[00:07:54] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [00:23:54] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [00:35:24] *** Quits: Mellow_ (Mellow_@RBOSE-oqe8na.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: ) [00:57:43] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: Lämnar) [01:07:59] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-sh9k7h.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [01:57:14] *** Joins: Slush-_ (Slush-@RBOSE-kh9mjp.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [02:25:44] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jGaio87u3A [02:25:45] You4Tube 2[Title] Deepest Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation ever - a New Record! 10^275 (2.1E275 or 2^915) 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:05:12 2[Views] 141031 2[Rating] 4.94 2[Uploaded] 2010-01-26 2[Description] Music is "Research Lab" by Dark Flow ( http://www.myspace.com/darkflowelectronica ) Read more geeky details and download the full-resolution video at http://fractaljourney.blogspot.com Details: The final magnification is 2.1x [02:45:40] * lukas just got working CNC drivers with Arduino and stepper motors from printers! :D [02:46:15] yeah! :D [02:48:44] Evil, i got an idea as well how to make really cheap drill press but let's talk about it tomorrow :) [02:49:02] sure [03:32:13] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-sh9k7h.client.mchsi.com) [03:57:37] -nobody- magnetron has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [05:00:17] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-sh9k7h.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [06:20:44] Evil: :-D [06:21:42] Evil: first a couple of rush games, then one funny slowmoh missile-sensor takeout :-D [06:22:14] Evil: I played really crappy at the beginning. thought you nearly had me. [06:22:46] Evil: or maybe it was some other Evil ;-D but I thought it was you all the time. [06:22:49] Evil: goodnight! [06:23:08] peace out! [06:24:01] scrdcow hehe sorry was cleaning something :D [06:24:07] cleaning? [06:24:12] yeah [06:24:21] Evil: but it was you, right? [06:24:22] scrdcow yea was good game but too long [06:24:38] I'm pretty used to the long games. [06:24:48] they can be the most fun when it's very even. [06:24:58] you always have to think out new strategies [06:25:00] yeah but it was 2vs1 [06:25:05] yes I know. [06:25:14] why did the other dude left? [06:25:18] did he get owned? [06:25:22] I didn't really follow. [06:25:26] no he just quit [06:25:29] :-/ [06:25:33] hate when that happens. [06:25:51] I feel alot of players are to eager sometimes. smallest set of failure and they leave. [06:25:52] i was on move to attack green and he quit lol [06:25:56] don't wanna finnish up the game. [06:26:12] but you were on the same team? [06:26:18] i was planning to attak green from 2 sides haha [06:26:23] me and the hoster stayed till the end. [06:26:51] but he didn't quit. [06:27:02] I don't remember what color I had lol [06:27:16] you was white/gray [06:27:18] i'm so used to playing black everything else confuses me [06:27:20] ah, true. [06:27:42] Evil: bananknark was my friend btw. sitting next to me. [06:27:46] i know some players cheat [06:27:51] or was it knarkbanan. [06:28:01] how do they cheat? [06:28:02] ah thats why he did not quit lol [06:28:14] and who are you talking about now? [06:28:19] scrdcow they can build on other side of map while tank is on other side [06:28:30] how? [06:28:43] builder is at top but he build at bottom [06:28:49] Evil: hmm [06:28:54] I dont know how they do that but isee that [06:29:06] i mean at the map [06:29:08] Evil: did you have any cb-towers at your RRs that was placed on the flat surface out of your base? [06:29:22] Evil: I was abit suprised I actually took them out. [06:29:46] guess canon rulz [06:29:51] or how its called [06:29:54] because my base was a mess and I had a hard time building more RR andother stuff because of tanks/builders getting stuck between emplacements. [06:30:08] the one you used at the end? [06:30:11] yeah [06:30:18] no match for my sensor-missile army ;-) [06:30:29] and some bastion rockets [06:30:40] yeah if you have 1000 rockets its hard lol [06:30:55] Evil: but did you have cb-towers at your RRs at that flat surface? [06:31:06] lots of mix [06:31:35] Evil: I kind of like that game. theres strategy on many levels. and wz is very artillery based. [06:32:15] i was