[00:01:51] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Quit: Leaving) [00:01:52] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Quit: Leaving) [00:09:33] `f [00:09:33] Evil: Life is to you a dashing and bold adventure. [00:09:46] i wonder about what forum grits was talking [00:09:56] rbef? [00:31:31] probably those other guys again [00:31:39] who else [00:31:42] ;D [00:31:52] !lol [00:31:54] RANDOM: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3adw9oLBkBI&feature=watch_response [00:33:22] !lol [00:33:22] RANDOM: http://syxpak.com/pix/images/no_jokes_please.jpg [01:59:06] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-fp7lvj.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [02:18:57] comotion: yeah, I will see how it goes. [02:24:30] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: Lämnar) [02:30:12] huh [02:30:25] i wonder if i added the last pic to the bot list [02:30:35] or some1 else 0_o [02:31:17] !lol [02:31:18] RANDOM: http://rbose.org/wiki/images/9/9c/Brunocb-jimi-tux.png [02:31:49] !lolipop [02:32:14] !slap scrdcow [02:32:15] ACTION slaps scrdcow a bit around #RBOSE with a fun trigger [02:32:21] !lol [02:32:21] RANDOM: http://rbose.org/wiki/images/d/de/Linux_vs_microsoft2.jpg [02:36:00] !slipstick [02:36:02] slap* [02:36:11] !lol [02:36:11] RANDOM: http://techrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/ballmer-license.png [02:38:01] !lol [02:38:01] RANDOM: http://youtube.com/watch?v=W9_DQjQbtTY [02:38:04] !lol [02:38:05] RANDOM: http://rbose.org/wiki/images/c/cd/Gnu_linux_tshirt-p235020069633226250tdf9_525.jpg [02:38:24] well its a limited list [02:38:30] i need to add some more [02:43:39] seems to be gnu/linux only now hehe [02:43:42] but any1 can upload some to the wiki [02:43:55] you can make a add-on for webbrowsers so that you can easily add pictures. [02:44:01] an* [02:44:22] heh [02:44:23] url? [02:44:49] you need to be logged in with wiki [02:44:54] then on the bottom [02:44:58] iv'e been thinking about that before, to have som sort of global/universal taging system that works as an add-on. [02:45:10] so it's will be like a huge folksonomy for urlz. [02:45:10] hm [02:45:31] would be nice but i just thinkin of spam again [02:45:36] hehe [02:46:19] you should be able to have groups aswell. but maybe the problem is.. it will only be another delicious or something. [02:46:32] I don't remember all the parts of the idea. [02:47:02] i'm pretty sure it was supossed to do stuff differently. [02:48:00] else it would be useless sort of. [02:55:59] anyways the idea evolved when I wanted to be able to subscribe to a feed of many different tags and find the best there was for a specifik thing. [02:56:22] so rating + folksonomy taging was the idea. [02:56:47] but who want to add stuff all the time. [02:56:56] maybe some will and it will be enough. [03:15:11] http://www.quora.com/Assuming-the-collapse-of-the-financial-markets-and-the-end-of-cheap-oil-how-will-software-developers-fare [03:15:11] scrdcow's URL: http://tinyurl.com/3ju7yrk [03:15:12] URL Title: Assuming the collapse of the financial markets and the end of cheap oil, how will software developers fare? - Quora [03:17:16] I've been trying out diaspora for a while.. but it's all akward to have to go to a page to check what is happpening. [03:17:32] i'm to used of having IM and getting notifications/window popups when people write you stuff. [03:17:48] I forget diaspora several days in a row. just like mail. [03:18:08] (since I don't have mail properly setup and check via web) [07:04:35] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [07:27:16] what's up [07:56:58] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [08:13:52] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving) [09:30:21] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [09:50:16] o/ [11:29:26] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> scrdcow, maybe you could have it running in an "app mode" browser. still no notifications, but at least you reduce the browser feeling [11:30:07] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> kman, yo! going to the allotment today to plant herbs we got from friends and family [11:30:38] Awesome :3 [11:30:48] Im going out to our local community garden as well. [11:31:00] Hopefully to find some ripe tomatoes and pumpkins for dinner. [11:35:08] *** Joins: idk (idk@RBOSE-78u4ic.mobileonline.telia.com) [11:37:39] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-gfhmhq.bredband.skanova.com) [11:37:57] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [11:38:33] morning Caly [11:41:20] *** Quits: idk_ (idk@RBOSE-4npl7j.mobileonline.