[00:01:27] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Connection closed) [00:01:41] *** Joins: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) [00:01:55] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [00:02:16] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: scrdcow (scrdcow@RBOSE-cpg1rk.org) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: Evil (Viper@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: duxck (martin@RBOSE-nsecvj) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: DNS (DNS777@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: lukas (lukas@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: mutanton (mutanton@RBOSE-4l00an.bredband.comhem.se) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:02:16] *** Quits: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:04:06] Evil, what's crazy about it? [00:05:26] *** Joins: Evil (Viper@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [00:05:26] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [00:05:26] *** Joins: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) [00:05:26] *** Joins: lukas (lukas@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [00:05:26] *** Joins: DNS (DNS777@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [00:05:26] *** Joins: duxck (martin@RBOSE-nsecvj) [00:05:26] *** Joins: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) [00:05:26] *** Joins: scrdcow (scrdcow@RBOSE-cpg1rk.org) [00:05:26] *** Joins: mutanton (mutanton@RBOSE-4l00an.bredband.comhem.se) [00:05:26] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) [00:05:26] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) [00:05:26] *** Joins: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) [00:09:17] what technocracy stuff? in general? [00:09:44] technocracy is a group eos is part of them [00:10:05] `wiki technocracy [00:10:07] Evil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy [00:10:08] Evil: Technocracy is a form of government in which engineers, scientists, health professionals, and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields. The term technocracy derives from the Greek words tekhne meaning skill and kratos meaning power, as in government, or rule. Thus the term technocracy denotes a system of government where those who have knowledge, expertise or (1 more message) [00:10:08] URL Title: Technocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [00:10:27] `more [00:10:27] Evil: skills compose the governing body. In a technocracy decision makers would be selected based upon how highly knowledgeable they are. [00:10:31] I know technocracy is but it's not like one person, or one group etc. [00:10:48] scrdcow it is they have directors and leaders [00:11:09] Evil: you mean technocracy inc? anyways.. what is eos? [00:11:39] i guess Grits mean that [00:11:49] ok :-) [00:12:19] eos just takes me to other places that has nothing to do with technocracy [00:12:49] scrdcow technocracy exist now long time [00:13:00] yes, I know what it is. [00:13:07] but what is eos? [00:13:19] it is technocracy [00:13:24] only eu part of them [00:14:52] still can't find anything on eos that seems to be what you are referring to. [00:15:04] scrdcow DustWulf is from EOS [00:15:28] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [00:15:32] http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dustwulf+eos&aq=f [00:15:33] URL Title: dustwulf eos - YouTube [00:15:34] nothing. [00:15:48] http://www.eoslife.eu/ [00:15:50] oh sorry, wrong site.. [00:15:53] atlast!!!!! thanx :-D [00:15:54] URL Title: European Organisation for Sustainability [00:16:53] atlas is other group [00:17:06] that was all i wanted, to know what eos is. I know what technocracy is, I know who technocracy inc is etc... but eos, I didn't. [00:17:39] they are technates [00:18:02] scrdcow technocracy is crazy. [00:18:25] Evil: why? [00:18:31] As expected, the wikipedia entry is absolute crap. [00:18:52] Evil: it's not my fav sort of ruling but, in some cases I think it can be decent. [00:18:54] scrdcow because they have leaders and leaders make all decision for you [00:19:10] scrdcow and leaders own everything [00:19:12] Evil: the ones with skill will become sort of leaders yes [00:19:31] scrdcow i think people with skills should make stuff and share not control... [00:19:33] It's not really about leading or being in control. [00:19:34] Evil: that's how it is in lot's of free software. it's pretty technocratic. [00:20:14] http://wiki.eoslife.eu/index.php/Main_Page [00:20:15] URL Title: Main Page - European Organisation for Sustainability - Wiki [00:20:23] The only point of technocracy is that the contribution of machines to our economy dwarfs human labor input so the human labor should be ignored when it comes to distribution. [00:21:02] scrdcow free software don't work same way as technocracy [00:21:14] Evil: in some ways I really think it does. [00:21:23] Evil: it's the ones with skills that get's power. [00:21:35] scrdcow EOS was moving whole wiki of them to ours time ago. So i read there more about them [00:21:35] Evil: not in every project, but in many. [00:21:51] scrdcow Why they need power for what??? [00:22:04] make decicions [00:22:22] so 2/3 people make decisions for every one? [00:22:37] less [00:23:28] first only programmers can make software, second, only some programs maybe get in a power position. but you have varying degrees ofcourse, but I still think free software is pretty technocratic. [00:23:41] That's the case right now, scrdcow. [00:23:53] that's one of it's democratic problems imo. but can be fixed ofcourse. [00:23:56] only programmers can make software [00:23:57] Grits: yeah. [00:24:22] Any one can learn see source code change it and learn how to program [00:24:26] Grits: but that's the only thing I can go after. since I can't predict the future. [00:24:29] My question is again why you need a leader? [00:24:31] There's nothing democratic about it, there shouldn't be, most people can't program. [00:24:41] Evil: I don't think you don't. [00:24:44] do* [00:25:01] its like having kings LOL [00:25:15] Grits: it should be democratic imo. since "everybody" is using it. [00:26:23] Evil: but still not everyone wants to, are capable or do it anyways. I still think you should have a say in how software you use gets developed. especially things that governments etc are using. [00:26:51] you dont need leader for that [00:26:59] Evil: maybe not like one irc client when there are a bunch of em. but for important infrastructural things. [00:27:06] Evil: I haven't said you need a leader. [00:27:27] scrdcow i think you don't know how technocracy works [00:27:30] Let people vote for the skin they apply to the frontend software, that's the best we programmers can do for them. [00:27:31] Evil: I just said that I think alot of free software is technocratic. that's all. [00:27:52] can't let people go tinkering around under the hood if they don't know what the fuck they're doing [00:28:14] Grits so maybe it should be made simple to people can look and fix. [00:28:22] *so [00:28:26] Evil: the thing was rather to the contrary. that I don't think you should have a leader, but rather a democratic system around software