[00:40:23] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [00:40:44] what's up [01:30:09] very nice weather in germany [01:30:15] :p [01:33:32] *** Quits: Iderik (iderik@RBOSE-vff9gr.mobileonline.telia.com) (Client exited) [01:34:35] you and me babe, how about it [02:08:47] nobody told me about logs being published online world-readable. [02:08:49] scrdcow: Error: "told" is not a valid command. [02:08:53] me no like this :-/ [02:10:35] aha [02:10:40] every channel which is logged here tells you this if u join it [02:10:41] it should be in the topic [02:10:45] oh? [02:10:48] *** Parts: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) [02:10:56] *** Joins: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) [02:11:22] where ? :o [02:11:23] as notice from ChanServ or anotha bot [02:11:25] or when connecting to server? [02:11:33] wel irssi... [02:11:37] :D [02:11:42] irssi is a fair lady [02:11:43] its your settings [02:11:48] meaow [02:11:54] wait then [02:11:56] *** Quits: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) (Quit: leaving) [02:12:05] *** Joins: fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) [02:12:37] fat64: what happened? [02:12:38] and there are still only 3 chans logged [02:12:51] hihi [02:13:00] #RBOSE, #developers and #wiki [02:13:01] ok, the server greets you with the MOTD that says there are logs [02:13:04] but only gives a quick url on it [02:13:11] I haven't seen a notice of that sort. [02:13:29] but I could have just missed it. [02:13:34] so then it's ok. [02:13:42] can't blame anyone for my ignorance :-) [02:13:53] if u dont see the notice its abour client [02:14:00] so #rbose.se is not logged.. PHEW! :D [02:14:05] not about the server [02:14:16] the things I say there, wow. [02:14:25] hehe [02:14:31] jk ^ [02:14:42] mr. konstapel will come and smisk me on my datakalsong [02:14:44] btw in freenode is everything logged if i am not wrong [02:14:51] ok [02:14:54] but not publically [02:14:55] haha [02:15:09] fröken blÃ¥ will take you away from your greasy keyboard [02:15:17] violin if necessary [02:15:38] I got a yoyo in the mail. I don't have to make sense. [02:15:49] a yoyo? [02:16:03] a yo-yo [02:16:16] * DNS sends fat64 a y0y0y0y0y0 via IRC [02:16:19] löl [02:16:25] haha [02:16:29] humpty dance! [02:16:53] in soviet russia mail makes sense of you [02:16:57] but yo-yo? [02:17:22] eh [02:17:32] is there an american russia too? [02:17:43] or why u say soviet russia? [02:18:02] scrdcow: yes, you know what it is right? [02:18:16] the best toy a boy could ask for! [02:18:24] oh boy! [02:18:39] fat64 is intwinged in some cultural part of this times i'm missing out on... [02:18:51] fat64: i know better toys [02:18:52] scrdcow: you mean the toy, with a string? [02:18:57] we oppose eachother philoyoyosophically [02:18:58] but pssst [02:19:03] yes =) [02:19:04] DNS: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Russian_reversal_%28joke%29 [02:19:05] URL Title: Russian reversal (joke) - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia [02:19:08] the STRING thingie [02:19:16] ah.. then I make seven less sese ;-) [02:19:50] yo-yo's where big in my school during the middle of the 90's. [02:19:59] coca cola sold them [02:20:11] you colud get the cheap crappy ones, or the better ones... [02:20:19] http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090717104117/uncyclopedia/images/1/16/Yew_tree-3564.jpg [02:20:27] I liked the coca cola one [02:20:31] it held up for a long time [02:20:40] but even cooler. if you practised alot you could go to this events and play against others and win this golden yo-yos. [02:20:47] hoohoo [02:20:47] not sure if I drank more coke thou. [02:20:53] :) [02:21:03] there is a can on my table. why? yoyo. [02:21:12] haha [02:21:22] ok [02:21:33] "i got hooked on coke from yo-yo's as a kid" :-c [02:21:50] x) [02:21:51] theres a copyright, copyleft and now a copyup > http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/File:Copydown.png [02:21:52] URL Title: File:Copydown.png - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia [02:22:03] * DNS is now creatin the c0pyup [02:22:11] lol [02:22:12] http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/File:American_goths.jpg WAT [02:22:13] URL Title: File:American goths.jpg - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia [02:22:15] do it [02:22:34] copyd0wn löl [02:23:02] löl in sweden sounds extra fugly [02:23:19] it's the animal spirit [02:23:25] 0_o [02:23:29] let's get down with this copy shit. [02:23:42] animal spirit? [02:23:43] lets up some copies [02:24:00] copyup = if you copy you are force to upload it [02:24:01] copyup so that I can copydown, yo! [02:24:02] hahahha [02:24:05] :) [02:24:20] hehe [02:24:48] should make one in z-axis aswell [02:24:59] like rotated so you only se a line. [02:25:04] copy... [02:25:05] i think many music artists would love copyup y0 [02:26:20] copyon, copyin, copyout [02:26:25] the lsd of copyng [02:26:45] 0_o [02:26:57] you nkow turn on, tune in, drop out. [02:28:13] https://encrypted.