O what [02:06:16] I gotta go! [02:06:19] ok [02:07:11] might have been Antilect's [02:07:22] the gif of the monkey teasing the dog [02:09:35] the best programmers start before 12 years old <--- who said that? [02:09:38] O_o [02:09:39] moo [02:09:43] :| [02:09:54] except for some really awesome programmers [02:10:06] neocortex said that [02:10:26] moo [02:10:32] there's two cows [02:10:43] the first cow says to the second cow: [02:10:54] "have you heard about that 'mad cow disease'?" [02:11:07] and the second cow says: "I'm not affraid... [02:11:13] ...I'm a chicken..." [02:11:19] ooo [02:11:22] :) [02:11:24] LAWLZ [02:11:27] LULZ [02:11:31] haha [02:11:33] *** Joins: err0r (qwebirc@RBOSE-a6dfa556.80-203-28.nextgentel.com) [02:11:35] LOLLIPOP LOLZ [02:11:41] ,r lol [02:11:41] neocortex: 4l7o8l [02:12:25] wwoo [02:12:31] err0r is in [02:12:46] :o [02:12:49] oh hai. [02:12:50] not... [02:13:00] i r unhandled exception :D [02:13:03] 0/ [02:13:12] omg core dump [02:13:15] damn kernal errors [02:13:18] :D [02:13:50] actually it's not the kernal that's erroing it's the program the kernal startup or faulty hardware that's the error :D [02:13:56] usually [02:14:23] but windows = error :D [02:14:45] that's mostly what windows consists of, yeah [02:15:39] cool cool [02:15:48] soo [02:15:55] ur from norwegian? [02:16:54] kiiiiiind of. i'm a tourist of norway [02:17:06] gotcha [02:17:07] cool [02:17:12] american, sadly. [02:17:16] damn [02:17:17] =P [02:17:25] I'm american as well [02:17:31] inb4 hatred [02:17:35] America, fuck yeah! [02:17:36] ;) [02:17:38] oh, i'm not alone then! [02:17:40] lol [02:17:44] hey cyclo [02:17:59] lol [02:18:02] hi err0r :) [02:18:05] hey err0r ;] [02:18:12] -me waves [02:18:14] !hug err0r [02:18:14] * RBOSE hugs err0r for neocortex and hopes that err0r enjoys it. :) [02:18:18] heh [02:18:28] !hug err0r [02:18:28] * RBOSE hugs err0r for Cyclo and hopes that err0r enjoys it. :) [02:18:29] didn't realize their were so many americans >_> [02:18:30] still not used to the norwegian keyboard. :P [02:18:36] I did it first [02:18:56] i didn't realize i would get so many hugs :O [02:19:01] any Ohioian? [02:19:05] The Dvorak layout rock! [02:20:10] plus many, many more. [02:20:24] thank you, Norway! [02:20:28] yeah, and I get this fancy key: å [02:21:03] wake up, GhettoTux [02:24:27] *** Quits: Caly-Lap (Caly@RBOSE-8172f8b6.bredband.skanova.com) (Quit: Leaving) [02:27:14] *** Quits: err0r (qwebirc@RBOSE-a6dfa556.80-203-28.nextgentel.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [02:29:40] *** Joins: hacked (qwebirc@RBOSE-82244d4d.rev.accesscomm.ca) [02:30:12] evening [02:33:52] hi [02:34:00] hey neocortex [02:34:05] :) [02:34:15] hey hacked [02:34:22] cool nick [02:34:29] :) [02:35:04] how is everyone doing [02:35:46] I think they're mostly doing well [02:35:50] :| [02:36:27] lol [02:36:47] :) [02:38:23] *** Quits: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) (Quit: %nick, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) [02:40:10] hacked...if you could do anything to make the world a better place...what would you do? [02:40:54] *** Joins: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) [02:41:15] good question neocortex , I think work with children [02:41:25] cool [02:42:33] what would you teach them? [02:42:44] what principles...values and so-on? [02:42:45] children are the only ones that can fix our problems [02:42:53] awesome [02:43:08] i think our children need to learn how to learn and teach [02:43:15] leearn how to think [02:43:24] me too [02:46:38] :D [02:46:43] :D [02:46:45] we all can [02:46:54] we are not taught to learn [02:46:54] so true [02:47:41] you neocortex , how would you make the world a better place [02:52:24] eliminate privacy [02:52:48] (sorry for the lag...at work) [02:53:29] privacy is inconsistent with freedom and security [02:53:41] the three pillars of Western society [02:54:57] i.e. the three pillars of Western society are inconsistent [02:55:11] the most fundamental contradiction in the world today [03:01:13] sorry for sounding conceited [03:03:26] I swear to god ... I don't get it here ... they fix the bug ... they check-in non compiling code ... then in an attempt to fix those bugs they check-in non compiling code in another module ... ad infinitum [03:03:31] why? [03:03:39] god damn it! [03:04:49] neocortex, you rox [03:06:05] :D [03:06:07] rock it [03:06:10] to the beat [03:06:11] *** Quits: nairboon (noob@ch.earth) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [03:06:16] na lukas [03:06:17] you do [03:06:40] lol [03:06:46] lol [03:06:49] 101 [03:06:55] *hugs* [03:07:30] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@B46EE4.0DF7FB.5204EF.E98095) (Quit: Leaving) [03:09:54] I swear to god ... when the aliens arrive ... the first thing they'll say is: "take us to your architect" [03:10:31] that architect better not check-in buggy code [03:10:34] the architect for our cities? [03:10:38] for our infrastructure? [03:10:42] the Architect. [03:10:51] lol ... the Antilect [03:10:55] x) [03:10:58] that's odd [03:11:01] what [03:11:12] henrik as the Architect [03:11:21] awesome [03:11:30] sitting in his top dome [03:11:33] black structure [03:11:35] good architects are one-in-a-billion [03:11:36] 10000 meteres up [03:11:43] red chair [03:11:46] stroking his cat [03:11:51] 'been expectin you [03:11:52] etc [03:11:55] I'm going to sleep [03:11:55] ha [03:11:57] love <3 [03:11:58] :( [03:12:02] nite Fat64 [03:12:03] xx [03:12:05] so tired , exam soon [03:12:09] BENKYO BENKYO BENKYO [03:12:11] have fun neocortex [03:12:15] good luck Fat64 [03:12:22] oh tanks thanks [03:12:31] *** Quits: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) (Quit: Page closed) [03:25:23] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q77sJT8O56E <--- Neo their are goths, N0th, punk and now teen werewolves [03:25:24] You4Tube 2[Title] Teen Werewolves 2[Category] Entertainment 2[Duration] 0:04:07 2[Views] 6207 2[Rating] 3.86 2[Uploaded] 2010-05-20 2[Description] http://www.kens5.com/news/Teen-wolves-in-San-Antonio-94015234.html Uploaded because source couldn't embed correctly. [03:26:21] youtube blocked at work [03:26:22] :( [03:26:27] all proxies too [03:31:05] "take us to your architect" [03:31:15] lol [03:31:21] "take me to your architect" [03:31:26] ? [03:31:41] what [03:31:49] so? [03:31:53] whats his handle? [03:31:54] ahh [03:32:01] it's just a joke [03:32:07] darn [03:32:19] fer a second there, i thought you had an architect [03:32:25] lol [03:32:28] *** Quits: Stewie (Stewie@RBOSE-fded7774.pools.arcor-ip.net) (Client exited) [03:32:53] i play at being an architect [03:33:00] fairly well [03:33:12] so bring them aliens to ME! [03:33:14] lol [03:33:33] sorry.. [03:33:35] lol [03:33:36] awesome [03:33:51] don't be sorry [03:34:51] does quabbalah deal with inter-dimensional existence? [03:34:57] does this thing load longer streams? [03:35:01] http://www.ecofriend.org/entry/geothermal-power-plants-an-expensive-way-to-generate-clean-electricity/ http://thefraserdomain.typepad.com/energy/2007/04/jefferson_teste.html http://www.gordonmoyes.com/2007/01/10/crossbench-comment-better-than-nuclear/ http://www.answers.com/topic/geothermal-power?cat=technology http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/altarock-breaks-new-ground-with-geothermal-power-918.html http://www.technologyreview.com/Energy/1 [03:35:03] URL Title: AltaRock Breaks New Ground With Geothermal Power : Greentech Media (at www.greentechmedia.com) [03:35:24] yes. qabalah is a pre industrial map of branes [03:35:35] google branes [03:35:37] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Membrane_(M-Theory) [03:35:47] sure [03:35:51] neat [03:35:56] qaballah is just the ten brane structures they experienced. [03:36:05] or one way of slicing the brane pie [03:36:05] serious [03:36:17] that is so cool [03:36:23] lol [03:36:25] :) [03:36:29] :) [03:36:33] I know who has got the pearls; intertwixt the matrix many worlds whorls climbed up a ladder,, climbed up THE TREE... So high to look down and objectively see... I Know how the puzzle solves how all the paradoxes coresolve how all the VS sireens call and all those would be angels fall I know who has worked the puzzle unlocked and wrestled with mass confuzzle tamed those drangons, KUNADLINI! DRAKE! ADAM KADMON, LEVIATHAN SNAKE! (?) I know how the whee [03:36:48] its cuts you off lol [03:37:00] i had to test the word count limt. lol [03:37:45] yeah.. [03:38:00] whats cooler abour qaballah is that it also maps similar relationships.. [03:38:22] so for instance it maps the distal/proximal stimulus [03:38:32] is quabbalah like 'the glass bead game'? [03:38:40] and thus in a couple of different ways it maps your brain. [03:38:54] google glass bead game [03:38:55] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Glass_Bead_Game [03:38:56] ? [03:39:05] !w glass bead game [03:39:07] The Glass Bead Game | The Glass Bead Game (German: Das Glasperlenspiel) is the last work and magnum opus of the German author Hermann Hesse. Begun in 1931 and published in Switzerland in 1943, after being rejected for publication in Germany, the book was mentioned in Hesse's citation for the 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature. "Glass Bead Game" is a literal translation of the German title, but the book [03:39:08] has also been published under the title Magister Ludi, Latin for "master of the game," which is an honorific title awarded to the book's central character. "Magister Ludi" can also be seen as a pun: lud- is a Latin stem meaning both "game" and "school." @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Glass_Bead_Game [03:39:39] it's a never ending game of discovering connections between things [03:39:55] given the assumption that everything is connected with everything else [03:40:01] is that quabbala? [03:40:27] Essentially the game is an abstract synthesis of all arts and scholarship. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics. [03:40:30] yeah.. [03:40:34] kind of like that [03:40:37] awesome [03:40:43] that is so cool [03:40:45] qaballah is the playing board for the glass bead game [03:40:50] omg [03:40:53] or a version of it anyhow [03:40:54] I understand now [03:41:19] its a sort of systemic abstraction way of organizing things [03:41:27] which applies to almost any system.. [03:41:29] beautiful [03:41:41] somewhat abstractly in some systems but actually very much in others.. [03:41:47] like physiogomy.. [03:41:53] google golden mean [03:41:55] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio [03:41:58] google flower of life [03:41:59] http://www.floweroflife.org/ [03:42:05] google seed of life [03:42:06] http://thottbot.com/q7066 [03:42:11] google tree of life [03:42:12] http://tolweb.org/ [03:42:25] google sacred geometry [03:42:26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_geometry [03:42:41] so its just a scalar fractal equation [03:42:45] with a lot of applications [03:42:51] because its so fuzzy. [03:43:00] fuzzyness allows it to cover anything. [03:43:14] google fuzzy logic [03:43:15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_logic [03:43:24] google scalar fractal [03:43:25] http://spiritualonly.tribe.net/thread/83039abf-cb58-4b18-abe8-3d894bc7673d [03:43:33] google scalar [03:43:34] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalar [03:43:37] google fractal [03:43:38] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal [03:44:09] the game for the people who play it is organizing the universe according to the schema. [03:44:15] kind of the reverse of science; [03:44:26] organizing schema according to observed reality. [03:45:06] google adam kadmon [03:45:07] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Kadmon [03:45:31] the point of the adam kadmon is that pattern is one of the main patterns that actually shapes us [03:45:35] physically [03:45:58] awesome [03:46:03] which is sort of how they originally came up with the pattern.. [03:46:19] google sphere stacking [03:46:20] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_packing [03:46:54] its such a simple pattern that it turns out most things in nature do use it some what... [03:47:09] particles and atoms self stacking like oranges.. [03:49:46] given the assumption that everything is connected with everything else [18:40] is that quabbala? [03:49:54] google holographic principle [03:49:55] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle [03:50:02] exactly [03:50:10] qaballah is a scalar fractal holographic schema [03:50:15] it's starting to make sense now [03:51:00] google tables of correspondence [03:51:01] http://www.angelfire.com/de2/newconcepts/wicca/corresponds.html [03:51:12] google wheel of the year [03:51:13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_the_Year [03:51:30] google qaballah wheel of the year [03:51:31] http://members.optusnet.com.au/~astroqab/jw_basic_intro.htm [03:52:09] so the whole game is a sort of "see the pattern" game.. [03:52:21] yes [03:52:23] where half the pattern is just our echo of presumption... [03:52:31] beautiful [03:52:39] and the other half is our application of the fuzzy pattern.. [03:52:45] to any and all given real systems [03:52:56] as a way of categorizing or organizing them [03:53:15] the devil is in the details. [03:53:25] if you think its a real map of subtle reality.. [03:53:29] thats foolish.. [03:54:00] if you don't reify the schema.. its like making outlines or any other kind of syntactical tool.. a way of organizing a file cabinet. [03:55:04] a way of slicing any pie [03:55:12] I like pie [03:55:18] its kind of a universal pie cutter [03:55:23] nice [03:55:24] yum [03:55:29] lol [03:55:33] something for everyone [03:55:38] right [03:55:43] well.. [03:55:53] there are AI code applications for qaballah.. [03:55:54] lol [03:56:06] or even chemistry or DNA applications.. [03:56:33] not to mention atomic bonding applications.. [03:56:47] and possibly even a pretty good QM theory [03:56:59] or explanation.. [03:57:24] religions .. signal to noise ratio [03:57:28] 90 percent noise [03:57:32] lol [03:57:33] but not alll noise [03:57:38] quabbalah? [03:57:39] 10 percent signal.. [03:57:41] S/N [03:57:49] qaballah even better than that [03:58:00] 99%? [03:58:02] its a game of sorting the good from the bad [03:58:09] cool [03:58:12] making sense way deeper than most people bother to look [03:58:49] sciences get it better like maybe say 40 or 50 percent signal.. [03:58:56] but still.. its the same thing.. [03:59:01] theres a ratio... [03:59:15] the only thing i know of to get over that is math. [03:59:21] and i suck at math. lol [03:59:45] you can use math to get up to like 75 or 80 percent signal. [04:00:03] but theres alwasy some mathemeticians who are half mad. lol [04:00:40] Judaism in particular of paradigms is very shallow on the top and very deep if you look beneath the surface. [04:01:08] in reverse of like buddhism which is more like clear deep water... [04:01:22] it looks deep on the outside.. lol [04:01:46] true [04:01:47] now you have me talking religions like a wine taster with wines.. lol [04:02:04] let's make a new channel [04:02:07] for quabbalah [04:02:09] or something [04:02:11] any one of em is bad to get drunk on. [04:02:17] yeah.. [04:02:27] psychonautics is al arger umbrella [04:02:53] DNS might even let us have infobot in there too ... [04:02:55] covers qaballah [04:03:06] that would be kind of him [04:03:10] totally [04:03:34] it seems like it would be better to just use a forum tho. lol [04:03:40] ok [04:03:43] cool [04:03:45] in my mind? [04:03:45] agreed [04:03:49] me too [04:03:52] meet here and then take it there? [04:03:58] awesome [04:06:50] http://www.rbefoundation.com/viewgroup.php?f=394 [04:06:53] URL Title: Religions (at www.rbefoundation.com) [04:06:55] ooo...lunch time [04:06:59] k [04:07:02] :) [04:07:07] :) [04:19:41] I wonder if there's anything to this idea that assburgers is a result of too much jewish inbreeding. [04:22:21] HAHA [04:22:26] asspie LULZ [04:25:03] *** Joins: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) [04:42:32] !evening all [04:45:46] hi [04:46:36] hi [04:46:37] hey Billll [04:46:45] high [04:47:03] hwo's california doing? [04:47:13] sunny... [04:47:25] sad that i lock myself in try to save the humanz all day [04:47:26] lol [04:47:39] suns going down [04:47:41] lol [04:47:46] starting to get chilly [04:48:09] how wher u are? [04:48:24] me? [04:48:32] anyone? [04:48:41] ah ok [04:48:42] you asked? [04:48:42] Ohio [04:48:42] hows those petunias ? [04:48:53] lol [04:48:55] erm tomatoes [04:48:57] not much to see here unless it's poor people or Lebron james [04:49:04] thanks anticultist for your thoughts [04:49:10] over yonder [04:49:10] I don't watch sports except some soccer s eyah [04:49:13] oh any good pan ? [04:49:22] very much.. [04:49:27] cool :) [04:49:31] just hoping you will add more..lol [04:49:42] see... [04:49:48] i read up on moderatoring.. [04:49:49] was a bit worrid i may have stepped out of line [04:49:53] because i suck at moderating [04:50:02] hmm [04:50:07] well.. [04:50:10] venux is.. [04:50:16] rolling it over a bit.. [04:50:19] fer sure [04:50:20] lol [04:50:33] you set him up for me. lol [04:50:50] i speak my mind sometimes and i forget im not talking to people who really know me [04:50:57] hmm [04:50:59] well [04:51:12] its good to be on trolling terms with your buddies.. [04:51:18] yeah :) [04:51:20] if your that kind fof guy..lol [04:51:50] i can switch gears.. [04:51:58] but i don't like the head space. [04:52:18] taking on argument and evidence and TVP.. [04:52:22] is kind of .. [04:52:30] you know against my standard grain.. [04:52:32] but its never off course with me you know. im usually working on 18th hole even when at 1st [04:52:34] pacifist...lol [04:53:07] i think your straight shooting covers a multitude of pssible greivances [04:53:15] i know mine does. lol [04:53:21] hehe [04:54:11] well im sure you will mange to do it gently [04:54:16] i'm working a bit on the RBOSE wiki [04:54:37] i wish i had a better clue of how to ring Venuxes bell actually.. [04:54:37] stay out the rough leave that to amateurs ;0 [04:54:56] lol [04:55:04] on some ways yes [04:55:08] martial arts.. [04:55:12] yeah [04:55:22] you only bring the yang to bear in that moment when its needed [04:55:25] otherwise all yin [04:55:28] indeed [04:55:46] building is up is nice tho.. [04:56:00] you guys setting up pins so i can come bowl them down.. [04:56:04] its looking bulky now [04:56:26] when i go into dragon mode i want to get it out of me in a day or two.. not carry one for two weeks.. [04:56:42] there are those other threads. [04:56:46] the whole area. [04:57:03] and remember that the leverage for complainin is the solutions your putting down as well [04:57:24] so theres that balance of 99 percent positive to 1 percent negative to account for [04:57:36] which ain't easy given how much negative there is..lol [04:58:06] haha [04:58:25] yeah well if you dont learn from it ... [04:58:33] unlike your blog we need to really convince any nearly objective person Before they think to hit the reply button.. [04:58:46] *** Joins: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-76118815.res.rr.com) [04:58:53] yeah [04:58:55] hey yo bran! [04:59:01] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [04:59:04] hey hey [04:59:14] Hey guys. [04:59:18] Just got home from work. [04:59:21] What's up? [04:59:22] whazzup? [04:59:26] hi BranManFloMore :) [04:59:29] What it do? [04:59:34] Hey Lukas. [04:59:35] just talking about the game at rbef [04:59:44] wakey wakey [04:59:45] Ah, that awesome game. [04:59:54] yep [05:00:28] building is up is nice tho.. [19:56] you guys setting up pins so i can come bowl them down.. [19:56] its looking bulky now [19:56] when i go into dragon mode i want to get it out of me in a day or two.. not carry one for two weeks.. [19:56] there are those other threads. [19:56] the whole area. [19:57] and remember that the leverage for complainin is the solutions your putting down as well [19:57] thanks you guys for going over there [05:01:35] and adding your thoughts [05:01:53] very helpful [05:02:07] :) [05:02:24] Indeed. [05:02:49] bran i have a lot more stuff up at the RBOSE wiki [05:03:15] i'm trying to get RBOSE chatting with me its not too easy so far. [05:03:32] mostly because i'm impatient [05:03:38] and loud [05:03:41] lol [05:03:45] Damn your ASPIENESS. [05:03:52] lol [05:03:54] What are you trying to get RBOSE to chat about? [05:04:04] the category tree [05:04:06] to start [05:04:15] :( [05:04:25] did you see my addition to the discussion of main page? [05:04:40] No, I haven't been in RBOSE for awhile. [05:04:43] Let me check. [05:04:46] k [05:05:20] replied to that mod thread in my strange erms pan [05:05:26] http://rbose.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Prometheuspan [05:05:27] URL Title: User contributions for Prometheuspan - RBOSE (at rbose.org) [05:05:45] thanks anticultist! [05:06:10] Yeah, I saw that too. [05:06:37] Emotional attachments can make you look unprofessional automatically. [05:07:03] Word [05:07:13] !hug BranManflowMore [05:07:15] Who is BranManflowMore? I can not see BranManflowMore in #RBOSE. [05:07:18] thank you thats a lot to consider. [05:07:26] :( [05:07:35] That was a lot for you pan? [05:07:38] * BranManFloMore jokes [05:07:39] !hug BranmanFloMore [05:07:41] * RBOSE hugs BranmanFloMore for pan and hopes that BranmanFloMore enjoys it. :) [05:07:43] :) [05:08:05] * BranManFloMore hugs RBOSE up in this biatch. [05:08:13] That was a lot for you pan? [05:08:15] sure.. [05:08:23] Hmmm... [05:08:24] its a good allegory [05:08:30] Damn, a lot contributions. [05:08:32] away from vulcan logic [05:08:33] yup its kinda zen pan [05:08:34] You wasn't lying. [05:08:48] its the human equation of it.. [05:08:57] as opposed to the transactional analysis of it [05:09:03] which i can get absorbed in [05:09:15] with the game theory and the logic [05:09:31] Maybe I should document my exhibits in RBOSE too. [05:09:34] yes bran, i have been reading the wiki [05:09:40] and responding [05:09:44] Hmmm... [05:09:53] in theory its just common sense [05:10:06] in my experience there is no such thing [05:10:18] yeah i know thats the problem [05:10:20] just sense that doesn't make any or sense which some people have [05:10:24] and others still don't [05:10:34] I'm kind of in a unique position like that [05:10:43] you'd never imagine what seems to me to make common sense [05:10:52] i might :) [05:10:56] which.. most people would find to be esoteric.. [05:11:24] okay; geothermal is 10 times more important and useful as a solution than any other kind of energy [05:11:31] (for example) [05:11:45] to me this is so self evident its .. [05:11:49] like gravity.. [05:11:56] or e=mc squared.. [05:11:58] or.. [05:12:04] Apparently Peter is still working on his "knowledge base" and film and has no plans to start up his audio blog again. [05:12:32] peter will beworking on his knowledge base a very long time as a know it all troll. [05:12:47] i think fusion my rival geothermal [05:12:59] but geothermal is more natural [05:13:02] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:13:03] He could just ask for the experts to speak and then listen and then learn.... [05:13:07] what's wrong with tidal? [05:13:15] fusion will always be messy [05:13:16] Maybe he will make new levels of trolls in his knowledge datebase so he can get people with credentials. [05:13:27] fussion will always be very messy compared to fission [05:13:31] [sarcasm] [05:13:37] nothign is wrong with tidal its just not as accessible.. [05:13:39] lower yeild [05:13:45] :( [05:13:48] much larger ecological footprint [05:13:52] na [05:13:56] nothing wrong wih tidal its not as productive mathematically [05:14:02] stop it [05:14:03] trilloin dollars to fix the economy instead of hundred billion.. [05:14:09] you don't know what you're talking about [05:14:13] *runs away* [05:14:26] level 4 troll; troll with phd. [05:14:35] forgot to ask before banning. darn. [05:14:45] lol [05:14:51] lol [05:15:08] activity in the zeitgeist movement web site forums seems to have pretty much ground to a halt [05:15:22] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:15:24] yeah? whats the post count per day? [05:15:47] the problem with fission is that its always going to be a high energy event with hard radiation [05:15:55] sorry [05:15:57] other way [05:15:58] Someone doesn't like hierachy: http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_kunena&Itemid=99999&func=view&catid=231&id=260209 [05:16:01] URL Title: Hierarchy should not have a place in this movement - The Zeitgeist Movement (at thezeitgeistmovement.com) [05:16:02] I have no clue, I'd guess between 200 and 300 posts per day [05:16:03] fusion [05:16:32] fusion is done via knocking nucleii together. [05:16:37] fuck jame shock again [05:16:45] hes a troll [05:16:45] fission you can melt apart soft and have low energy radiation [05:17:00] Hmmm... [05:17:08] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:17:46] CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP!!: http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_kunena&Itemid=99999&func=view&catid=275&id=260017 [05:18:01] bran [05:18:06] the most efficient form of fusion yet discovered is "z pinch" fusion [05:18:06] Yes? [05:18:08] "we should be channelling those reasons to our activism being directed to those we would be best to reach. Not squabbling amongst ourselves." [05:18:11] hahaha [05:18:22] theyre still at it [05:18:30] it isn't produced by "knocking nuclei together" [05:18:47] They don't know what to do with themselves. [05:18:50] You do not have access to this forum! [05:18:53] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:18:54] i must get tor [05:19:04] how sad [05:19:11] That means it was moved to PRIVATE MODERATION FORUM. [05:19:14] Sad indeed. [05:19:18] lol [05:19:38] That's where they act two-faced with everyone. [05:19:43] yeah [05:19:52] we loe you hate you [05:19:55] How would you know what they do there if it's private? [05:20:03] Today Total Answer: 215 Yesterday Total Answer: 268 » View Recent Posts » More About Stats » User List [05:20:06] fuck what do we do peter ? [05:20:10] thats the stats that i look at. [05:20:19] so my guess was spot on [05:20:21] I use to be a MOD, I can make those type of assumptions Grits. [05:20:26] they are actually up from the slough from the brenton ban [05:20:34] [04:19] How would you know what they do there if it's private? [05:20:39] Ah, there's the stats. [05:20:43] bran was a md [05:20:48] Mod [05:21:03] standard operating procedures. modus operandi [05:21:09] google modus operandi [05:21:09] was a mod, he's not now [05:21:10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modus_operandi [05:21:28] google standard operating procedure [05:21:29] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0896866/ [05:21:34] yeah thats how he knows question answered [05:21:44] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:21:44] how can he know what they do there now [05:21:54] predictable [05:21:54] he didn't say what they used to do, he said that's what they do there now [05:21:55] sam shit [05:22:03] given the same shit different X [05:22:05] have you been acepted ? [05:22:07] Because I have psychic powers, are you satisfied now Grits? [05:22:10] I'm only pointing out that he can't know what goes on there now [05:22:11] lol [05:22:12] nope same shit [05:22:12] lol [05:22:36] I think his guess is reasonable, but he can't know [05:22:39] entropy follows natural lin sof progression [05:22:40] * BranManFloMore rubs his head and circular motion. [05:22:41] in any system [05:22:50] lines of progression [05:23:09] all you really need to know is what entropy state they are in [05:23:11] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:23:27] and what the entropy snapshots as at any single moment in history [05:23:49] from there its like weather [05:24:03] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:24:06] the probabilities of the near future are actually pretty set [05:24:11] farther out.. not so much [05:24:43] probabilities are a mathematical game that frequently has no empirical referents [05:24:47] but he can't know [05:24:50] true nuff [05:25:08] shrug [05:25:21] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:25:31] i can still repdict a market collapse ahead of time if i know what i am doing [05:25:38] pan, how many of your parents are jewish? [05:25:45] or know the decay pattern of a paradigm.. [05:25:56] my step father was one sixteenth [05:26:01] hahaha [05:26:04] me none at all [05:26:15] you can't be one sixteenth jewish [05:26:19] judaism is a religion [05:26:31] lol [05:26:31] haha [05:26:34] lol [05:26:38] 1/16 jewish [05:26:43] haha [05:26:44] its both a religion and a group of people.. [05:26:46] that's a good one [05:26:49] homonym [05:27:09] if thats the question.. [05:27:21] I/16 th Illuminati [05:27:24] then i am something like 1 one thousandth jewish [05:27:29] lol [05:27:34] it's a "group of people" that's defined solely by a religious faith [05:27:34] 1/1024 jewish [05:27:43] and their secrets [05:27:49] unless you're suggesting that judaism is somehow genetic [05:27:58] no.. they are also defined by some amount of historicity and race traits [05:28:08] they're mostly Khazars [05:28:12] hey immaa jew as well but only quater JEW [05:28:19] lol [05:28:23] I'm not a full blooded jew [05:28:25] see? [05:28:35] I'm what they call a day walker jew [05:28:36] my mother's mother was jewish, which, according to jews, makes my mother jewish, and me jewish [05:28:38] why are we talking about this? [05:28:44] why does it matter to anyone? [05:29:02] true [05:29:03] well [05:29:03] I'm trying to illuminate the links between assburgers and autism and jewish inbreeding [05:29:08] it's 11;30 pm here [05:29:09] lol [05:29:12] and well this is what we talk about [05:29:16] it may not matter to me [05:29:20] there really aren;t any. [05:29:24] jew poo all the same [05:29:28] but being a jew or not matters to me unfortunalety [05:29:42] I wouldn't have thought there were any links, either, but then I started doing some research on it [05:29:49] right. [05:29:52] sure. [05:29:54] it turns out there's a lot of people making convincing arguments along those lines [05:30:05] only if your ignorant and dupable. [05:30:17] oh have you examined the claims? [05:30:22] if you're jewish Billll...then I take everything back ... and I don't hate jews anymore [05:30:31] two conditions which you seem to rapidly be demonstrating in spades... [05:30:34] but yeah jews es a religion [05:30:37] *** Quits: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) (Quit: %nick, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) [05:30:46] i don't need to examine such claims to know they are rhetorical [05:30:50] are you saying you've examined those claims and found them not to be credible? [05:30:52] ah [05:30:56] so you haven't examined the claims [05:31:01] why bother. [05:31:09] condemnation without investigation is the mother of all fuckups [05:31:11] if the sky is orange where you are; take pictures [05:31:14] dude I'm a quater jew, hence why I don't pick up anything bigger than a quater and above in the monetary system atleast >_> [05:31:15] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:31:16] otherwise, .. [05:31:18] whateva [05:31:37] I want to become jewish now [05:31:43] haha [05:31:46] :d [05:31:46] the sky is frequently orange around sunset [05:31:48] :D [05:31:48] if its green, or acid purple.. [05:31:51] whatevah [05:31:52] you told the truth without realizing it [05:31:54] become a jew for the jokes >_> [05:32:04] I've also seen purple skies around here, and, amazingly, green [05:32:19] yeah well cloud conditions have to be just right [05:32:20] I've seen red skies in the dark of night, glowing like an aurora [05:32:23] i myself am spititual aka beleive in the book of science but that's a differnt dumb story weii [05:32:24] i saw a blood red sky once [05:32:29] it only alsted 3 minutes [05:32:31] *** Joins: hellfire77 (hellfire77@5F1CD7.0633FD.D1FE95.1CB628) [05:32:34] Jewdaism has prophesied it's own end [05:32:36] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:32:36] I've seen the entire rainbow of colors in the sky [05:32:41] so it will come to an end one day [05:32:43] yeah.. [05:32:57] but not generally like full illumination [05:32:59] neon [05:33:01] in a phenomenon you might have heard of [05:33:03] whole sky [05:33:03] called rainbows [05:33:05] DID I HEAR JEW ? [05:33:08] Grits...that sounds so rmantic [05:33:10] the sky glows blue in the day [05:33:13] thats partial sky [05:33:17] in any case.. [05:33:22] neo when you get a chance [05:33:24] just like a fluorescent bulb using ionized nitrogen [05:33:26] yes [05:33:28] watch that youtube video on the wolfgang [05:33:31] it's great LOL [05:33:34] nitrogen fluoresces in blue [05:33:41] awesome [05:33:46] will do Billll [05:33:47] sky blue [05:34:02] it's like goths, or noths but wolfpack furry shitte [05:34:03] lol - Grits is stoned [05:34:06] you can't tell me that something insane is true unless you can explain the exotic conditions under which the exception is made. [05:34:08] the entire sky is a giant fluorescent light during the day [05:34:15] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:34:15] * BranManFloMore has the urge to act like Socrate and question the color of the sky. [05:34:23] ha [05:34:24] if it's true then it's not insane, pan [05:34:28] Socrates* [05:34:34] :) [05:34:38] Hey Billll I am spiritual too that science book pwns [05:34:40] and there are no exceptions to the rules of physics [05:34:44] if you say the sky is orange [05:34:47] i must say nobody knows how to exploit a weak allegory better than you [05:34:55] heh anticultist cool cool :D [05:34:57] all you have to add to give a complete thought is "sometimes" [05:35:04] end of meme [05:35:07] the sky is orange, sometimes [05:35:14] not really [05:35:18] one side of it [05:35:18] and purple [05:35:18] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:35:19] anticultist read Paul budnik soemtime [05:35:20] a complete and wholly accurate statement not open to interpretation of any kind [05:35:21] is somewhat orange [05:35:27] a successful meme [05:35:28] while the other side is purple [05:35:35] because it's also quite catchy and easy to remember and repeat [05:35:39] "the sky is orange, sometimes" [05:35:40] repeat [05:35:43] all of you [05:35:44] lol [05:35:47] Billll Looking him up [05:35:52] http://st0rage.org/~graalreborn11/what%20is%20and%20what%20will%20be.pdf [05:35:59] here's his e-book [05:35:59] *** Quits: Antilect (Antilect@RBOSE-e6ebb2a4.tbcn.telia.com) (Client closed the connection) [05:36:10] ,r Pinks and Purples ... it's sounds so beautiful [05:36:10] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:36:13] grabbing [05:36:17] Sometimes I imagine social interaction as a warfare of memes. [05:36:19] guys, can you measure the wave lengths and stop argue about colors ;) [05:36:38] thats your problem grits [05:36:40] I find memes that relay false information to be particularly vile and undesirable. [05:36:43] your trapped in a VS mindset [05:36:59] Such memes are especially loathsome when they spread easily. [05:37:01] 475 nm blue [05:37:01] yes but you can't root them out by being against them [05:37:03] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:37:04] http://www.mtnmath.com/willbe.html <-- I recommend if you decide to read the book to refer to the website when you need a chapter explained better a lot of his concepts our sometime philisophical but still good [05:37:16] 650 nm orange [05:37:20] URL Title: What is and what will be: Integrating spirituality and science (at www.mtnmath.com) [05:37:21] That's why I've developed my talent for creating good memes. [05:37:29] ,r Pinks and Purples ... it's sounds so beautiful [05:37:29] neocortex: 4P7i8n3k2s 6a4n7d 3P2u12r6p4l7e8s 2.12.6. 7i8t3'2s 6s4o7u8n3d2s 6s4o 8b3e2a12u6t4i7f8u3l [05:37:31] yaya [05:37:37] anticultist.b7naeopoleserve [05:37:47] :| [05:37:51] you didn't see that [05:37:57] I suppose somebody with communication defects wouldn't use the approach I use to influence people. [05:38:17] ,r Pinks and Purples ...neocortex likes this [05:38:17] anticultist: 4P7i8n3k2s 6a4n7d 3P2u12r6p4l7e8s 3l2i12k6e4s 8t3h2i12s [05:38:20] comnig from a guy with a computer science/math background i find it a very bold attempt at that unique as I hav;e seen another book that mixes, mathematics, physics and spirituality all in one [05:38:28] book about mathematics, physics and spirituality. Spiritual instincts have evolved to connect us with the creative aspects of biological evolution which are crucial to long term survival. [05:38:52] yup I guess so [05:39:03] I suppose somebody with communication defects wouldn't use the approach I use to influence people. [05:39:07] * Billll is getting another beer [05:39:07] thanks anticultist [05:39:13] being abusive is not an approach to influence people. [05:39:18] its self defeating [05:39:24] I need a sperm donor test subject [05:39:25] Abuse is in the eye of the beholder. [05:39:28] any volunteers [05:39:29] ?? [05:39:30] ??[x]: Usage: ?? [> nick] [05:39:31] ;-) [05:39:38] anticultist is it [05:39:40] There is no divine codex of rules we're obliged to follow. [05:39:51] no grits, thats what logic tells uswith certainty and objectivity and is not subjective [05:39:57] Some people might consider it abuse to have to split wood and burn it to keep warm in the winter. [05:39:58] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:40:05] google formal conversational logic [05:40:08] I consider it a wonderful way to keep warm. [05:40:18] google logic [05:40:22] Some people might consider it abuse if they're not allowed to watch People's Court. [05:40:24] damn botz [05:40:30] Such a person might start throwing an aspie fit. [05:40:37] neocortex what it is :) [05:40:40] sorry.. [05:40:41] Abuse is in the eye of the beholder, as is offense. [05:40:48] but thats not what abuse is [05:40:57] Define abuse. [05:40:58] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:41:02] abuse is when you are intentionally mean and rude without due or just cause [05:41:10] for the purpose of your ego or pack psychology [05:41:11] Meanness is in the eye of the beholder. [05:41:13] you, anticultist, are my next sperm donor test subject [05:41:16] Is it mean to scream at your children? [05:41:23] these things are defined rationally and absolutely bu formal logic [05:41:25] haha [05:41:25] I've already put you into the test database [05:41:36] the reason why you don't want to think so is that you like to be abusive [05:41:48] yes, [05:41:49] I hope you don't mind...I made you live at my address [05:41:51] and ineefective [05:42:09] It's mean for parents to scream at their children? Is there anything you'd like to add to that? [05:42:11] thats ok dont tell everyone [05:42:18] screaming at children is hardly a useful communication tactic [05:42:30] anything else you'd care to add to that? [05:42:36] only that your set up is easy to see coming [05:42:42] pleading a special circumstance [05:42:58] other than that.. [05:43:04] illuminating your world, I'd put it [05:43:05] you insist on being part of the problem [05:43:11] and shitting on this resource [05:43:15] you apparently think every question has a yes or no answer [05:43:17] rather than being collaborative [05:43:31] you are one thing making sure that collaboration won't happen here [05:43:32] so here's just one special case [05:43:46] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:43:47] I think we are ok here thse guys have not noticed [05:43:49] no, i think every question has all sorts of properties [05:43:59] if your child is about to stumble blithely over the edge of a cliff, and is far out of reach, is it mean to scream at the child? [05:44:00] and i am the one whos read the logic to determine truth value [05:44:05] or do paradigm analysis [05:44:14] pleading special case [05:44:18] how pathetic [05:44:25] even after i predicted that [05:44:28] does that mean you don't want to answer the question? [05:44:38] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:44:40] it means the whole thing is a stupid exercise [05:44:47] lol [05:44:47] a brainless non thought experiment [05:44:48] You apparently didn't predict far enough ahead to see what you'd give as an answer to my question. [05:44:53] See if you can predict what your answer will be. [05:44:54] yes i did [05:44:58] obviously so. [05:45:04] shall we repeat my objection? [05:45:12] pleading to special conditions. [05:45:14] Your objection is irrelevant. [05:45:16] what a crank [05:45:26] You made a flat assertion that screaming at children was mean. [05:45:27] no, your example is bullshit [05:45:36] its called pleading to special circumstances [05:45:41] pan...Grits is a high master here [05:45:44] and its a logical fallacy for good reasons [05:45:47] It's not bullshit, just an extreme example to show just one hazard of binary thinking that you exhibit. [05:45:52] it is bullshit [05:45:54] :| [05:45:59] Your thought processes seem to be startlingly two-dimensional. [05:46:01] no, thats your straw man argument [05:46:06] and your binary thinking [05:46:11] and has nothign to do with me [05:46:13] It's not a strawman argument. [05:46:17] I didn't put any words in your mouth. [05:46:19] its shit [05:46:24] its not even an argument [05:46:24] pan ... you can't talk to Grits like that [05:46:27] its rhetoric [05:46:34] Why do you hate admitting you said something that wasn't wholly accurate? [05:46:36] please [05:46:44] You should rejoice, you have an opportunity to admit you were wrong and prove you can learn. [05:46:47] WTF? [05:46:52] neocrotex? [05:46:57] I'm with Grits [05:47:01] his a master [05:47:04] a jedi [05:47:04] he's just fucking with you, just ignore him [05:47:09] I pan Grits I love doing that it gets both youre attenttion for no reason [05:47:35] hes not a jedi and theres nothing about him which in this moment is admirable [05:47:45] hahaha [05:47:53] in short everything about this is a big waste of time [05:47:55] Why can't you just admit you stepped on your tongue. [05:48:11] why can't you admit that i saw right through your stupid trap [05:48:16] Not everything you say is to be taken seriously, because you have a pretty flat and cartoonish perspective on the world given to you by your assburgers. [05:48:26] It wasn't a trap, it was a demonstration. [05:48:28] yeah..well [05:48:38] its clear that we can;t take you seriously because your a fucktard troll [05:48:43] hahaha [05:48:47] you remind me of Peter [05:48:49] theres nothing to be demonstrated. [05:48:55] you remind me of VTV [05:48:56] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:49:08] I predicted when you stormed out of here earlier that you'd get over it and soon be mouthing at me the same way Peter does [05:49:18] anyone remember me saying that? [05:49:21] the difference is that your just reaching for another cheap insult [05:49:21] I don't get it [05:49:27] why fight [05:49:35] and both you and VTV are invalidation junkies [05:49:42] because of your insecurity complexes [05:49:45] stop it [05:49:46] speak for yourself [05:49:56] I don't have an estranged wife who's run off with another man [05:49:57] :( [05:50:02] :'( [05:50:03] [21:24:27] soon he'll be telling me to go fuck myself like Peter does [05:50:16] now grits is blabbering on to intimadate other people [05:50:22] about their personal life. [05:50:22] I've got a big cock and bitches love me, if anything I'm an egomaniac who's overconfident [05:50:24] what a jerk [05:50:43] that kind of overconfidence is always a front [05:50:49] psychology tells us [05:50:55] and all experience confirms [05:51:00] your a petty tyrant [05:51:00] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:51:00] I guess, it's a front for my inner child who's shy and passive [05:51:04] because your small on the inside [05:51:10] neocortex they fight because theyre both competing for text space [05:51:16] I have to protect my inner child by being a super badass [05:51:20] and can't manage a conversation thats not stupid for being a VS encounter [05:51:25] yeah [05:51:28] anticultis...it's so sad [05:51:30] well i have news for both of them [05:51:37] oh news yet [05:51:44] let me get my pad and pencil [05:51:47] your not any kind of badass next to me your just a pathetic sniveling troll looking for my attention [05:51:56] oh! [05:52:01] right for the throat! [05:52:03] which is now denied [05:52:05] thats why we sit quiet and watch [05:52:08] hahaha [05:52:23] are all aspies so bad at talking tough? [05:52:28] *hurting* [05:52:36] neocortex: i'm reading only one for each 30 lines, we have more fun with development in test [05:52:55] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:53:02] :D [05:53:06] but seriously [05:53:10] let me explain something to you, aspie [05:53:15] you've taught me a lot of things [05:53:20] you've taught me you'll never build a house [05:53:31] you'll never design a useful machine [05:53:40] you'll never grow food or collect water [05:53:45] you're a burden [05:53:53] those of us who are able to will support you, though [05:53:57] I for one don't hold it against you [05:54:02] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [05:54:21] but you need to understand what an intellectual and psychic and physical parasite you are [05:55:08] All Done ? [05:55:25] probably, at least until Iron Man 2 is over [05:55:39] anyone see that video of the dolphin spitting at people ? [05:55:51] was cool [05:56:25] animals are way better thsn people [05:56:31] fact [05:56:46] FACT [05:56:59] did i say that enough ? [05:57:33] better at what? [05:57:40] than being real [05:58:07] maybe [05:58:33] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [05:59:31] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [06:00:51] *** Joins: Tarzan (Tarzan@RBOSE-d3af5aa0.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [06:00:52] *** Joins: luke (qwebirc@RBOSE-996c1fef.ph.cox.net) [06:01:06] *** hacked is now known as dekcah [06:01:48] *** dekcah is now known as hacked [06:02:10] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [06:03:21] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [06:03:24] Anti Cultist, patient 142, Sperm Donor, 666 Bourke St Melbourne [06:03:33] haha [06:03:36] :d [06:03:37] :D [06:03:54] Sperm Collection procudure: natural [06:04:14] <---natural [06:04:18] yup [06:04:24] did you give him a hand? [06:04:24] by traditional means [06:04:28] haha [06:04:29] i can do that [06:04:31] if necessary [06:04:43] there's are other procedures to extract sperm [06:04:51] but natural is best [06:05:48] how do the fight the urge to keep it all for yourself [06:05:56] :D [06:05:59] it's hard [06:06:21] :| [06:06:37] http://file1.npage.de/001637/26/bilder/affe.gif [06:06:57] haha [06:07:15] so it does make hair grom on your palms [06:07:27] lol [06:27:59] everyone must be aslpeep [06:28:12] asleep [06:30:57] ,repofeed http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rbose/rbose/rBOTse/atom 3 [06:30:57] lukas: Processing as a repository feed... [06:30:58] 2[34] Changes in RSS plugin * Added rename method for feeds * Replaced some wraps with expose decorator * Basic cache support * Changed formating of info command by 3Supybot User, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rbose/rbose/rBOTse/revision/34 [06:30:59] 2[33] use the new expose decorator by 3Supybot User, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rbose/rbose/rBOTse/revision/33 [06:31:00] 2[32] merge in upstream changes and new expose decorator by 3Supybot User, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rbose/rbose/rBOTse/revision/32 [06:31:05] Billll: ^ [06:31:15] yesh [06:33:27] neat, is that a bot posting updates to a launchpad repo [06:34:45] in second direction: from launchpad, it will be tracking repositories there [06:35:23] so when developers will push something, the bot will announce it within chosen channels [06:36:02] that's what i was trying to say [06:36:16] does it watch the repo, or does the puch trigger it [06:36:28] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvEhdUGjg7U&feature=related [06:36:29] You4Tube 2[Title] Local Future Preparation: Local Food, Local Energy, Local Money for Sustainability 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:01:54 2[Views] 544 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2009-07-29 2[Description] Preparing for the inevitable local future requires growing food locally, generating energy locally, and taking care of our exchange or money needs locally. Time is short to prepare for which may be rapid changes in the global econom [06:37:06] it will watch the repo and be automated, but some code there yet needed for that [06:39:31] i've wanted to have one that would watch a repo, do a nightly build or something, and then post a zip of it [06:41:52] we have a one which would need only a little modification for that [06:42:54] but it works atm only with one repo [06:43:20] i still use subversion for everything, still learning how bazaar works [06:46:23] here are 3 directories with a lot of plugins for supybot, maybe something can be found for svn http://bzr.coffeecode.net/supybot-plugins/ [06:46:24] URL Title: Index of /supybot-plugins (at bzr.coffeecode.net) [06:46:49] thanks [06:47:17] lol [06:47:41] :o [06:47:43] cool [06:47:44] have you guys ever found a decent project management software yet? [06:47:45] and i think the one on which we are working will be soon available for customizations, should be really easy to adopt it [06:48:14] not really... [06:48:33] locally i'm using zim and support it with other software [06:48:35] yeah me either. sad to say but i use microsoft project [06:49:00] only because i don't have to pay for it [06:49:22] it depends what you need [06:49:25] cool [06:49:44] i need gannt charts [06:50:24] gannt charts and freedom are inconsistent [06:50:47] flyspry is well developed, trac [06:51:03] damn, and i was using them to map out my plan for freedom [06:51:08] :D [06:51:10] lol [06:51:13] joke [06:51:21] i like trac, but i cant get other people to use it [06:51:31] haven't tried flyspray [06:51:31] same old story [06:52:10] seems like the market or some open source project would generate a decent project management system [06:52:20] flyspray running here: http://pms.rbose.org/ [06:52:22] URL Title: RBOSE PMS All Projects: Tasklist (at pms.rbose.org) [06:54:02] looks pretty good [06:54:56] we are looking for ideas as well :) something more available for broader public and supporting decision making [06:55:00] http://rbose.org/images/pms_prototyping.png [06:55:11] http://rbose.org/images/diagram003.png [06:55:34] yeah i think i say those through the wiki but maye not [06:55:35] this based on concept of time and space + getting things done [06:55:50] *** Joins: Hermann (nicklas@RBOSE-9290e1da.