development. [00:28:37] Obviously all software should be as simple as possible to achieve the desired functionality. [00:28:52] Grits: no but that's different from actually having a say in how software is being developed, for ex. what features are included etc. [00:29:36] If people want to vote on features they can fork the code themselves and good luck with that. [00:29:37] Grits: since not everyone is a programmer they can't do that, but still hould have a say in how it's developed imo. [00:29:41] I would like that people whould share more what they do. So other people can copy it [00:30:24] I guess some programmers like getting suggestions for what to code. [00:30:26] scrdcow if some one don't like X fork it. IF you don't know how then use it as it is :D [00:30:33] Grits: that is one way to see it. but it becomes technocratic in the end, I'd rather have more open development and programmers that are listening to their users (many are ofcourse). [00:31:14] you can help to make it better or fork it [00:31:32] In any case SHARE !!! [00:31:53] you can do that if you have the skills. [00:32:03] hence, technocracy in som kind/degree. [00:32:19] (which i'm partiall ok with, but only to certain degree) [00:32:35] scrdcow if you really like something you can get skills :) [00:32:36] already programmers decide what features are in a program [00:32:48] so what's the big deal [00:32:59] if you don't like it, learn to code [00:33:07] yeah [00:33:20] if you are too lazy to learn to code then .... lol [00:33:33] If you're not spending 23 hours a week counting money at a gas station you'll have more time to learn to program. [00:33:57] Evil: yes, that what I think also. but some stuff are to complicated or takes to much time to be able to learn. and I don't see how it's possible to run a society like that. you wouldn't have any say in anything except your small field(s) of interest since learning a skill to a level that actually makes you have a say may take 4-5 years or more perhaps (or less...) [00:34:18] Evil: are you to laze to become a surgeon? are you to laze to become a architect? are you to lazy to become a dentist? [00:34:30] lazy* [00:34:35] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: scrdcow (scrdcow@RBOSE-cpg1rk.org) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: Evil (Viper@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: duxck (martin@RBOSE-nsecvj) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: DNS (DNS777@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: lukas (lukas@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: mutanton (mutanton@RBOSE-4l00an.bredband.comhem.se) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:34:35] *** Quits: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [00:35:59] You know it's estimated the industrial machinery in the US has a total power output of 38 billion horsepower. [00:36:55] *** Joins: Evil (Viper@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [00:36:55] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [00:36:55] *** Joins: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) [00:36:55] *** Joins: lukas (lukas@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [00:36:55] *** Joins: DNS (DNS777@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [00:36:55] *** Joins: duxck (martin@RBOSE-nsecvj) [00:36:55] *** Joins: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) [00:36:55] *** Joins: scrdcow (scrdcow@RBOSE-cpg1rk.org) [00:36:55] *** Joins: mutanton (mutanton@RBOSE-4l00an.bredband.comhem.se) [00:36:55] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) [00:36:55] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) [00:36:55] *** Joins: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) [00:37:08] something is wrong with pms [00:37:30] anyways.. I think that to some degree people have to put effort into their dedication to actually have a say, so as to make informed and good decicions etc. but I don't think that everyone should need to be a programmer just because they want a specific feature included in an app or such. [00:37:32] scrdcow i think i don't understand your point [00:37:41] Did you get my comment about horsepower? [00:37:43] You know it's estimated the industrial machinery in the US has a total power output of 38 billion horsepower. [00:37:57] Grits no can you past it [00:38:05] I just repeated it. [00:38:31] 38 billion horsepower is like a crazy amount of energy, how is it possible we can't divert enough of that to feed the whole world? [00:38:48] Evil: my point is that in a technocratic society the ones with skills will be the rulers and I don't think that is good. and when you say "hey, just fork it and learn" my point is that, you can't fork and learn excatly everything you need for your life (well, it's hard anyways), but maybe you still want to have a say in how it's being deployed/developed/etc. [00:38:52] we waste it on moving oil from A to B :D [00:39:16] I don't get from the technocracy literature and videos how you get to rulers. [00:39:41] technocracy exist now in usa 50 yrs i guess [00:39:49] The main point is that we eliminate all parasitic jobs, like bankers, accountants, store clerks, security guards, etcetera [00:39:51] "Technocracy is a form of government in which engineers, scientists, health professionals, and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields." control of decicion making == ruling [00:40:09] then get volunteers to maintain necessities in the economy [00:40:18] didn't say it's 1 ruler, 1 leader etc.. but it's the ones with skills that are ruling as a collective of sorts I guess. [00:40:32] what you're saying is [00:40:39] scrdcow my point was we don't need any rules/leaders [00:40:44] the people who can do things are the ones who decides how it's done [00:40:49] again, where is the problem there [00:40:53] Evil: and I have already said that that's not what I want either. [00:41:15] scrdcow but at technocracy you are programmer and me [00:41:21] Grits: the problem is that a small minority in a field will decide over anyone else that I think should be able to have a say. [00:41:26] Whne i am leader i tell you what to program not other way [00:41:42] no, the small minority in a field will maintain the system of production and distributions [00:42:19] starting with producing necessities [00:42:26] Grits: who decides how cars should look and work? who decides how houses should be built and look like? who decides how softare is being developed, what features it have etc? [00:42:44] I guess if it came down to it, and there was no alternative, I'd rather have engineers and scientists deciding what goes into baby food. [00:42:49] Grits: it's the ones with skills that does it. [00:43:02] Who decides all that shit now, scrdcow? [00:43:02] scrdcow no its not like that [00:43:25] they try to find some shit and make $ as much as they can from it [00:43:26] As for how cars should look, they should look however they need to look to be the best car possible. [00:43:48] Grits: I didn't say it was better today. but I'd rather have some kind of direct democracy than a technocracy all the way. [00:43:49] * Evil confused [00:43:53] If it's determined one