playing this game on PS1 that was really hard [06:32:20] ages ago [06:32:23] mm [06:32:31] never did that. [06:32:35] it has evolved alot thou. [06:32:44] "alot" [06:32:56] atleast when it comes to balancing etc. [06:33:04] special at the end when computer keep fireing with laser at you [06:33:06] from sky [06:33:20] hehe, you have that also nowadays [06:33:35] but it takes time to get the laser sattelite uplink [06:33:42] but it's funny when everyone has it. [06:33:55] taking out each others sattelites. [06:33:56] i was more RA2 yuri freak [06:34:53] but I'm not that used to T3 games. I usually play T1 and it goes to T2-T3 but usually by then the game is other or every extra weaponry is just maxing the predefined course. [06:35:07] I mean, you don't play around as much with strategies. [06:35:21] s/other/over/ [06:35:41] RA2? [06:35:45] yes [06:35:47] redalert? [06:35:52] yes [06:36:03] never did play that much. [06:36:18] what I like about wz except that it's free etc. [06:36:21] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTy1UgGgwPc [06:36:22] You4Tube 2[Title] Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge United Nations 2[Category] Games 2[Duration] 0:09:33 2[Views] 16445 2[Rating] 4.76 2[Uploaded] 2010-04-05 2[Description] save here: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=8BDE75D73331B2F5 named "SAVE6C88.SAV" [06:36:28] is the many strategy levels [06:36:36] first you have to have a research strategy [06:36:42] placement strategy [06:36:45] defens strategy [06:36:52] and that goes into artillery [06:37:02] and cb [06:37:15] then you have armies and micromanagement [06:37:35] yeah [06:37:37] but it's many levels at the same times. [06:37:58] oh, forgot sensors [06:38:22] if you fail at one thing, you leave a strategy hole open. and you can lose. [06:38:36] oh, also forget to mention vtols. but everyone hat those ;-) but still. another level. [06:38:41] hate* [06:39:09] yeah [06:39:22] doesn't matter how many games I play. I always forget those AAs before the vtols come. [06:39:25] :-D [06:39:35] atleast if I don't know that some dude likes em and they are gonna come. [06:40:11] i try to kill before he build vtols [06:40:22] yeah, you seem very rushy [06:40:30] i'm more of turtle [06:40:51] but ofcourse can play rushy if that the game needed. [06:41:10] but it's not a fav strategy. [06:41:30] also rush games gets boring after a while. [06:41:54] because they are only about who can master the mouse/touchpad/trackpoint the fastest [06:41:59] not much strategy in them. [06:42:15] until you play with a skilled player that is. then you can't just win with rushes. [06:42:34] yeah but most players rush [06:42:41] but it's fun sometimes. run into some others base and place machinegun towers :-D [06:42:47] depends on the level. [06:42:55] I do semi-rush. [06:43:01] maximize everything. [06:43:12] but i'm not eager to go first. [06:43:33] my defenses and army handle the first blow. then it's get more fun. [06:43:47] the game doesn't end in 5-10 min, and you actuallly start to build up on stuff [06:43:50] evolve etc. [06:44:25] it's funny to watch e-sport players, for ex. starcraft. when they are really skilled and play rush-games. [06:44:34] i focus more on attack units later do some defenses [06:44:40] it becomes long games. [06:44:50] I do both. [06:45:00] but first build up everything and push units [06:45:13] but then directly build defenses. [06:47:14] and usually when my defenses are being built (draw long lines etc, so I can just let them do their thing). I can think about attack. [06:48:12] i try to spend all on units max speed [06:48:12] and when the attack is done, you ether has made a huge dent in the others defens, or failed miserably. but you have both defenses and new army pumping at your base. [06:48:18] me too. [06:48:19] if something is left over then defenses [06:48:31] oh and research [06:48:33] but on these high oil games, you have plenty of ail to max all. [06:48:42] oil* [06:48:58] some times if i build on max speed and research i dont have enough to build def at same time HAHA [06:49:04] build units [06:49:17] depens on how much oil ofcourse. [06:49:29] the maps we played today had enough oil to do everything at once. [06:49:38] only reached the limits a couple of times [06:49:44] some times my oil was near 0 [06:49:45] but settled in a sec or two [06:50:02] it's funny to play with many palyers also [06:50:06] I