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBcQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fencarta.msn.com%2Fdictionary_1861694301%2Fcopy_down.html&ei=85U4TqOFJYyg-wb8mO2zAg&usg=AFQjCNGHjxBqUD1pntsmeIbJfhX5i1I-Zg [02:28:13] DNS' URL: http://x0.no/25up [02:28:19] löl [02:28:24] on msn taken down [02:28:26] hahahahah [02:28:40] https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:gTBongxVd-8J:encarta.msn.com/dictionary_1861694301/copy_down.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=firefox&source=encrypted.google.com [02:28:41] URL Title: copy down definition - Dictionary - MSN Encarta [02:28:41] DNS' URL: http://xrl.us/bk3yoo [02:29:08] haha [02:29:38] pfft. encarta. [02:29:54] the 90s called and wanted their cd-rom back! [02:31:19] DNS: who do you think you are, some kind of copyboy? [02:31:58] msn sux at all [02:32:06] oh sorry i mean m$ [02:32:19] or why do you think i did this trigger: [02:32:23] !windows [02:32:24] I am scared about such as operating system, because it would take my freedom away. Learn about software freedom: http://rbose.org/wiki/Software & http://rbose.org/wiki/Free_Software [02:32:25] microsoft [02:32:31] !windows [02:32:32] I know winblows is defective by design. Check: http://rbose.org/wiki/Defective_by_Design [02:32:36] !windows [02:32:36] I can not understand why people do run such as proprietary bullshit, sorry. Do you know about FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)? Check: http://rbose.org/wiki/FOSS and/or type: /join #FOSS [02:32:43] :p [02:33:24] preaching to the choir [02:33:44] the more I study lojban the more every over langue seems like total garbage [02:34:11] how obvious is it that choir is pronounced the way it is? [02:34:29] quajer [02:34:34] yeah [02:34:41] never in a million years [02:36:39] I shall play some good old choake. [02:37:05] but it's hard to controll the mouse because of this earthchoake [02:37:10] well teh current languages would be all a bit primitive if we would be able to communicate in pure thoughts [02:37:13] :D [02:37:30] i mean telepathy like [02:37:32] hehe [02:37:38] I think my brain would overload [02:37:46] I also notice so much crap in languages when I translate now [02:37:48] from eng to swe [02:37:55] depends on how good your spam filters would be settted [02:37:57] hahaha [02:37:59] :> [02:38:10] an enourmous blacklist will be neeed [02:38:17] piling on every day [02:38:33] I would hack it and flip your whitelist with blacklist [02:38:37] neurohacker [02:38:41] hahaha [02:38:48] have you seen lain? [02:38:51] nope :o [02:38:57] very good anime. [02:38:58] heard some good things aboot it [02:38:59] !w lain [02:39:02] Lain | Lain is an uncommon female name in English and in some cases an uncommon male name. Some people named Lain include: Douglas Lain, a science-fiction author. Saint Latuinus, also known as Saint Lain, bishop of Sées. Chasey Lain, American porn actress. It could also refer to: Lain, Yonne, a commune in the French Yonne département. Lain, Guinea. Laining, a synonym for Torah reading.. Serial [02:39:03] 16 aug :T [02:39:03] Experiments Lain, an anime series Lain Iwakura a character in the anime series Serial Experiments Lain.. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lain" Categories: Disambiguation pagesHidden categories: All article disambiguation pages | All disambiguation pages | Article Feedback Blacklist @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lain [02:39:10] where is she? [02:39:12] :P [02:39:12] serial experiments lain [02:39:14] lol [02:39:34] 16 aug? where is she? [02:39:57] having a hard time understanding [02:41:34] Lain contains extensive references to Apple computers,... [02:41:34] http://xspblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/lain_2_090.jpg [02:41:39] bleh shit [02:41:40] yes, and beos :-D [02:41:41] lol [02:41:57] lol [02:42:08] beos i remember from 90ies [02:42:23] http://www.thebest4unow.com/anime-blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/e2ebd_1.jpg - connected to the internetz [02:42:54] DNS: waiting for haiku to actually well, become beos 5.0 ;-) [02:43:08] (not alpha) [02:43:19] ah fukk that [02:43:28] Be Incorporated was an American computer company founded in 1990, best known for the Be Operating System (BeOS) and BeBox personal computer. Be was founded by former Apple Computer executive Jean-Louis Gassée with capital from Seymour Cray. [02:43:30] whyy fuckkit? [02:43:46] proprietary bs [02:43:52] no