[00:05:47] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [00:10:28] -nobody- magnetron has joined on FREENODE [00:23:26] `f [00:23:27] Evil: Accent on helpful side of your nature. Drain the moat. [00:27:46] Caly: this was weird for example http://www.capwiz.com/gunowners/issues/alert/?alertid=52092826 [00:27:47] URL Title: take-action [00:29:25] http://www.weapon-blog.com/?p=1889 [00:29:27] URL Title: Ron Paul’s Citizens Protection Act of 2011, H.R. 2613 « Weapon Blog [00:32:46] lukas: yeah? [00:33:03] That's great! [00:33:23] guns in schools? [00:33:55] that's not at all the point. [00:34:16] He promotes that people should have the right to defend theselves. [00:34:49] Would you try to rob someone if you know that anyone might carry a gun? [00:35:44] would you send a kid to school if you know anybody might carry gun? [00:36:12] Now, I know precence of guns is a bad idea, but the law does NOT make gun's go away, it only makes righteous people to not carry them, criminals will carry guns regardless, wich is the REAL problem in USA in particular. [00:36:45] Prohibition NEVER works. It only puts the power in the hands of the criminals. [00:37:31] Gangsters and state monopoly on deadly force [00:38:51] The thing is I would not believe there was no guns, just because there is a law against it. [00:39:09] guns are too kill and hurt, nobody who hurts or kills do a good job, so i don't see how more dangerous stuff around in hands of people who even have a problem to drive a bicycle or vacuum cleaner, would make the world a better place [00:39:36] Itäs when law takes away peoples rights and freedoms that it becomes dangerous, not the other way around. [00:40:43] i would say that if you put more guns in the room there is a higher probability for violence, not lower [00:40:55] If you want to really PROTECT people, you should criminalize profitable manufacturing of assault weapons. [00:41:16] lukas: but that is like saying that people will use heroin if you allow them. [00:41:56] heroinists don't care if they are allowed, and people still have a sense or what they should and should not do. [00:42:14] heroin does not explode and randomly kill, some addicts may give you a shot by force still, thought [00:42:30] There is still laws against using guns, shooting people etc. [00:43:23] just like there is laws against terrorist acts, the thigs don't care, only normal kind people care. [00:44:19] You know, freedom breeds responsibility. It's when governments tells you that THEY have to tell you what is best for you, that you start to loose sense, moral and judgement [00:46:03] http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBjsHoCNQ2phJBE3L9DPrXvtWBOBAYS9c1J2xjlhYpkyuqcWwq8icOF_EqMQ [00:46:35] http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1009/sarcasm-demotivational-poster-1283918467.png [00:46:52] Caly: bigger amount of explosives per surface probably equals bigger amount of explosions, or is that non-intuitive and non-physical at all? [00:47:04] http://airsoft-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/GunFreeZone.jpg [00:47:26] lukas: It's entirely up to WHO holds it. [00:48:01] All of the school shootings the last years was gun free zones. Same in finland, same in the camp in Norway.. [00:49:06] http://qball45.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/GUN_concealed_campus_signs.jpg [00:49:23] so how many people gets wasted often with drugs and alcohol who potentially could be very dangerous? how many on Friday nights loose sensation of reality? [00:49:47] It's like the drug argument, there isn't gonna be more or less, it just gonnna be that it's ALL in the wrong hands. [00:50:37] http://qball45.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Defense-Free-Zone-300x231.png [00:55:53] The problem is this stupid indoctrination that laws makes problems go away. [00:57:09] everything we criminalize will make the business go under ground and into the black market. [00:57:58] canada has mor liberal gunlaws than the US, they have prectically less murder per capita than Sweden even. [00:58:09] it's more a cultural issue than a legal one. [00:59:20] Caly: if you would like, please sum up the number of victims in places you mentioned and compare with number of killed in places like Israel, Afghanistan, etc. where much more people have access to weapon. If possible count only these where conflicts are appearing between the native different fractions of citizen groups, without occupation forces included. [00:59:24] laws are patchworks to make this an efficient machine [00:59:26] In austria every man is required to do military service, and every man is required to keep his automatic military rifle at home. Thay have almost zero murders. [00:59:33] real design is too far fetched [01:00:13] seriously lukas ? those are WAR ZONES [01:01:23] with several sides promoting killing of all the