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [06:55:56] Billll: have you seen ^ ? [06:56:21] my client blocks direct links to pngs [06:56:34] pan... /join #Quabbalah [06:58:28] pan [06:58:32] pleeeeez [07:04:23] pan where are you [07:09:40] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-9d0da9aa.dsl-w.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [07:10:15] *** Quits: Hermann (nicklas@RBOSE-9290e1da.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [07:11:12] so ... project managament [07:11:32] thats the high priority? [07:12:59] ok tell me later [07:13:02] i gtg [07:13:06] c ya all [07:13:13] *** Quits: hellfire77 (hellfire77@5F1CD7.0633FD.D1FE95.1CB628) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [07:25:46] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [07:26:14] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-094eed49.vodacom.co.za) [07:27:12] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [07:32:28] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (Sixth_Ape@RBOSE-d9eee40c.mweb.co.za) [07:33:23] *** Quits: hacked (qwebirc@RBOSE-82244d4d.rev.accesscomm.ca) (Quit: Page closed) [07:34:25] *** Quits: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-76118815.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving.) [07:34:25] pan ... are you still here? [07:38:48] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [07:41:10] pan... /join #Quabbalah [07:41:23] evening all [07:41:35] hey vinces [07:41:48] hey neocortex [07:41:57] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [07:42:03] hi supy [07:42:20] :D [07:42:23] :D [07:42:26] sorry for the spamming [07:42:41] rebuilding parts of the core [07:44:18] awesome [07:44:38] good night all :) [07:44:43] nite lukas [07:44:58] ,part rBOTse [07:44:58] vinces: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [07:45:32] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [07:47:14] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [07:48:21] *** Quits: luke (qwebirc@RBOSE-996c1fef.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Page closed) [07:52:14] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Connection closed) [07:52:16] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [07:54:37] pan [07:54:45] please talk to me pan [07:55:15] !hello all [07:55:16] Heya #RBOSE! GhettoTux asked me to greet you all, and thats what i just did. If anybody needs help, type !help [07:55:18] !hug neocortex [07:55:18] * RBOSE hugs neocortex for GhettoTux and hopes that neocortex enjoys it. :) [07:55:22] are you feeling lonely? :( [07:55:24] !hug GhettoTux [07:55:24] * RBOSE hugs GhettoTux for neocortex and hopes that GhettoTux enjoys it. :) [07:55:27] yes [07:55:36] it's so cold in here [07:55:45] the RBOSE chat room needs blankets [07:55:48] and a fire [07:55:53] and some whiskey [07:55:57] and gin [07:56:04] and a guitar and some guy singing cumbaya my lord [07:56:05] and someone to cuddle [07:56:09] yes [07:56:11] no [07:56:13] and we can cuddle neo [07:56:16] :D [07:56:18] yes [07:56:49] I came two hours early for works so I have a lot of time for it :P [07:56:57] awesome [07:57:03] will you leave early too? [07:57:36] Nope, can't [07:57:44] not fair [07:57:52] I can't do any work for two hours [07:57:56] so gonna play heroes iii :) [07:58:00] awesome [07:58:15] did you go early to get some quality solo time? [07:58:49] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [08:00:26] No i thought i started now :) [08:00:32] haha [08:00:56] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [08:05:56] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Connection closed) [08:05:58] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [08:06:14] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Connection closed) [08:07:16] * vinces smacks rBOTse [08:07:30] * neocortex defend supy [08:07:35] *defends [08:09:11] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [08:09:35] :) [08:10:01] :) [08:14:15] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) (Connection closed) [08:14:17] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@localhost) [08:18:33] *** Quits: Haseldow (haseldow@RBOSE-4f8c05e0.refero.fi) (Quit: leaving) [08:18:45] *** Joins: Haseldow (haseldow@RBOSE-4f8c05e0.refero.fi) [08:29:15] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-094eed49.vodacom.co.za) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [08:36:11] :D [20:53] but seriously [20:53] let me explain something to you, aspie [20:53] you've taught me a lot of things [20:53] you've taught me you'll never build a house [20:53] you'll never design a useful machine [20:53] you'll never grow food or collect water [20:53] you're a burden [20:54] those of us who are able to will support you, though [20:54] I for one don't hol [08:36:22] i kow [08:36:24] I'm sorry [08:36:30] let me tell you something, fool. [08:36:34] :( [08:36:35] what [08:36:39] In psychology they teach you [08:36:43] projection [08:36:43] yes [08:36:45] yes [08:36:55] is what really goes on with all of this junk [08:37:03] and every single one of those is really a confession. [08:37:09] I have already built houses [08:37:20] I have already been a part of permaculture communities [08:37:45] I have already more right action under my belt than TVP +RBEF+ RBOSE put together. [08:37:52] but i am not out to be on top [08:37:55] because of it [08:38:03] that was my perception of you [08:38:08] or duplicate the error of the vs mentality [08:38:14] at my new higher level of the game [08:38:17] instead; [08:38:26] i figured out that being nice to people and loving them [08:38:31] and being in service to them [08:38:38] can make a real difference. [08:38:49] Every time i tell people that i am an aspie in a place like this [08:39:01] :( [08:39:02] i take the chance that some evil bastard troll or some other [08:39:07] is going to use it [08:39:10] I can see your brilliance [08:39:11] to get his jollies off [08:39:23] getting up off of knocking down another cheap target [08:39:26] well.. [08:39:29] whats the real truth? [08:39:35] whose the social parasite? [08:39:55] whos sitting in this space and not allowing real collaboration to happen because they ARE so pathetic? [08:40:23] :| [08:40:31] Whos got 100 3dmodels and 50 of them open source to share??? [08:40:39] you do pan [08:40:39] do you... mr grits? [08:41:03] grits left a while ago [08:41:14] you are mr grits... inconsequential to me. [08:41:20] yeah. [08:41:26] thats half the point. [08:41:28] lol [08:41:33] come on pan [08:41:41] !hug all [08:41:42] * RBOSE expands his arms and hugs the whole #RBOSE. :D [08:41:52] please don't get mad pan [08:42:03] Grits is cool [08:42:05] i'm just saying [08:42:09] no he isn't [08:42:15] really? [08:42:16] he has a proble m and its his [08:42:31] but this is what you need to understand between you and me. [08:42:34] i like you [08:42:39] and i would love to chat with you [08:42:39] i like you too [08:42:42] me too [08:42:54] but i won't stay long in a space where i am not respected.. [08:43:00] because i do have self respect [08:43:03] you are respected [08:43:05] and i do know who has the pearls [08:43:14] so you guys need to get it figured out quick. [08:43:18] ok [08:43:34] I still have no beef with mr grits [08:43:40] cool [08:43:42] and he does not want one with me [08:43:46] !! [08:43:58] so i hope you guys iron it out... [08:44:07] because next time... [08:44:17] you better come back pan! [08:44:21] it doesn't matter how neato the irc is if its useless.. [08:44:31] for not having metaprocess. [08:44:36] hmm [08:44:39] true [08:44:40] thats not even me taking it personally.. [08:44:46] totally [08:44:49] thats me telling you how it will be for everyone else [08:45:06] when people act like that they do it out of fear. [08:45:14] i'm not here to hurt him. [08:45:22] maybe you can convince him of that. [08:45:27] if not... [08:45:32] then its either him or me. [08:45:45] And i know what makes him tick and how t oexploit it. [08:45:58] pan can I give you my msn [08:46:00] and i will not be disrespected like that [08:46:03] neocortex@live.com.au [08:46:07] please add me [08:46:12] prometheuspan@hotmail.com [08:46:17] :D [08:46:18] thanks [08:46:21] please email me first [08:46:30] that goes for everyone else.. [08:46:32] :) [08:46:39] whoops too late [08:47:03] too late? [08:47:05] email? [08:47:07] lol [08:47:14] lol [08:47:21] i added you to msn already [08:47:25] kewl [08:47:28] kewl [08:47:42] you're almost as angry as Grits [08:47:50] anger is good [08:47:50] ah [08:47:58] i know the tree [08:48:02] severity and mercy [08:48:05] both powers [08:48:07] mixed [08:48:13] in balance [08:48:14] yup [08:48:19] i have transcended anger. [08:48:26] its only the red force. [08:48:27] awesome [08:48:36] right action. [08:48:44] nice [08:48:46] energy is only important when it leads to an outcome [08:49:00] anger can onl mkae our actions unimportant [08:49:25] discipline is something different [08:49:33] severity is in the tree.. [08:49:46] anger is double negative red force [08:49:56] attachment to things psychologically.. [08:50:03] carlos casteneda once said [08:50:11] cool [08:50:16] that the difference between fear and courage is breathing [08:50:26] which is truer than most people realize [08:50:33] and also for anger [08:50:43] it can't be allowed to stop up... [08:50:47] flow through.. [08:50:56] but not let it make you wreckless either [08:51:03] release it softly [08:51:07] the yin hand [08:51:22] I'm not angry. [08:51:28] these are my boundaries. [08:51:33] I have a million pearls [08:51:41] i will not throw them to swine while they heckle me [08:51:52] no [08:52:08] see the difference? [08:52:30] angry is trying to make them wrong [08:52:40] or stay inside of that arguing energy with them [08:52:59] or trying to take him on blow for blow in the arena. [08:53:03] nu-uh [08:53:26] I'm gere to collaborate. Is RBOSE ready for me? Yes, or no? [08:53:44] they decide by more than what they think or say.. [08:53:51] but also by what they do; [08:54:02] if this is just beta or if they are ready for clients... [08:54:20] i don't know and i don't care why grits is the way he is. [08:54:34] I'm not going to hold it against him if the next time hes somehow kewl. [08:54:45] but i'm not sticking around otherwise... [08:54:58] so.. [08:55:03] you guys work it out. [08:55:12] pan :) anyone is welcome here and all help is welcome [08:55:14] anyways... [08:55:34] thats a mostly good policy [08:55:45] to make it work requires a functional metaprocess [08:55:52] this is winging it. [08:55:55] *** Joins: ScottyG (qwebirc@RBOSE-985ccdbb.ca.comcast.net) [08:56:07] people tried to intercede weakly, thats not metaprocess. [08:56:17] most great things start off winging it [08:56:22] yes [08:56:28] and i understand [08:56:33] so no big deal for me [08:56:40] but realit ytest equalls fail [08:56:46] your not ready for clients on this server [08:56:47] but one person represents rbose [08:56:54] doesn' [08:56:55] t matter [08:57:03] your not ready for clients [08:57:05] not me [08:57:07] i'm fine [08:57:11] we dont want clients [08:57:12] stage of development [08:57:16] agreed [08:57:23] thats all [08:57:31] we want participants [08:57:36] !hug pan [08:57:37] * RBOSE hugs pan for vinces and hopes that pan enjoys it. :) [08:57:42] those either..also.. [08:58:04] !hug Vinces [08:58:04] * RBOSE hugs Vinces for pan and hopes that Vinces enjoys it. :) [08:58:17] thanks :) [08:58:19] hello [08:58:23] hello [08:58:28] howthingz? [08:58:29] pan! [08:58:50] yes? [08:58:51] lol [08:58:53] things are what they are [08:58:55] in the end all that matters is that we all understand our current is flawed and needs something to fix it [08:59:00] hows things w/u? [08:59:05] welcome back ScottyG [08:59:07] true vinces [08:59:13] ty vince [08:59:17] things are good with me scotty [08:59:27] so meta process [08:59:30] moderation [08:59:33] * vinces smacks rBOTse for not listening [08:59:33] great [08:59:36] is whats missing [08:59:40] lmfao!!!! [08:59:47] umm huh [08:59:52] google metaprocess [08:59:53] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta-Process_Modeling [09:00:09] google metaprocess rbef [09:00:10] http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2010/04/21/the-psychological-profile-of-a-conspiracy-theorist/ [09:00:11] u are prometheus pan? [09:00:18] yes [09:00:21] :) [09:00:23] the aspie? [09:00:26] yes [09:00:30] o wow [09:00:33] heard a lot about u [09:00:35] google moderation [09:00:36] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moderation [09:00:49] google rbef moderation [09:00:50] http://www.rbefoundation.com/ [09:00:55] pan you think that existing system can fix our existing system??? [09:01:05] hmm? [09:01:10] i think i can help RBOSE [09:01:15] make a metaprocess [09:01:16] moderation [09:01:17] and process [09:01:19] and macro [09:01:24] and moderation.. [09:01:25] processes yes [09:01:27] yes [09:01:27] moderation no [09:01:42] "moderation" = to you? [09:01:54] hey pan and vinces [09:01:55] control by people is never the answer imo [09:01:58] GhettoTux: !!! [09:02:01] <3 !!!! [09:02:04] no matter how you look at it is about signal to noise ratio [09:02:05] pan, may I ask,,,how old are u? [09:02:05] welcome to the conversation [09:02:10] Thank you kind sir. [09:02:25] i agree, control is bad, good moderation not equal to control [09:02:34] i am 38 [09:02:39] ok [09:02:57] google bad moderation [09:02:58] http://www.everythinginmoderation.org/2003/10/on_four_types_of_moderation.shtml [09:03:01] ,g latest news oil spill [09:03:02] vinces: Incident News: ; Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill May Finally Meet Its Match In Pesky ...: ; As spill grows, oil soaks delicate marshes, birds - Yahoo! News: ; Gulf Coast oil spill could eclipse Exxon Valdez - Yahoo! News: (2 more messages) [09:03:25] google ni4d energy [09:03:26] http://www.ni4d.us/en/faq [09:03:31] there's a live feed of the gusher [09:03:32] lol [09:03:43] google issues ni4d energy research [09:03:44] http://www.ni4d.us/en/endorsements [09:03:47] drat [09:03:49] not sure why ppl keep callin it a "spill" [09:03:57] yeah [09:04:03] it's a geyser [09:04:05] more like a blurbble up from under eh? [09:04:09] yep [09:04:13] yea [09:04:16] underwater geyser [09:04:20] right [09:04:35] so why curious about age? [09:04:38] looks like more than oil coming up too [09:04:42] or is that mud? [09:04:45] and why don't they have foam for this? [09:04:53] yes [09:04:58] its oil mud [09:05:00] just curious, u seem younger [09:05:05] o ok [09:05:05] mud and sediment and oil [09:05:10] got it [09:05:20] probably pretty bad yeah [09:05:22] all mixed in raw form [09:05:33] i cant imagine the long term effects [09:05:41] not good [09:05:46] anyhow.. [09:05:49] ,g worst case