have this research plan... [06:50:25] and everytime I pick something ot research I see all hearts on all the neat stuff i'm looking forward to to build :-D [06:50:26] i build always first units then tanks [06:50:33] units are easy/cheap/fast to build [06:50:35] "oh yezzz, someone took all the mortar stuff!" [06:50:40] :-D [06:50:50] ah, you mean cyborgs first. [06:50:54] yeah [06:50:55] yes, I do likewize. [06:51:05] but usually I start building factories. [06:51:09] but that's a bad habit [06:51:21] because i'm used to trucks, not mechanics [06:51:31] they suck you need upgrade. Its like building 3 x for one [06:51:36] or whatever they are called [06:51:49] you only need upgrade for better chassi. [06:52:08] I hate bigger cyborgs, they are so freaking slow. [06:52:08] i dont even make them without that chassi [06:52:13] I like many and fast :-D [06:52:14] cybor eat them without it [06:52:18] you can.t [06:52:19] *cyborg [06:52:29] tanks always have a chassi ofcourse [06:52:47] yeah but standart one is useless [06:52:58] not in the beginning. [06:53:05] nothing is usless if your on the same level. [06:53:06] thats why i won first games 4vs4 [06:53:18] they build lots of useless tank [06:53:25] my cyborg kill most of them [06:53:38] what cyborgs you usually build? flamers? [06:53:42] no gunner [06:53:44] well, the tanks aren't useless. [06:54:00] coz i know other players build tanks [06:54:04] because you have an opportunity to push them also. why waste it. [06:54:15] ok, flamers are great for tanks also. [06:54:25] bad range [06:54:26] bullets are bad for cyborgs. [06:54:37] yes, but still. when you get up close they rule :-D [06:54:52] and if you come in a flock with good flamers and autoloders its nice [06:54:53] gunner then some twin machingun [06:55:12] flamers are great for buildigns also [06:55:26] and I like incenidary stuff so it's get me closer to that also. [06:56:18] my favs are I guess incenidary mortar, ripple rockets and bunkers. but it all depends. [06:56:25] i was typing 2vs1 and it was sending to you vs1 PM lol [06:56:27] later i got it [06:56:34] beginning to like more grenaders also. for cyborgs. [06:56:44] ah hehe now I understand why. [06:56:57] yes if you type a letter at the beginning you send private to that person. [06:57:06] you can look in the network menu for the number [06:57:30] I have to be better at grouping and selecting units. [06:57:32] and more shortcuts. [06:57:46] oh i wont play it much [06:57:47] playing with trackpoint is a bit slow compared to mouse. but I still prefer it that way. [06:57:52] take too much time [06:58:00] hehe [06:58:26] I play alot in periods. then nothing for a long time. [06:58:37] I guess it all evens out. [06:59:11] yeah [06:59:28] `f [06:59:30] Evil: There is an old time toast which is golden for its beauty. "When you ascend the hill of prosperity may you not meet a friend." -- Mark Twain [06:59:41] have to read up on the reseach tree and weaponry damage and range etc. [06:59:51] research* [06:59:53] you can check website faq [06:59:58] yes I know. [07:00:04] but it's hard to remember everything [07:00:10] I checkup from time to time [07:00:21] `f [07:00:21] scrdcow: Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A: A stick. [07:00:32] i keep upgrading cyborg [07:00:42] and i get tank upgrades for free LOL [07:00:53] what do you mean? [07:01:03] it's not the same upgrades. [07:01:09] so then i don't need to research all for tanks [07:01:11] you mean the other players does it? [07:01:20] if you play with others that is. [07:01:21] no [07:01:48] you can check if. If you upgrade to max cyborg it skip them some tank upgrades armor stuff like that [07:01:56] no [07:02:17] tank armor and cyborg armor are completely different. [07:02:31] if you upgrade cyborg armor tank goes auto up [07:02:42] show me where in the research tree. [07:02:44] then you need only engine [07:02:57] i never look at that tree [07:03:07] well, I have never seen that in the tree. [07:03:11] engine body [07:03:23] Oh and i do not reserach all that yellow chassi [07:03:36] and blue i research only best one [07:03:49] you have 3 blue only last one i skip first 2 [07:03:56] and skip all yellow chassi [07:04:43] http://guide.wz2100.net/r/tech-tree-linear [07:04:44] URL Title: Tech Tree - Warzone 2100 Guide [07:04:56] look in the tree, you have depensd for all the alloys that is non cyborg alloy based. [07:05:04] you don't get stuff "for free". [07:05:12] scrdcow and i skip light/medium/heavy canons they are useless too [07:05:27] but later i get them for free too [07:05:31] I don't like cannons either. but you do need them for some stuff. [07:05:53] i do not research machinegun/canon [07:06:05] then you won't get better machinegun nor canon. [07:06:11] i do research canonautoloader and stuff like that [07:06:37] i see its Gauss canon [07:06:50] heat canon stuff like that [07:07:49] well yes, you need to research the technology etc but you can skip specific weaponry that you don't want. unless some other thing depend on them. [07:08:22] for ex. you can't skip mortar pit if you want bombard pit etc. [07:09:03] but for incenidary you don't need it. [07:09:27] sorry, my bad. [07:09:36] looked at incenidary only. [07:09:47] not the pit. [07:12:06] http://guide.wz2100.net/r/superdensecompositealloysmk3 - look their, you need all the other alloys to get to the best. I don't see what you mean with "get it free". [07:12:08] URL Title: Superdense Composite Alloys Mk3 - Research - Warzone 2100 Guide [07:12:10] there* [07:12:38] you can't skip it to get better armor for tanks. you have to research in-line. [07:12:49] same goes with thermal. [07:12:58] i don't know [07:13:03] some how i get it [07:13:10] when i research only cyborg [07:13:45] can't happen. [07:14:13] unless it's some really weird bug. but I doubt it hehe [07:14:43] I really like the way the research tree hiarchy [07:14:54] there are some odd balls, but usually everything makes sense. [07:16:41] "Your browser's cookies seem to be disabled. Ads Preferences will not work until you enable cookies in your browser" [07:16:44] Hahahaha [07:16:49] Google complains [07:16:53] and I like when you research like cannon, you get mortar, and mortar you get howitzer and if you also have researhed flames up to inferno you can combine for incenidary :-) [07:18:47] I wish commanders could be used better in skirmish games [07:18:58] usually they are to bad to be good to use [07:19:19] but it makes for fun play. [07:19:24] yeah [07:19:31] more micromanagement and taking care of units [07:20:10] was fun before, played a game against this dude that sent back tanks for repair (not that common in skirmish games). [07:20:23] and I had this flame cyborg group standing and picking them out on the way back ;-) [07:20:58] usually stuff like that can get unnoticed when your too busy attacking [07:21:23] I never use than setting in skirmish games. [07:21:28] fight til the end! hehe [07:21:32] that* [07:21:50] many times you get killed on the way back anyways because of artillery. [07:22:15] so you have to set it really low, and then it's pretty useless because your tanks won't be attacking for long. [07:22:31] yeah [07:23:19] damn. have to sleep not to get to much out of sync with my visiting friend [07:23:48] he's trying to not to screw up his sleeping hours also. [07:24:03] goodnight again [07:24:12] good morning :D [07:24:15] hehe [07:24:16] true [07:26:07] one oddball in the tree is that you need vtol stuff for wide spectrum sensor. I don't see the logic of that. [07:26:31] hehe [07:27:21] well... you need vtol cb tower, and I can sort of agree to that.. but still.. a bit odd. [07:27:41] it's sort of in the same group of things. but it's still pretty different. [07:28:17] but sure ok.. it's all sensor stuff in some way. [07:28:55] this game is made to promote OIL lol [07:29:08] took some time to getting used to it because researching vtol factory, rearming pad etc didn't seem like the first bet on how to get to better sensor [07:29:11] haha [07:29:27] and also it promotes a steady stream of oil that never vanishes. [07:29:49] yeah [07:29:53] no peak oil! :-D [07:30:02] no oil spill [07:30:07] hehe [07:30:17] ,qr [07:30:17] Evil: Quote #179: "Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief. ~ (1 more message) [07:30:19] but I really prefer this to say.. warcraft [07:30:55] in warcraft for ex you can many times quickly pick alot of cash and empty the mine. [07:31:04] before any one notice or can take you out. [07:31:20] but in warcraft you always have to defend the oil, all the time. [07:31:30] it's a constant battle over the resources. [07:31:37] ,quote get 205 [07:31:37] Evil: Quote #205: "All the organizations who ask for money - regardless it they mean donations, payed courses, books, videos, campaigns, etc. - are like churches to the World Bank. ~ Viper" (added by lukas at 09:07 PM, August 15, 2011) [07:31:38] -nobody- magnetron has joined on FREENODE [07:31:44] many times in warcraft someone get's tons of cash and the game is set. no fun. [07:32:12] oh play that game once [07:32:20] it takes soo much time so i quit [07:32:31] but i guess bigger amount of resources can sort that out. [07:32:36] its nice game but you need other life or something to play it [07:32:42] why? [07:32:49] not much different from wz. [07:33:02] people play it 5/10 hrs a day LOL [07:33:06] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-qs2g5p.mweb.co.za) [07:33:10] I have mostly played warcraft II thou, never III actually. [07:33:18] ah, i'm nat talking about wow. [07:33:25] then I would say that more specific. [07:33:33] i'm talking about warcraft, the first game. [07:33:44] not* [07:33:46] oh ok [07:34:00] and also the second. I can relate to those, never tried III> [07:34:03] its rgp? [07:34:07] no [07:34:11] RTS [07:34:18] ok [07:34:19] orcs vs humans [07:34:31] i think i play that one too [07:34:44] not a research tree, a set type of units ;-) [07:35:11] I have this vision for a RTS [07:35:17] easily described. [07:35:21] you would only have humans [07:35:34] and you can teach them skills [07:35:34] i see [07:35:52] and you can build schools/make teachers. [07:35:53] *** Joins: iamme11 (iamme@RBOSE-7qa.r8n.27.41.IP) [07:35:57] skillsharing [07:36:04] but you would only have one set of units. [07:36:13] but later you would be able to build cyborgs, tanks etc in factories. [07:36:19] i am working to build an rectenna :D [07:36:21] but you would need workers in those. [07:36:35] but the main thing would be that you could organise it differently. [07:37:01] you could have a hiarchy with leaders, or you could have more anarchistic flat structure. with small cells perhaps. [07:37:10] and workers teaching each other etc. [07:37:24] would be a nice extra strategy element. how you organise your system. [07:37:40] and start out with you actually more like configing up you base and your workforce. [07:37:47] hehe [07:37:53] that would take long [07:38:11] and then they go around by themselves and do stuff and let you shift more into overview playing and getting time for battle micromanagement. [07:38:17] hehe maybe. but would be fun. [07:38:25] that is one thing I like with wz also. [07:38:31] did you play tiberium wars? [07:38:39] it's possible shift-click stuff. build long lines etc. [07:38:57] that way you have more time for other stuff meanwhile you have batched alot of jobs. [07:39:12] so you have time for micromanagement of stuff. [07:39:15] no [07:39:41] this games are timekillerz lol [07:40:47] hehe [07:41:24] if it's fun it's fun. life should be fun ;-) but I wouldn't enjoy playing it all the time.. so but still. need leasure time. [07:41:44] building reall stuff is much more fun :D [07:41:48] hehe [07:41:51] can do both. [07:41:54] you know what is rectenna ? [07:41:58] nope [07:42:06] `wiki rectenna [07:42:08] Evil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rectenna [07:42:09] Evil: The simplest crystal radio receiver, employing an antenna and a demodulating diode (rectifier), is actually a rectenna - although it discards the DC component before sending the signal to the earphones. People living near strong radio transmitters would occasionally discover that with a long receiving antenna, they could get enough electric power to light a light bulb. Researchers are experimenting the use (1 more message) [07:42:09] URL Title: Rectenna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [07:42:09] an antenna in a rectum pointed upwards? [07:42:24] oh ok. [07:42:31] well, dammit.. need to sleep :-D [07:42:46] scrdcow idea is you can convert any wave into electricity [07:42:48] goodnight. and hopefully we will play again sometime. but not all the time :-D [07:42:52] magnetic/radio wave [07:43:17] to power up something [07:43:30] scrdcow good night :) [07:44:00] ,qr [07:44:00] Evil: Quote #45: "Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get ~ Forest Gump's Momma" (added by GhettoTux at 05:37 PM, August 04, 2010) [07:44:07] ,qr [07:44:07] Evil: Quote #55: "Love, work, and knowledge are the wellsprings of our lives, they should also govern it. ~ Wilhelm Reich" (added by Kebap at 09:04 PM, August 04, 2010) [07:49:57] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-qs2g5p.