[01:09:50] *** Quits: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@RBOSE-2ej.pbu.200.193.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [01:33:13] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [01:49:05] *** Quits: Caly (quassel@RBOSE-068phb.bredband.skanova.com) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.) [01:49:09] -nobody- Caly has quit FREENODE (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:23:37] anyone awake? [02:24:10] wondering about usb audiocard still. seems most of them has support. but I wonder about what brands are good or not? [02:36:24] i prefer to get a firewire soundcard still [02:36:34] but maybe u got luck with usb [02:37:45] scrdcow: what do you exactly plan to do with the usb soundcard? [02:38:36] just listening music or produce music / dj ? [02:51:43] DNS: don't have fw. [02:51:50] DNS: dj [02:51:58] hm k, look in #music [02:52:26] DNS: I have no other usb shit, and will store the music internaly. [04:34:26] *** Quits: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-i97fcv.biz.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving.) [07:12:46] *** Joins: anne (anne@RBOSE-9ctibn.adsl.tpnet.pl) [07:17:17] *** Quits: anne (anne@RBOSE-9ctibn.adsl.tpnet.pl) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.) [07:27:48] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-0l3.epe.31.41.IP) [08:01:02] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-o4e9t7.mweb.co.za) [08:07:25] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-o4e9t7.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [08:11:39] http://www.theage.com.au/national/were-all-spies-now-20110325-1ca61.html [08:11:41] URL Title: We're all spies now [08:17:14] *** Quits: traph (traph@RBOSE-ieec3a.btc-net.bg) (Connection closed) [08:19:48] *** Joins: traph (traph@RBOSE-ieec3a.btc-net.bg) [08:33:11] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-0l3.epe.31.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [08:46:15] Secrecy is the original sin. Fig lead in the Garden of Eden. The basic crime against love The purpose of life is to receive, synthesize, and transmit energy. Communication fusion is the goal of life. Any star can tell you that. Communication is love. Secrecy, withholding the signal, hoarding, hiding, covering up the light is motivated by shame and fear. [08:48:33] As so often happens, the right wing is half right for the wrong reasons. Thy say primly: if you have done nothing wrong, you have no fear of being bugged. Exactly. But the logic goes both ways. Then FBI files, CIA dossiers, White House conversations should open up to all. [08:48:54] Let everything hang open. Let government be totally visible. The last, the very last people to hide their actions should be the police and the government. [09:16:40] Let know everybody how many times and when Kebap23 cleans his teeth a day, with who he meet, let everybody know what he did read and did not read, etc. And then let private entities push products or information at him at exactly planned times, to make sure his attention is under control. Kebap23, as long people don't know who reads their data, everybody can spy on everything. Knowing everything about somebody does not guarantee a person will like you, and since [09:16:41] a person does not like you and can know everything about you, then ... And from what i know, no one clearly defined what love is. [09:20:26] Love is omni-inclusive, progressively exquisite, understanding and tender and compassionately attuned to other than self. [09:32:04] ?? hurd [09:32:04] hurd[1]: Hurd stands for Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons. And, then, Hird stands for Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth. [09:32:06] hurd[2]: The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. It is a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel to implement file systems, network protocols, file access control, and other features that are implemented by the Unix kernel or similar kernels (such as Linux). http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/ [09:32:08] hurd[3]: Debian GNU/Hurd: http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/index [09:32:24] http://people.debian.org/~sthibault/hurd-i386/installer/cdimage/ [09:32:25] URL Title: Index of /~sthibault/hurd-i386/installer/cdimage [09:34:09] :) [09:50:04] http://inhabitat.com/metropol-parasol-the-worlds-largest-wooden-structure-opens-in-seville/ [09:50:40] *** Quits: Kebap23 (Max@RBOSE-13qern.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: adios amigos) [09:50:42] -nobody- Kebap23 has quit FREENODE (Quit: adios amigos) [09:52:55] *** Joins: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@RBOSE-2ej.pbu.200.193.IP) [09:57:37] i wonder what is the purpose of this monumental construction, just to "look nice"? [10:35:45] *** Joins: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) [10:43:58] *** Quits: traph (traph@RBOSE-ieec3a.btc-net.bg) (Connection closed) [11:08:13] *** Joins: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-0odjud.mobileonline.telia.com) [11:16:34] *** Joins: nocaic (nocaic@RBOSE-31o038.unitymediagroup.de) [11:16:54] *** Quits: nocaic (nocaic@RBOSE-31o038.