oil spill gulf [09:05:50] vinces: Gulf Oil Spill Exceeds BP's 'Worst-Case Scenario,' Drilling ...: ; Gulf of Mexico oil spill 2010: The worst-case scenario | al.com: ; The Gulf oil spill: 6 worst-case scenarios - The Week: (3 more messages) [09:05:51] anyhow... [09:05:53] :( [09:06:09] nothing i can do except try to talk them out of oil drilling [09:06:17] yeah [09:06:22] it wont work pan [09:06:22] i like your page on geothermal power [09:06:26] added some [09:06:32] we have tar sands here in canada, almost as bad [09:06:38] they have to understand why they need to stop [09:06:38] yeah [09:06:41] well.. [09:06:50] and until profit leaves the equation, they wont [09:06:53] adversity paradox anyone? [09:06:59] google adversity paradox [09:07:00] http://www.adversityparadox.com/ [09:07:14] they stop when it hurts sooooo goood [09:07:26] it might be too late by then [09:07:28] nothing like a good paradox in the morning [09:07:33] yeah [09:07:44] ScottyG: pan are you guys gonna make the meeting? [09:07:53] meeting? [09:07:57] meeting? [09:07:57] tomorrow? [09:07:58] .topic [09:07:58] -RBOSE- Channel Topic: WELCOME to rbose.org ! || NEXT MEETING 2009-05-24 18:00 UTC in Mumble || Wiki: http://rbose.org/wiki || Use bot? Type: !hello || Stats: http://rbose.org/stats || Want to help? http://rbose.org/wiki/Special:Tasks (alpha) [09:08:20] not in mumble [09:08:20] I dount it, I'm apparently not well liked here [09:08:26] doubt* [09:08:33] that's not true ScottyG [09:08:37] this irc thing was a big deal for me [09:08:39] everyone is welcome [09:08:45] :) pan [09:08:50] i normally don't come out of my wiki/ email comfort zones [09:08:57] mumble is pretty much the same [09:09:00] not how I felt last time I was here neo [09:09:05] except voice.. [09:09:08] I know [09:09:14] it's a challenge to be here [09:09:24] I felt it too [09:09:26] when grits is here, yea [09:09:30] then theres problems that need fixed [09:09:35] * vinces opens arms to everyone [09:09:53] grits is one of the biggest problems [09:09:58] people need to learn to stop fighting, we are all brothers [09:10:03] yes [09:10:08] not sure why u guys allow his behavior here [09:10:11] how to teach them that politely [09:10:12] if you found your way in here, we all have something in common [09:10:15] yet seriously [09:10:27] ? [09:10:33] thats the question [09:10:47] it should be pretty simple. [09:10:49] imo everyone has something to contribute [09:10:59] really? [09:11:05] yes [09:11:06] "this is the minimum standard we require for participating.." [09:11:16] what has grits contributed besides hate and discontent? [09:11:23] agreed [09:11:29] not a damn thing [09:11:31] i haven't seen anything from him [09:11:33] ideas and a different prerspective [09:11:36] to warrant him beeing here [09:11:40] however [09:11:45] this is not the way to solve [09:11:51] he is the cancer that will keep rbose from their goals [09:11:51] i have an issue with grits [09:11:56] lets address issues [09:11:58] not blame people [09:12:02] I admire grits [09:12:02] everyone is welcome always [09:12:17] why would u admire someone like that neo?? [09:12:18] how else can you create a community that works [09:12:22] he's ready to smash something [09:12:22] unless we solve the issues, he will be the cancer t okeep the org down fer sure [09:12:41] smashing is not hepful [09:12:46] see, pan gets it [09:12:49] i have played with hammers enough [09:12:53] lol [09:12:59] building [09:13:02] building [09:13:04] some people see different sides of things [09:13:04] building [09:13:17] he doesnt build, he tears down [09:13:20] we are still talking about people [09:13:25] lets not do that [09:13:27] we can't build until we level the current system [09:13:28] thats a circle [09:13:30] how? [09:13:39] lets talk about the mechanism and the problem [09:13:42] help me with that pan [09:13:43] google invalidation [09:13:44] http://eqi.org/invalid.htm [09:13:48] i am a people person [09:13:58] google manipulative person [09:14:00] http://www.way-of-the-mind.com/manipulative-people.html [09:14:08] google backed into a corner [09:14:10] http://www.englishclub.com/ref/esl/Idioms/B/backed_into_a_corner_268.htm [09:14:10] oh i know he's manipulative [09:14:17] i dont need to google it [09:14:18] google ad hominem [09:14:19] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem [09:14:23] lmfao [09:14:25] yes [09:14:26] ad hom [09:14:29] read that one too [09:14:30] well vince needs to get it [09:14:35] nice please keep that off our logs [09:14:36] and others [09:14:50] we need to see the problem [09:14:53] keep what off?? [09:15:00] scotty [09:15:03] i dont believe in political correctness or the need to be nice [09:15:04] my bluntness [09:15:11] is confrontational [09:15:15] i like ur bluntness! [09:15:19] yeah [09:15:25] but vince has a right to say [09:15:34] "damn" yo mouth is big!" [09:15:35] say what? [09:15:38] lol [09:15:41] lol pna [09:15:45] [pan [09:15:55] slow down pan, i can only digest so much at a time [09:15:59] so back to issues [09:16:03] lol [09:16:04] not people [09:16:08] invalidation [09:16:08] people need a place to feel free to express themselves, that is how they can be creative [09:16:09] wait [09:16:11] *** Parts: Nauti (katt@RBOSE-4a8f5d2e.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [09:16:15] yes [09:16:23] to a degree vince [09:16:25] but him invalidating me doesn't make me feel creative [09:16:31] irc is great, changes channels [09:16:34] or allow other people to interact in order to be creative [09:16:35] calling people faggots isnt creative [09:16:47] lol [09:16:48] it's destructive [09:16:49] calling me a assburgers.. [09:16:52] ha [09:16:53] exactly [09:16:56] gets ppl mad doesn't it [09:17:00] not me [09:17:00] there are some low functioners who would fall apart over that [09:17:08] its mean and its cruel and its uncalled for [09:17:16] exactly [09:17:16] it's his nature [09:17:18] names dont bother me, call me what ever you want [09:17:25] language is bullshit [09:17:25] it's not nature, sorry [09:17:27] if its his nature [09:17:31] he chooses to be that way [09:17:35] then you all won't mind if i take my nature out [09:17:38] and eat his nature. [09:17:39] english is a fucking shitty ass language [09:17:47] it won't bother you if i flame the place for days? [09:17:57] we can't just let our "nature" go [09:18:08] "nature" [09:18:29] irc clients have ignore [09:18:32] there is no excusing it [09:18:34] heswrong [09:18:43] and as long as you have it he will drive people away [09:18:50] agreed [09:18:53] you need to tell him to stop [09:18:54] i beleive everyone is equal, [09:19:01] no vince [09:19:02] sorry [09:19:07] and you need to make it work for real deomcracy [09:19:07] HA [09:19:07] not everyoine is equal [09:19:18] democracy sucks [09:19:18] and everyone has there opinoin [09:19:27] okaay [09:19:32] everyone is the same and equal [09:19:35] my opinion is top..lol [09:19:39] lol [09:19:43] no one person is more important then another [09:19:52] really [09:19:53] no child is more valuable then another [09:19:54] i have 20 virtual phds [09:19:57] grits doesnt think that [09:19:59] whos to rgue? [09:20:02] lol [09:20:03] he thinks he is superior to all [09:20:10] hes wrong [09:20:14] I have seen the logs [09:20:19] hes just one more person [09:20:22] i know he's wrong [09:20:24] ScottyG: does he think that, or do you think he thinks that? [09:20:25] sharing a work sace [09:20:41] vince..he thinks that [09:20:41] he declares it vince [09:20:46] all the time [09:20:59] 'dicksize" even [09:21:01] language, you are talking english as the truth [09:21:01] lol [09:21:12] no [09:21:20] i am talking evidence [09:21:20] people talk with language [09:21:26] lmfao [09:21:30] wow [09:21:36] and u have seen the evidence of his declarations [09:21:41] we have seen plenty of evidence [09:21:51] i only been at ths 24 hours or so [09:21:57] i can help but laugh and offer up free hugs [09:22:01] and thats all he does [09:22:09] yes pan [09:22:26] i will repeat.. [09:22:29] why is it people love to bitch and complain? [09:22:42] youguys have issues which make this irc not functional [09:22:43] a question that has been bothering me [09:22:46] please fix [09:22:57] it is functioning [09:23:00] no [09:23:00] I am not complaining, per se [09:23:05] its not [09:23:08] '/j #anotherchannel [09:23:10] :D [09:23:15] this is a collabration forum [09:23:19] not a troll house [09:23:26] by any objective measure [09:23:29] it is NOT [09:23:31] I am attempting to point out some realities [09:23:32] functioning [09:23:32] are we taught to complain by our system? [09:23:35] our parents? [09:23:53] are we taught to bitch and moan by politics?> [09:23:58] that all most ppl do [09:24:01] seems few want to acknowledge [09:24:06] whats ur point? [09:24:16] my point? [09:24:26] vince? [09:24:30] o sry [09:24:34] i type very slow [09:24:35] so many people wasting time bitching and complaining, if that time could be channeled [09:24:42] yes [09:24:45] into something more productivew [09:24:48] agreed [09:24:54] try to tell grits that [09:24:55] sonow i am bitching and complining? [09:24:57] but the first thing ppl jump to it maining [09:24:58] that's all he does [09:25:03] moaning [09:25:18] his anger and fear run deep [09:25:18] and they keep going no matter what [09:25:23] i have put a lot f work out there for you guys... [09:25:24] ScottyG You are back? [09:25:32] waiting for u to cath up [09:25:35] yes viper, hello [09:25:35] funny how deep the training to bitch goes [09:25:47] * vinces highfives Viper [09:25:53] ScottyG I guess you love grits :D [09:25:55] funny how codependence works [09:26:00] ,g riots [09:26:01] vinces: Riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Stonewall riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; The 25 Worst Riots of All Time: ; Uncle Donald's Castro Street - White Night Riot: ; Los Angeles riots remembered - latimes.com: google codependence [09:26:03] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codependency [09:26:08] ,g disaters [09:26:09] vinces: Aviation Disaters Crashes: ; Did You Know Disaters -Natural And Man Made can cause your ...: ; WikiAnswers - What are the latet natural disaters that have ...: ; Disaters Cartoons: (2 more messages) [09:26:17] ,g children dying [09:26:18] vinces: Children, Death and Dying: ; When A Child Is Dying: ; When Children are Dying: ; Study: Parents Weigh Hastening Death for Cancer Children - TIME: ; Amazon.com: The (2 more messages) [09:26:26] * Viper highfives vinces back :D [09:26:28] how are u viper? [09:26:35] and ppl are in here bitching about being called a damn name [09:26:44] i dont understand i am sorry [09:26:45] lol [09:26:50] thats not true [09:26:54] You have nothing els to do then complain aboout grits? LOL [09:26:55] people dont like to be disrespected vince [09:26:57] ,g deaths in 2009 [09:26:58] vinces: Deaths in 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Deaths in 2010 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Celebrity Deaths In 2009 - Slideshows - Slideshow Viewer - wcbstv.com: ; Notable Deaths of 2009 - The New York Times > Obituaries > Slide ...: (2 more messages) [09:27:03] ,g child deaths in 2009 [09:27:04] pan made that clear [09:27:04] vinces: Stories of 98 child deaths in 2009 - latimes.com: ; Doncaster faces social work inquiry after child deaths | Society ...: ; Today, over 24000 children died around the world — Global Issues: i am telling you you haeve a problem thats it [09:27:22] fix it or don't [09:27:29] i have bigger things on my mind i guess [09:27:37] okay.. [09:27:40] well.. [09:27:43] ,g sustainable building [09:27:44] vinces: Green building - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Sustainable Sources: ; Sustainable Buildings Industry Council: ; USGBC: U.S. Green Building Council: ; Sustainable Building Sources: ; Geiger Research Institute of (1 more message) [09:27:48] ,g sustainable energy [09:27:49] i have important things todo 2 [09:27:49] vinces: Sustainable energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Sustainable Energy Coalition - Home: ; Sustainable Energy : Renewable Energy : World Nuclear Association: ; California Center for Sustainable Energy: ; Northeast Sustainable Energy (1 more message) [09:27:49] i have big things on my mind too [09:28:00] :| [09:28:05] I join, me 3 :D [09:28:07] ,g learning a new language [09:28:08] vinces: Language Learning with Rosetta Stone: ; Free Online Language Courses: ; Learning a new language - The secret behind learning foreign languages: ; How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour (Plus: A Favor): :D [09:28:16] so many good things to worry about [09:28:29] so many things to discuss [09:28:30] i can only work where i am [09:28:40] i have rosetta stone nice proggram :p [09:28:49] nice Viper [09:29:39] ,r make rainbows [09:29:39] vinces: 4m7a8k3e 12r6a4i7n8b3o2w12s [09:29:40] :D [09:29:44] and no viper, that's not why I am here [09:29:49] yay rainbows! [09:29:51] ,g baby laughter [09:29:52] vinces: YouTube - Hahaha: ; YouTube - Laughing Baby: ; Baby Laughter - Parenting.com: ; Your Baby & Laughter: ; Laughter - Video: ; Funny sounds / (1 more message) [09:29:53] you're just so sexual vinces [09:29:56] youguys have issues which make this irc not functional [09:29:59] * vinces goes to get happy again [09:29:59] like a carebear on viagra [09:30:12] ,g carebear on viagra [09:30:13] vinces: Carrie Underwood Care Bear; Carrie Underwood Designs 'Bling Bear ...: ; Care Bear Heroin - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia: ; Viagra - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia: ; (2 more messages) [09:30:18] o_O [09:30:25] Haha [09:30:29] lmfao [09:30:31] lol [09:30:47] google codependency avoidance [09:30:48] http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/When_You_Decide_to_be_Codependent_No_More.html [09:31:13] gogogle mob psychology [09:31:18] a babys laughter [09:31:26] nothing is better then that [09:31:34] google mob psychology [09:31:35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowd_psychology [09:32:02] *** Joins: god (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [09:32:15] google anti intellectualism [09:32:16] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-intellectualism [09:32:18] * vinces is going to suggest a #bitch_and_moan channel be created tommorow [09:32:33] it's not like that vince [09:32:37] the care bear heroin sounds awesome :D [09:32:40] * vinces shrugs [09:32:44] pan is trying to help u guys [09:32:45] seems like it [09:32:49] i suggest we take care of it before out sourcing [09:32:50] and u dont seem to think u need it [09:33:02] everyone is welcome here no matter what, that is a community [09:33:09] thats fine [09:33:15] anyone can help [09:33:22] where help is needed [09:33:25] but allowing a mmemebr to be an abusive troll is not [09:33:33] exactly!! [09:33:36] noone is a troll [09:33:45] i won't argue hat point [09:33:58] i'll just walk away [09:34:01] no one in here is bad, we all are mad at our system [09:34:03] it's about being decent [09:34:11] i'm md too. [09:34:12] and some take that out in different ways [09:34:16] he is not a decent person [09:34:24] but ou don't want me tflameyour pet troll. [09:34:24] and you can be mad pan [09:34:29] we all can be [09:34:42] mad is fine [09:34:43] your not listening or thinking [09:34:51] your really aren't [09:34:53] but treating people like dirt is not [09:34:58] Stop talking about Grits like that!!! [09:35:01] I hate you all !!! [09:35:02] you don't need dragons troll roating [09:35:03] *runs away* [09:35:08] you won't be happy [09:35:22] they dont care pan [09:35:24] grits is a troll [09:35:27] they worship him [09:35:31] :| [09:35:31] as long as he makes that choice [09:35:37] Anyone besides me who is a sucker for jpop? ;) [09:35:37] everyone is equal, everyone is welcome, everyone is good [09:35:38] and you let him get away with it [09:35:41] deal [09:35:48] GhettoTux: yeah [09:35:59] but back to what really matters [09:36:04] ,g oil spill [09:36:05] vinces: Louisiana Oil Spill 2010 PHOTOS: Gulf Of Mexico Leak Reaches Land: ; Oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Oil Spills: ; A New Setback in Efforts to Contain the Gulf Oil Spill - NYTimes.com: (2 more messages) [09:36:10] vince, I'm sorry, but that just isnt true [09:36:28] why are u in denial? [09:36:30] ScottyG: everyone has an opinion [09:36:34] :D [09:36:37] !hug all [09:36:37] I