color of car is easier to avoid colliding with, all cars should be that color. [00:44:17] scrdcow, I asked who decides that stuff today. Do you have an answer to that? [00:44:20] scrdcow i would like that I make decision how my car look and my home and not some one els [00:44:34] `f [00:44:35] Evil: Q: How many Harvard MBA's does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Just one. He grasps it firmly and the universe revolves around him. [00:44:36] Grits: people with money most of the times imo. [00:44:48] Is that good? [00:44:50] hollywood haha [00:44:59] the military [00:45:17] Grits: no I have never said that. [00:45:32] I say that [00:45:44] oh you mean you never said it was good [00:45:45] Grits Who is IN military. Or the one that is Behind and control Military? [00:45:53] Grits: i just said that a complete technocratic society is not my bag since I think people except the ones with skills should have a say. that's all. [00:46:06] okay so if the alternative is let engineers and scientists decide how your car looks, would you flip out, scrdcow? [00:46:06] Grits: but you asked me a question. it was meant to me. [00:46:42] keep in mind the only reason the engineers and scientists are making your car is because they feel like it [00:46:52] Grits: ofcourse I wouldn't flip out. depending on what they do ofcourse ;-) but it still maybe isn't my preffered way of doing it. [00:47:02] What do you think they're going to do, make a fantastic car and a shit car and make you drive the shit car? [00:47:19] Grits: no, but it's not only that simple. [00:47:33] Are you an engineer, or a scientist, scrdcow? [00:48:12] Grits: there is options on maybe what the car drives on, what fuel, etc etc.. I think the public should have a say in stuff like that. and shouldn't be decided by a minority. stuff that have a deepr impact on other peoples lives, people should have a say in. [00:48:28] Why not have all cars powered in the optimal way? [00:48:31] Grits: no [00:48:41] Grits: what is the most optimal way, who decides that? [00:48:55] Grits: there is always different ideas floating around to what is best. [00:48:58] the science discipline of thermodynamics decides that [00:49:12] We can use science to prove what's best. [00:49:24] until something better comes along to be tested [00:49:43] in some cases yes, and then I would have less of a problem with it. but the problem is still about power and control imo. [00:50:06] even if it's a good decicion, I don't like a small group having power over others. [00:50:17] and ofcourse it's more damaging in some areas than others. [00:50:21] Grits But i know what is best for me and not any scientist [00:50:36] A very tiny group has power over us all now, the people who invented money and war. [00:50:54] true [00:51:02] What could possibly be worse? [00:51:15] yes.. but your still putting words into my mouth. I never said todays system is good. [00:51:32] but if you're objecting to a hypothetical system on the basis of how shitty it would be [00:51:34] I just said one thing I see a problem with with technocracy that's all. [00:51:38] you can only compare it to what we have today [00:51:46] Grits that they are Crazy. Oh wait they are crazy haha [00:51:52] I can compare it in theory to other systems in theory. [00:52:03] They make us KILL each other [00:52:07] but that's just jerking off [00:52:20] Democracy is overrated. [00:52:30] It's a sham anyway, the ultimate ideal of democracy is anarchy. [00:52:30] Grits democracy SUCKS [00:52:38] if were not allowed to dicuess based on theory.. well then we don't have much to discuess I guess ;-) [00:52:42] what is 60% say we kill 40 % ? [00:52:46] *if [00:52:52] At some point the engineers will design automated factories that can make anything from a blueprint.l [00:53:13] Grits: anarchy? how is that democratic? :-) [00:53:24] Anarchy is good [00:53:27] anarchism, yes, but.. anarchy? [00:53:28] If you want to design your own car just click and drag from a set of options. [00:53:53] If what you like is not there Make it share it [00:53:59] The ultimate ideal of democracy is everyone has equal say over everything. That's anarchy. [00:54:25] If I want to push you around and can get away with it, that's the ultimate democracy. [00:54:45] There's nothing scary at all about it, everyone has to sleep eventually, it's easy enough to keep everyone honest. [00:55:04] Grits: sure ok. i'd rather say anarchism thou to not confuse it with other definings of anarchy. [00:55:20] Anarchy is not what they tell at school [00:55:46] definitions* [00:55:55] `wiki anarchy [00:55:57] Evil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy [00:55:58] Evil: Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχίᾱ anarchíā, "without ruler") may refer to any of several political states, and has been variously defined by sources. Most often, the term "anarchy" describes the simple absence of publicly recognized government or enforced political authority. When used in this sense, anarchy may or may not imply political disorder or lawlessness within a society. In another sense, (1 more message) [00:55:58] URL Title: Anarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [00:55:58] either way, like I said, engineers will be making machines that make machines from nothing but blueprints. [00:56:02] look at reprap [00:56:18] hopefully yes [00:56:19] People can patch those together at home, and they're very capable machines. [00:56:26] `more [00:56:27] Evil: anarchy may not refer to a complete lack of authority or political organization, but instead refer to a social state characterized by libertarianism, or a lack of a state or ruler. [00:56:32] printable technology [00:57:25] i think soon we can manipulate atoms and make ANy element from H [00:57:32] even thou free software in some parts is a bit technocracy not to my liking it's still WAY better in moste cases than proprietary shit since you have much easier way of communicate to the developers and actually have a say, for ex in wishlists. [00:57:43] technocratic* [00:58:37] just so you know, I do consider myself an anarchist (sort of communist-anarchist) so you know how to interpret my sayings. [00:58:41] Technocracy seeks to simply perpetuate the technology we have, improve it, make it 100% sustainable and then provide a high standard of living for everyone according to their preferences. [00:58:43] because sometimes i'm not clear enough. [00:59:14] As for dismantling criminal law structures or whatever they really make no proposals. [00:59:27] It's assumed virtually all property crimes will vanish when nobody wants for anything. [00:59:32] Grits: that's what I like about it :-) tons of good stuff in the technocracy movemens goals. [00:59:37] and at most they have to simply donate some labor [00:59:41] scrdcow in sovjet/china its socialism not communism [00:59:49] Evil: state-capitalism imo. [00:59:50] I'd work in a light bulb factory long enough to earn a lifetime of light bulbs [01:00:14] Evil: and i didn't say anything about sovjet or china. [01:00:15] you know a light bulb machine was created that produces over 400 light bulbs per minute [01:00:29] scrdcow i know but i did :) [01:00:38] replacing 10,000 