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit: leaving) [11:17:13] *** Joins: nocaic (nocaic@RBOSE-31o038.unitymediagroup.de) [12:05:14] http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-03-discovery-infrared-heart-ear-cells.html [12:05:15] URL Title: Will we hear the light? Surprising discovery that infrared can activate heart and ear cells [12:06:27] http://www.bamboocraft.net/forums/ [12:20:10] *** Joins: traph (traph@RBOSE-ieec3a.btc-net.bg) [12:23:46] *** Quits: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@RBOSE-2ej.pbu.200.193.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [12:47:37] http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron_chrome_vs_iron.php [12:47:38] URL Title: SRWare Iron - The Browser of the Future [12:57:38] *** Joins: Caly (quassel@RBOSE-068phb.bredband.skanova.com) [12:58:35] -nobody- Caly has joined on FREENODE [12:58:36] -nobody- Caly has quit FREENODE (Changing host) [12:58:38] -nobody- Caly has joined on FREENODE [12:58:39] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Caly [13:07:20] *** Joins: subanomic (subanomic@RBOSE-pcegbb.org) [13:10:10] *** Quits: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-0odjud.mobileonline.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [13:11:28] ‎"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism."- Mussolini [13:11:42] http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/189460_211727788838068_100000025447161_897812_224686_n.jpg [13:16:28] *** Joins: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-0odjud.mobileonline.telia.com) [13:18:31] hi Caly :D [13:18:39] yeah, we have that quote in db [13:18:53] ,quote search Mussolini [13:18:53] lukas: 1 found: #163: "Fascism should more appropriately be called..." [13:19:07] ,quote get 163 [13:19:07] lukas: Quote #163: "Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. ~ Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini" (added by lukas at 12:39 PM, January 24, 2011) [13:22:02] *** Quits: subanomic (subanomic@RBOSE-pcegbb.org) (Quit: leaving) [14:02:38] Caly, I've been working on the development map today, maybe we could meet later together with Viper and talk about the tech stuff :) have already some stuff to share, been also working on the automated cookbook project [14:04:49] best would be something around early evening probably because we have some other work to do first [14:12:21] *** Quits: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-0odjud.mobileonline.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [14:35:24] *** Joins: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-980rrl.mobileonline.telia.com) [14:45:54] *** Quits: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-980rrl.mobileonline.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [14:53:58] *** Joins: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-4u1rj5.mobileonline.telia.com) [15:02:15] lukas: yeah, sure, just say when [15:09:02] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-cmo.q1o.29.41.IP) [15:49:05] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-cmo.q1o.29.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [16:17:09] *** Joins: Diago____ (Diago@RBOSE-njq.nq9.84.186.IP) [16:20:06] !poke Viper [16:20:07] ACTION pokes Viper in #RBOSE a bit with a BUG [16:21:00] *** Quits: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [16:45:38] http://inhabitat.com/how-to-green-clean-your-bathroom-without-toxic-chemicals/ [16:45:40] URL Title: How to Green Clean Your Bathroom Without Toxic Chemicals! | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World [16:50:20] *** Joins: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) [16:54:04] http://inhabitat.com/new-process-can-turn-nine-billion-pounds-of-meat-and-bone-meal-into-plastic/ O_O [16:54:10] URL Title: ACS Process Can Turn Nine Billion Pounds of Cow Meat and Bone Meal into Plastic | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World [17:02:46] *** Quits: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [17:10:55] http://www.environmentteam.com/concept/o2-pursuit-air-powered-motorcycle/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+EcoConcepts+%28Eco-friendly+Concepts+Gallery%29 [17:10:57] Caly's URL: http://xrl.us/bja7sw [17:10:57] URL Title: O2 Pursuit – Air Powered Motorcycle | Futuristic Technology [17:14:16] awesome Caly, i love compressed air stuff [17:15:21] "since the engine does not make any sound while operating" i want to see that! [17:16:36] yeah, i would love a demo video [17:17:36] http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron_chrome_vs_iron.php [17:17:38] URL Title: SRWare Iron - The Browser of the Future [17:18:24] Caly, any idea about the speed? [17:18:42] nope, from what i can see, it's not out yet (?) [17:19:58] yeah, looks like that to me, but i was wondering if they have parameter like that published [17:28:24] oh man you-know-who's web server is exploitable, I just discoverecd [17:48:03] Grits, nope [17:48:57] Caly, do you have some time to jump on mumble? i cannot catch Viper for a while [17:49:43] * DNS gives lukas a snake trap [17:49:49] make it helps [17:49:53] haha :D [17:49:55] hi DNS :D [17:49:58] hi [17:50:07] lukas: surem, in a few minutes, just gonna meke me a sandwish [17:50:13] ok [17:50:42] i will be in mumble [17:50:44] DNS, if you have time would be nice if you can join us :) [17:51:00] hm i just wanted to go outside for a while [17:51:12] maybe in 2 hours k? [17:51:49] sUn is still so nice shining [17:51:53] :o [17:53:38] what's a sandwish, is that when you wish you had a sandwich? [17:54:29] or he wishes that more sand comes to sweden so it gets a bigger island [17:54:30] the one you dont