haven't kept up to date with that, so i'm gonna keep silent :) [09:36:38] * RBOSE expands his arms and hugs the whole #RBOSE. :D [09:36:46] i realize everyone has an opinion [09:36:47] opinions r irrelevant [09:36:50] hes abusive [09:36:53] period [09:36:54] some are useful, most are not [09:37:08] opinion are like assholes, everyone has one, and most of them stink [09:37:36] now that we have covered the basics... [09:37:41] stop citing greek thinkers vinces, you sound like such a douche ;) [09:37:42] yea, that's an old one [09:37:43] ,g farmers pick up oil with haw [09:37:44] vinces: Hee Haw | Facebook: ; Pick It Up, Oxford!: Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun! (That's ...: ; Yeee, Haw! Happy Birthday, Bob - Tulsa celebrates a transplanted ...: ; RoundUp: Pro-Life Americans, illiteracy & Hee Haw : News (2 more messages) [09:37:51] civility is not beating eah other up over them [09:37:55] i am a douche GhettoTux [09:37:56] !!!! [09:38:03] fair enough [09:38:06] only on mondays though' [09:38:15] tuesdays i am an asshole [09:38:23] *** Quits: god (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) (Connection closed) [09:38:27] wed i book off to be a jackass [09:38:36] *** Joins: god (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [09:38:41] hi god [09:38:44] ,priase god [09:38:44] thanks for coming [09:38:44] vinces: Error: "priase" is not a valid command. [09:38:48] ,praise god [09:38:48] * rBOTse Good Job god [09:38:50] ,praise god [09:38:50] * rBOTse god is a god! [09:38:52] :D [09:38:54] lmfao [09:38:58] ,praise pan [09:38:58] * rBOTse Good enough pan [09:39:00] ,praise ScottyG [09:39:00] * rBOTse Way To Go ScottyG [09:39:01] :D [09:39:01] it must be cool being God [09:39:07] must be eh [09:39:13] everyone loves him [09:39:24] thanks for you input everyone [09:39:25] hey [09:39:32] I just realised something [09:39:32] I'd rather not be praised, thank you [09:39:35] Grits is God [09:39:40] lmfao neocortex [09:39:45] it's true [09:39:59] then grits doesnt exist, since god doesnt [09:39:59] ,r neocortex do you like rainbows [09:39:59] vinces: 4n7e8o3c2o12r6t4e7x 3d2o 6y4o7u 3l2i12k6e 7r8a3i2n12b6o4w7s [09:40:11] I love rainbows [09:40:13] ,binary yeeeeehaaww [09:40:13] vinces: 0111100101100101011001010110010101100101011001010110100001100001011000010111011101110111 [09:40:17] google pack psychology [09:40:18] http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-me-in-we/201002/sarah-palin-rousing-the-pack [09:40:23] lmfao [09:40:25] google 1984 [09:40:26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four [09:40:31] ,g sarah palin [09:40:32] vinces: Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Sean Parnell, 10th Governor of Alaska: ; SarahPAC - Sarah Palin's Official PAC: ; Sarah Palin | Facebook: ; Sarah Palin : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News: ; Sarah Palin on the (1 more message) [09:40:34] good topic [09:40:37] thanks pan [09:40:38] google o'brien 1984 [09:40:39] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O'Brien_(Nineteen_Eighty-Four) [09:40:46] the current state of politics [09:41:09] sarah palins daughters getting 30K to do talk shows [09:41:18] vinces: http://www.bagofnothing.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/parahsailing.jpg [09:41:26] lmfao [09:41:26] First time, I LOL'd [09:41:43] i almost woke up my kids [09:41:44] lmfao [09:41:51] You haven't seen it before? :) [09:42:05] can say i have [09:42:16] usually too busy working :( [09:43:23] Anyone heard any more about the EU president? [09:43:29] Van Rompuy [09:43:41] cant say i have [09:43:48] ok, off topic question, if that's ok [09:43:51] is the EURO still around? [09:44:06] heard it has been takling a hit [09:44:17] lol 'taking a shit' [09:44:22] lmfao neocortex [09:44:25] awesome [09:44:26] :d [09:44:28] :D [09:44:28] the Euro dropped a bit, yes [09:44:54] vinces: it is all the fault of the greeks ;) [09:45:07] 3anyone have an opinion on the legalization of pot in Cali? [09:45:13] probably them and there good salads! [09:45:23] Well the greeks can't do much. Think they would have to loan like 1.7 billion euro over five years to save their skins [09:45:39] yeah [09:45:54] anyone? [09:45:55] iceland still resisting the bail out [09:46:00] that is good [09:46:13] guess not [09:46:19] http://www.canucklehead.ca/look/thats-oil-right.html [09:46:21] URL Title: Thats Oil Right | Canucklehead.ca | Canucklehead (at www.canucklehead.ca) [09:46:23] HA [09:46:29] I just got a bit freaked when Nigel Farage flamed the EU President [09:46:33] a guy I have never heard about [09:46:33] ScottyG: flower pots? [09:46:38] not legal there? [09:46:48] medical is legal [09:46:51] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFRFA4wlVj8 [09:46:52] You4Tube 2[Title] Who are you Mr President ? Nigel Farage asks Van Rompuy 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:05:15 2[Views] 83142 2[Rating] 4.79 2[Uploaded] 2010-02-25 2[Description] http://pindz.blogspot.com/ - http://annunaki.wz.cz/ - EU PRESIDENT OWNED - Who are you Mr President ? Nigel Farage asks Van Rompuy . [09:46:56] with certain restrictions [09:47:05] im in canada [09:47:22] not familiar with the laws in canada [09:47:23] we have laxed laws, but I dont have an opionon there [09:47:37] not criminal here though [09:47:45] ok [09:50:38] but the RSS plugin in rBOTse is working better [09:50:40] somewhat [09:51:21] anyone checked the validity of http://www.aoreport.com/mag/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1374&Itemid=44%3CP%3E%3CHR%3E%3C/P [09:51:22] URL Title: Alpha Omega Report - Obama Calls for Global Gov't: A "New International Order" (at www.aoreport.com) [09:51:26] o_O [09:51:36] anyone want to come over for dinner this weekend? [09:51:40] say Saturday night? [09:51:44] hu? [09:51:44] im in! [09:51:49] yay!! [09:51:51] pizza? [09:51:52] booking the flight [09:51:55] awesome [09:51:58] sounds good [09:51:59] bring Grits [09:52:05] lmfao [09:52:10] and Xenophon [09:52:30] * god is listening to Live_at_Amnesia_Ibiza_(Essential_Mix)-07-08-2005 by Dj Tiesto [Amarok2] [09:52:35] :D [09:52:39] *** god is now known as God [09:52:42] he spoke [09:52:47] did you hear him vinces [09:52:53] he spoke to us [09:53:23] lmfao omg [09:53:26] !omg [09:53:29] !a omg [09:53:31] Object Management Group; Oh My God; Omega airport (code) [09:53:50] !a lmfao [09:53:51] Laughing My Fucking Ass Off [09:53:55] !lol [09:53:57] !a lol [09:53:58] Derby Field airport (code); Laugh Out Loud; Laughing Out Loud; Limit Of Liability; Little Old Lady; Lots Of Laugh; Lots Of Laughter; Lots Of Love [09:53:59] !a wtf [09:54:00] What The Fuck; World Taekwondo Federation [09:54:04] !a lmfao [09:54:05] Laughing My Fucking Ass Off [09:54:07] :D [09:54:14] *** Joins: ale (ale-RBOSE@RBOSE-f9b0390a.user.ono.com) [09:54:17] !a NEO [09:54:18] No results found. [09:54:25] !a NRF [09:54:26] Could not parse the results. [09:54:34] :( [09:54:35] ok well have a good day all...plz pay attention to pan, he could be your greatest asset if you take advantage of his wisdom [09:54:37] naw, I wanted "no resauls found" :ÅP [09:54:39] !a NWO [09:54:39] Nederlandse (organisatie voor) Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek; New World Order [09:54:51] !hug ScottyG [09:54:52] * RBOSE hugs ScottyG for vinces and hopes that ScottyG enjoys it. :) [09:54:56] thanks for you input [09:55:01] no hugs plz [09:55:05] but ty [09:55:09] we all need hugs [09:55:09] !pillow ScottyG [09:55:10] ACTION quickly throws a pillow in the face of ScottyG. [09:55:10] bye scottyg [09:55:11] i smell Thunder [09:55:13] yw vinces [09:55:14] LOL [09:55:16] *** Quits: ale (ale-RBOSE@RBOSE-f9b0390a.user.ono.com) (Quit: www.RBOSE.org) [09:55:26] *** Joins: ale (ale-RBOSE@RBOSE-f9b0390a.user.ono.com) [09:55:27] !hug all [09:55:28] * RBOSE expands his arms and hugs the whole #RBOSE. :D [09:55:59] *** Quits: ale (ale-RBOSE@RBOSE-f9b0390a.user.ono.com) (Quit: www.RBOSE.org) [09:56:04] o_O [09:56:04] i'm not going to go thru that again, think what u want, I am not and have never been Thunder...I didn't even bring him up...bye [09:56:21] funny [09:56:31] *** Quits: ScottyG (qwebirc@RBOSE-985ccdbb.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Page closed) [09:57:07] yea [09:57:09] good content [09:57:18] we need to build and create good content [09:57:21] somehow [09:57:38] *** Parts: Viper (Viper@Freedom.Fighter) [09:57:38] *** Joins: Viper (Viper@Freedom.Fighter) [09:57:57] Any one know topic of today meeting? [09:58:30] what?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqzHYbYvsAQ&feature=related :d [09:58:31] You4Tube 2[Title] チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室踊ってみた 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:04:36 2[Views] 2907 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2010-04-05 2[Description] n___n [09:58:34] Viper: a general status meeting [09:58:44] i believe [09:58:58] think the agenda is open if you want to add something [09:59:11] aha [09:59:41] Will there be a meeting soon? [09:59:49] .topic [09:59:49] -RBOSE- Channel Topic: WELCOME to rbose.org ! || NEXT MEETING 2009-05-24 18:00 UTC in Mumble || Wiki: http://rbose.org/wiki || Use bot? Type: !hello || Stats: http://rbose.org/stats || Want to help? http://rbose.org/wiki/Special:Tasks (alpha) [10:00:37] topic suggestion: Why Not Smash the State? [10:01:11] http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/22/obama-focus-wars-abroad-speech-west-point-graduates/ [10:01:13] URL Title: FOXNews.com - At West Point, Obama Presses for New World Order to Defeat Al Qaeda (at www.foxnews.com) [10:01:20] wtf [10:01:27] * neocortex is going to be sick [10:02:08] http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/oct/25/obamas-new-world-order/ [10:02:09] URL Title: Obamas new world order - Washington Times (at www.washingtontimes.com) [10:02:10] scray shit [10:02:17] ,g obama new world order [10:02:18] vinces: FOXNews.com - At West Point, Obama Presses for New World Order to ...: ; Barack Obama's new world order - BlackListed News: ; YouTube - Obama Calls For New World Order In Berlin: ; The only Escape from Obama's New World Order | (2 more messages) [10:02:30] ,more [10:02:30] vinces: Before It's News: ; Antichrist Illuminati Obama New World Order Agenda 2012 Exposed Video: ; Obama's new world order - Washington Times: ; Introducing Barack (1 more message) [10:02:32] ,more [10:02:32] vinces: Obama's New World Order | New World Order ...: ; At West Point, Obama offers new security strategy: [10:02:34] :( [10:02:42] * vinces is not liking the news todayt [10:03:13] * neocortex is not liking the jews todayt [10:03:21] *news [10:03:22] sorry [10:03:24] typo [10:03:28] LOL [10:03:31] :D [10:03:32] * vinces smacks neocortex with a large dildo [10:03:37] ooo [10:03:44] lmfao [10:03:48] haha [10:03:49] haha [10:03:53] ok think it is getting late [10:04:01] nite vinces [10:06:15] !nite all [10:06:25] gnight vinces [10:08:28] Haha I was two hours early for work. Everyone else were at least 10 minutes late, I got afraid I was gonna be alone here today :P [10:09:40] lol [10:17:09] !w psycho [10:17:11] Psycho | Psycho is a slang word for a person who is either psychopathic or psychotic. The term is often considered offensive or derogatory. @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psycho [10:18:22] !w New World Order [10:18:26] New World Order | New World Order, New world order or The New World Order may refer to: New world order (politics), any period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power. New World Order (conspiracy theory), a conspiracy theory in which a group is conspiring to rule the world via world government and globalization. New world order (Bah'), a body of [10:18:26] teachings of the Bah' Faith. In books: The New World Order (Wells), a 1940 book by H. G. Wells promoting a new world order uniting the world and bringing peace. The New World Order (Robertson), a 1991 book by Pat Robertson presenting a New World Order conspiracy theory where Christians are targeted for persecution. The New Wo @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order [10:24:11] haha i just got an awesome captcha :D [10:24:12] http://imgur.com/gv0Go.jpg haha fick den captchan :D [10:24:24] ha [10:24:59] lol [10:25:02] that's rude [10:27:34] i lol'd:) [10:31:21] http://i.imgur.com/h3GCL.jpg Hahaha :D [10:31:22] fail :P [10:31:27] * neocortex vanishes [10:31:31] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-5c3968d9.iinet.net.au) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [10:41:53] *** Quits: Viper (Viper@Freedom.Fighter) (Client closed the connection) [10:42:03] *** Joins: Viper (Viper@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [11:13:54] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [11:30:24] *** Joins: nairboon (nairboon@RBOSE-c128b146.cust.bluewin.ch) [11:37:27] *** Joins: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@5048B2.E9D5BE.E339CA.752A31) [11:40:09] shut up [11:43:56] hug up [11:43:58] !hug neocortex [11:43:59] * RBOSE hugs neocortex for GhettoTux and hopes that neocortex enjoys it. :) [11:45:22] hehe [11:45:31] :| [11:45:39] :) [11:45:44] \o? [11:45:48] \o/ [11:45:49] whoops [11:46:35] so \o? is when you high five but have to scratch your head because you don't know why you are high fiving? :) [11:46:51] haha...that's so graphic [11:47:20] or hail:ing but unsure if you're a nazi or not [11:47:34] haha...rofl [11:50:33] when you walk [11:50:37] I feel like dancin' [11:50:41] all I want [11:50:46] is making love to you [11:50:48] when you move [11:50:54] the world is groovy [11:51:33] I'm listening to swedish punk, i'm all nostalgic :) [11:51:38] haha [11:51:51] I'm listening to hip-hop remix shit [11:52:06] the lyrics of this song is how if feel about you neocortex ;) [11:52:14] tell me tell me [11:52:24] you have to tell me [11:52:29] hold on i'll GT it for you :) [11:52:33] haha [11:52:37] can't wait [11:55:25] gah can't find the full lyrics [11:55:30] I don't want to transcript it myself :D [11:55:30] :( [11:55:33] ok [11:55:40] i'll imagine it wasn't bad [11:59:16] But I want to share it with you! :) [11:59:35] Iäll just transcript it for you :) [11:59:38] i'll [12:03:24] half way through :) [12:04:14] *** Joins: Cyclo (Cyclo@B46EE4.0DF7FB.5204EF.E98095) [12:08:08] okay neocortex you ready? :) [12:10:43] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpf7O1m78l8 [12:10:44] You4Tube 2[Title] Asta Kask - psykopaten 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:03:46 2[Views] 33458 2[Rating] 4.80 2[Uploaded] 2008-09-21 2[Description] Asta Kask - psykopaten Låten finns på skivan, Asta Kask - Playmates 7805-Ltd.Ed.-(Bonus_CD) [12:10:50] fist listen to the song so you get in to the mood :) [12:12:33] ,t sv en begär [12:12:34] GhettoTux: requests [12:12:55] ...starts video [12:13:01] :o [12:13:03] :( [12:13:07] noooo [12:13:11] psykopaten [12:13:14] :(((( [12:13:42] http://piratepad.net/CyrityhMXr english translation of the text :) [12:13:43] URL Title: PiratePad: CyrityhMXr (at piratepad.net) [12:14:39] :o [12:14:57] <3 [12:15:07] <3 [12:15:11] <3 [12:15:15] !hug neocortex [12:15:15] * RBOSE hugs neocortex for GhettoTux and hopes that neocortex enjoys it. :) [12:15:22] xxx [12:15:30] Well the song is quite beutiful even though disturbing :) [12:15:37] very disturbing [12:15:43] beautiful [12:16:03] original version by the same band here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNfa73vbmsU&feature=related [12:16:05] You4Tube 2[Title] Asta Kask - Psykopaten 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:03:07 2[Views] 2133 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2009-09-10 2[Description] Självklart finns den att ladda ner gratis på http://www.astakask.com/index.php, men en del är ju lata så jag laddar upp den [12:16:15] and the video is freaky :D [12:16:17] scary bird [12:16:18] s [12:17:08] haha [12:17:11] so funny [12:17:16] so cool [12:17:23] beautiful [12:17:30] but sublime [12:19:24] oh well, back to jpop :) [12:19:25] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edyARJq9sgM [12:19:26] You4Tube 2[Title] [PV] Perfume - ナチュラルに恋して 2010.4.14発売! 