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [07:54:34] *** Quits: iamme11 (iamme@RBOSE-7qa.r8n.27.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [08:16:27] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpznCSeqMxw [08:16:28] You4Tube 2[Title] Space Night - Earth Views 4-5 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 1:11:08 2[Views] 5755 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2011-01-21 2[Description] Space Night - Earth Views 4-5 Download link: http://www.wupload.com/file/63478595 [08:43:16] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [08:56:19] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:00:15] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-psor0e.mweb.co.za) [09:05:01] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-psor0e.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [09:32:25] *** Quits: Slush-_ (Slush-@RBOSE-kh9mjp.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Quit: leaving) [11:16:58] *** Joins: DeLrge-wrk (Lotuz@RBOSE-cc4.ns6.67.195.IP) [11:17:52] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [11:32:48] http://electric-vehicles-cars-bikes.blogspot.com/2011/08/toyota-unveil-ev-racing-prototype.html [11:32:49] URL Title: Toyota unveil EV racing prototype | Electric Vehicle News [11:37:44] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [11:54:52] hi guys [12:21:48] -nobody- Kebap23 has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:25:38] *** Quits: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-o4gtl0.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [12:25:39] *** Joins: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-c4dk8p.adsl.alicedsl.de) [12:25:45] -nobody- Kebap23 has joined on FREENODE [12:30:04] http://electric-vehicles-cars-bikes.blogspot.com/2011/03/chevrolet-is-selling-as-many-volts-as.html [12:30:05] URL Title: Chevrolet is 'selling as many Volts as it can build' | Electric Vehicle News [12:30:09] hi lukas [12:40:50] http://silverdoctors.blogspot.com/2011/08/hugo-chavez-demands-99-tons-of.html [12:40:51] URL Title: SilverDoctors: Hugo Chavez Demands 99 Tons of Venezuelan Gold Returned From the Bank of England/ JP Morgue [13:10:46] * lukas got all 3 stepper motors working at different speeds and in different directions [13:11:07] it's time for the assembly :) [13:14:24] Caly: you have a cool one there can you clone it? ;) [13:22:51] lukas: cool what? [13:23:14] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [13:23:18] lukas: sounds great with the stepper stuff =) [13:23:22] hi kman [13:25:09] Caly, i meant the CNC frame and all the mechanical components :) [13:25:15] hi kman :) [13:26:22] kman: i got the electronics for the cnc working! [13:27:25] lukas: hehe, no, sorry, i don't have a duplicator yet.. ;) [13:27:32] http://silverdoctors.blogspot.com/2011/08/hugo-chavez-demands-99-tons-of.html [13:27:33] URL Title: SilverDoctors: Hugo Chavez Demands 99 Tons of Venezuelan Gold Returned From the Bank of England/ JP Morgue [13:27:45] we need a one! [13:27:49] lludens, woot! [13:27:55] What electronics? [13:27:57] :) [13:28:04] =P [13:28:07] Did you order a kit? [13:28:10] lukas, [13:28:18] hi lludens :D [13:28:33] kman: three axis stepper configuration [13:28:49] from what i understood... [13:32:14] kman, i got 3 x 2.A motors, with 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 microstepping, up to 30V on engine, with enable mode, it was in set with a CNC board working on LPT able to run 4 motors at same time and 2 relays for two more high voltage devices, lpt cable, but my goal was to plug that into arduino :D [13:33:06] Man that is awesome. [13:33:08] Wow. [13:33:14] But..... [13:33:19] Pics or it didnt happen ^^ [13:34:22] http://cache.chinabuye.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/450x450/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/r/e/red-led-watch-black.jpg [13:34:23] Caly's URL: http://tinyurl.com/3hmluu2 [13:34:34] nice geeky design there... =P [13:35:35] kman: you can pass through the drivers current more than 3 times bigger than in case of easydriver, it's easy to plug all the cables and easy to select microsteping, so much more convenient that easydriver, and local cost was about the same, it can operate on 60% or 100% power so energy usage can be reduced in the stop positions [13:35:40] let me get a photo [13:39:42] kman: http://dev.rbose.org/images/cnc-driver-1.jpg and http://dev.rbose.org/images/cnc-driver-2.jpg [13:41:22] easy driver by comparison http://bildr.