have? [17:54:33] haha [17:54:35] :x [17:54:41] lol [17:55:52] `fortune sand [17:55:54] Viper: Don't read any sky-writing for the next two weeks. [17:56:11] *** Quits: Viper (Viper@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (Connection closed) [17:56:11] -nobody- Out`Of`Control has quit FREENODE (Remote host closed the connection) [17:56:53] k its no island but i was jk anyways [17:57:04] * DNS jumps outside for a while [18:05:26] -nobody- Viper has joined on FREENODE [18:05:28] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Viper [18:05:30] -nobody- nick change by Viper to Out`Of`Control on FREENODE [18:05:37] *** Joins: Viper (Viper@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [18:05:42] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-k9s.tbm.27.41.IP) [18:19:01] \0/ [18:23:13] *** Joins: Kebap23 (Max@RBOSE-7na9mi.adsl.alicedsl.de) [18:23:31] -nobody- Kebap23 has joined on FREENODE [18:28:04] *** Quits: nocaic (nocaic@RBOSE-31o038.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit: leaving) [18:30:14] *** Joins: nocaic (nocaic@RBOSE-31o038.unitymediagroup.de) [18:33:08] *** Joins: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) [18:44:46] *** Quits: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [18:44:58] WAZZAP?? [18:47:01] WAZZAP!! [18:48:12] xD [18:48:42] finally back to my belovid {Fun,Gen}too Linux ;) [18:50:44] lunix ftw! [18:51:03] i am again trying to set-up my own freedom box here [18:51:45] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-k9s.tbm.27.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [18:52:06] freedom box? [18:52:19] be free - use gentoo ;) [18:52:41] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> nocaic: do you use distcc? [18:53:17] "freedom box" means "home server" here, but thats a windows trademark [18:53:35] i just like the eben moglen concept of freedom boxes [18:53:42] Kebap23: server as in? web server, file server, mail server [18:53:43] ? [18:53:53] yes, all of that and more [18:54:04] ah [18:54:22] if it were files and that sorta stuff I would have recommended freenas [18:55:21] yeah i thought about NAS too, but it is not enough [18:55:31] hehehe [18:55:56] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2vv_lmeP8E [18:57:19] so i better start with a "real" server, no need to setup nas first [18:59:24] Kebap23: it all depends on your use case [18:59:38] server implies way too much... ;) [19:01:44] yeah i am not 100% sure myself, lets see where it takes me, but web server, mail server is in it for sure [19:02:51] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-o4e9t7.mweb.co.za) [19:03:43] also maybe torrent client, backup solutions, irc bouncer, print server, ... would be nice to have some interconnection with the telephone line here, too, to do a digital voice box etc, but thats very advanced for me, if even possible [19:06:07] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> Kebap23: if you have an old voice modem, it's pretty easy to set up an answering machine with vgetty [19:07:41] yup [19:07:51] thats a nice idea magnetron, maybe i find one somewhere.. will write this down for later consideration =) [19:07:51] sounds like a mars-rover all over again ;) [19:08:10] like a mars-rover? [19:08:21] feature-bloat-wise =P [19:08:34] i just brainstorm [19:09:05] so you would recommend having multiple servers then, each for one feature group? [19:09:06] personally... I would look into FreeBSD and jails [19:10:00] and while you're at it - a neat PF (packet-filter) setup sounds like a decent idea too [19:10:26] u can make jails in gnu/linux too [19:10:35] but the idea comes from freebsd [19:10:36] :D [19:10:53] DNS: I don't think you can... [19:11:15] maybe with Gentoo/FreeBSD [19:11:34] but that stuff is RAW and UGLY... it's like Debian/HURD stuff.... [19:12:34] Kebap23: the problem is - each and every service you run, adds an additional set of voulnerabilities to your system... [19:12:52] somehwere some1 needs to start [19:12:52] having a christmas-tree of a system also offers lots of little specs you might miss out on [19:13:17] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhv8NKa4KB4 [19:13:18] You4Tube 2[Title] Truebook Promo Teaser 2[Category] Nonprofit 2[Duration] 0:02:49 2[Views] 3093 2[Rating] 4.68 2[Uploaded] 2010-09-23 2[Description] www.Truebook.org [19:13:19] and from the ideology i prefer still a gnu/linux instead of freebsd [19:13:21] where as with jails you can attempt to compartmentalize your system [19:13:44] FREEDOM for the people [19:13:46] http://www.noteslate.com/ [19:13:47] URL Title: NoteSlate /// intuitively simple monochrome paper alike tablet device [19:13:49] should be important [19:13:50] :D [19:15:40] nocaic: yeah thats whats hindering me too, adding too many vulnerabilities maybe [19:17:41] Kebap23: that's what a sensible jail is there for [19:17:48] you should checkout EZJAIL [19:18:03] written by a mate of mine =) [19:18:04] nocaic: btw when did u check debian gnu/hurd last time? [19:18:18] there are new images [19:18:20] :p [19:18:25] never... a OS more complex than emacs? ;) [19:18:34] pfff [19:20:15] srsly... I like the micro-kernel idea... but life is too short =P [19:20:47] to me - HURD is the FOSS version of Duke Nuke'em Forever [19:21:03] hehe [19:21:17] gegl also seemed that way, and the glass bong gegl mascot didn't help the image ;-) [19:21:35] there are some reasons why it takes so long nocaic [19:21:54] I know - the