others, flooding the place with military assault rifles and ammo [01:01:25] it's easier to start a war if everbody has a gun already distributed or i'm wrong? these are now the zones, but how this started? [01:02:06] by americans infiltrating and radicalizing them [01:02:24] Americam military industries that is. [01:02:34] That's governemt induced warfair. [01:02:35] who gave them guns [01:03:15] Like in Ghana were the britts deliberately created conflict between two peaceful tribes, so thet they killed each others of sp the brits could plunder in peace.. [01:03:33] The american and russian military indistries moslty. [01:03:41] (gave them guns) [01:04:14] and said "Here, go kill anyone that don't agree with you/us/muhammed [01:05:06] It's not all black and wite. I would prefer all lethal weapons manufacturing got criminalized instead [01:05:45] I would prefer we only had to defend ourselves from knives, teazers and mace [01:06:11] they got it to carry on the violence, like every policeman, soldier or any other type of criminal, the gun allows them to do so, and the act of heaving and not heaving is the switch [01:06:15] But that would soon make illegal weapons manufacturing operation [01:06:36] we should forbid ALL weapon rather than call for weapon for all [01:06:48] lukas: sure, so why give thugs and fascist cops a monopoly on weapons and vioilence? [01:06:52] makes no sense. [01:08:16] lukas: I'm no fan of guns or violence, but I do understand the nature of criminal minds. [01:09:14] i'm done with this subject Caly, i hate this stuff, i hate in our logs, i hate these hate speeches and i hate the vision to carry on weapon in infinite future, like morons who never can learn [01:09:23] I would prefer if no weapons existed, but I'm realistic and knows what prohibition inevitably leads to. [01:10:17] we need to change the culture and abolish the need to fight over things. [01:10:41] laws are made for poor people [01:11:12] i would prefer to change me and show other people [01:11:14] I would prefer that all drugs were legal so people could make a wise informed decision as to what drug was most efficient and least dangerous. Those assessments don't exist in the drug-war bs society. [01:11:18] Caly: you say you are "a pacifist by all means", but we all here know the difference between talking and doing, time will show [01:11:51] Evil: well put. [01:12:31] Caly did you watch Ungrip? [01:12:36] I think the best way to decrease murder would be to reduce alcohol use and abolish the need for greed [01:12:50] Evil: yep, a while ago [01:13:45] Caly so laws are made for products we are living people not product [01:13:50] We need to screw laws lol [01:13:56] If i lived in a conflict area (read: a place full of poor people) I would never take the risk of making myself defenseless. [01:14:24] But again Guns are made to KILL to save a life [01:14:33] Medicin is made to save a life not guns [01:14:36] Thats BS [01:14:50] *not to save a life [01:14:57] Evil: sure, but if damage reduction in this paradigm is the goal, go after the manufaturers, not the people. Crush the illegal gun runners, who is mostly financed by illegal drugs [01:15:44] ron paul is a libertiarian, how does a libertarian hate corporations? :-) [01:16:06] it's one thing to hate big business gone wrong thou. [01:16:36] Caly but i understand your point [01:16:45] scrdcow: well, libertarians (not neo-liberals) promote INDIVIDUAL liberty, and do not recognice businesses as persons with rights. [01:18:26] Evil: good. I'm toally ok with anyone disagreeing on this point, I know weapons are HORRIBLE. But there is a HUGE difference between what laws were intended to do, and what they actually do in reality. [01:18:47] I mean, do anyone here thing that the drug war is a good idea? [01:19:01] I would hope not. [01:19:40] scrdcow: did I answer your question to your satisfaction? [01:20:20] Caly drug war is a joke [01:21:47] Ron Paul is not against the existance of businesses ofc, but he realises that what we have know is not at all a free market, witch would be so much better. He's a capitalist, no doubt, but an antirely different breed, wanting REAL money grounded on real values, free trade without all this BS regulations. [01:22:23] THe way i see it. I don't need a king/president or any leader to free me. I would like to free by my own power [01:22:31] same again, the biggest problem is regulations, and the legalization of private secret corporations printing counterfit paper monay (and digital ofc) [01:22:53] Only then you are free. None els can free you. Its slavery when RP or somone in power free you [01:23:02] Evil: indeed! as I said, freedom breeds responsibility. [01:23:20] Lawmaking against citizensonly breeds corruption [01:23:26] true [01:23:57] We enslave ourself by stupidity not by Obama lol [01:24:09] law should exist to protect individuals from governments