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/easyDriver.jpg [13:41:33] the red one there [13:43:12] axis end switches and security switch can be added to it as well, already tested and works nice :) [13:48:15] i think it's best what i could find, the rest stuff - including all shields i seen - is more expensive, either much more or just more and you need to connect it on your own, and i did not see among these solutions parameters even close to it [13:50:30] lukas: nice work, phat flanges you got there =) [13:53:57] Caly: the drivers will be probably to small for big engines, but i want to build a simple CNC at first to be be able to make pcbs without chemical processing, drill holes and build bigger drivers, maybe it will be enough as well for middle solutions with gears, and maybe some parts could be done with it [13:53:59] lukas, sorry, im eating some pie here ^^ [13:54:05] no problem :) [13:54:08] enjoy! [13:56:07] there is plenty space for different applications at home/lab where such drivers can be always used [14:01:57] i go eat something too [14:03:38] wtf... i did an sudo-apt-get-upgrade here, and now i have some textmessage in terminal, and i can't get passed it.. [14:04:24] it just says (END) at the end, but enter or esc don't work to continue the rest of the upgrade.. grr.. [14:05:01] http://rbose.org/wiki/User:DNS/PPA#GNU [14:05:04] URL Title: User:DNS/PPA - RBOSE [14:11:03] !g https://launchpad.net/~dns/ [14:11:04] URL Title: DNS in Launchpad [14:11:05] 2,890,000 results | Sound : DNS @ https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/sound | GNU : DNS @ https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/gnu | IRC : DNS @ https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/irc [14:11:28] quite a lot results :D [14:12:01] yeyeye [14:12:59] ? [14:20:02] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5TqzS2ab58 [14:20:03] You4Tube 2[Title] Prepare for Animalistic Behavior of Modern Man* 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:10:33 2[Views] 468 2[Rating] 4.81 2[Uploaded] 2011-06-17 2[Description] *Mirror from Natural News Tv with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. [15:03:38] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [15:05:15] http://www.withintent.co.uk/index.html [15:05:17] URL Title: WiTHiNTENT - recycled tents designed and made by hand in Hackney to create clothing and accessories [15:09:08] *** Quits: DeLrge-wrk (Lotuz@RBOSE-cc4.ns6.67.195.IP) (Quit: Take the rag away from your face, now ain't the time for your tears.) [15:16:17] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [15:54:55] once more, great stuff here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpznCSeqMxw [15:54:56] You4Tube 2[Title] Space Night - Earth Views 4-5 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 1:11:08 2[Views] 5782 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2011-01-21 2[Description] Space Night - Earth Views 4-5 Download link: http://www.wupload.com/file/63478595 [15:58:20] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcZ_SjF0Aco [15:58:21] You4Tube 2[Title] Conan O'brien: Ron Paul is the Clear Winner 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:00:53 2[Views] 15953 2[Rating] 4.95 2[Uploaded] 2011-06-15 2[Description] Support Ron Paul and get your promotional items today! Plus 10% of your purchase will be donated to Ron Paul's campaign chest! Ron Paul 'Constitutionally Correct' 2012. http://www.ronpaulcc2012.com **Volume discounts are also available. Please contact us via email fo [16:01:40] wtf... i did an sudo-apt-get-upgrade here, and now i have some textmessage in terminal, and i can't get past it.. it just says (END) at the end, but enter or esc don't work to continue the rest of the upgrade.. grr.. <-- press q [16:07:17] Kebap: thx, i'll start over and try that =P [16:37:03] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEiFGUn2yXs [16:37:04] You4Tube 2[Title] Bill Maher - When people say, "But I'm a Christian..." 