sheer unmanageable complexity [19:21:54] but still i think you will see a stable version in this life [19:21:57] :p [19:22:12] hehee [19:22:22] they can't even get GCC running propperly last time I checked [19:22:33] when was last time? [19:22:40] if that's not there - why not save your breath? =P [19:22:49] about 2 months ago [19:22:52] different lead now iirc and changes of design. [19:23:15] what ever i liek to see hurd is in active development [19:23:36] GNU is about freedom [19:23:46] copyleft > permissive imo [19:23:50] i stil think most ppl dont get it [19:24:01] DNS: sadly - compare the DEVs for HURD compared to the masses DEV'ing for Linux / BSD [19:24:09] i know [19:24:26] (and compare thc levels in their blood) [19:24:28] I get it - but before it's stable it's nomansland if you ask me [19:24:53] scrdcow: that's not a factor - I speak of experience ;) [19:25:47] nocaic: hehe, i'm just joking around anyways. [19:25:51] http://www.gimpedimenta.org/impedance/guides/glass_and_plush-GEGL.jpg <- there it is! [19:25:59] i just hope that freedom for people is more important for other devs too [19:26:08] at linux and bsd i dont see that [19:26:18] there's this place where fuctional code just _flows_ into the the keyboard... that sweet spot is met way more easely with a doseage [19:26:21] but g00d that tehres teh linux-libre kernel at least [19:26:54] fukkin blobs [19:26:57] kill them! [19:26:58] :D [19:27:10] hehe [19:27:17] DNS: I stick with Linus's opinion - use _WHATEVER_ serves you best [19:27:34] easter-egg blobb-killer game as a binary-blob in the libre-kernel please ;-) [19:28:40] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/473589 - nice, bugreport the easteregg [19:28:42] URL Title: Bug #473589 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu): “GEGL Easter Egg in gnome panel is corrupted” [19:28:53] linux is the best - for me... and the 'for me' criteria is personal and should not be influenced... the idea is to get work done... [19:29:55] ok nocaic: tell me how do you fix a blob if you dont have the source code? [19:30:19] I am well aware of that... [19:30:38] but why not do some work, because your OS can't faccilitate that task? [19:31:06] i just think if all is free we dont have such as problems [19:31:34] DNS: aggreed [19:32:20] but say you would have to do complex fluid dynamic calculations for which (this is just an example) linux can't faccilitate because there's 'no code out there'? [19:32:49] is that a reason for scientists to abort their research into a topic? [19:33:06] nocaic: write the code. then do the science ;-) [19:33:28] scrdcow: tell that to a manager... [19:33:30] (if you can write it that is) [19:33:40] sry - gotta code your software before I can use it [19:33:48] sry - that is a mute argument [19:33:50] ;D [19:34:20] I quite agree - me need all software libere [19:34:43] but untill that's not here I am afraid you are stuck with redmond and their drooling patent trolls [19:34:45] most of my talking here is just random bs :-D don't take me seriously [19:35:08] nocaic: yes, but if you can make it make it. [19:35:16] if it's your area, code it etc. [19:35:37] dinner... cu [19:35:47] guten hunger nocaic [19:35:48] write the toos needed and help others and then you will get helped aswell [19:35:49] :D [19:35:53] hehe [19:35:55] good dinner [19:36:00] anyone here who are interested in the ancient pyramids? [19:36:41] iderik: yes [19:37:57] do you research a lot about it? i mean, a lot! [19:38:09] its driving me crazy [19:38:12] haha [19:38:20] :/ [19:38:22] sorry dude [19:38:45] I just remember you talked about it and it was more than a month age. haven't heard anything of it since and now you bring it up again :-) [19:38:51] ago* [19:39:06] yes, ive done that a couple of times :p [19:39:30] just found it funny that maybe you had been into it alot since then [19:39:36] <3 [19:39:40] but, its huge.. that we dont know anything about it, still they had way better methods then we do have today [19:39:54] mm [19:40:15] they knew stuff that we got like few decads ago [19:40:26] like where hte planets where and how many it is [19:40:34] were [19:40:42] its ton of stuff that is confusing me [19:41:10] and there is no information about it, like its ilegal to reaserch about it [19:41:24] it scares me man [19:41:33] illegal? hmm.. i'm sceptical. [19:41:48] I mostly don't think people know. but I dunno, haven't read up on to it. [19:43:09] huh iderik why its illiegal to research? [19:43:32] *** Joins: lundburgerr-TZM (lundburgerr@RBOSE-2ej.pbu.200.193.IP) [19:43:44] ah you mean it feels like that because you can not find much info [19:43:55] *** Joins: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) [19:44:44] yes [19:46:05] ppl think they used stone aged technologies, actually they were more advanced than we are now, with very simple tools and designs [19:48:05] iderik you know about new pyramids much bigger then egypt one? [19:48:47] http://www.sott.net/articles/show/221810-Bosnia-Convincing-Evidence-for-largest-Pyramid-on-Earth [19:48:49] URL Title: Bosnia: Convincing Evidence for largest Pyramid on Earth (so far) -- Secret History -- Sott.net [19:52:08] cool :) [19:54:38] i mean, our math geniuses who invented fibbo, pythagoras and so on are not so clever [19:55:06] the pyramid ppl used it a lot, it surrounded their whole lifes [19:55:14] well, its from the nature ye [19:55:41] where we should learn from a lot more [19:55:46] *** Quits: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [19:56:28] they use good shapes for structures, not like us, these square junk [19:56:31] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih1ZWE3pe9o [19:56:32] You4Tube 2[Title] Egyptian Maths 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:06:08 2[Views] 155226 2[Rating] 4.97 2[Uploaded] 2008-09-05 2[Description] Michael S. Schneider explains how the Ancient Egyptians (and Chinese) and modern computers multiply and divide [19:56:37] interesting too [19:57:52] *** Joins: Hakufu (jsajfsagj@RBOSE-i4g.g11.17.194.IP) [19:59:47] yes, very :) [20:03:08] *** Joins: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) [20:10:45] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PotS7hPQZTU&feature=related [20:10:46] You4Tube 2[Title] Mystery of the Sphinx - part 1 2[Category] Travel 2[Duration] 0:10:01 2[Views] 525580 2[Rating] 4.85 2[Uploaded] 2007-07-10 2[Description] Documentary on the Sphinx and pyramids featuring Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval and John Anthony West [20:10:52] *** Joins: Cyclo_ (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) [20:11:04] maybe we should start an egypt wiki page and gather all proper info 2gether there [20:11:10] :D [20:11:12] this kills the most myths about the pyramids, that we've learned in school [20:11:18] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Connection closed) [20:11:21] oh yes!! [20:12:07] btw, he says it wrong it think, its not 4,5k bc, its 10k+ bc [20:15:07] iderik must see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlSssnh4b7Q [20:15:08] You4Tube 2[Title] The Pyramid Code Part 1-25.mp4 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:10:00 2[Views] 83631 2[Rating] 4.90 2[Uploaded] 2010-03-03 2[Description] The Pyramid Code is a documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a G [20:15:28] some say its more then 10k bc [20:16:53] yes, to 13k bc [20:17:07] 30k [20:17:09] because of the buildings lines up perfectly with some stars [20:17:10] lol [20:17:12] oh [20:17:27] building and tunnels under pyramid could be much older [20:17:28] im talking about giza pyramid i think [20:17:58] oh [20:18:21] have you seen their "powerplant"? [20:18:52] the only pyramid that got no text or chambers, the biggest one in egypt i think [20:19:43] all of them are build on one big platform [20:19:49] with lots of tunnels [20:20:10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open_source_computer_hardware_suppliers [20:20:11] URL Title: List of open source computer hardware suppliers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [20:20:35] they knew the world was round. we got it 3k years ago... [20:20:43] they even knew pi [20:20:53] iderik pyramid was energy source not grave lol [20:21:27] ye :) [20:21:38] like i was though in the school and tv [20:21:53] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-o4e9t7.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [20:23:22] iderik tesla was making enrgy same way as pyramid [20:24:13] short trailer http://www.dump.com/2010/12/29/the-pyramid-code-looking-for-clues-to-matriarchal-consciousness-ancient-knowledge-and-sophisticated-technology-in-a-golden-age-video/ [20:24:14] Viper's URL: http://tinyurl.com/4dmwv4z [20:24:25] we're going thru the same period of learning as they did [20:24:25] URL Title: The Pyramid Code: Looking For Clues To Matriarchal Consciousness, Ancient Knowledge And Sophisticated Technology In A Golden Age [VIDEO] [20:24:33] it feels stupid to do it twice [20:25:11] also, why did they write down their all knowledge on the hardest stone, all over the place! did they knew they were going to die? [20:25:30] did they knew the next generation of human would go thru the learning phase as they did? [20:26:27] iderik what can survive 1000 years? [20:26:30] not abook [20:26:35] or usb drive lol [20:26:42] but the stones did [20:26:51] yep [20:27:27] why did they write down their knowledge on it? because they knew the next gen needed it? [20:27:35] but we're not even using it! [20:27:40] we cant even read it [20:27:56] we can [20:27:57] instead we're making iphones [20:28:04] we can read it [20:28:27] never heard about that [20:28:32] there even some people that talk/use similar language [20:28:41] check that first link 25 parts [20:28:50] i though we just know a bit of it, very tiny of the whole system [20:29:17] most what we are told is BS [20:29:32] slaves and so on [20:29:34] *** Joins: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-i97fcv.biz.rr.com) [20:29:57] ye, the slave thing is so obvious now [20:30:30] *** Joins: LibreMan (quassel@RBOSE-cc28db.95-102-111.t-com.sk) [20:31:29] this is actually one of the best guides ive seen [20:31:30] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PotS7hPQZTU&feature=related [20:31:31] You4Tube 2[Title] Mystery of the Sphinx - part 1 2[Category] Travel 2[Duration] 0:10:01 2[Views] 525610 2[Rating] 4.85 2[Uploaded] 2007-07-10 2[Description] Documentary on the Sphinx and pyramids featuring Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval and John Anthony West [20:31:35] i did posted it before [20:31:38] but have you seen it? [20:33:34] i think i see it time a go [20:33:53] pyramid code is great one [21:04:01] iderik: we also write down knowledge and tons of it. [21:09:03] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-n1q.gdl.26.41.IP) [21:12:09] yes, but we also read it and