it's not. [02:44:16] haiku? [02:44:40] it's MIT licensed [02:44:52] hm k [02:44:58] not too bad then [02:45:02] scrdcow: my exam is 16 aug :D [02:45:02] good to hear that [02:45:05] http://haiku-os.org/ [02:45:07] after then, LAIN :D [02:45:23] fat64: oh, I see. then I shall not disturb you. [02:45:46] fat64: ...with my dwellings in lojbanistan. [02:46:05] <3 [02:46:10] what is the reason to create haiku? [02:46:25] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Lämnar) [02:46:42] would make more sense to contribure to a current free OS [02:46:48] but just my opinion [02:47:00] *contribute [02:47:20] DNS: it comes from openbeos. but it started out because be inc went bankrupted and their beloved os wouldn't be supported no more. with it being free it could never happen again. [02:47:38] DNS: not everybody want/likes the same. [02:47:50] heh [02:48:05] DNS: they still use alot of other free software and libs etc. so they will cotribute with bugs for that. [02:48:14] whateva the world dont needs 1000s of OS [02:48:22] look at all those free distros [02:48:38] how many of them (thousands) are still alive= [02:48:40] ? [02:48:41] you mean gnu/linux distros? [02:48:48] too much work for nearly nothin [02:49:00] I agree but it depends on what you do. [02:49:22] if you only change langue and default some extar packages, why create a new distor. [02:49:25] distro* [02:49:27] if every1 would contribute to a current distro there current distro can be developed faster [02:49:30] but if you make something competly different. why not. [02:49:55] yes, but not everybody agrees all the time on all issues for that to happen. [02:50:01] tru [02:50:02] people want/need choice for a reason [02:50:13] (if theres is any reason yes) [02:50:35] but if the reason is just fame then its bs [02:50:41] but there is tons of ubuntu-derived distros that I don't see the point of really. [02:50:51] for ex. [02:50:52] trisquel is a g00d reason [02:50:54] :P [02:50:56] but yes [02:51:05] I like how debian does it with blends [02:51:28] for smaller things you can make a blend, no need to make a completly new distro. [02:51:54] yea [02:53:51] DNS: btw... you should now me well enough to know that I want be "waaaiiitiiing" for something that is proprietary ;-) [02:54:13] (even thou i'm waiting and I would like to run haiku, I don't think it will ever become my main os) [02:54:24] want = wont ? [02:54:34] (for a shitload of reasons. but I still like beos) [02:54:34] now = know ? [02:54:36] :D [02:54:46] heh sorry. latenite badenglish [02:54:51] np [02:55:01] yea i was wondering about beos sorry [02:55:03] but I have seen that I have started to do those errors more lately [02:55:15] beos was the shit in it's time. [02:55:18] to bad it died out. [02:55:24] lol im teh king is misspelling [02:55:28] *in [02:55:30] ;-) [02:55:30] lool [02:55:32] :D [02:55:34] lol* [02:55:38] ahhaha [02:55:44] or löl perhaps [02:56:10] lool sounds like some kind of breathing exercise [02:56:23] laugh - out.. out - laugh.. [02:56:36] err loud* [02:56:38] whatever. [02:56:42] have to go :-D [02:56:56] lo_ol [02:57:04] :D [02:57:06] (o_o) [02:57:22] DNS: did you run beos? [02:57:29] no not rly [02:57:33] just ried it out [02:57:36] *tried [02:58:00] ok :-) [02:58:17] shall not go on a beos rant of sorts. I have to pack my bag and take a bath. [02:58:46] heh [02:59:14] hey DNS [03:00:16] hi grits whats up [03:00:37] space [03:00:52] thats not up [03:00:57] its all around us [03:01:04] up, down, left, right [03:01:08] :D [03:01:10] haha [03:01:16] but up to be sure [03:01:28] also down [03:01:50] but not counter clockwise [03:02:01] in universe nothing is up or down or left or right [03:02:12] so fat we dont know what the bottom and top is [03:02:15] :p [03:02:18] *far [03:02:36] most likely it has no bottom or top [03:02:39] since it's infinite [03:02:42] yes [03:02:50] Earth has an up though [03:02:58] mmh [03:03:06] but who decided that? [03:03:16] there's no way to know [03:03:23] hehe [03:03:52] It's a concept with limited utility. [03:04:00] limited but not zero [03:04:18] btw i heard some sayin that universe is limited [03:04:23] liars [03:04:33] i wonder how they imagine such as but whateva [03:04:35] hehe [03:05:15] also i heard about singularity in space [03:05:54] (could be that some ppl thinkin this because we still dindt found living creatures on other planet, at least not officially) [03:07:32] * scrdcow sheds a tear for beos and beinc :..