people [01:01:10] I'd work in a light bulb factory for a few minutes watching the machine in order to get my lifetime of light bulbs from society [01:01:12] Evil: ok, sorry then. you said it like it was meant to correct me in something I said :-) since you said something completly out of context (atleast in my head :-D) [01:01:45] scrdcow we don't need to talk in context :D [01:02:02] Evil: oh my! syntax error all the way in my brain then hehe [01:02:24] automobile factories have scarcely a human hand touching a vehicle before somebody puts a key in the ignition to start it for the first time [01:02:33] totally automated [01:02:39] <3 [01:02:40] yeah [01:02:58] now just make better cars or stop doing them until we actually need new ones ;-) [01:02:58] Grits i would to build a robot hand at home haha [01:03:03] I'd go donate some time in one of those factories to ensure I always had a car to drive when I wanted [01:03:24] Evil: you have the power glove! all you need ;-) [01:03:33] I don't know what I'd do, maybe push a broom around to save the broombots a little work. [01:03:48] Evil: http://www.geekologie.com/2009/12/lolwut_a_special_power_glove_r.php [01:03:49] I am trying to build a CNC [01:03:50] URL Title: LOLWUT?!: A Special Power Glove Request - Geekologie [01:03:58] CNC can do reprap stuff too [01:04:13] LOL scrdcow [01:05:09] the dude in the photo is from this nintendo-gaming flick. don't remember the name. [01:05:29] but it was released just before super mario bros 3 came out and actually featured the first preview of the game in the movie in a gaming contest. [01:05:48] anyways, he weres the power glove in the movie. [01:06:08] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AacoxHFYvZw :-D [01:06:09] You4Tube 2[Title] I love the Power Glove... its so bad. 2[Category] Comedy 2[Duration] 0:02:25 2[Views] 106084 2[Rating] 4.88 2[Uploaded] 2008-05-04 2[Description] Undoubtedly the best clip from the entire movie. Lucas is obnoxiously arrogant, but its ok because, after all, he has a Power Glove. [01:06:17] wears* [01:06:26] scrdcow i was talking about something like this http://x0.no/2aaz [01:06:46] Evil: hehe yeah, would be cool. [01:08:25] "Technocracy has the only plan yet devised to operate our technology correctly. Put simply, it is a plan which allows the people who built the technology to run it -- but for the benefit of the people directly instead of through the interference of business and politics for mindless profit." [01:12:39] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi9LbNrLNd4 [01:12:40] You4Tube 2[Title] MK-Ultra deutsche Untertitel 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:08:21 2[Views] 4 2[Rating] None 2[Uploaded] 2011-09-14 2[Description] MK-Ultra deutsche Untertitel [01:14:59] Evil: I have gotten flashvideoreplacer to work pretty decent with mplayer now. atleast in most qualities, but it lags in 720p sometimes and 1080p is out of my bandwith limit so. [01:15:58] Evil: so it's freakin nice. I just need to make a playlist handler of sorts and also make mplayer reconnect after it has paused for to long, if it's even possible. dunno how to make it connect to the right spot. so rather it can atleast reconnect so as not loose the stream. [01:16:33] scrdcow but what did you do? [01:16:35] recconect and play from the beginning I mean. [01:16:37] made a script? [01:17:31] i see [01:17:35] Evil: I tried various versions of mplayer ("1" (the ordinary one), and 2).. and I put a decent cache size that it loads before playing. [01:17:48] Evil: so it almost never lags now. [01:18:09] -nobody- Kebap23 has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:18:15] Evil: mplayer2 fucked up a bit, so i reverted to good ol standard mplayerhq.hu code. [01:19:21] *** Quits: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-lpnfmk.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [01:20:01] Evil: yes a small script that just opens the window in the same size as my laptop screen so as to not flicker with window resizing, no border (less flickering), some extra caching, and fullscreen + pulse audio. [01:20:27] scrdcow share it :P [01:20:44] *** Joins: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-4gadnj.adsl.hansenet.de) [01:20:48] /usr/bin/mplayer -ao pulse -cache 2048 -noborder -geometry 1280x800+1800+0 -fs $1 [01:21:21] the 2MiB cache was decent enough for me, not to slow to load, and not to little not start to lag on most videos. [01:21:21] ) [01:21:41] (i'm on 8/1 adsl) [01:22:23] not sure how to make the playlist script yet, I sort of got lost in other stuff. [01:23:00] -nobody- Kebap23 has joined on FREENODE [01:23:17] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGWuunl5t0k [01:23:18] You4Tube 2[Title] Corrupt Federal Reserve Die Pluenderung der Amerikaner seit 1913 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:09:27 2[Views] 1 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2011-09-14 2[Description] Corrupt Federal Reserve Die Pluenderung der Amerikaner seit 1913 [01:55:05] cool, pymp seems to do what I want! :-D [02:08:11] scrdcow, what is pymp? [02:08:33] Grits: gtk frontend for mplayer. [02:09:06] Grits: it could atleast handle adding items to the playlist during play just by rerunning pymp with new url/file. [02:20:08] ahh [02:23:24] interesting.. you really think people who don't know how to code should have a say?? that's all that's wrong with software engineering nowadays. and store clerks are parasites? you guys on crack [02:28:35] comotion: not in exactly every decision. only in serious decisions that greatly affect their lives. [02:28:52] comotion: store clerks are parasites? [02:29:44] comotion: atleast they should be able to actually have a say, not necccesary that they actually will do anything of that sort. but there should be some process of inputing views and that coders actually take those into consideration. [02:30:17] comotion: especially for stuff that is used public things that everyone is using. [02:30:25] comotion coder should do what HE think is right :) [02:30:36] or she [02:30:43] yeah :D [02:31:25] comotion the trick is, should coder make decision what I should use? [02:31:56] comotion: for ex "i'm blind and would need this software to be able to cater for blind people since it's used by the government for blabla" - "ok, will look into it and try to make it" not "screw you, you have no say, we decide everything since we are the ones that can code". [02:31:58] if you don't know what you're talking about, especially when it's serious, hel no! [02:32:15] was it a yes? [02:32:28] coders should be forced to take the consequences of their code [02:32:39] however where does that leave anon coders... hmm interesting [02:32:51] like blind people trying to poke their eyes out with thir walking sticks? ;-) [02:33:11] anyways, it's ridic to let non-tech people decide tech decisions [02:33:21] yes, that's not really what I meant. [02:33:38] well yeah [02:34:01] if the app needs to cater to blind ppl then hell yes. in fact we could strive to make all apps blind-friendly [02:34:19] but that doesn't mean the blind should get a vote in how I write my hash tables [02:34:25] nono [02:34:34] how do you make app blind