[00:03:37] waiting.. waiting.. [00:07:30] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-hhm.9h0.94.93.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [00:10:31] http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/fordon_motor/bilar/article3218111.ece [00:10:40] sry, swedish [00:12:39] *** Joins: pan (qwebirc@RBOSE-nv8ir2.sd.cox.net) [00:12:49] http://s13.zetaboards.com/ScottKellerForPotus/forum/3011254/ [00:14:05] you guys are getting mention on the new scott keller 4 president site... please come help fluff it up some. introduce yourselves. [00:14:07] thanks [00:17:37] http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=sv&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyteknik.se%2Fnyheter%2Ffordon_motor%2Fbilar%2Farticle3218111.ece [00:17:37] Caly's URL: http://tinyurl.com/3zyw7bh [00:18:04] there, same article in translation [00:20:31] Ades: waiting for what? [00:21:57] for a new bike.. going for a bikeride from kiruna into norway.. got my other bike stolen last week.. two days before my vacation.. :) [00:24:30] bummer [00:24:56] but the novelty might rbighten up the trip then ;) [00:27:06] *** Joins: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-i97fcv.biz.rr.com) [00:28:35] whazzup bran? [00:28:41] perhaps [00:28:57] Just spotted your post Pan. [00:29:26] heard of scott keller? i'm organizing his forum. lol [00:29:51] http://s13.zetaboards.com/ScottKellerForPotus/forum/3011254/ [00:29:53] Yeah, humanity mentioned him to me once. [00:30:13] so come on over and give us a thread and link to rbose. [00:30:17] at least [00:30:59] haha.. "humanity mentioned him to me once"... sounds like a bad quote from a movie.. [00:31:00] I read one of your notes on facebook where you call RBOSE a cult, ummm.... why are you promoting RBOSE? [00:31:01] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Lämnar) [00:31:24] theres always hope it can fix its core problems? [00:31:35] one hopes for a social movement to eventually gel [00:31:51] Hmmm.... [00:31:52] i don't say things like that to be mean, but so that the problems can be seen and fixed. [00:32:24] I thought he had a different website. [00:32:32] I'm not promoting anything, I'm acknowleding the greater TZM/RBE/TVP community and the roots from which Keller gets his main thrust of ideas [00:33:23] he had a sucky third rate website. now hes going to have this forum and this forum is being used as the mock up to give to the CSS programmer for the even more advanced site. [00:34:04] Ah, okay. [00:34:52] His site reminds me of Atlas' website: http://www.stk4prez.com/ [00:35:03] yeah. [00:35:30] He should probably link the forum on his website so supporters know about it as well. [00:36:36] i hadn't even seen that site. lol [00:36:52] yes.. obviously linking will happen. [00:37:53] anyhow, I am busy busy busy. [00:37:53] Actually, I did have a question to ask him- it was about a graph of his. [00:38:00] oh? [00:38:00] Okay, keep up the good work. [00:38:08] Yeah, I have to find it. [00:38:10] hope to see ya soon. [00:38:30] :) [00:38:39] Alrighty then. [01:22:38] *** Quits: pan (qwebirc@RBOSE-nv8ir2.sd.cox.net) (Quit: Page closed) [01:39:17] anyone awake? [01:40:39] >_< [01:43:15] *** Joins: fat64 (herp@RBOSE-mhcbrb.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [01:43:22] hello. [01:49:46] hi fat [01:49:54] im just restartin irc [01:50:00] ;D [01:50:20] what happened? [01:51:38] the lords of interstellar space restarted the dom0 [01:51:46] in order to install the real UPS with good batteries [01:51:50] they didnt warn me T_T [01:52:03] :o [01:52:51] *** Joins: fat64_ (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) [02:02:00] *** Quits: fat64 (herp@RBOSE-mhcbrb.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Quit: leaving) [02:02:29] *** fat64_ is now known as Fat64 [02:09:33] *** Joins: DNS (DNS777@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [02:10:08] *** Joins: lukas (lukas@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [02:17:05] allright.. [02:17:06] http://www.scribd.com/doc/36376892/The-Complete-Lojban-Language [02:17:11] are you able to download this? [02:17:41] Fat64: at your place? [02:18:07] Lojban much [02:18:14] 500: Internal Server Error [02:18:17] :S [02:18:46] lojban much? [02:18:55] same here... but I still se the download buttons etc. [02:20:06] see* [02:20:42] :< [02:20:48] wanna learn lojban :D? [02:21:41] yes :-D [02:22:11] reading lojban for beginners now. [02:22:20] but want CLL [02:22:57] no pa re ci vo mu xa ze bi so is all I ever studied :D [02:23:06] I wonder if someone even speaks lojban [02:24:38] ofcourse. [02:24:45] but how many, i'm not sure. [02:24:58] ofcourse they are the best persons in the world, I most assume ;D lojban is sexy [02:24:59] I bet it's more common to write it since it's mostly a geeky thing imo. [02:25:04] yeah. [02:25:04] hehe [02:25:47] if we both learn, we can meet and speak it ;-) [02:26:22] ^ give me a book! ;D [02:27:24] this is mostly a way for me to get into two things. 