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:03:25 2[Views] 3120403 2[Rating] 4.90 2[Uploaded] 2010-03-17 2[Description] レコチョク・アミュモバにて着ムービー配信中!! http://bit.ly/9McmHq http://www.tkma.co.jp/tjc/j_pop/perfume/index.html 「NATURAL BEAUTY BASIC」CMソング「ナチュラルに恋して」2010.4.14リリース! http://b [12:19:27] <3 <3 <3 [12:19:42] <3 x 100,000,000 [12:19:54] !cuddle neocortex [12:19:57] :( [12:20:08] *cuddle* [12:20:24] * GhettoTux moves to neocortex' side of the bed ;) [12:20:31] yay [12:20:36] * GhettoTux steals all the covers [12:20:40] haha [12:20:54] *steals back* [12:21:02] !pillow neocortex [12:21:03] ACTION quickly throws a pillow in the face of neocortex. [12:21:09] ouch [12:21:12] ouch ouch ouch [12:21:17] naw, did it hurt? [12:21:20] Want me to kiss it? [12:21:29] !tickle GhettoTux [12:21:33] tihii [12:21:37] haha [12:21:41] kiss it yes please [12:21:47] * GhettoTux kisses "it" [12:21:48] ;) [12:21:51] :o [12:21:56] <3 [12:22:16] so cool [12:23:48] *** Quits: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) (Connection closed) [12:24:02] *** Joins: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [12:24:27] *bows* [12:24:46] hi cool divinity dude [12:24:49] * GhettoTux is scared [12:24:53] haha [12:25:09] *hands joint to God* [12:25:29] God...I discovered something cool yesterday [12:25:33] 'Tantra' [12:25:39] it's so awesome [12:26:20] !snuggle GhettoTux [12:31:53] * GhettoTux snuggles away in to the abyss off AFKness ;) [12:31:53] brb [12:32:50] !a AFK [12:32:52] Away From Keyboard; Kondavattavan Tank airport (code) [12:32:56] lol [12:33:08] * neocortex is in love with GhettoTux [12:36:12] *** Joins: jadom74 (jadom74-RBOSE@RBOSE-cb55aee8.user.ono.com) [12:38:47] but honey [12:38:49] you gotta pay for that. [12:39:31] *** Quits: Viper (Viper@Freedom.Fighter) (Client closed the connection) [12:39:40] *** Joins: Viper (Viper@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [12:39:55] :| [12:39:58] hahaha [12:40:04] so funny Fat64 [12:40:07] hilarious [12:40:14] have you ever been in love? [12:40:15] hu? [12:40:17] no [12:40:18] so shut up [12:40:23] mornin neocortex [12:40:25] I am in love now [12:40:27] with rbose [12:40:31] and the plants in my kitchen [12:40:34] :D [12:40:35] xxx [12:40:39] and my friends, and my girlfriend [12:40:41] but the xxx love [12:40:43] goes to my plants [12:40:51] *blushes* [12:42:53] :) [12:43:09] I have now moved on to french gansta rap :D [12:43:17] booba is fucking awesome :D [12:44:15] nice! [12:44:18] booba? [12:45:42] yeah a french rapper [12:45:53] I love underground rap [12:45:53] or zeebra who does korean gangsta rap [12:45:55] hope it's like that [12:45:57] k [12:46:10] neither zeebra or booba is underground though [12:46:20] they are huge [12:46:27] but sound kinda like underground [12:47:49] but back to the same jpop as earlier, they are TOO cute :D [12:47:51] i'm in <3 [12:47:53] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edyARJq9sgM [12:47:54] You4Tube 2[Title] [PV] Perfume - ナチュラルに恋して 2010.4.14発売! 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:03:25 2[Views] 3120403 2[Rating] 4.90 2[Uploaded] 2010-03-17 2[Description] レコチョク・アミュモバにて着ムービー配信中!! http://bit.ly/9McmHq http://www.tkma.co.jp/tjc/j_pop/perfume/index.html 「NATURAL BEAUTY BASIC」CMソング「ナチュラルに恋して」2010.4.14リリース! http://b [12:49:05] basic japanese [12:49:19] Fat64: yes, which means tehy are too cute! [12:49:56] :] [13:05:13] *** Quits: jadom74 (jadom74-RBOSE@RBOSE-cb55aee8.user.ono.com) (Quit: www.RBOSE.org) [13:16:31] lol [13:18:08] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-5af79849.bredband.comhem.se) [13:19:48] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru2aBJ7VWVk [13:19:50] You4Tube 2[Title] Louie Austen - Glamour Girl 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:04:54 2[Views] 254740 2[Rating] 4.85 2[Uploaded] 2008-01-12 2[Description] Louie Austen - Glamour Girl [13:20:28] GhettoTux...you totally have to listen to this tune dude...it's so cool [13:21:12] *** Joins: i-sonzo (i-sonzo@RBOSE-973a00cd.cityconnect.pl) [13:21:21] hi i-sonzo [13:21:48] hi neo :) [13:21:51] :) [13:21:59] do you know this song? [13:21:59] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru2aBJ7VWVk [13:22:00] You4Tube 2[Title] Louie Austen - Glamour Girl 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:04:54 2[Views] 254740 2[Rating] 4.85 2[Uploaded] 2008-01-12 2[Description] Louie Austen - Glamour Girl [13:23:39] nope, but it's quite chillin' :)) [13:23:47] it's so cool [13:25:49] are crop circles created by aliens? [13:27:12] hmm, it's starnge becouse there some evidence in the internet [13:27:14] no [13:27:20] it's easy to reproduce the effect [13:27:27] over night [13:27:41] *there are [13:28:32] so I seriously doubt it :) [13:28:37] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGOxby_wn5U&feature=related [13:28:38] You4Tube 2[Title] Jak powstają kręgi w zbożu czyli piktogramy 2[Category] Film 2[Duration] 0:00:17 2[Views] 27104 2[Rating] 4.31 2[Uploaded] 2008-02-10 2[Description] Dawać komentarze. Nie ja zrobiłem ten film mam go z neta. Fake czy prawda? [13:28:48] also I hope aliens would do more interesting things than leave crop circles if they visit . [13:29:26] that video is so cool i-sonzo [13:29:30] :)) [13:29:42] they're messaging us Fat64 [13:30:40] u know in the circles there are informations about dna, golden ratios, fractals and so on [13:30:46] no they're not [13:30:48] I know [13:30:56] yeah all of which we are very familiar with [13:30:57] =) [13:30:59] humans did it [13:31:01] go to rest [13:31:24] no [13:31:24] :) [13:31:27] america has figured out how it all transpired [13:31:29] go to bed america [13:31:34] ha [13:31:39] lol [13:31:44] no but seriously [13:31:45] come on. [13:31:47] come on you guys. [13:31:50] what [13:31:53] you come on [13:31:55] see the documentaries [13:31:57] on how easy it is [13:32:01] to do crop circles. [13:32:13] and how humans work [13:32:24] it's bound to happen everywhere [13:32:39] i know it's easy, but how will you explain this video? it's not fake in my opinion but i can be wrong ofc [13:33:15] i justed watched it haha [13:33:16] lol video evidence [13:33:16] come on [13:33:33] video evidence is like, no, not today :) and at that crappy quality? [13:33:37] even I could do that at home [13:33:41] lol [13:33:52] ok, do it fat :)) [13:33:53] you don't know what really happening Fat64 [13:33:56] just fade in two clips, add some lights moving [13:34:00] it's too easy. [13:34:02] to fake. [13:34:10] you talk like you know Fat64 [13:34:12] but you don't [13:34:14] oh? [13:34:22] I have been working with video editing since I was 13 [13:34:29] I know a few things [13:34:30] :) [13:34:39] to feel confident in "Yes this can easily be faked." [13:34:52] na [13:34:56] why would you believe in this? [13:34:58] stop lying Fat64 [13:35:00] x) [13:35:00] can you suggest some other videos Fat? [13:35:07] ??? [13:35:10] I am not interested in this topic so no, sorry ^ [13:35:24] then why are you talking about it? [13:35:33] what? [13:35:34] you know this world is big enough to contain other creatures than us :)) [13:35:42] I cannot discuss it because... I haven't seen more videos of it? :D [13:35:54] also I have seen videos/pics/explanations before, it was years ago [13:36:01] and it all felt like "Meh" [13:36:03] waste o' time [13:36:14] 1) easy to replicate [13:36:16] 2) easy to fake [13:36:21] 3) people eats this shit up [13:36:23] 4) ?? [13:36:24] 5) profit [13:36:27] *** Quits: Viper (Viper@Freedom.Fighter) (Client closed the connection) [13:36:36] *** Joins: Viper (Viper@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [13:36:47] :( [13:36:56] I am sorry guys [13:37:24] I hope aliens do something way couler than that [13:37:26] if they visit [13:38:48] you don't like it because you're one of them [13:38:59] i don't believe it Fat, but i'm thaking into consideration this eventuallity [13:39:08] *taking [13:39:24] I am one of them [13:39:40] :o [13:39:44] I knew it [13:39:53] i-sonzo: glad to hear =) [13:40:07] space travel is horrible [13:40:19] if we leave for the closest galaxy in near-lightspeed [13:40:19] ofc i need more evidence but i'm not so interested in it to start bigger investigation, that's is why i asked you to suggest me more to save my time :)) [13:40:21] we will return [13:40:27] and everyone we knew is dead [13:40:29] sadface.jpeg [13:40:42] i-sonzo: ok :) [13:41:04] lol [13:41:15] interdimensional communication [13:41:16] okay neocortex i'm listening now :) [13:41:20] sounds sexy :D [13:41:21] :D [13:41:22] neocortex: that would be nice [13:41:33] cool GhettoTux [13:41:43] it will happen Fat64 [13:41:53] all things [13:41:57] interdimensional communication and stuff [13:42:13] I want to read up on the possibility of worm holes >:| and quantum entanglement [13:42:22] if you can imagine it [13:42:23] during this summer [13:42:26] then it's possible [13:42:34] if I can imagine lifting my house [13:42:40] :| [13:42:55] thing is you can't imagine it [13:42:57] can you [13:42:57] we had a swedish show.. [13:42:58] called [13:43:02] Nothing is impossible! [13:43:06] which was pretty fun x) [13:43:13] I can imagine it [13:43:15] in my dreams [13:43:27] but you have to imagine the mechanism [13:43:27] in my dreams I can also fly, it seems so apparent that I can [13:43:30] not the fantasy [13:43:31] yes well [13:43:42] pure physics would bring my hopes down neocortex [13:43:47] you have to imagine the sceine behind it [13:43:54] science! bitches [13:43:54] when you are meditating you are lifting you body :)) [13:44:28] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRGhEubX4vU&feature=related [13:44:29] You4Tube 2[Title] chihei hatakeyama / july 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:09:54 2[Views] 3111 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2009-02-27 2[Description] Chihei Hatakeyama was born in 1978, and lives in the outskirts of Tokyo. He has performed for years under his given name and also as one half of the electroacoustic duo Opitope, along with Tomoyoshi Date. Hatakeyama got involved in playing music through strumming a guitar in a few rock-or [13:44:55] that guy's music is perfect for this :) [13:45:18] I have meditated once [13:45:19] it sucked [13:45:21] xD [13:45:39] Fat64: wormholes only excist in apples [13:45:39] :| Fat64 [13:45:56] so you have to learn, you need good repetive backgroud like this music, really, try this :) [13:46:07] I'll show you a worm hole GhettoTux [13:46:15] Fat64: haha meditated once? :D [13:46:34] the music is beautiful i-sonzo [13:46:36] once [13:46:50] *repeatitive [13:46:52] :)) [13:46:54] I have meditational music which I will try later on [13:50:13] *** Quits: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) (Connection closed) [13:50:19] *** Fat64 is now known as God [13:50:22] haha [13:50:23] true story [13:50:24] wtf [13:50:28] *** Joins: god_ (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [13:50:29] that's so funny [13:50:31] haha [13:50:34] wtf [13:50:45] *** neocortex is now known as pantheist [13:50:46] * God will strike down upon thee with GREAT VENGANCE AND FUUUURIOUS ANGER [13:50:55] :o [13:50:56] >4:| [13:51:07] * God is pissed off for talking so much science! [13:51:11] haha [13:51:13] that's an odd line [13:51:20] haha [13:51:25] *** God is now known as Guest25879 [13:51:28] I can only play god for a while [13:51:29] apparently [13:51:31] *** Guest25879 is now known as Fat64 [13:51:35] lol [13:51:41] *** pantheist is now known as neocortex [13:51:41] aww [13:51:42] it was fun [13:51:49] how did it feel? [13:51:55] I like this one :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJubPl9bEQ0&feature=fvsr [13:51:56] You4Tube 2[Title] Strange Ring Shaped Ufo Sweden 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:00:36 2[Views] 1829 2[Rating] 4.75 2[Uploaded] 2009-03-05 2[Description] [13:51:58] like eating meat [13:52:00] it felt wrong [13:52:01] :D [13:52:13] weather is cool [13:52:46] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7lCn3Yl0eo&feature=fvw lol wtf :D [13:52:48] You4Tube 2[Title] Valentine's Day UFO (Arizona) 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:00:19 2[Views] 129928 2[Rating] 2.82 2[Uploaded] 2009-02-20 2[Description] Giant, slow-moving craft captured from street level, February 14th, 2009. [13:53:08] 6dude its a kite [13:53:09] :D [13:53:39] haha [13:53:41] nice [13:55:35] I just hope that people who sees UFOs learn to buy a descent camera :D [13:55:42] yeah [13:55:44] You know a 1080p Hand held isn't that expencive ;) [13:55:55] the HD video camcorders are getting cheaper by the day [13:55:56] and ebay [13:55:57] and so on [13:56:22] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTR-noVj8UI&feature=related Hjahahaha Anti gravity :D [13:56:23] You4Tube 2[Title] Anti gravity helicopter!!? 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:00:49 2[Views] 41990 2[Rating] 4.15 2[Uploaded] 2009-02-19 2[Description] Im not saying that this is anti gravity but how the hell does this think fly without using it's rotor [13:56:29] stupid people :D [13:56:55] haha [13:57:26] ^ [13:57:48] girls are dumb [13:58:36] lets watch cool breakdancers instead :D [13:58:37] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfhtX88ZneE [13:58:38] You4Tube 2[Title] best breakdancer ever 2[Category] Entertainment 2[Duration] 0:01:50 2[Views] 456260 2[Rating] 4.86 2[Uploaded] 2006-11-02 2[Description] best breakdancer ever [13:58:44] lol [13:59:02] awesome [14:00:45] "illuminati058 [14:00:45] 1 month ago 3 In 2007 BOEING asked the U.S. Congress for permission to use antigravity technology in their airplanes but they were declined ! They said they would save around 70 % of fuel consumption. Why? Its top secret. BOEING staff is working on classified projects for NSA and military. Thats why they know about it ! To debunkers: Start making research and learn about things you dont understand instead of coming here with your "religious" b [14:00:45] eliefs ! You only reveal the level of your intelligence !!!" [14:00:55] whoa [14:00:57] pretty damn great [14:03:03] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMjFN-m2VOM [14:03:04] You4Tube 2[Title] REAL STRENGTH 2[Category] Sports 2[Duration] 0:02:23 2[Views] 1157728 2[Rating] 4.73 2[Uploaded] 2007-09-25 2[Description] www.52blocks.tv Constellation is a unification of Adon . BARTENDAZ . FWAPE [14:03:07] and some awesome work out :) [14:03:18] black thugs in the playground ;) [14:07:58] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMx7rDE4m0w&NR=1 [14:07:59] You4Tube 2[Title] The World's Strongest Child and Me | World's Strongest Kid | Channel 4 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:02:00 2[Views] 4287525 2[Rating] 3.49 2[Uploaded] 2009-02-16 2[Description] Spurred on by his dad, Aaron is chasing prizes and records with his weightlifting... | Wednesdays 10pm, Channel 4 | Watch The World's...and Me FREE on Catch-Up http://www.channel4.com/video/the-worlds-and-me/catchup.html Visit the off [14:08:11] His daddy is probably not a good role-model :P [14:08:42] forcing his kid to lift a lot of weight, he's back will probably get damaged big time [14:08:50] his* [14:09:12] naaw hot for words <3 [14:10:02] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XbVNI8umFk&feature=related [14:10:03] You4Tube 2[Title] Look At My Muscles 2[Category] Howto 2[Duration] 0:03:52 2[Views] 2711490 2[Rating] 4.28 2[Uploaded] 2008-02-10 2[Description] http://www.hotforwords.com for Valentine's Card Are you man or mouse? The origin of Muscle is pretty funny! Thanks to: http://www.youtube.com/blargaldalien and http://www.youtube.com/TokyoPlumber [14:10:21] She must have a hard time proving her intellect [14:10:45] russian, blond, big boobies, clearing using her looks to get viewers on yourtube :) [14:17:57] =) [14:19:05] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU [14:19:06] You4Tube 2[Title] Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)" 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:03:47 2[Views] 27741672 2[Rating] 3.81 2[Uploaded] 2007-02-14 2[Description] Samwell's iPhone App! 