friendly? [02:34:35] unless they actually no what they are talkin about [02:34:45] Evil: by outputting text [02:34:54] but people without no coding skills should be able to have a say in some stuff that actually the then later have to live under. [02:34:58] which can be read by screen reader or brailletty [02:35:02] just as I want to have a say in every law I will live under. [02:35:12] instead of shitty gui that can't translate to textr [02:35:18] even though I don't necessarly is lawyer or want to be one. [02:35:33] screw laws. What i was trying to say coders should code and share, But user should make decision what he will use and not coders [02:36:02] scrdcow: you want a say in the laws but you don't get one, sorry [02:36:07] welcome to democracy [02:36:20] comotion: hehe ofcourse not, not today. but it was an example. [02:36:29] comotion: how it should be :-D [02:36:47] comotion: and I want more democracy (direct democracy) not less. [02:36:47] yeah well more interesting is thinking how we can make it so [02:36:54] sure [02:36:57] direct democracy is a smokescreen [02:37:02] it's anarchy or bust [02:37:18] anarchy! [02:37:23] anarchism! [02:37:28] I heart anarchy [02:37:31] anarchy! :D [02:37:50] but.. in what way do you think direct democracy is not in line with anarchism? [02:37:59] but the term is as loaded as communism and socialism [02:38:03] I think it rather is direct democracy. [02:38:06] yes [02:38:14] scrdcow: I think that direct democracy can reduce to anarchy [02:38:21] if you implement it right [02:38:22] scrdcow you have countries with direct democracy its not working [02:38:33] comotion: what is your definition of direct democracy then? [02:38:48] Evil: you don't. not to my definition atleast. [02:38:48] if you implement it wrong, direct democracy can be about as lame as today's system (or worse) [02:38:53] yes you do [02:38:54] in eu [02:38:54] comotion: yes [02:39:01] `wiki direct democracy [02:39:04] Evil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_democracy [02:39:05] Evil: Direct democracy is a form of government in which people collectively make decisions for themselves, rather than having their political affairs decided by representatives. Direct democracy is classically termed "pure democracy". Depending on the particular system in use, it might entail passing executive motions, making laws, electing or dismissing officials and conducting trials. Direct democracy stands (1 more message) [02:39:05] URL Title: Direct democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [02:39:19] `more [02:39:20] Evil: in contrast to a representative democracy in which the decisive authority is vested in a subset of people, usually on the basis of election. [02:39:21] Evil: I don't agree to that. it's better but not direct democracy. [02:39:39] direct democracy as opposed to representative democracy [02:39:41] Evil: if you mean switzerland that is. [02:39:54] yes switzerland [02:40:24] indeed. so, if every citizen is tasked with micromanaging the laws regulations and whatsnot without ever properly learning to think for themselves.... disaster [02:40:29] true democracy, direct democracy, open democracy LOL its all same [02:41:47] let me qualify my previous statements... dd is a smokescreen because we need less laws and regulations, less system, more independent thought and more decentralization [02:42:05] and get rid of all corporations [02:42:10] +banks [02:42:22] corps and banks == sociopathic parasitic entities [02:42:38] comotion they are people too. In law haha [02:43:01] comotion: yes. but you don't have to implement it that way :-) but I do agree with you thou, but less sytem, more inpedent thought and more decentralization == a form of direct democracy in my book. [02:43:17] while direct democracy implies some state and central system, implies majority rule, implies that we carry on with our laws banks corporations regulations, implies we continue populistic polemic politics [02:43:31] scrdcow if i want a car. Or X why every one need to vote for that? [02:43:32] comotion: not necessary imo. [02:43:52] why every one need to vote? You need it go get it LOL [02:43:58] Evil: ofcourse not. [02:44:11] need food grow it. [02:44:16] well scrdcow you are one of the few peeps I met that thinks independently, and I find that ppl who think independently have their own ideas on what things should be [02:44:25] We should help eachother share. Not make laws [02:44:30] Evil: but on issues that affect them more directly everyone should be able to have a say imo. [02:44:37] but those implications are what ppl think when they think (direct) democracy [02:44:47] the assumption of a state and everything that goes with it [02:45:32] scrdcow: are you sure? new dude X moves into your neighbourhood, becomes your neighbour. should you get a say? [02:45:56] think carefully and remember same rule carries when X == scrdcow [02:45:59] comotion: sure, I agree to that. I usually tend to take words pretty clearly and try to stick to it's original basic meaning, and scale of everything else that isn't really a part of it, but rather a construction of a social culture or such. as the usualy way people think about "anarchy", they don't think "without ruler" rather "chaos", but that is not really correct. [02:46:21] but chaos is good [02:46:25] What is wrong with chaos? [02:46:39] there is no good, no evil [02:46:44] there is no order [02:46:46] Evil: not in the scientific sense, but in the sense people think of it when they think of chaos. [02:46:52] there is just chaos and the semblance of order [02:46:55] Evil: that is not what I want anyways. [02:47:05] what is wrong with chaos? [02:47:19] Our nature is chaos works good [02:47:40] nothing. but I said... "chaos". think about what most people would think when you say to them "anarchy". [02:47:46] that is what I meant anyways. [02:48:04] there is no good or bad in nature [02:48:07] no, scrdcow is right. anarchy has fallen into disrepute, ppl associate anarchy with chaos==lawlessness==rampant criminality [02:48:34] comotion but we don't have now criminality ? Laws are only for poor people [02:49:13] Evil: sure, noone on #RBOSE will argue that today's system is good [02:49:40] comotion: depends. in some ways yes, but not in any way you like. for ex, I shouldn't be alllowed to be racist, sexist etc. but for most cases you shoul be allowed to move around freely. it's hard to think of a sitution that shouldn't allow you to move to a place really. but if people doesn't like you, maybe it's hard to live there. [02:49:54] what scrdcow is saying is that to get from here to there we can't call it anarchy because it's a panic trigger in most ppls heads [02:49:55] But guys i don't want to change system. We need to try make it so people depend less on system. After a when none use it System will die :D [02:50:33] Evil: Hey HOOOO! [02:50:47] change what is around you. This will change everything els [02:50:48] now that's in line with my thinking [02:51:17] so again we need more people to share :D [02:51:22] however, so far /me always depends on system and so system never dies [02:51:39] Sharing will kill system [02:52:00] Evil: yes :-) [02:52:06] (change what is around