-( [03:07:46] why that [03:07:48] me not [03:07:51] :D [03:08:09] DNS: you weren't into it, you didn't feeel it. you didn't copydown! :-D [03:08:19] you were left below [03:08:19] hm [03:08:42] *** Joins: Plautus (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [03:08:43] well i was usin windows for a long time, and if m$ would die tommorow i would even make a party [03:08:53] can you boot Grits [03:08:53] a big one! [03:08:57] lol [03:09:06] you can do by yourself [03:09:09] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [03:09:10] if your nick is registered [03:09:13] DNS: it sadens me because beos did so much things right (imo), so much inovation and staying ahead. they shouldn't die out. [03:09:14] n/m [03:09:17] :D [03:09:30] hmm it says this name isn't registered [03:09:35] I thought I had it grouped with Grits [03:09:36] DNS: yes, a great ms unrealese party. [03:09:40] *** Parts: Plautus (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [03:10:01] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [03:10:05] if you dont use a nick for hm i need to look at amount of time but i think 120 days or soemthin then it will be expiredc [03:10:50] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [03:11:14] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [03:12:02] my internet is spotty here [03:12:07] DNS: it also sadens me because beos makes me think of the 90's, the intrenet era, the easy life of a boy, phreaking, lan parties, douglas coupland - microserfs, the hole apple vs. ms battle, modems... all nostalgia :-D [03:12:31] scrdcow: were you workin for them? [03:12:37] hehe [03:13:23] DNS: no, but I was very envy on my friends being able to run this wonderfull os. and I couldn't becouse it didn't support PCI macs ;-) (I had to run it later, and then I fell in love) [03:13:27] (for realz) [03:13:35] ok:) [03:13:59] but it was to late... it was already dead ;-( [03:14:14] DNS: have you read microserfs? how old are you? [03:14:37] DNS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microserfs [03:14:38] URL Title: Microserfs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [03:14:40] microserfs? not sure [03:14:43] lemme see [03:14:48] very good book. [03:15:09] it's about some ms employed geeks, he depicts the geek type very accurate [03:15:23] and it's very close to that era [03:15:34] no i didnt [03:15:51] he later wrote jpod that also was made into a movie. [03:15:54] (and btw an dirty ol bastard) [03:15:58] :p [03:16:02] me [03:16:18] it's more "up to date" so to say, it's about game coder geeks. [03:16:24] not movie, but series. but they ended it :-/ [03:16:41] DNS: how old? don't want to say? [03:17:10] 35 [03:17:16] anyways, if you weren't old enough during the 90's maybe the book won't have that huge affect on you.. [03:17:20] ah ok. [03:17:26] then i perhaps it could have :-) [03:18:05] but in 90ies i didnt was any kind of free software freak0r [03:18:17] i was just about makin beats on any kind of computer i could get [03:18:22] hehe [03:18:51] (started with amiga500) [03:19:06] My first computer was an Apple][+ [03:19:11] but my first pc was a sinclair zx 81 [03:19:15] :D [03:19:31] The first coding I did was modifying the DOS it used for floppy filesystems [03:19:39] hehe [03:19:44] my first was c64 [03:19:48] first coding i tried on sinclair [03:19:58] Timex? [03:20:04] but then on c16/plus4/c64 more [03:20:06] nah [03:20:10] i started to became free software freak0r in 96. but wouldn't call myself that until perhaps a few years later. [03:20:11] or idk [03:20:13] i was a kid [03:20:15] :D [03:20:19] 4K of RAM? [03:20:26] a little black thing with a built in keyboard? [03:20:30] yes [03:20:42] become* [03:20:46] !w sinclair zx81 [03:20:48] The page "Sinclair zx81" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered. For search help, please visit Help:Searching. [03:20:52] hm [03:20:59] !g timex sinclair [03:21:02] 1,130,000 results | Timex Sinclair 1000 computer @ http://oldcomputers.net/ts1000.html | Sinclair ZX-81 computer @ http://oldcomputers.net/zx81.html | Timex Sinclair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timex_Sinclair [03:21:03] I didn't dare to even play games on our c64 at first [03:21:16] !w zx81 [03:21:18] I was afraid of loosing when other kids (from the hood) saw me playing [03:21:20] ZX81 | The ZX81 was a home computer produced by Sinclair Research and manufactured in Scotland by Timex Corporation. It was launched in the United Kingdom in March 1981 as the successor to Sinclair's ZX80 and was designed to be a low-cost introduction to home computing for the general public. It was hugely successful and more than 1.5 million units were sold before it was eventually discontinued. The [03:21:21] ZX81 found commercial success in many other countries, notably the United States, where Timex manufactured and distributed it under licence. Timex later produced its own versions of the ZX81 for the US market – the Timex Sinclair 1000 and Timex Sinclair 1500. Unauthorised clones of the ZX81 were produced in a number of