1. languages 2. some studying by the computer (atleast it seem to work now), and also sit with anki 3. train my memory and learn something new, unneedy and geeky without much practical need/use. [02:28:09] Fat64: http://www.tlg.uci.edu/~opoudjis/lojbanbrochure/ [02:28:16] *** Joins: steve (qwebirc@RBOSE-p4ci4m.dip.t-dialin.net) [02:29:00] hi [02:29:22] Fat64: http://www.google.se/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lojban.org%2Fpublications%2Flevel0%2FlojbanLevel0.paperback.pdf&rct=j&q=what%20is%20lojban%3F%20download&ei=qrgsTrO_D8yj-gaP38zsDQ&usg=AFQjCNGgCFr4Xt98NSd9oOrF-dFXe5ZBCw&cad=rja [02:29:22] scrdcow's URL: http://x0.no/24yh [02:29:26] aaargghh [02:29:37] Fat64: www.lojban.org/publications/level0/lojbanLevel0.paperback.pdf [02:34:21] Fat64: but you will find plenty of stuff on lojban.org ofcourse. [02:36:06] http://www.lojban.org/tiki/The+Lojban+Reference+Grammar [02:37:46] time to sleep now. goodnight. [02:38:02] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdj1YDWZLuk [02:38:04] gnnnn [02:39:04] http://dag.github.com/cll/ - this page looks nicer. [02:44:35] All Lojban words are pronounced as they are spelled: there are no silent letters. [02:53:14] djo'an [02:53:34] djo'an. even [02:54:52] or rather jo'an [02:54:58] jyrgen. [02:55:02] scirdcow [02:55:12] hehe [02:55:13] Chapter 18: lojbau mekso: Mathematical Expressions in Lojban [02:55:15] IT BEGINS ;D [02:55:26] you jump to the end? ;-) [02:55:30] haha sort of [02:55:41] I googled "jo'an lojban" [02:55:56] hehe jo'an. was spelling of my name. johan. [02:56:05] ah [02:56:14] and isn't your name jörgen? [02:56:15] not "Good bye" or "Good night" as I thought [02:56:22] jo'rgen [02:56:25] jyrgen in lojban? [02:56:27] mm [02:56:42] you use ' between double vowels [02:56:51] ah ok [02:56:57] and you get an h between [02:57:06] because it get's prenounced that way [02:57:14] there is no h in lojban [02:57:17] :-D [02:57:41] either I would use a similar sounding letter, or do like I did. [02:58:27] ah [02:58:35] o is pronounced like book. oo... [02:58:41] so it wouldn't really be jörgen. [02:58:45] but y... hehe [02:58:56] jooorgen [02:58:57] haha [02:59:05] also wrong... maybe someone got an answer for swedish letters. [02:59:06] hehe [02:59:15] jo'o'orgen. perhaps :-) [02:59:23] but then you get h between. [02:59:29] johohorgen [03:00:00] (no h, q or w in lojban btw) [03:00:27] takes getting used to. [03:02:57] jo'o'orgen haha [03:03:07] how do you say headquarter in lojban [03:03:13] x) [03:03:16] nvm [03:03:17] oh... you could do like this [03:04:09] jo,ORgn [03:04:13] that would be correct I guess. [03:04:25] jo,ORgn O_O [03:04:27] ok [03:04:37] (the capital letters is to change the pronounciation. but I just remembered it's at the same place as in lojban (second last syllable)) [03:04:38] it's a funny language, no doubt [03:04:54] so... jo,orgn, or maybe jo,orgen. [03:05:39] or no.. not gen. because you don't pronounce e as quick... it's e as in get. [03:06:00] jo,orgn [03:06:07] I guess that would be correct hehe [03:06:28] it's pretty easy, sort of, if you think about it. [03:06:50] * nairboon will join lojban@beginners.rbose soon :D [03:06:52] I mean, if you try to pronounce it. [03:07:04] beginners.rbose? [03:07:28] I want to skip the initial language barrier of all languages [03:07:35] and just talk real talks [03:07:38] what barrier? [03:07:49] don't question the logic of a man falling a sleep in front of the screen scrdcow [03:08:00] hehe [03:08:02] just communicate through banana peels and love [03:08:04] likewize ;-) [03:08:16] I didnt know bananas were radioactive up uintil this year [03:08:18] that's amazing [03:08:30] make a dirty bomb, which smells like containers-dirty. [03:08:44] Fat64: how long have you learnd lojban? [03:09:41] I just checked it out and we selfstudied it for 2 days. [03:09:45] but I forgot all of it [03:09:47] (just found an error... in lojban you stress the second last syllable, so if you want to change that when writing non-lojban words