you) [02:52:08] all you can do imo. [02:52:15] so 1 step was Software DONE. Now step 2. hardware :D [02:52:29] hehe [02:52:36] I have to try to fix thit script brb [02:52:47] (not as active in discussion for a while) [02:52:57] so guys we have a project called FreeLAB :) [02:53:29] mkay? [02:53:35] hi Caly :) [02:53:40] o/ [02:54:13] so first we need to get tools to get Energy/food/water [02:54:53] pri one [02:55:01] G.E.C.K [02:55:17] I think we need to have a meeting this weekend in mumble [02:55:39] so every one know what is going on. Maybe we could push some stuff to speed up [02:55:41] calyhoo [02:56:28] comotion what is G.E.C.K ? [02:58:21] ummm [02:59:22] hmm... howto make the script now which number newly added url in playlist has. [02:59:32] -yoda english [02:59:35] ;-) [02:59:53] Evil: you never played the genious game of Fallout? [03:00:00] no [03:00:01] Garden of Eden Creation Kit [03:00:10] ok [03:00:10] turn blight into eden [03:00:46] desert into oasis [03:02:03] howto make foo++ in bash? [03:02:08] <- el lameo [03:02:23] hahaha [03:02:44] laugh all you want at my lameness!!!! I dont care!!! ;-) [03:03:24] `gq [03:03:26] Evil: Bungee jumping is like getting a blowjob off your granny, It feels great but for christs sake don't look down. [03:03:35] LOL [03:03:47] hehe [03:04:31] G.E.C.K. [03:07:44] hmm.. seems I need to hack pymp in the end anyways... [03:10:09] how to make bash variables set in the parent bash-process? [03:10:37] nm [03:12:47] scrdcow: $((foo++)) [03:13:01] comotion: POS=`expr $POS +1` [03:13:03] bash int math is lame [03:13:09] scrdcow: iiiish [03:13:12] comotion: that worked, but still not correctly. [03:13:15] comotion: yeah [03:13:25] POS=$((POS+1)) [03:13:31] that works? [03:13:38] you try and see [03:14:04] I know things about bash you don't even want to know [03:17:16] *** Joins: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-ojd17e.tpgi.com.au) [03:23:27] s/bash/your cock sucking granny/ [03:26:18] sounds about right [03:27:52] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Connection closed) [03:28:25] thx debian Evil and DNS... and scrdcow for lamenting. I <3 flashvideoreplacer! [03:31:08] http://schivmeister.wordpress.com/2009/09/28/linux-audio-to-rt-or-to-bfs/ btw [03:31:09] URL Title: Linux Audio: To RT or to BFS? Schivmeister the Great [03:36:59] lamenting? :-) [03:37:49] * Caly spins: Kanka - One dub [03:39:55] :-D [03:40:03] flashvideoreplacer <3333 indeed [03:41:29] comotion: moo [03:42:54] if you want to sleep for less than a second? how do you do it? [03:43:01] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Quit: Leaving) [03:43:03] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Quit: Leaving) [03:43:10] make I can just run som crap command that takes a bit of time, but it doesn't seem right. [03:43:13] maybe* [03:43:24] sleep 0.3 [03:44:34] ah [03:44:38] el coolio. [03:44:56] but problem is.. how to set a variable for parent bash instance? [03:49:37] no way to do that [03:49:42] child cannot modify parent [03:56:55] *** Quits: scrdcow (scrdcow@RBOSE-cpg1rk.org) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: Evil (Viper@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: duxck (martin@RBOSE-nsecvj) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: DNS (DNS777@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: lukas (lukas@NetAdmin.RBOSE) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: mutanton (mutanton@RBOSE-4l00an.bredband.comhem.se) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:56:55] *** Quits: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) (pms.rbose.org fat64.rbose.org) [03:59:55] *** Joins: Evil (Viper@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [03:59:55] *** Joins: rBOTse (rBOTse@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [03:59:55] *** Joins: Fat64 (herp@RBOSE-nsecvj) [03:59:55] *** Joins: lukas (lukas@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [03:59:55] *** Joins: DNS (DNS777@NetAdmin.RBOSE) [03:59:55] *** Joins: duxck (martin@RBOSE-nsecvj) [03:59:55] *** Joins: comotion (preston@RBOSE-garav9.u.bitbit.net) [03:59:55] *** Joins: scrdcow (scrdcow@RBOSE-cpg1rk.org) [03:59:55] *** Joins: mutanton (mutanton@RBOSE-4l00an.bredband.comhem.se) [03:59:55] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) [03:59:55] *** Joins: maat (maat@RBOSE-7vk5te.fr) [04:05:18] comotion: think I actually did read about it somewhere. but it was probably uglyhack. [04:05:48] comotion: but I didn't need it in the end. i'm to tired to do this stuff, not thinking straight etc :-) [04:40:13] wonder why I get alot of defunct mplayers. [04:40:26] Evil: anyways... [04:40:28] cause you aren't reaping them [04:40:44] reaping them? [04:40:48] gotta reap them spawned children in the parent [04:40:58] gotta wait() or disown them [04:41:11] hmm.. I don't really follow. [04:41:17] it's the pymp player that does everything. [04:41:21] pymp frontend [04:41:29] I only add stuff to the playlist. [04:41:35] processes get defunct if they die and the parent doesn't reap [04:41:45] what does reap mean? [04:41:48] reaping == collecting exit status [04:42:06] disowning == telling OS that parent doesn't care about child exit status [04:42:14] ok, then it has to be a bug of pymp. [04:42:35] otherwise OS needs to keep zombies around to remember exit status [04:42:39] it quits the mplayers when they have finnished playing and doesn't quit itself. [04:42:44] that's the prob? [04:43:10] mplayers quit and pymp doesn't reap nor does it signal that it doesn't care to reap [04:44:37] http://pastebin.com/MFBiXSEF [04:44:38] URL Title: flashvideoreplacer script - Pastebin.com [04:44:40] there you have it anyways. [04:44:49] ok, I have to lookup how to fix that in pymp. [04:45:14] also would like it to just continue playing with --fixed-vo when there is more files in the playlist. not quit. [04:45:32] but maybe it can't append stuff to some sort of mplayer playlist. [04:46:14] comotion: do you know how to disown it in python? :-) [04:48:31] maybe a & does it. [04:49:19] but in that case pymp can't control it I guess. [04:51:51] ugly but works ;-) [04:52:25] fuck the pymp controls. [04:52:39] will fix shortcuts anyways. [04:56:41] http://pastebin.com/mXFzk4QL [04:56:42] URL Title: fixed - Pastebin.com [05:07:37] zzz got to sleep before work [05:08:04] u r on to somethin there [05:08:46] pretty much ugly-done atleast. [05:08:55] seems to work the way I want. [05:09:55] now just playing with devilspie to get it to remove the window from the task pager and minimize it so it get's out of the way. [05:14:09] tasklist* [05:56:46] *** Quits: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed) [07:27:44] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [07:32:17] *** Joins: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-cejno8.mweb.co.za) [07:53:52] *** Quits: Sixth_Ape (sixth_ape@RBOSE-cejno8.mweb.co.za) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [08:36:36] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [09:26:30] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [09:34:50] *** Quits: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:52:39] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [11:29:47] *** Quits: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-ojd17e.tpgi.com.au) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [12:07:14] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-gfhmhq.bredband.skanova.com) [12:07:33] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [12:17:47] *** Joins: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) [12:19:33] *** Joins: jscinoz (jscinoz@RBOSE-ojd17e.tpgi.com.au) [13:17:08] *** Joins: Cyclo_ (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) [13:17:08] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Connection closed) [14:24:18] *** Joins: antilect_ (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [14:29:39] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [14:30:55] *** Joins: Diogenez (qwebirc@RBOSE-2n6bgc.ph.cox.net) [14:30:58] hi [14:31:05] i been gone on the mountains [14:31:12] how has everybody been ? [14:51:43] Hi Diogenez [14:51:51] hiya [14:52:02] are you newish? [14:52:05] or name changed? [14:52:07] no i am Viper [14:52:11] ok ok [14:52:29] any cool projects since i been away? [14:52:43] i was doing permaculture at the contenental divide [14:52:49] cool [14:52:57] i got allot of Quinoa planted [14:53:13] food project and freelab. But some stuff need to be done [14:53:16] tons of squash and mellon beans, and other wild greens [14:53:22] great [14:53:27] lots of composting , humanure... [14:53:42] oh and fence building to keep elk out [14:53:43] btw food is vegan food project hehe [14:53:48] ahh [14:53:52] i am more into raw foods [14:53:57] i leaked... [14:54:02] Forks Over Knives [14:54:04] see it? [14:54:09] no [14:54:28] https://onebigtorrent.org/torrents/12261/Call-Of-Life-Facing-the-Mass-Extinction-2010 [14:54:29] URL Title: 'Call Of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction (2010)' Torrent Download :: OneBigTorrent.org [14:54:35] this is good too, getting the link [14:55:00] do you have an opinion of Deep Green Resistance ? [14:55:00] https://onebigtorrent.org/torrents/12252/Derrick-Jensen--Deep-Green-Resistance-Strategy-to-Save-the-Planet-Bundle [14:55:01] URL Title: 'Derrick Jensen - Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet (Bundle)' Torrent Download :: OneBigTorrent.org [14:55:22] here : https://onebigtorrent.org/torrents/12214/Forks-Over-Knives--2011 [14:55:24] URL Title: 'Forks Over Knives - 2011' Torrent Download :: OneBigTorrent.org [14:55:29] i would say this is the best diet movie yet [14:55:47] i really liked Processed People (i laaked too) [14:55:52] Diogenez i check out forum of Derrick Jensen. Did not like it. Its all closed [14:55:53] and also A Delicate Balance [14:56:04] closed? [14:56:12] did you watch END : CIV ? [14:56:36] yes [14:56:38] a new acticle called Imagine [14:57:11] Diogenez He ask people to not watch/read his movies/boos from torrent or online but buy them LOL [14:57:38] *books [14:58:22] http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/6404 [14:58:24] URL Title: Imagine | Derrick Jensen | Orion Magazine [14:58:40] hahaha [14:58:46] he wants money i guess [14:58:50] he is in allot of new movies [14:59:11] like JF telling PJ to not use his images or he sues [14:59:11] hah [14:59:36] yeah [14:59:40] i say if Venus really had ideas they would not be scared to public domain or GLP them to share [14:59:52] designs w/e [15:00:13] Derrick forum is more locket then any forum i see before. You need to pass 3 times ass kissing [15:00:14] haha [15:01:00] brb [15:01:12] “Humanity’s true moral test, its fundamental test … consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect humankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it.” [15:03:05] the best part of the movie is how it shows the artieries and how they are affected by cholestorol [15:04:48] http://anarcho-primitive.blogspot.com/2011/09/no-respect.html?spref=fb [15:04:49] URL Title: Old Dog: No respect [15:18:10] people who exersize control : freaks hahah [15:18:24] this guy needs to upgrade his way of talking [15:26:09] Evil that is a funny video [15:26:33] I found _______ _________'s cencorship of free speech a little disturbing [15:26:35] " [15:33:05] Arguing against TZM is like arguing against science" Yea sure, if science stopped showing up to work and started spending all of their time on the internet bitching and passing out DVDs [15:33:07] hahahahaha [15:33:22] my bad [15:33:42] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [15:39:27] back [15:40:23] lol [15:41:37] i want to see the video [15:43:31] http://zeitgeistmovements.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/picture-130.png?w=718&h=599 [15:47:41] ok [15:47:47] ____________ ____________ is hosting and promoting a branch of Theosophy [16:25:21] *** Joins: Hoogin (hoogin@RBOSE-ak2r0n.etanet.se) [16:35:51] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY4VZr8Ox94 [16:35:52] You4Tube 2[Title] Generation OS13: The new culture of resistance 2[Category] Film 2[Duration] 0:28:16 2[Views] 34292 2[Rating] 4.97 2[Uploaded] 2011-06-01 2[Description] Generation OS13 is an explosive insight into the attack on civil liberties occurring in western democracies and how artists, musicians, journalists and authors encourage the peoples right to resist against Banker occupation. Examining economic dictatorships, puppe [16:43:26] *** Quits: ludens (ludens@RBOSE-f7mvlv.apua.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [16:46:27] *** Joins: ludens (ludens@RBOSE-f7mvlv.apua.se) [17:04:08] and his hungry bird... [17:52:11] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Connection closed) [17:52:37] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [17:53:37] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Connection closed) [17:53:42] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:00:00] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:00:02] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:09:50] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:09:52] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:10:21] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:11:44] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:12:06] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:12:38] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:12:44] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:14:03] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:14:12] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:14:28] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:14:35] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:15:01] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:15:15] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:15:48] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:15:55] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:19:14] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [18:19:21] *** Quits: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) [18:41:24] DNS, i demand an explnation! [18:41:42] What was the application you urled to me? [18:47:00] hi kman > see https://launchpad.net/~rbose-debianizer/+archive/arduino [18:47:04] URL Title: Arduino : “RBOSE Debianizer” team [18:47:44] but its need some