c @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zx81 [03:21:32] I created many games and some paint software in 6502 assembler on my Apple][+ [03:21:36] but on my own one day, I tried it out and got instantly hooked. [03:21:42] end of story ;-D [03:21:42] wow [03:22:09] scrdcow: i was totally addicted to computer games in c64 times [03:22:11] very [03:22:17] yes me too. [03:22:27] I did some coding, but only basic and lame shit. [03:22:36] yea me too [03:22:40] no serious stuff [03:22:49] but still was very ez to do on these computers [03:22:49] I lost interest in computer games in the late 90's. [03:22:53] I made text games mainly [03:22:53] much less complex [03:22:58] well, I still have it, but not in the same way. [03:23:07] it was more fun back when you had to swap diskettes via mail. [03:23:12] then I created a computer version of a tabletop game called Car Wars [03:23:13] disks* [03:23:18] :D [03:23:21] or you have to download from elite bbs. [03:23:30] I loved the BBS cycle [03:23:40] post, wait two days, receive reply [03:23:43] you were waiting for something to get in your mailbox [03:23:58] I knew the u/d schedules for all the local BBS's I used [03:24:06] I was on them the minute they finished their batches [03:24:15] hehe [03:24:34] it was so enthralling when I first discovered networking computers [03:24:34] I ran a small bbs of my own, but it was mostly a joke. [03:24:43] the mac bbs scene was mostly a joke anyways so ;-) atleast here in sweden. [03:24:51] I ran a BBS using the alias Grunt Smut [03:24:55] the warezscene that is. [03:25:23] hehe [03:25:34] mainly porn [03:25:35] the only thing that actually get me back to that nice vibe is working in the command line. [03:25:48] exploring programs and commands [03:25:55] :) [03:25:58] it feels like I have a connection back to the sixties [03:26:06] it feels like real data. [03:26:21] not some modern ugly, bloated, bad shit, crap... [03:26:56] I mean, what can bring me back to the same joy, of modern computing. [03:27:09] yea and extended [03:27:12] without free software I would just fuckit all together and do something else. [03:27:37] the features in nowdays gnu shells is just amazin [03:27:45] probably just stick to 8-bit computers as a hobby and just use a pc for what is needed nowadays. [03:27:54] dos looks like a distorted childplay to that [03:27:55] "extended"? [03:27:58] oh man I remember my first shell account on a linux workstation [03:28:00] 1989 [03:28:02] hehe [03:28:06] some guy I met on a MUD hooked me up with it [03:28:18] Grits: linux wasn't even released 1989! :-D [03:28:28] yea in 91 [03:28:34] officially [03:28:40] well maybe it was AIX or something [03:28:45] some version of *nix I know that [03:28:55] maybe straight unix [03:29:33] yeah [03:30:08] my first shell acount was later on... 95 maybe.. [03:30:25] then I installed linux 96 [03:30:32] because I wanted to learn more [03:30:42] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Unix_history.svg [03:31:09] I got tired of macos and I was just doing nothing with it. I liked system, but with old macos, not much to play around with in the same regard. [03:31:32] but in a shell... so much fun. [03:32:01] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRpMAt7Rbv8 this guy is nice :) [03:32:02] You4Tube 2[Title] Keith Thompson: Totally Off The Grid 2[Category] People 2[Duration] 0:08:08 2[Views] 145013 2[Rating] 4.97 2[Uploaded] 2008-05-29 2[Description] Keith aka Skeeter is living totally off the grid. Starting with a raw plot of land, he built his house from scratch, dug a well, created a solar power system and is completely responsible for all his waste. Keith is a good example of someone who got tired of paying utiliti [03:32:03] I like his toilet. [03:32:53] fat64: I remeber his name, what is he famous for? [03:33:01] fat64: a vegan? hmm.. [03:33:23] (not famous, but where I could have heard his name) [03:35:08] ok, now bath+fix+sleep. k thx bai [03:37:01] fat64: looks like a families toilet here. [03:37:04] cu scrdcow [03:37:14] lol [03:37:38] maybe you mean ken thompson scrdcow ? [03:38:18] DNS: no. [03:40:50] ok:) [03:41:00] scrdcow: nice :) [03:41:05] I havent heard his name before this video [03:41:21] DNS: http://macbloggen.se/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Dennis-Ritchie-and-Ken-Thompson-590x472.jpg [03:41:46] only want to do stuff from the 60's... [03:41:52] unix - 69 - ok [03:41:59] grass - 60's ofcourse -ok [03:42:07] psykedelic music - ok [03:42:10] etc.. ;-) [03:42:30] counterculutre - 60's - ok [03:42:34] hehe [03:42:55] the early 70's is ok aswell. [03:43:27] (don't take mo to serious) [03:47:10] :D [04:13:38] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.) [04:13:38] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Remote