you need to write it in capitals. lobjan doesn't use capitals.) [03:09:47] :_: [03:10:00] no capitals, right [03:10:05] (i said wrong before) [03:11:02] atleast I have everything needed downloaded and anki with all lojban decks downloaded. [03:11:12] so I could do some offline styding. [03:11:50] .a'o [03:12:10] .a'u [03:14:50] hihihi [03:14:57] scrdcow: are you oin facebook also? [03:15:02] we could have a lojban event. [03:15:12] just nodding my head to this idea [03:16:22] Fat64: no i'm not. [03:16:30] ajt! [03:17:08] another mistake of mine, you can have more than one vowel together. but you seperate them by an apostrophe if they aren't meant to be pronounced together. [03:17:16] paboi hmm [03:17:25] what does it mean? [03:17:29] no idea [03:17:31] it's inside the vector [03:17:32] haha [03:17:41] maybe hundred? maybe something like that [03:17:46] pa re is 1 2 ? [03:17:49] paboi reboi [03:17:51] 100 200 ? :S [03:18:11] I am sorry I shouldnt be asking these things here, it's just laziness at work [03:18:26] Wikibooks <3 [03:18:51] it's ok at asking [03:18:56] to* [03:18:59] ask* [03:19:04] haha :D [03:19:05] thanks [03:19:23] but i'm a newbie*1000 [03:19:30] when did you start? today? [03:19:42] just gone through chapter one almost of l4b. [03:19:50] yes, some hours ago ;-) [03:20:01] it only took me a couple of years to get there... [03:20:28] but this dude I met which spoke esperanto really was inspiring me to pick it up. [03:20:33] ok :D [03:20:45] and I had more feelings towards lojban than esperanto. but I would like to learn that also. [03:20:59] always remember.. le cinfo cu bramau le mlatu. [03:21:04] "the lion is bigger than the cat" [03:21:05] haha [03:21:07] haha [03:21:15] yes [03:21:28] when I was a kid and first heard of esperanto I was a bit excited to learn it, but had no internet access :( [03:21:31] at.... all [03:21:39] I like how you don't use.. (dunon the right english word) gender, or say it etc. [03:21:56] SEX [03:22:01] so it gets gender neutral. [03:22:05] mi bramaugu le cinfo le mlatu [03:22:08] sounds a bit spanish doesnt it [03:22:15] the same with esperanto, you would only say it if it's needed. [03:22:21] mm ok :D [03:22:38] yes, I have always thought lojban sounds a bit spanish. [03:22:49] once heard this song being sung in lojban and thought it was spanish before I noticed. [03:22:57] lol ^ ok [03:23:04] I liked the joke.. [03:23:08] Q: How many Lojbanists does it take to change a broken light bulb? [03:23:08] A: Two: one to decide what to change it into, and one to figure out what kind of bulb emits broken light. [03:23:10] but it's constructed of words from the five major spoken languages. [03:23:24] but not sure if it's just borrowing the words or use the same meaning. [03:23:31] haha yes [03:23:33] {spanish, spanish, latin, spanish, mexican} [03:23:41] latino* ;D [03:23:41] ? [03:23:46] the five languages x) [03:23:49] no... [03:23:50] w8 [03:23:53] just kiddin [03:23:59] but maybe latin [03:24:53] http://neptune.spaceports.com/~words/lojban.html [03:25:27] "The root words (gismu in Lojban) were created by a computer from words in the six most widely-spoken languages in the world: Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, English, Spanish, Arabic and Russian." [03:25:40] .ua. [03:25:44] it was six words, not five. [03:25:49] six languages* [03:25:51] i'm getting tired. [03:26:36] le tired [03:26:46] would be cool if the meanings are the same as those languages. that means you learn some of all of them when learning lojban. [03:27:56] xalka. birje, jikru, vanju. [03:28:01] xalka meaning alcohol beverage [03:28:04] alka [03:28:08] birje, I guess beer [03:29:14] and the rest? [03:29:15] ah.. hehe [03:29:44] it's interesting how many words seem pretty close to other languages. [03:29:55] alka, alcohol etc [03:30:16] vanju = wine O_O ? :S [03:30:23] yes, that's good ;D [03:31:28] just asked and the words seem to have the same meaning as in the language it's taken from. [03:31:46] in that way it's easier to learn, and I guess you also will learn little of those languages. [03:32:01] Fat64: I can recommend anki. [03:32:34] anki [03:32:52] flash card program. [03:32:59] for learning stuff. [03:33:49] :D:D [03:33:52] kind of good to have [03:34:17] mi'e jO'an [03:34:40] another funny thing... you can write all lojban gismu together as one long word :-D [03:34:58] likethisyouknow. actually correct, spaces only used for easier reading. [03:36:11] therefore you need to use dots when you want to have a pause, and you always start words that begins with a vowel with a dot. [03:36:19] hoho [03:36:24] and shit still is readable [03:36:34] hehe yes. [03:41:22] *** Quits: steve (qwebirc@RBOSE-p4ci4m.dip.t-dialin.