fixes [18:47:54] for the board that lukas has [18:50:49] yeah, seems like the driver for 'uno' is not there, need to compare with other packages DNS asked me but had no time for it yet [18:54:26] does the uno boards always use teh same chips btw? [18:54:58] becuz i wonder a bit that it was ripped out with last official butnu release also [18:55:12] but lukas... did you check out the last files i have send to you ? [18:56:02] i think you have big and small/faster chip [18:56:14] 2 or even more chips [19:02:53] *** Quits: Cyclo_ (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Connection closed) [19:12:30] !dance kman [19:12:31] ACTION starts a slowdance and grabs the ass of kman in #RBOSE [19:13:06] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWAZxhWbkXg [19:13:07] You4Tube 2[Title] Black Sheep - Shorty 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 0:04:06 2[Views] 12383 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2008-10-07 2[Description] Tha 5th track off Black Sheep'z album 8wm/Novakane...ENJOY! [19:13:25] Haha [19:13:41] * DNS loves this song [19:14:37] \o/ [19:36:46] *** Joins: iderik (idk@RBOSE-dv9gss.tbcn.telia.com) [20:26:24] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [20:33:18] *** Joins: Grits (plautus@RBOSE-5129e5.client.mchsi.com) [20:33:25] what's up [20:46:48] *** Quits: Hoogin (hoogin@RBOSE-ak2r0n.etanet.se) (Quit: Leaving.) [21:08:27] my middlefinger if i see a bad mf [21:08:30] lol jk [21:08:33] :> [21:11:49] but sometimes maybe [21:12:18] and whats up with you Grits [21:16:54] not shit really, just wasting my life [21:22:32] wasting? [21:22:37] enjoy it somehow [21:29:04] https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuae < would b kool to see this project reactivated again [21:29:06] URL Title: GnuAE - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) [21:30:24] i tried to build it but the used libs in source are way too old [21:30:58] maybe still it possible to build it, but you need modify source code for that, i didnt try so much [21:35:01] I'm tired of enjoying life, I don't enjoy enjoying life [21:35:24] i guess you are kidding [21:35:34] what else you want to do? [21:35:37] hating life? [21:35:58] 0_o [21:37:02] I don't know [21:55:28] Industrial-scale electricity is unsustainable, lots of people + species dying cause of it, Q worth asking: what'll b left of world when E goes off? rather be living on planet that's healthier + capable of sustaining life, than 1 't resembles restricted area around Fukushima [22:00:01] http://callz.no-ip.com:8000/listen.pls [22:23:03] Industrial scale electricity is perfectly sustainable if it's designed to be. [22:23:56] wtc 7 lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNDOTzHxwhY [22:23:57] You4Tube 2[Title] New damning building 7 footage! - If it's real 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:00:48 2[Views] 306 2[Rating] 4.88 2[Uploaded] 2011-09-15 2[Description] Vote it up on reddt: http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/kgtfm/new_building_7_footage_looks_a_bit_fake_to_me/ [22:36:27] conspiracy! [22:36:29] lol [22:36:58] haha [22:38:45] what i just ask me if this owner of that building said in an interview that it was "pulled" why those strange little explosions happened [22:39:04] are those explosions normal for a pull down? [22:39:32] DNS it was fire LOL [23:01:47] hi [23:01:51] Evil: did you see the script? [23:02:08] Evil: http://pastebin.com/mXFzk4QL - that's how it turned out in the end. [23:02:09] URL Title: fixed - Pastebin.com [23:08:37] scrdcow you can put that in wiki :P [23:08:53] hi :) [23:11:58] Evil: ok, I will try find wy way to were to put it. but it's pretty ugly I feel bad about srpeading it ;-) [23:12:05] (and one apparent bug) [23:12:16] where* [23:13:42] also hade to change some thing in pymp. [23:13:48] in an ugly way. [23:14:01] so the controls don't work, but I don't want to use them anyways. [23:20:13] yeah i made some ugly stuff and share them too hehe [23:20:42] scrdcow ugly is good btw [23:20:48] Ugly stuff dont break haha [23:21:58] hehe [23:22:22] yeah, I mainly wanted the application, when I can make it nicer and can doit. [23:22:33] have to test it some more and see how it really works. [23:23:06] I can do it* [23:42:47] `f [23:42:47] Evil: Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits. -- Mark Twain [23:42:56] Evil: what is happening? [23:43:07] `qd [23:43:10] `qq [23:43:10] scrdcow: Error: "qd" is not a valid command. [23:43:12] scrdcow: Error: "qq" is not a valid command. [23:43:17] `q [23:43:18] scrdcow: Error: "q" is not a valid command. [23:43:21] `qb [23:43:23] scrdcow: Error: "qb" is not a valid command. [23:43:24] what are you looking for? [23:43:26] haha [23:43:34] quote random? [23:43:36] it's like playing that ship game. [23:43:38] ,qr [23:43:38] Evil: Quote #54: "I made a zombie movie before. ~ Fat64" (added by dns at 06:59 PM, August 04, 2010) [23:43:41] lol [23:43:49] you just try different kordinations and sometimes you hit [23:43:54] ;-) [23:43:57] but yes.. was looking for that [23:44:09] scrdcow i just change add alias so f = fortune [23:44:36] so what's the diff between , and `? [23:44:47] bots only? [23:44:51] so , rBOTse and ` nobody [23:44:58] ok, as I figured. [23:45:15] `gq [23:45:18] Evil: why do they make such huge suvs? // i went to a car dealership today and saw one with a hood that was higher than the roof on my friend's volvo. // and it's an OL, it's not like it's a small car. // At the rate they're going, there will be SUVs big enough to use Hummer H1s as escape pods. [23:45:23] oh and we have ! missbody :) [23:45:43] `,! yo! [23:45:44] scrdcow: Error: ",!" is not a valid command. [23:46:49] why isn't one bot running everything of that? [23:47:54] scrdcow each bot have other task [23:48:10] nobody is linking channels as you know [23:48:10] yes, I am! [23:48:23] yes, but for interactive tasks [23:48:25] rbotse is more a bit news bot [23:48:26] Evil: Error: "is" is not a valid command. [23:48:33] , ` ! is confusing [23:48:33] scrdcow: Error: "`" is not a valid command. [23:48:45] +1 scrdcow [23:48:46] we cant use one trigger for all bots [23:48:49] would be a mess [23:49:02] yes. but my point is one bot can take care of all interactive tasks [23:49:08] and the rest can do.. other stuff [23:49:15] scrdcow but there is one more bot SoNeta its down now :D [23:50:11] scrdcow rBOTse is only here. nobody is on 2 other network. So most stuff you can get from rbotse and missboty here [23:50:48] scrdcow you know about #news channel? [23:51:09] ok, well. if people add stuff from other networks you could share databases or such. or rather have the one bot that is on different networks do all the interactive tasks. [23:51:28] so as not to loose input. [23:51:51] rbotse is doing most interactive stuff [23:51:52] Evil: Error: "is" is not a valid command. [23:53:05] but not everything... maybe there are other limitations why you can't have every interactive task in one bot, but it sure would be less confusing. [23:53:22] you/we [23:55:06] interactive as in, supposed to be used by ordinary users in a channel to add or get information, not admin stuff and such. [23:55:18] just to clearify