host closed the connection) [04:13:45] moo too seriooos [04:21:09] well gnight [04:42:07] !night fat64 [04:42:08] ACTION wishes fat64 a Good Night. Sleep well :-) (If you wonder, DNS requested that) [04:45:47] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAK7GyxVzFk [04:45:48] You4Tube 2[Title] Virtual (Void) - BeOS Crew 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:03:05 2[Views] 1827 2[Rating] 4.79 2[Uploaded] 2009-06-26 2[Description] The song Virtual (Void) made by Be Inc. Back in the 90s. [04:57:47] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlOi-L-N0X4 [04:57:48] You4Tube 2[Title] BeOS Song - 5038 BeOS It's The OS - The Cotton Squares 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:05:18 2[Views] 477 2[Rating] 3.67 2[Uploaded] 2010-11-17 2[Description] BeOS R5 Professional Edition included some sample multimedia files, including two songs composed by Be staff ("5038" and "virtual (void)") as well as a video of Be staff pushing computer monitors off the roof of their building in Menlo Park. [04:59:31] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1c_J9gcCOo [04:59:32] You4Tube 2[Title] Memorial Day (Lower) at Be Incorporated 2[Category] Howto 2[Duration] 0:00:18 2[Views] 1151 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2006-08-22 2[Description] This is "Memorial Day (Lower)" video from BeOS Release 5 CD-ROM. The video shows Be employees throwing broken video monitors from the roof of the company headquarters building at El Camino Real in Melo Park, California. Original is Indeo-5 Compression, 320 x 240, 29 fps, [04:59:55] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jMFiRvxvrc [04:59:56] You4Tube 2[Title] Memorial Day (Upper) at Be Incorporated 2[Category] Howto 2[Duration] 0:00:16 2[Views] 851 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2006-08-22 2[Description] This is "Memorial Day (Upper)" video from BeOS Release 5 CD-ROM. The video shows Be employees throwing broken video monitors from the roof of the company headquarters building at El Camino Real in Melo Park, California. Original is Indeo-5 Compression, 320 x 240, 29 fps, R [05:04:35] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3qh-cF_Pck [05:04:36] You4Tube 2[Title] Be Inc 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:18:25 2[Views] 12 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2011-04-24 2[Description] Be Inc, 800 El Camino Real, Ste 400 Menlo Park, California 1999 [05:04:39] haha, very funny to hear his comments. [05:05:09] "this is incredible", "woow...", "wow, this is my favorite search engine" (when he browse to google) [05:26:47] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QZPbU4s9aA [05:26:48] You4Tube 2[Title] Futuristic Sex Robotz - If I Ruled The World 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:05:47 2[Views] 21568 2[Rating] 4.93 2[Uploaded] 2009-07-12 2[Description] [PC Speaker:] In my world, Linux never existed, Linus Torvalds was born disfigured, It was too much for his parents to take, So they locked him in the car and then they pushed it in a lake, Steve Jobs was murdered by his gay lover elf, And I finished off Bill Gates b [05:26:49] :-D [05:48:34] löl [05:54:29] gotta blast [05:54:35] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [06:53:03] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [06:56:02] what's up [07:10:14] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed) [07:15:08] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-4ck.6bu.31.41.IP) [07:15:17] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-4ck.6bu.31.41.IP) (Connection closed) [07:15:41] *** Joins: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-4ck.6bu.31.41.IP) [07:19:40] *** Joins: iamme2 (iamme@RBOSE-jg8.uq6.31.41.IP) [07:23:21] *** Joins: iamme3 (iamme@RBOSE-jpc.pav.28.41.IP) [07:23:45] *** Quits: iamme (iamme@RBOSE-4ck.6bu.31.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [07:27:44] *** Quits: iamme2 (iamme@RBOSE-jg8.uq6.31.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [07:29:22] *** Joins: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-n42.v33.31.41.IP) [07:31:25] *** Quits: iamme3 (iamme@RBOSE-jpc.pav.28.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [07:34:56] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-d885to.mweb.co.za) [07:37:31] *** Quits: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-n42.v33.31.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [07:45:34] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [07:47:44] *** Joins: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-e0f.fv1.27.41.IP) [08:06:25] *** Quits: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-e0f.fv1.27.