2[Category] Comedy 2[Duration] 0:02:06 2[Views] 13554 2[Rating] 4.65 2[Uploaded] 2011-06-14 2[Description] Of course, I don't own this video. JUst a short clip. Funny, true video by Bill Maher in a 2005 stand-up. I too can't stand it when people preface something - anything - with, "well I'm a Christian...", suggesting that they have a moral higher ground. Bi [17:27:19] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [17:43:57] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [18:33:49] Kebap: the best is to use aptitude and safe-upgrade. [18:34:04] Kebap: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade [18:34:27] or sorry. was meant to caly. [18:48:29] scrdcow: how is that the best? [18:48:51] find out which package breaks... [18:49:12] comotion: atleast better than apt-get because aptitude does a bit more. and safe-upgrade is safer than a normal update. [18:49:33] comotion: but it's all slubjective ofcourse. but I would say it's better. [19:18:03] scrdcow: ah, ok, thanks [19:18:23] i will try and remember that =P [19:19:46] scrdcow: Cheeezz! It added on me another 331mb o_O [19:20:04] ***aptitude upgrade in progress*** [19:42:43] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: Lämnar) [20:01:40] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [20:01:48] what's up [20:09:39] Hi folks [21:11:20] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [21:29:59] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> Caly: did you get a debian or ubuntu? congrats! btw me and the GF got the keys to the allottment today [21:31:22] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:32:08] 05<04Calyp@FREENODE05> magnetron: congrats on what? [21:32:13] 05<04Calyp@FREENODE05> i run Debian [21:32:29] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> Calyp: congrats to running a good distro [21:32:38] hi Evil btw =P [21:36:03] Caly: aptitude is a bit better at resolving depends for ex. [21:37:27] ah, ok [21:37:50] 05<04Calyp@FREENODE05> magnetron: haha, tnx [21:40:53] safe-upgrade ey :o [22:22:04] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UKeyRY7v1U [22:22:05] You4Tube 2[Title] 'Second colonization of Africa begun, Libya to see sectarian war' 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:04:33 2[Views] 318 2[Rating] 4.69 2[Uploaded] 2011-08-22 2[Description] Follow latest updates on http://twitter.com/RT_com and http://www.facebook.com/RTnews For more view on the situation in Libya, RT talks to international consultant and former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament, Lode Vanoost. [22:37:01] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-2cgk2m.bredband.comhem.se) [23:04:22] the less it does the better scrdcow that is when yopu are up shitt screek [23:09:11] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [23:31:04] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-2cgk2m.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [23:41:52] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-fp7lvj.bredband.comhem.se) [23:43:44] what a CRAP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jAV1dbGPB4 -- massive Nazi like propaganda founded by 10 billions of public taxes in u$a [23:43:45] You4Tube 2[Title] "If You See Something, Say Something (TM)" Public Awareness video. 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:09:56 2[Views] 11070 2[Rating] 1.40 2[Uploaded] 2011-03-15 2[Description] The "If You See Something, Say Something (TM)" Public Awareness video, learn more about the campaign at http://www.dhs.gov/ifyouseesomethingsaysomething [23:44:11] guys, check it out ^ [23:44:43] Evil, DNS ^ [23:45:09] Evil, you have suspicious nick! [23:47:47] they spend 10 billions on this! things like this never should happen https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Operation_paperclip - they put them at strategic places in cia and nasa, as directors [23:47:49] URL Title: Operation Paperclip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [23:49:50] Kebap, Caly, nairboon, kalken, Fat64: have you seen this video? [23:50:42] crap video? no [23:51:01] too busy watching great videos ;) [23:51:04] please check, it's just insane that gov can do something like that [23:51:19] gov = insane, no need for videos [23:53:31] lukas: check this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celine%27s_laws#Celine.27s_First_Law [23:53:32] URL Title: Celine's laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [23:54:14] thank you [23:54:22] ,quote add National Security is the chief cause of national insecurity. ~ Hagbard Celine [23:54:23] Kebap: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). [23:55:41] ,quote add National Security is the chief cause of national insecurity. ~ Hagbard Celine [23:55:41] Kebap: The operation succeeded. Quote #206 added.