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [03:41:38] the nice thing about this lojbanisation of names and foreign words etc. is that you actually can spell it the way you pronounce it. [03:41:44] so you would always pronounce it correct. [03:47:29] ok.. this gets to long here [03:47:45] Fat64: you can join lojban instead if you want and we (I? ;-)) can spam there. [05:34:43] *** DNS777 is now known as [777] [06:35:19] *** Quits: BranManFloMore (BranManFloMor@RBOSE-i97fcv.biz.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving.) [07:12:20] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-jn9.ln1.30.41.IP) [07:16:22] *** Joins: iamme2 (iamme@RBOSE-j46.k9j.29.41.IP) [07:20:24] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-jn9.ln1.30.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [07:31:16] morning folks [07:49:00] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-k4kc8s.mweb.co.za) [07:49:42] *** Quits: iamme2 (iamme@RBOSE-j46.k9j.29.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [07:58:13] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-k4kc8s.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [08:12:19] hi guys [08:20:18] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-dmn.otb.30.41.IP) [08:51:58] *** Joins: lundburgerr (lundburgerr@RBOSE-2ej.pbu.200.193.IP) [09:04:35] *** Joins: live (qwebirc@RBOSE-6m5f1m.opera-mini.net) [09:06:14] yo [09:09:15] *** Joins: live_ (qwebirc@RBOSE-6m5f1m.opera-mini.net) [09:10:41] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-dmn.otb.30.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:11:54] crap Opera monitor all traffic [09:14:16] *** Quits: live (qwebirc@RBOSE-6m5f1m.opera-mini.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:17:18] *** Quits: live_ (qwebirc@RBOSE-6m5f1m.opera-mini.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:24:47] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) [09:49:31] *** Joins: ane (qWEBirc@RBOSE-f5sgo0.adsl.tpnet.pl) [10:10:11] *** Joins: aue (qWEBirc@RBOSE-f5sgo0.adsl.tpnet.pl) [10:15:38] *** Quits: ane (qWEBirc@RBOSE-f5sgo0.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [10:16:33] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-hhm.9h0.94.93.IP) [10:19:52] !morning kman [10:19:53] ACTION wishes kman a Good Morning :-) (And not only because aue requested that) [10:20:39] It is a good morning indeed. A good morning for boiling marmalade ^^ [10:22:08] i made hummus [10:24:54] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-d885to.mweb.co.za) [10:27:27] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-d885to.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [10:30:57] Yum yum! [10:31:14] (puts chick peas in water) [10:32:32] Brb [10:40:28] *** Quits: aue (qWEBirc@RBOSE-f5sgo0.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Page closed) [12:49:58] OK! [12:50:07] TONIGHT we all dumpsterdive and take pics of our findings [12:50:31] and then we all dance and laugh [12:54:17] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-hhm.9h0.94.93.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [13:10:27] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-hhm.9h0.94.93.IP) [13:51:01] yes? yes? [13:56:25] *** Joins: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-f8g.9dj.110.122.IP) [13:56:29] *** Quits: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-f8g.9dj.110.122.IP) (Quit: Lost terminal) [14:12:17] *** Joins: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-f8g.9dj.110.122.IP) [16:14:57] *** Joins: Mellow_ (Mellow_@RBOSE-clmtng.bredband.comhem.se) [16:16:30] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-icl.ej6.27.41.IP) [16:28:59] *** Quits: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-f8g.9dj.110.122.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [17:00:32] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-icl.ej6.27.