learn [21:14:02] iderik: you don't think they did? [21:15:05] imo, the pyramids wasnt some status symbol for their presidents, it was a sign, an end of something huge, a civilzation [21:15:08] a farwell [21:15:21] i mean, that we dont read their books [21:17:03] iderik: what do you mean? (i'm dead tired, I might missinterpret) [21:18:01] why dont we read their books [21:18:11] its obvisous that they want us to do it [21:18:16] why? [21:18:29] why? because they were far more advanced than we are now [21:18:49] have you seen the holes they "drilled", for example? [21:19:01] i dont think we even could do that in wood! [21:19:02] but they couldn't know that [21:19:32] atleast, I don't believe that. [21:20:12] why dont you? im just checking you [21:20:27] because I don't believe in seeing into the future. [21:21:05] oh, you mean they couldnt know there would be a new gen of species? [21:21:24] yes, you said that they wanted us to read it. [21:21:33] i dont think they knew about the humans, but about something, why just give up the hope [21:21:41] homo sapiens sapiens is on this planet for 200 000 years, if we achieved everything within last 10 000 years what we have been doing for previous 190 000 ? [21:22:12] iderik: the hope of what? why does it have to be written for a comming species/generation etc? [21:24:08] i really cant answer that.. but i would have done something similar, because i know that spreading my knowledge and doing it as a team is the choice between life and death [21:24:12] *** Joins: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) [21:24:38] like we're doing right now, killing ourselves [21:25:08] maybe the whole planet [21:25:59] why we assume that people were idiots? maybe they started to build from natural materials, maybe they were building passive architecture - what would we find in such situation? a bunch of natural materials? [21:26:23] cultures from the same area as the egyptians still has that seen on life, to work as a team, thats where all the reggae music is coming from [21:26:45] like it has been following from gen to gen, maybe from the ancient pyramids [21:27:50] i think they were careful, not doing anything before its have been approved. maybe thats how they got their simple simple tools that could do very advanced work done [21:28:40] like, a normal stone, but the shape of it gives it some special abilities [21:29:02] just look at domes, how smart that is. [21:29:50] all our smart inventions, are actually just copies of the nature. so really we're justa bunch of script kiddies, not genius who invents "new" stuff [21:30:14] nature is the shet [21:30:34] iderik: yes ofcourse but.. does the text say stuff that can be interpreted that way? have you checked it out? [21:31:06] i dont think we can read it at all [21:31:48] but why write it on the hardest stone on the planet? very visiable, very much, i mean its spreaded around all their structures [21:32:05] its not pretty or design purpose, they use every little space to write the text [21:32:25] im talking about their temples now, not the pyramids [21:33:58] i still think its obvious imo. our biggest inventions about maths, astronomy and such, they already knew it and used it. we got just got it [21:34:07] doesnt it sound stupid to do it all over again [21:34:10] guys, have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMWW9OX1EJM [21:34:11] You4Tube 2[Title] Flooded Kingdoms Of The Last Ice Age Pt 1 of 5 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:10:00 2[Views] 8068 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2009-08-17 2[Description] Graham Hancock on ancient civilizations. [21:34:14] iderik: maybe it was what they got. [21:34:34] iderik: today we write on wikis. but maybe that seems very stupid and ancient after some thousand years :-D [21:35:45] i thin they used some kind of books or anything other to teach. these textstones are for some other purpose, something more important in teaching [21:36:04] iderik: yes. I don't doubt the were good at stuff. I just don't like to overinterpret stuff, but actually I don't know much about it. [21:36:09] i mean, why the hardest stones? that could have something to do with that purpose i talked about [21:36:56] iderik: have you played the dig, or indiana jones and the fate of atlantis? I think you would like those games. [21:37:26] iderik: maybe it was better preserved that way. they needed to write stuff that could stay intact. [21:37:35] the texts has been under water for maaaany years, maybe an icetime because of the ware-out(?) [21:38:04] you can see the damage on the sphinx and their other structures [21:38:05] iderik: we have very old books. but we preserve the data because we make copies. but it was probably far harder to make copies at that time. [21:38:15] imagine something that would that damage to that hard rock [21:38:33] yes? [21:38:44] never played those :P [21:39:07] iderik: they have a nice mystic and ancient culture/alien culture aspect to them :-) [21:39:25] very [21:39:41] iderik: so I just thought you might like them. [21:39:57] its just like i found out about this system we're using today, as sson as the puzzle pieces got together and you got the whole picture, it structs your mind forver [21:40:03] same thing happend with this [21:40:09] what system? [21:40:29] everything fits together, so it starts to get pretty scary [21:40:58] the way we're living with, that system. the money, the hate, power and so