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [08:07:27] *** Joins: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-8hl.8mf.26.41.IP) [08:31:48] *** Quits: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-8hl.8mf.26.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [08:33:25] *** Joins: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-arv.cv0.27.41.IP) [08:48:37] oh, i fell asleep in the bathtub again. [08:48:44] hehe [08:48:57] but still have plenty of time to pack before leaving. [08:50:59] it got coled in the water so I wake up, poored in som hot water, and it got comfy and I fell asleep again [08:51:03] cooled* [08:51:06] woke* [08:51:12] some* [08:51:23] <- seriously lack of sleep [08:51:28] :-D [08:52:06] *** Quits: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-arv.cv0.27.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:26:44] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [09:41:26] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [09:52:45] anyone awake? [10:30:36] *** Quits: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [10:30:36] *** Quits: DNS (DNS777@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [10:30:36] *** Quits: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [10:30:36] *** Quits: lukas (lukas@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [10:30:36] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [10:30:36] *** Quits: fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [10:40:34] Hey Grits [10:40:46] hi [10:44:45] Girts you can mix hydrogen with LPG or fuel and drive on it on any car [10:44:49] dont need to change anything :D [10:45:27] *** Joins: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) [10:46:38] *** Joins: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) [12:02:09] *** Joins: fat64 (fat64@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [12:02:34] :< [12:05:44] !seen fat64 [12:05:44] fat64, mirror mirror on the wall... [12:05:53] !seen dammit [12:05:54] fat64, dammit? hmm... I'm trying to remember... maybe... I'm not sure... no. I don't remember dammit. [12:12:28] wow Evil [12:12:31] I didn't know that [12:12:43] I'm working on distilling plastics into fuel [12:13:09] polystyrene, polyethylene and polypropylene will all boil off into gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene [12:13:16] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [12:14:22] Hey Fat64 :D [12:14:40] everything will be ok! [12:14:44] hugs Evil <3 [12:14:56] :) [12:15:04] i am more worried why topic is gone LOL [12:15:12] and why fat64.rbose.org is down xD [12:15:19] -!- Topic for #RBOSE: Welcome! | General discussion about RBOSE | Want to help? Join community projects and keep publishing about stuff you work on. | For specific subjects please check: /list | Need help? Type !help all ...For other or more help just ask here or join #help [12:15:33] .topic Welcome! | General discussion about RBOSE | Want to help? Join community projects and keep publishing about stuff you work on. | For specific subjects please check: /list | Need help? Type !help all ...For other or more help just ask here or join #help [12:15:33] *** RBOSE changes topic to 'Welcome! | General discussion about RBOSE | Want to help? Join community projects and keep publishing about stuff you work on. | For specific subjects please check: /list | Need help? Type !help all ...For other or more help just ask here or join #help' [12:16:20] :) [12:16:45] How are you Fat64? [12:23:25] stressed about a math exam :< [12:23:29] I suck at proofs. [12:33:37] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) [12:33:45] antilect: morning! [12:40:51] Evil: hydrogen+fuel, is that not pretty damn explosive? [12:43:54] LPG and fuel is not explosive? [12:43:55] *** Joins: Iderik (iderik@RBOSE-i7lb4d.mobileonline.telia.com) [12:44:20] comotion sure it is but not worst then LPG diesel of fuel [12:44:51] you mean lpg+h2 or diesel+h2 is even more explosive? [12:45:02] comotion i think its even more save then fuel or diesil [12:45:24] you can mix lpg with hydrogen and fuel with hydrogen and drive on your car [12:45:38] comotion i think its not [12:46:47] comotion you can make hydrogen while driving your car :D [12:46:53] is that not cool? [12:48:20] how? [12:49:01] h2 is pretty volatile. what does one need to modify in the motor? [12:49:31] also, making h2 thru electrolysis is a seriously powerhungry process [12:50:05] I have been experimenting with fuel+ethanol. works real good [12:53:47] you dont need modify motor [12:54:07] comotion why you think its more explosive then lpg or fuel? [12:54:38] i see people doing it [12:54:45] and store it [12:55:01] hydrogen [12:58:48] *** Quits: ludens (ludens@RBOSE-f7mvlv.apua.