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [11:52:27] *** Quits: idk (idk@RBOSE-78u4ic.mobileonline.telia.com) (Quit: Lost terminal) [11:57:32] Ah, good morning kman =) [11:59:03] kman: how are you doing then? [11:59:12] studying hard i suppose? [11:59:18] or? [11:59:30] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> fuck studying [11:59:38] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> it's weekend [12:00:04] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> though i realize many people don't have that choice [12:01:40] :) [12:22:23] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-fp7lvj.bredband.comhem.se) [12:25:35] magnetron: hehe, yeah, it's kinda wierd how learning has been so institutionalized that we see it as labour rather than selff-improvement and fun stuff... [12:36:46] Caly: exactly [12:37:19] mm [12:38:48] i loved book titled "Monday starts on Friday" -- when you do what you are passioned about you don't want to get rid of it, it was a classic sf book about a one physicist :P i personally love studding all the time [12:40:09] sorry the title is a bit different https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Monday_Begins_on_Saturday [12:40:10] URL Title: Monday Begins on Saturday - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [12:40:52] hahaha [13:01:08] ,quote search Fuller [13:01:09] lukas: 19 found: #10: "You never change things by fighting the...", #111: "Revolution by design and invention is the only...", #122: "Dear reader, traditional human power structures...", #136: "The Grunch of giants consists of the...", #145: "We must do away with the absolutely specious...", #146: "We keep inventing jobs because of this false...", #147: "according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory,...", #155: "Humanity has (2 more messages) [13:01:23] ,more [13:01:23] lukas: the option to become successful on...", #157: "CIA = Capitalism's Invisible Army ~ Buckminster...", #164: "It is now highly feasible to take care of...", #176: "Take the initiative. Go to work, and above all...", #177: "The Things to do are: the things that need...", #200: "Humanity's cosmic-energy account consists...", #202: "The procedure we are pursuing is that of true...", #203: "True democracy discovers by (1 more message) [13:01:40] ,quote get 177 [13:01:40] lukas: Quote #177: "The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done. ~ Buckminster Fuller" (added by lukas at 07:38 PM, June 01, 2011) [13:19:40] Caly, im doing fucking great. What about you? [13:19:48] How is the moving going? [13:29:31] http://rastasoft.org/resistance.txt [13:50:05] kman: hi :) [13:50:11] kalken, o/ [13:50:18] Going to fscons? [13:50:37] ofc :D, would never miss that :D [13:53:42] hi folks [13:53:53] hello :) [13:54:37] o/ Evil [13:55:11] kalken, would you, by chance, have a square meter left where i could crash during it? I really want to go but cant really afford a room. [13:57:24] ofc we have :) [13:57:47] in karmalab there is always room :) [13:59:56] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> Calyp: i love learning about stuff, but there also the things that i will only learn about through hard labor and it might not be the thing i'm the most interested in at the moment. there's a measure of "stuff i need to do" too [14:01:51] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> Calyp: as a good teacher said to me "livet är inte bara sötlakrits" (life is more than cotton candy) and both my mind and my compost needs some resistance and not just easily digestable things [14:02:48] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> this is posing some troubles for me at the moment but i'm relearning how to study' [14:03:02] 03<14magnetron@FREENODE03> and how to compost [14:07:58] the only thing people need to start to do is to take care of the environment around them, instead of waiting for somebody else to "solve" the problems. If everybody did that there would be no problems left after a while. Problem with society today is that people are so self centered so their mind makes up a mental model of that they themselves is somehow separated from their environment. Which is not at [14:08:00] all true, although it can seem like that because people can throw money on things [14:11:08] i see and hear a lot of people saying things like "it dont matter what i do, because nobody else gives a shit anyways". But (imo) it seems strange to have other requirements on people, that one have on one self [14:12:44] * nobody cares [14:14:02] to say it short. If one throws shit around carelessly, expect others too :). And if one fights with other people about opinions instead of focusing on solutions, expect others to do the same :) [14:14:51] what goes around, comes around :) [14:22:30] and from that point of view it's pretty clear that the evolution ahead should not be focused on neither governments nor subcultures, but on individuals and shared knowledge. [14:23:28] maybe egen go so far as calling it "Re:evolution" :D [14:23:38] *even [14:26:37] :) [14:39:07] so true kalken [14:50:48] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: Lämnar) [14:50:52] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [15:58:44] this was soo cool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM [15:58:45] You4Tube 2[Title] Battle at Kruger 2[Category] Animals 2[Duration] 0:08:24 2[Views] 63180220 2[Rating] 4.89 2[Uploaded] 2007-05-03 2[Description] Just featured on NBC's Dateline! Like us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/BattleatKruger http://www.BattleAtKruger.com http://www.negativespace.com Copyright: NegativeSpace Media Winner! YouTube's Best Eyewitness Video. A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 c [16:41:46] *** Joins: Cyclo (qwebirc@RBOSE-3mgbgg.bb.online.no) [17:18:03] *** Quits: Cyclo (qwebirc@RBOSE-3mgbgg.bb.online.no) (Quit: Page closed) [18:18:02] *** Joins: LibreMan (quassel@RBOSE-81215o.178-40-104.t-com.sk) [18:46:05] *** Joins: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) [19:02:11] http://wiki.chumby.com/index.php/What_is_NeTV [19:02:12] URL Title: What is NeTV - ChumbyWiki [20:02:29] http://rightdomainnames.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Domain-squatting-explained-300x198.jpg [20:02:38] http://www.wpclipart.com/money/people/owes_money.png [20:19:44] !dance [20:19:46] ACTION starts a slowdance and grabs the ass of DNS in #RBOSE [20:26:08] * Evil dances [20:26:09] lol [20:26:15] * Evil dance [20:27:04] !dance [20:27:04] ACTION headbangs wild, climbs over the heads of the nicklist and stagedives from the channel-topic on scrdcow in #RBOSE [20:27:07] !revolution [20:27:17] !lol [20:27:18] RANDOM: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_22rxseQXlXs/S_Lz4jPKkZI/AAAAAAAAY_g/3Xdr0jW43GI/s1600/jobs-vs-gates.jpg [20:27:54] Hi folks [20:27:55] that meme is da best [20:27:59] Evil: hi :-D [20:28:04] Evil: zup? [20:28:09] fine thanks [20:28:14] How are you? [20:28:21] all good. [20:28:38] thats not good [20:28:39] LOL [20:28:41] but tired. been up around 30h by now. [20:29:05] Why so long? [20:29:15] !pillow scrdcow [20:29:16] ACTION quickly throws a pillow in the face of scrdcow [20:30:18] haha, your botscripts are insane [20:30:37] Evil: wanted to be up today and didn't get to bed early enough yesterday [20:31:59] !dance [20:32:00] ACTION makes some awesome breakdance moves, jumps on the topic, does a 7200° headspin and now waits for the moves of scrdcow in #RBOSE [20:32:02] !pillow [20:32:04] !lol [20:32:04] ACTION quickly throws a pillow in the face of scrdcow [20:32:06] RANDOM: http://rbose.org/wiki/images/8/82/Rbose-arnold.png [20:32:22] !lol i pop [20:32:24] RANDOM: http://rbose.org/wiki/images/2/2e/Linux_vs_microsoft.jpg [20:33:12] !lol [20:33:14] RANDOM: http://rbose.org/wiki/images/3/30/Ghettofish.jpg [20:33:14] !lol [20:33:16] RANDOM: http://savasplace.com/content/files/Image/blog_posts/kill-bill.jpg [20:36:41] what is early/late? :D [20:38:15] !lol [20:38:16] RANDOM: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_I0L2iMziVjw/Rq3qSd2odvI/AAAAAAAAAsM/tmWsCooFECw/s320/Penguin%2BTeaboy.jpg [20:56:37] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [21:25:32] *** Quits: LibreMan (quassel@RBOSE-81215o.178-40-104.t-com.sk) (Connection closed) [22:31:37] upload some funny pics to wiki which you think are related to here lol [22:31:55] and put them in the category Fun [22:31:59] :D [23:04:42] DNS wikibot dont work? [23:04:53] !lol [23:04:55] RANDOM: http://rbose.org/wiki/images/2/2e/Linux_vs_microsoft.jpg [23:05:00] Hi btw :) [23:32:14] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Connection closed) [23:49:35] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Connection closed)