'SHAKY ADVICE from SAMWELL' available here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shaky-advice-from-samwell/id361078622?mt=8 Please subscribe to our channel! Just hit the "Subscribe" button above the video and you'll be the first to know about our next Samw [14:20:13] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEQDt0PuCuY [14:20:14] You4Tube 2[Title] Butters What What In the Butt 2[Category] Film 2[Duration] 0:00:57 2[Views] 721310 2[Rating] 4.53 2[Uploaded] 2008-08-26 2[Description] Sorry peopleee, the lyrics are GENTLE* not careful. Myy badd =X [14:22:29] can we bomb something soon? [14:22:54] an airport or something [14:24:48] http://elements.wlonk.com/Elements_Pics+Words_11x8.5.pdf [14:25:30] strandles god_ [14:25:34] *strangles [14:25:43] *kills god_ [14:25:52] * Fat64 eats GOD [14:25:58] lol [14:26:03] tasted like chicken [14:26:11] hahahaha....rofl [14:27:28] *** Quits: nairboon (noob@ch.earth) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [14:27:43] we got chicken [14:29:20] ha [14:30:09] puts god_ together again [14:36:58] *deconstructs god again [14:39:29] *** Joins: nairboon (nairboon@RBOSE-c128b146.cust.bluewin.ch) [14:41:58] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-b4609c51.vodacom.co.za) [14:49:45] it sux [14:49:49] it really sux [14:58:11] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-b4609c51.vodacom.co.za) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [15:00:27] neocortex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwd4Lq0Xvgc [15:00:28] You4Tube 2[Title] Lecture Part 1 of 9 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:09:01 2[Views] 23105 2[Rating] 4.96 2[Uploaded] 2006-11-01 2[Description] Part 1: Introduction; Background; Suburban sprawl patterns; the four major components; public realm/private realm [15:00:33] interesting :) [15:01:03] :D [15:06:13] *** Quits: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@5048B2.E9D5BE.E339CA.752A31) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [15:08:05] *** god_ is now known as God [15:12:08] that presenter is jewish [15:12:13] so? :) [15:12:23] he's so serious [15:13:16] I'm watching it all [15:13:19] goodie :) [15:13:25] but he takes himself so seriously [15:13:30] indeed [15:13:30] even when he's joking [15:13:33] he's an architect [15:13:37] that's what they do [15:13:41] :( [15:13:47] stupid architects [15:15:14] I don't like him [15:17:56] *** Joins: Antilect (Antilect@RBOSE-e6ebb2a4.tbcn.telia.com) [15:19:30] so sleepy [15:19:42] ykhm, why do you think that architects are stupid, guys? :)) [15:20:13] me? [15:20:16] this one maybe, but you are rhight - most modern architects are stupid :)) [15:20:21] lol [15:21:10] when I talk about architects I'm just talking about IT system architects [15:21:22] not building architects [15:21:25] i see :) [15:21:28] lol [15:21:38] that's what I do ... all day [15:21:45] IT systems [15:22:07] i appreciate your work :) [15:22:10] :D [15:22:13] I make babies [15:22:25] thanks i-sonzo [15:23:04] oh, i have a question: do you think that linux mode in freebsd is good? [15:23:30] stable? workz? [15:23:49] I need to learn linux [15:23:53] I want to use it [15:24:00] I know it's good [15:24:05] but haven't used it yet [15:24:08] ok [15:25:43] so tired [15:26:26] *** Quits: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) (Connection closed) [15:26:39] *** Joins: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [15:26:46] :| [15:27:24] God... [15:27:37] thank you for the day you made today [15:27:53] ... thank you for the friends you brought into my life [15:28:14] ... thank you God for the food you let me eat every day [15:28:28] ... thank you God for all the cool things I have [15:28:33] ... I love you God [15:28:41] :) [15:28:45] !hug God [15:28:46] * RBOSE hugs God for GhettoTux and hopes that God enjoys it. :) [15:28:49] lol [15:28:59] !hug GhettoTux [15:29:00] * RBOSE hugs GhettoTux for neocortex and hopes that GhettoTux enjoys it. :) [15:29:02] I just want to thank you for bringing neocortex in to my lufe :D [15:29:07] <3 [15:29:15] <3 GhettoTux [15:29:39] nite GhettoTux [15:30:00] sweet dreams huggy bear :) [15:30:20] :D [15:30:22] hug [15:51:03] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [15:54:15] *** Joins: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) [15:55:48] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [15:56:40] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [16:00:35] pan: i have problems with server. i will publish these files tomorrow or sth. like that [16:05:56] *** Quits: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) (Quit: %nick, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) [16:05:59] *** Joins: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) [16:09:39] *** Joins: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-76118815.res.rr.com) [16:12:19] *** Quits: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) (Quit: %nick, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) [16:20:43] *** Quits: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) (Quit: Page closed) [16:32:41] *** Quits: nairboon (noob@ch.earth) (Client exited) [16:38:25] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [16:38:44] *** Joins: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@RBOSE-05844981.cust.bredband2.com) [16:39:18] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-e64a030d.vodacom.co.za) [16:43:48] *** Joins: Stewie (Stewie@RBOSE-f0421358.pools.arcor-ip.net) [16:46:41] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [16:47:00] *** Joins: Buglouse (bug@RBOSE-75aba761.res.rr.com) [16:47:43] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [16:47:48] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Client closed the connection) [17:05:03] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [17:07:37] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-e64a030d.vodacom.co.za) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [17:11:50] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [17:33:17] *** Joins: hellfire77 (qwebirc@0CA525.5E539F.7C707D.3AAE31) [17:33:40] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [17:33:41] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Client closed the connection) [17:34:07] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [17:35:08] *** neocortex is now known as Guest37237 [17:38:46] *** Quits: Guest37237 (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [17:44:14] *** Quits: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-76118815.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving.) [17:48:38] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (Sixth_Ape@RBOSE-d9eee40c.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [17:51:58] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (Sixth_Ape@RBOSE-d9eee40c.mweb.co.za) [17:54:22] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (Sixth_Ape@RBOSE-d9eee40c.mweb.co.za) (Client closed the connection) [17:55:20] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [18:01:13] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [18:17:24] *** Quits: pan (qwebirc@RBOSE-45a45c7a.sd.cox.net) (Quit: Page closed) [18:21:44] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Client closed the connection) [18:22:21] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [18:23:14] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-5af79849.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [18:25:25] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-2d07ddf9.vodacom.co.za) [18:28:41] !morning all [18:28:41] ACTION wishes everbody in #RBOSE a wonderful morning and a great start in the day! [18:33:41] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [18:33:52] *** Joins: Caly-Lap (Caly@RBOSE-8172f8b6.bredband.skanova.com) [18:38:46] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-d6e9fa8f.shawneelink.net) [18:41:04] *** Quits: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [18:43:05] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [18:44:05] *** neocortex is now known as Guest12223 [18:44:25] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [18:44:49] hello [18:46:45] *** Quits: Guest12223 (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [18:48:51] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [18:49:55] *** neocortex is now known as Guest28211 [18:53:16] *** Joins: Kebap__ (kebap@RBOSE-bb2a644d.adsl.hansenet.de) [18:53:45] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-2d07ddf9.vodacom.co.za) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [18:54:17] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-dca5e75d.vodacom.co.za) [18:56:30] check this out [18:56:32] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni_x_74VKU0 [18:56:33] *** Quits: Kebap_ (kebap@RBOSE-82adac1b.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [18:56:34] You4Tube 2[Title] Björk - Reactable - Amazing Sounds (HQ) 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:02:29 2[Views] 42877 2[Rating] 4.96 2[Uploaded] 2008-11-24 2[Description] Reactable - Amazing Sounds(HQ) - Instrument used by Björk http://www.VOLUMEN11.com - ONE LOUDER! Reactable is a collaborative electronic musical instrument with a tangible interface based on a table, and inspired by modular synthesizers of the sixties. It was developed [19:00:21] hmm [19:03:10] *** Quits: Guest28211 (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [19:04:29] *** Joins: neocortex (neocortex@RBOSE-ed85784a.iinet.net.au) [19:05:30] *** neocortex is now known as Guest49433 [19:05:36] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-d6e9fa8f.shawneelink.net) (Client closed the connection) [19:11:27] do we have that meeting today? [19:11:41] on mumble [19:13:31] Hey i-sonzo [19:13:40] hi Viper :) [19:14:05] i know you are there but what about other? [19:14:12] *others [19:14:30] .topic [19:14:30] -RBOSE- Channel Topic: WELCOME to rbose.org ! || NEXT MEETING 2009-05-24 18:00 UTC in Mumble || Wiki: http://rbose.org/wiki || Use bot? Type: !hello || Stats: http://rbose.org/stats || Want to help? http://rbose.org/wiki/Special:Tasks (alpha) [19:14:42] strange [19:14:49] it should be now umm [19:14:58] so it should be now as i see :) [19:15:10] yea i think [19:16:04] DNS lukas vinces [19:17:43] maybe its later [19:18:19] :) [19:18:30] i see its later [19:19:40] hmm but 18 utc is now right? [19:20:08] http://vimeo.com/4148960 [19:20:10] URL Title: Jesus is back! on Vimeo (at vimeo.com) [19:20:12] i don't know if i've checked correctly :P [19:20:28] i think its after an hour [19:20:55] ouh, thx :) [19:21:00] http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?UTC/s/0/java [19:21:02] URL Title: The official U.S. time - clock (at www.time.gov) [19:21:05] 40 min left [19:21:55] nop [19:28:06] ich heise marylin monroe :)) [19:28:59] *** Joins: Hermann (nicklas@RBOSE-9290e1da.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [19:29:24] *** Joins: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) [19:30:38] lol [19:30:38] *** Joins: nairboon (nairboon@RBOSE-c128b146.cust.bluewin.ch) [19:33:25] I heard Snarf made a return yesterday to post a picture of Grits. [19:35:13] http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/5642/sc0ttygeewizz.jpg well I thought I would return the love [19:37:24] LOL anticultist :D [19:37:46] hehe [19:45:27] OOO [19:47:23] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-5af79849.bredband.comhem.se) [19:54:13] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (unclefester3@RBOSE-ac2e7aad.iburst.co.za) [20:00:41] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (unclefester3@RBOSE-ac2e7aad.iburst.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [20:00:55] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (unclefester3@RBOSE-ac2e7aad.iburst.co.za) [20:01:08] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-dca5e75d.vodacom.co.za) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [20:02:01] !m [20:02:03] Online @ RBOSE's Mumble: (For Mumble help, type: ?? mumble) [20:02:05] In Root: i-sonzo [20:02:07] In Programming: Viper Cartman [20:02:09] In Projects: vinces [20:03:40] vinces lukas dns [20:03:50] i-sonzo [20:05:24] hello Viper [20:05:36] hey Sixth_Ape :) [20:06:57] time waits for all men [20:09:12] yea [20:09:24] you join our meeting? [20:19:28] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (unclefester3@RBOSE-ac2e7aad.iburst.co.za) (Client closed the connection) [20:23:17] *** Quits: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) (Connection closed) [20:23:30] *** Joins: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) [20:25:44] !m [20:25:45] Online @ RBOSE's Mumble: (For Mumble help, type: ?? mumble) [20:25:47] In Programming: Viper i-sonzo Cartman vinces [20:34:41] *** Quits: i-sonzo (i-sonzo@RBOSE-973a00cd.cityconnect.pl) (Client closed the connection) [20:35:24] *** Joins: i-sonzo (i-sonzo@RBOSE-973a00cd.cityconnect.pl) [20:38:00] meeting in mumble right now [20:39:08] http://rbose.hopto.org:8000/ <--- meeting in mumble clikc here to listen [20:39:09] URL Title: SHOUTcast Administrator (at rbose.hopto.org:8000) [20:39:29] http://rbose.hopto.org:8000/listen.pls <--- meeting in mumble clikc here to listen [21:20:51] *** Quits: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) (Quit: Page closed) [21:21:42] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [21:22:53] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [21:45:08] *** Joins: err0r (err0r@RBOSE-a6dfa556.80-203-28.nextgentel.com) [21:50:12] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [21:59:24] *** Quits: err0r (err0r@RBOSE-a6dfa556.80-203-28.nextgentel.com) (Quit: Lmnar) [22:00:52] http://theglobalreport.org/?section=news&news_section=1&#USactors,intellectualsprotestObamacrimes [22:00:54] URL Title: The Global Report (at theglobalreport.org) [22:02:45] *** Joins: MrAndersson (Martin@46F2E4.8E23D9.1F88FC.28FC35) [22:06:13] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@B46EE4.0DF7FB.5204EF.E98095) (Quit: Leaving) [22:13:54] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [22:18:53] *** Joins: anticultist (qwebirc@RBOSE-3be00d4c.cable.virginmedia.com) [22:19:15] *** Quits: God (god@RBOSE-3511f9dc.static.versatel.nl) (Connection closed) [22:48:22] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-5af79849.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [22:57:38] *** Quits: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@RBOSE-05844981.cust.bredband2.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [23:04:57] *** Joins: kuero (kuero-RBOSE@RBOSE-1f297bb5.user.ono.com) [23:05:27] yeah [23:05:49] *** Quits: kuero (kuero-RBOSE@RBOSE-1f297bb5.user.ono.com) (Quit: www.RBOSE.org) [23:05:53] heart attack burger [23:16:42] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kim@RBOSE-7c2f2bc1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [23:18:09] *** Quits: Viper (Viper@Freedom.Fighter) (Quit: 1214I12-15n12-15v12-00i12-00s12-15i12-15o12-14n12 3.1.1 (June '09)) [23:19:15] *** Quits: MrAndersson (Martin@46F2E4.8E23D9.1F88FC.28FC35) (Client closed the connection) [23:22:25] *** Parts: i-sonzo (i-sonzo@RBOSE-973a00cd.cityconnect.pl) [23:29:40] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kim@873345.3D611F.53F76B.082058) [23:34:36] wow the next meeting is last year [23:34:45] thats amazing [23:36:47] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-d6e9fa8f.shawneelink.net) [23:40:52] *** Joins: i-sonzo (i-sonzo@RBOSE-973a00cd.cityconnect.pl) [23:41:32] *** Parts: i-sonzo (i-sonzo@RBOSE-973a00cd.cityconnect.pl) [23:48:28] It appears Peter has somehow managed to convince YouTube that my video displaying his emails is some kind of a violation. [23:48:43] Never mind that the only information in the video is my own personal email correspondence. [23:48:55] Never mind that Peter insults and berates me through the entire course of the emails. [23:49:07] Somehow the people at YouTube have decided that Peter is the victim here. [23:49:27] These stupid fucks are not going to get away with this. [23:49:40] I'll simply make 100 ID's on YouTube and upload the video to every single one of them. [23:49:47] do that [23:50:02] actually aren't there applications for that? (just guessing) [23:50:09] I have no idea [23:50:20] if it's just email verification there is an application [23:50:20] I'm also going to upload it to every filesharing and video streaming web site I cna find [23:50:24] if it's captcha, maybe not [23:50:44] captcha is easily defeated [23:50:53] easily? [23:51:12] with neural network software you can get many if not all :) [23:51:34] but I am not sure if there exist so much software for that, haven't really looked [23:51:51] gnight [23:56:55] http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/index.php?s=b43d7f134251050a752289d614691ade&showtopic=26430&view=findpost&p=10011074 [23:56:57] URL Title: How To Bypass Captcha? - rohitab.com - Forums (at www.rohitab.com) [23:57:41] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kim@873345.3D611F.53F76B.082058) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)