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [13:10:34] *** Quits: Iderik (iderik@RBOSE-i7lb4d.mobileonline.telia.com) (Client exited) [14:49:39] *** Joins: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-1sc.a8r.171.58.IP) [15:07:21] *** Joins: Nauti (katt@RBOSE-ktghr8.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [15:08:50] Evil: less hydrogen causes more bang than lpg or fuel, basic chem don't you think? [15:09:19] interesting though, I would think you'd have to modify injection/carbs to get the right afr [15:10:04] hydrogen could possibly be stored in tanks similar to lpg, but not in regular fuel tank due to evaopration at the very least [15:10:50] *** Quits: fat64 (fat64@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: leaving) [15:21:34] *** Quits: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-1sc.a8r.171.58.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [15:27:07] comotion if you mix it then it should be ok [15:27:16] But i did not do that YET [15:27:52] comotion i am not sure if it make more bang less hydrogen [15:32:07] would like to see some data [15:45:02] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXP4tGA7zOA [15:45:21] ,title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXP4tGA7zOA [15:45:24] oh [15:45:28] `title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXP4tGA7zOA [15:45:30] Evil: The Stream - Anonymous: Activists for transparency or cyber-terrorists? - YouTube [15:58:59] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-d885to.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [17:59:25] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) (Connection closed) [17:59:36] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) [17:59:51] *** Joins: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-m0b.lt9.30.41.IP) [18:04:08] *** Joins: Viper (Viper@RBOSE-51bh0u.static.versatel.nl) [18:04:54] *** Viper is now known as God [18:14:20] -nobody- survery has joined on FREENODE [18:14:37] -nobody- survery has left on FREENODE [18:20:08] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [20:04:01] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [20:56:37] *** Joins: antilect_ (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) [21:02:39] *** Quits: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-m0b.lt9.30.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:03:25] *** Joins: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-97j.pvo.28.41.IP) [21:04:07] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-uvec0q.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:08:51] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-0plbl5.bredband.skanova.com) [21:09:04] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [21:18:47] *** Quits: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-97j.pvo.28.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:19:43] *** Joins: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-ng6.bc0.28.41.IP) [21:26:49] `quit brb [21:26:49] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (Quit: brb) [21:30:42] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [21:30:50] *** RBOSE sets mode: +o nobody [21:31:32] -nobody- nobody has joined on FREENODE [21:31:33] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +o nobody [21:33:55] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (Quit: brb once more) [21:34:55] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [21:35:03] *** RBOSE sets mode: +o nobody [21:35:45] -nobody- nobody has joined on FREENODE [21:35:46] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +o nobody [21:40:38] *** Joins: iamme5 (iamme@RBOSE-phm.g4m.31.41.IP) [21:41:07] *** Quits: iamme4 (iamme@RBOSE-ng6.bc0.28.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:41:28] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (Quit: Evil) [21:43:01] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [21:43:04] *** RBOSE sets mode: +o nobody [21:43:50] -nobody- nobody has joined on FREENODE [21:43:51] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +o nobody [21:47:09] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (Quit: rehash) [21:48:00] *** Joins: iamme6 (iamme@RBOSE-cgm.05e.26.41.IP) [21:48:45] *** Quits: iamme5 (iamme@RBOSE-phm.g4m.31.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:48:56] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [21:49:03] *** RBOSE sets mode: +o nobody [21:49:45] -nobody- nobody has joined on FREENODE [21:49:46] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +o nobody [21:56:23] *** Quits: iamme6 (iamme@RBOSE-cgm.05e.26.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [22:33:20] *** Joins: lukas (lukas@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [22:42:38] *** lukas is now known as lukas_ [23:41:10] *** Joins: ludens (ludens@RBOSE-f7mvlv.apua.se)