on [21:41:13] ah ok. the whole shebang. [21:41:39] when i started to learn positive thinking, most pieces fit to the picture. how hate and all that works [21:41:52] but I bet there is alot of theories out there, and lesser known facts. it gives alot of room for weird ideas etc. [21:41:53] also how love will change everything [21:42:18] but if you stay to facts and such. I don't think it seems that daunting. [21:42:35] I feel it's impressive. but.. well, not much more. [21:42:47] but I also don't know enough about it. [21:42:50] yes, many people that studying the pyramids are blaiming the egypthologist for talking bs, mostly for the moneys greed [21:43:04] egypthologist? [21:43:07] i mean the people that also teaching about their knowledge of the pyramids [21:43:15] ok [21:43:37] the people who work to study the pyramids, i guess [21:44:09] i dont know much too, its a lot more there, i guess and hope :P [21:44:11] iderik it was power station not a sighn or something [21:44:46] viper, i meant the whole thing, all the buildings, texts and stuff [21:45:06] iderik: I think that is the main problem. [21:45:11] that powerplant could been have a demo, just for teaching purpose [21:45:18] iderik: I'm also guilty of that right now. [21:45:56] what do you mean scrdcow [21:46:40] iderik: when you don't know enough, you have alot of space for weird interpretations. and it can trap you and not lead you in the right direction. [21:46:44] imo [21:46:52] yeah [21:46:52] yes! [21:47:14] iderik: but also, when you know alot, you want to know more, and need more. but.. well.. hehe, maybe you can get some aspects covered enough so as to be pretty certain. [21:47:29] the more i think about it, the more i will change my opinions and knwoledge [21:48:01] i wish we could do it even faster, by teaching each other :D [21:48:55] I bet there are good sources out there. [21:49:16] wie :) [21:50:59] `fortune [21:50:59] Viper: Just to have it is enough. [21:51:00] i could need even more brains :P but still, tere is other subjects that are interesting too [21:51:12] but also alot of conspiraciesch crap imo. [21:51:25] yeah, its hard to know, too bad :/ [21:51:28] iderik: yes, this is not something i'm going to pick up. but I still like it. [21:51:39] ive never been to the pyramids, thats the worst part [21:51:44] me neither. [21:52:11] I bet you mean those in giza. [21:52:19] yes [21:52:36] but.. ah.. indiana jones - fate of atlantis [21:52:48] *** Joins: SoNeta (piespy@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [21:52:48] *** RBOSE sets mode: +v SoNeta [21:52:49] I have to play it again. haven't since childhood (the physical childhood ;-D) [21:52:50] heh [21:53:24] brb, food [21:53:46] what are your plans, the next 5 years, scrdcow ? [21:54:05] iderik: walking the path. hehe [21:54:09] iderik: well... [21:54:18] Build a pyramid? :P [21:54:25] haha [21:54:26] iderik: if all works out. doing what I do know but excel... [21:54:33] haha [21:54:40] dont derail here now Viper [21:54:46] unrail? [21:54:58] pyramidize world :D [21:55:15] iderik: build house, grow more food, learn skills, have a nice community, happy times, maybe travel more, reading books, watching movies, playing games.. drinking beer, smoking spliffs etc ;-) [21:55:21] * Viper 10   14DJ Melo 10 & 14Vocal De Luxe Edition 32 4☣ 14http://scfire-ntc-aa06.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1065/listen.pls 103Exaile10 [21:55:39] iderik: if skills excel, maybe I can construct things, develop more etc [21:56:00] excel as in the software? [21:56:01] *** Joins: iamme2 (iamme@RBOSE-n1q.gdl.26.41.IP) [21:56:09] iderik: that or other stuff. [21:56:16] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-n1q.gdl.26.41.IP) (Connection closed) [21:56:44] iderik: mechanics maybe, housebuilding etc, who knows. if I only stay within the path I don't really care. the self sufficient path that is. [21:57:30] then everything feels meaningful for me. atleast in some ways. but some things I might like more than others, but I have to try out. [21:57:31] yes :) love it [21:57:59] what is sell sufficient? [21:58:01] if it all fails. then I have no plan as of know. I see no way back... so.. [21:58:03] Spend Less? [21:58:15] Make More $? [21:58:21] Build lots of Stuff? [21:58:24] Viper: self-sufficient. to take care of yourself. growing your own food, making your own things etc.. [21:58:50] Viper: you're from spain or austria? [21:58:53] "Self-sufficiency refers to the state of not requiring any outside aid, support, or interaction, for survival; it is therefore a type of personal or collective autonomy. On a large scale, a totally self-sufficient economy that does not trade with the outside world is called an autarky." [21:58:54] I would like to see wiki page about that [21:58:56] lukas from polen? [21:59:03] Viper: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-sufficiency [21:59:04] URL Title: Self-sufficiency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [21:59:08] eveyr one see it other way "self-syfficient" [21:59:12] and dns i dont remember, where are you from? [21:59:42] guys look at wiki [21:59:46] i am from IRC HAHA [21:59:46] i was kidnapped from mars, and still could get my spaceship doen to fly back damit [21:59:56] *could not [21:59:58] :D [21:59:59] haha [22:00:07] damnit. I write "know" instead of "now" two billiontimes... annoying. [22:00:08] im from germany [22:00:25] "a totally self-sufficient econom" LOL [22:01:05] ?? People [22:01:07] people: A social network diagram for RBOSE IRC, and a list of RBOSE contributors you can find here: http://rbose.org/wiki/People [22:01:40] you can add you there folks [22:03:03] http://rbose.org/wiki/Template:User [22:03:04] URL Title: Template:User - RBOSE [22:04:18] Viper: what is loly about that? [22:04:43] hunting building factory is self sufficent too [22:05:05] i'm ircing from mars, I left the pyramids eons ago, because you futile humans came and wrecked it all :-/ [22:05:27] Viper: hunting building factory? [22:05:31] yep [22:05:50] colonizing haha [22:06:07] lets make some slaves in Costa Rica [22:06:19] heh [22:06:41] Viper: it's about being sufficient yourself on a smaller scale anyways. [22:06:48] Viper: more DIY [22:06:57] scrdcow thats how you see it and me [22:07:10] But not every one see sufficient that way [22:07:25] ofcourse not. but that's what I meant anyway :-) [22:07:46] for some dropping bombs is self sufficient lol [22:07:57] if they made them themselves. [22:08:06] *** Quits: LibreMan (quassel@RBOSE-cc28db.95-102-111.t-com.sk) (Connection closed) [22:08:06] una bomber was a self-sufficient bomber, no? ;-) [22:09:34] brb, food. [22:13:23] brb bomb LOL [22:14:23] calorie bomb [22:14:39] *** Quits: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-4u1rj5.mobileonline.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [22:25:12] *** Joins: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-ndtu5r.mobileonline.telia.com) [22:31:47] *** Quits: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [22:39:56] *** Joins: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) [22:45:36] *** Joins: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [22:46:11] *** Quits: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: Ex-Chat) [22:47:02] *** Joins: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [22:50:49] http://www.environmentteam.com/concept/mcv6-electric-sports-car-designed-for-young-people/ [22:50:50] URL Title: MCV6 – Electric Sports Car Designed for Young People | Futuristic Technology [22:50:54] nice design! [22:51:00] i want one! =P [22:51:17] *** Parts: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [22:51:25] *** Joins: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [22:52:04] wo0t [22:52:07] *** Parts: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [22:54:40] caly lol https://s3.amazonaws.com/lmi/user-images/co53957.jpg [22:56:35] iderik: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_living - but ofcourse it would be nice to have an education to fall back on, but I don't really have that. [22:56:36] URL Title: Simple living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [22:57:06] *** Quits: nocaic (nocaic@RBOSE-31o038.unitymediagroup.de) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.) [22:59:09] DNS: haha, such a fuwgly car, i don't want one of those o_O [22:59:49] scrdcow: yes :) i feel you [23:00:34] Caly: hehe well i dont care so much how a car looks at least it should drive... but they look a bit like driving ufos [23:00:38] ;D [23:01:29] hehe, yeah [23:01:49] iderik: hehe, I thought that was the most accurate depiction. [23:02:31] looks very retro-futuristic.. sort of. [23:02:39] but in a modern style. [23:03:16] y0 i hope more electric cars will come soon and payable ones hehe [23:03:37] payable? you mean affordable? [23:03:43] yea sorry [23:03:47] *** Quits: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [23:03:49] =) [23:04:04] could also be rentable, as podcars [23:04:25] scrdcow: yes, the simplifying also means optimizing stuff, making tools to get an easier life [23:04:29] but yeah, if i could afford an electric car, i would get one. [23:04:35] best would be to have very detailed tutorials how to build an electric car by yourself, would be gr8 if we have wikis about that :D [23:04:40] iderik: and also, ofcourse, build up from below, open and free alternatives. [23:05:58] iderik: yes, but focus on what you really need, and the whole KISS thing. simple design to do stuff efficiently. [23:06:44] DNS: there are some open-source cars, but I bet you now about them. not sure if they will be able to build yourself. [23:06:46] if it was possible, i wish to lay all day in the grass, in a forest, just looking at some plants, starring at it :P nature is my all! my friends think im gay because i take walks in the woods :) [23:07:05] yea i want detail tuts :D [23:07:30] i think one main factor which is a problem are the batteries [23:07:49] there are patents on many technologies [23:07:55] sadly :( [23:10:41] screw patents [23:10:54] Patents are voodoo, they only work on you if you believe in them. [23:13:37] *** Joins: Absalom (Absalom@RBOSE-fb2tr7.lavasoft.net) [23:27:28] Grits, yeah [23:28:09] btw, i though you were asking the other time today a question, and i think i later got it [23:29:45] oh about the exploitable server? [23:29:51] yeah [23:29:52] I'll give you a hint, it's a Joomla exploit [23:29:53] haha [23:30:13] well, i will not use it, lol, really have it enough [23:30:20] but thanks :) [23:30:53] I was thinking about changing the admin password >:) [23:30:59] LOL [23:34:45] *** Quits: iamme2 (iamme@RBOSE-n1q.gdl.26.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [23:45:34] *** Quits: Cyclo_ (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Quit: Leaving) [23:55:59] *** Quits: iderik (iderik@RBOSE-ndtu5r.mobileonline.telia.com) (Quit: Lost terminal)