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [17:33:55] *** Joins: antilect_ (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) [17:40:57] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [18:04:49] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-hc5.c71.27.41.IP) [18:07:51] yes? [18:07:55] WHERE ARE YOU RBOSE :O [18:24:53] :D [18:24:59] Yo Fat64 :D [18:25:19] looking for me? [18:52:19] *** Joins: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [18:54:44] *** Joins: ane (qWEBirc@RBOSE-sehhab.adsl.tpnet.pl) [19:01:46] YES [19:01:49] tonight we dumpsterdive [19:01:59] and I expect everyone here to join in on the fun [19:02:03] E X P E C T [19:12:49] can some1 do me a favor who is on *buntu or debian? [19:13:08] plz test GNUtrition [19:13:17] https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/gnu [19:13:32] if you are on squeeze use lucid rls [19:14:16] *** Parts: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [19:14:48] !poke kman [19:14:49] ACTION pokes kman in #RBOSE a bit with a gigantic cuddly GNU [19:14:57] might be intersting for you [19:15:05] and some more [19:21:29] !poke Fat64 [19:21:29] ACTION pokes Fat64 in #RBOSE a bit with a gigantic cuddly GNU [19:21:37] lol [19:23:25] woot is trition? [19:25:13] nutrition analysis [19:25:38] !gnu gnutrition [19:25:40] 2,920 results | Did you mean: nutrition +site:gnu.org | GNUtrition - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation @ http://www.gnu.org/s/gnutrition/ | GNUtrition - Summary [Savannah] @ http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnutrition [19:31:58] i think thats what we could use for cookbook or wo0t [19:47:14] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-hc5.c71.27.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [19:47:46] *** Joins: Fodi69 (Fodi69@RBOSE-rmhcu1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [20:10:41] cookbock [20:10:50] we all dumpsterdive and you too DNS [20:10:53] :D <3? [20:13:21] *** Quits: Fodi69 (Fodi69@RBOSE-rmhcu1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/) [20:13:32] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-177.srs.28.41.IP) [20:21:36] DNS, will check that out. Thanks! [20:21:46] yw [20:21:57] plz let me know if there are bugs with package [20:22:15] ^^ [20:22:19] Your development? [20:22:20] atm it has no icon but you can start it after install just with: gnutrition [20:22:51] no not mine, i just fixed some debian files to make it able to compile [20:23:41] v0.4 is in development [20:23:50] this in my ppa is last "stable" rls [20:24:11] but i didnt test much so far [20:24:19] you need mysql for that [20:24:33] it almost all written in python [20:41:20] DNS a question its with DB or you need to create/add it? [20:41:31] http://debconf11.debconf.org/watch.xhtml [20:41:57] you need to use mysql as db [20:42:17] it asks you right after start for mysql login data [20:42:44] so best is extra account:) [20:50:38] Evil: we may setup such a db if this is a web app [20:50:59] yeah [20:51:06] but i was wondering if data is with it [20:51:19] ah, i wonder too [20:51:25] would be awesome [20:51:30] like what is in apple or something [20:55:05] *** Joins: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [21:07:16] well the app will create a db if you dont use another [21:07:57] hm it seems that in 0.4 they switch it to sqlite [21:07:58] *** Parts: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [21:08:44] maybe faster [21:29:09] *** Joins: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [21:29:29] *** Parts: dirt (dirt@RBOSE-cn22bv.pool.telekom.hu) [21:40:17] *** Quits: Mellow_ (Mellow_@RBOSE-clmtng.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: ) [21:53:52] Google collect mac adress not only of modem but Clients Too http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20082777-281/street-view-cars-grabbed-locations-of-phones-pcs/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20 [21:53:54] Evil's URL: http://xrl.us/bk253n [21:54:09] Google works for CIE 100% [21:54:13] CIA [22:04:55] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-hhm.9h0.94.93.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [22:13:13] DNS, sqlite is faster in some cases but as well it's easier to copy, backup, create and doesn't require from the user to setup a db server [22:15:53] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-hhm.9h0.94.93.IP) [22:52:05] http://vimeo.com/24821365 [23:13:18] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-177.srs.28.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [23:16:38] *** Quits: lundburgerr (lundburgerr@RBOSE-2ej.pbu.200.193.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [23:24:52] DNS: nice (gnutrition) [23:25:07] (will check later some time) [23:35:19] *** Joins: lundburgerr (lundburgerr@RBOSE-2ej.pbu.200.193.IP) [23:45:08] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [23:45:08] *** RBOSE sets mode: +o rBOTse