[01:08:05] *** Quits: Cyclo (Cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Quit: Lämnar) [01:22:36] good night [01:22:40] *** Quits: lukas_ (lukas@RBOSE-gkfu2h) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.0) [08:54:41] *** Joins: kalken (default@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [08:56:18] morning folks [09:00:51] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-05SXCXIrUY [09:00:52] You4Tube 2[Title] Day of OWS Action: Over 400 arrested, dozens injured 2[Category] News 2[Duration] 0:03:25 2[Views] 301 2[Rating] 4.90 2[Uploaded] 2011-11-18 2[Description] Four hundred arrests -- that is the tally for the last 24 hours, as police stage an intense crackdown on massive Occupy Wall Street protests erupting in America, with more than 30,000 protesters having shown up in New York City alone. RT on Twitter http://twitt [09:16:19] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-a7ojo7.cust.telenor.se) [09:16:25] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [09:16:26] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Calyp [11:19:19] *** Joins: lukas1 (lukas@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [11:20:53] morning everyone :) [12:30:46] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [12:35:22] hi kman :) [12:52:50] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-gitcjf.bredband.comhem.se) [13:08:38] \o/ [13:09:51] Whats up? [13:18:45] kman, just working on documentation and some designs today [13:20:43] ...placing more stuff online [13:22:18] Where? [13:22:30] Perhaps not avail yet ^^ [13:23:07] already available :) [13:23:33] http://freelab.rbose.org/doc/view/Introduction here [13:23:34] URL Title: Introduction [14:11:53] -nobody- Kebap23 has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:15:37] *** Joins: Kebap21 (Max@RBOSE-4oe8uh.adsl.alicedsl.de) [14:15:37] *** Quits: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-4dv84u.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [14:15:37] *** Kebap21 is now known as Kebap [14:16:19] -nobody- Kebap23 has joined on FREENODE [14:16:21] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Kebap23 [16:00:34] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [17:32:16] hello hello, turn the radio on [17:32:32] Hi Kebap [17:32:54] hi man, need some help? [17:34:00] Kebap no not now thanks [17:38:06] ok feel free to get back to me [18:21:53] hi Kebap :) [18:37:21] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [18:41:09] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:00:53] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [21:00:54] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Calyp [21:45:45] lol wtf https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/321558_202156333195587_100002036650732_437992_638914084_n.jpg [21:46:24] DNS i see similar one in my city. Did not make picture :/ [21:47:33] lol [21:48:11] Evil: what in netherlands they have a police tank too? [21:48:41] DNS yes 2 years a go [21:49:34] only it was a bit smaller [21:49:37] not so high [21:49:49] watercanon or something on top [21:54:15] Evil, did they give you a ride? [21:54:38] no [21:56:15] jk, lol [22:10:54] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Alj3xspWTsw [22:10:55] You4Tube 2[Title] Pyramids in China - The "White Pyramid" discovered! 2[Category] Tech 2[Duration] 0:06:55 2[Views] 145840 2[Rating] 4.79 2[Uploaded] 2008-04-16 2[Description] The search for the "White Pyramid" in China, by Walter Hain, Vienna, Austria. For more see my homepage http://web.utanet.at/mahain/Pyramids_in_China.htm [22:30:48] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1ZYSN5iLC4 [22:30:49] You4Tube 2[Title] The Deep Ocean - Part One 2[Category] Animals 2[Duration] 0:08:47 2[Views] 152114 2[Rating] 4.98 2[Uploaded] 2010-05-13 2[Description] A voyage into the depths of the deep ocean. Showing the strange creatures that live in the extreme conditions found far below the surface. This video is taken from BBC's Blue Planet documentary series. [22:31:04] check this one near the end [22:31:20] looks like out of a 70ies sci-fi movie [22:41:34] *** Quits: Hakufu (jonte@RBOSE-aa2ikg.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: Lämnar) [22:43:29] i mean the jellyfish, here a snippet of that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLrGGUtOf40 [22:43:30] You4Tube 2[Title] Deep Sea Jelly display it's spectacular firework 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:00:45 2[Views] 764 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2010-02-15 2[Description] Copyright © BBC Natural History Unit . [22:44:34] quaöity just sux on last link [22:44:41] *quality [22:46:50] haha [22:46:52] nice [22:46:57] i see that before [22:51:09] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-8u4th6.cust.telenor.se) [22:52:19] DNS interesting is they don't need sun light [22:52:30] yea they make their own lights [22:52:32] heh [22:52:35] haha [22:52:35] bacterias [22:52:51] and we are told no sun no life [22:53:14] also its a fukkin big pressure 2km under water [22:53:18] and freaking cold [22:53:28] they would explode near us LOL [22:53:45] we would shrink in 2km deepsea [22:53:48] ;D [22:53:49] DNS: Error: "D" is not a valid command. [22:53:58] !slap Key [22:53:59] ACTION slaps Key a bit around #RBOSE with a good heart [22:59:13] "Welcome to the revolution. Our elites have exposed their hand. They have nothing to offer."... [22:59:14] [22:59:16] "George Orwell wrote that all tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but that once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force. We have now entered the era of naked force. The vast million-person bureaucracy of the internal security and surveillance state will not be used to stop terrorism but to try and stop us." [22:59:22] 0_o [22:59:34] ,w george calin [22:59:35] DNS: Error: Google must be dumb because it is unable to find location george calin. Pease try search for city together with country, for example: weather Oslo, Norway [22:59:47] g00gle? [22:59:57] why google i thought w is wiki [23:00:04] lol [23:00:21] ,wiki george calin [23:00:22] DNS: Error: 'george' is not a valid integer. [23:00:25] argh [23:03:08] ,list [23:03:08] Evil: Acronym, Action, Admin, Alias, Anonymous, Channel, ChannelStats, Config, Dict, Feeds, Filter, Games, Google, Karma, Lmgtfy, Math, MeetBot, Misc, Mumble, Nickometer, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, Scheduler, Seen, Services, Status, String, TED, Test, Time, Todo, URL, Unix, User, Utilities, WOTD, Web, Welcome, Wiki, and Youtube [23:03:14] ,list wiki [23:03:14] Evil: page backlinks, page extlinks, page links, page read, parse, special exturlusage, special websitemap, user groups, user usergroups, wikiinfo copyrights, wikiinfo fileextensions, wikiinfo general, wikiinfo namespaces, and wikiinfo statistics [23:03:25] ,wiki read george calin [23:03:26] DNS: Error: 'read' is not a valid integer. [23:03:29] :( [23:03:41] `wiki george calin [23:03:45] Evil: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. [23:03:50] lol [23:03:51] hah wtf [23:03:56] bug attack [23:04:05] maybe wikipedia block it? [23:04:15] wikipedia blocks rbose [23:04:36] jk lol well i hope not [23:04:47] i did not change anything on nobody [23:05:26] ,wiki page read george calin [23:05:28] DNS: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. [23:05:36] >_< [23:11:12] *** Quits: Key (supybot@root.password) (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.) [23:11:18] hmmmmm [23:11:30] *** Joins: Key (supybot@RBOSE-qve.k3a.168.192.IP) [23:56:17] * Caly is exhausted! [23:57:19] been cleaning out 20+ years of pig and chicken shit from the pen [23:58:38] oh, i will need to do something simillar soon, lol [23:59:01] Caly, what did you use to clean it up? [23:59:25] been brushing down kilos of spiderweb as well