and corporations, just like the US constitution and the bill of rights. [01:24:18] yup [01:24:54] Politican are a virus. [01:25:06] We can talk about them and end at nothing [01:25:09] I actually think the US constitution is the best so far, but the US has alot of problems because they DON'T follow it. [01:25:27] *politician [01:25:29] Evil: yep, just got to make them obsolete. [01:25:56] Have you guys seen "The Devils Advocate" ? [01:26:14] wait my advocate? lol [01:26:20] haha [01:26:38] a movie, Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino [01:26:43] yeah [01:26:50] It's great [01:27:18] "Lawyers are the priesthood of the 12:st century" - I think that is so true. [01:27:58] and in a sence, any powers larger than you is a "Lawyer" in some sense, ruling over your faith. [01:29:22] The empire of the Church ended when theyr media monopoly ended. Politics (and lawyering) is ending now, as the information monopoly of state and mega-corporation media and schools ends. [01:30:27] caly church is still in full control [01:30:51] Caly: I don't really agree. but sure, rp is against corporatism, that's good. but i'm not a libertarian and don't agree with them. [01:31:02] as you said earlier Evil (I think?) we should just laugh at ACTA, it just reflect their utter desperacy [01:32:57] Evil: not really, you have to realize that before Guthenberg the chuch was the media, the newspapers, radio, television, cinema, radio, internet, schools and hospitals of their time. No one could even read, and if they could, they couldn't read latinn, and they cetainly couldn't write. I mean, the Church was IT! [01:33:12] Caly: but I do agree thou that you should focus on the weapon manufacturers and limit them. maybe even limit weapon laws. I also see it as a culture thing, but that culture can only exsist because of it being legal or because alot of people feel the need to brake the law and get guns anyways. I don't think you would have as much guns if it were illegal. but i'm not for prohibition. I don't have a clear stance in this. [01:33:17] Today they are moved to the shadows [01:33:39] on* [01:34:03] Caly most scientist are Connected to Church. Financed by Vatican. [01:35:21] scrdcow: yeah, well that is the problem, isn't it, where to draw the line. I was very waery for most my life, still am propably, but i see it more and more clearly, that prohibition never ever solves anything on a citizenry level. [01:36:46] Evil: That's a bit to much of a definite statement I think. The vatican does a lot of shady shit, but most scientist hates the church [01:37:06] and science is very transparent [01:37:17] Caly: true. but still... the problem isn't always the prohibition itself, but rather what happens because of it. for ex copyright infringement, it's not legal, people do it anyways. because it's a culture that formed and it's unstoppable and not many people get jailed for it. if you compare with swedish drug laws and treatment etc. it's much worse, as you now. so the prohibition is only one part. [01:37:33] not american corporate science ofc, but they never do serious science to begin with. [01:37:42] Caly you hear about GOD particle? lol [01:38:21] Caly: if you have a force going, you can't stop it with prohibition. but if you have no force a prohibition and possibility to stop a force building can be something that maybe works. but i don't endorce it. [01:39:32] the code defines the program as put it Lawrence Lessig, the law is a code which, unfortunately, defines how many people behave - the moment code is in place the program is ready to run, and then we are left to watch the result, if we do not act, we will just will see code written by politicans [01:39:44] as I see it us, you already have a strong weapon culture. a prohibition wouldn't solv that. but prohibition in coutnries that doesn't have a culture like that can help stop it. [01:39:45] Evil: yeah, sure, that is a funny name, but it's not like the vatican will say that god is in the micricosmos rahter than the macrocosmos. [01:39:53] in us* [01:40:18] scrdcow: sure, but again, you don [01:40:45] 't start fighting the symptoms to get rid of a problem. [01:41:07] Caly: you can do that at the same time. [01:41:21] Liek the drug problem, it exists mostly BECAUSE of the law, and drug culture is CREATED by prohibition [01:41:34] I don't think it exsist because of the law [01:41:42] people were using drugs before it was illegal [01:41:44] zero tolerance is the most stupid concept ever devised. [01:41:44] * lukas lives in a country where there is no desire among people to have any weapon, and that seems to be nice [01:41:51] scrdcow "coutnries that doesn't have a culture like that can help stop it" I don't get this part [01:42:44] Evil: I mean that a prohibition against weapons might work in countries that doesn't have a weapon culture already. if people were to start getting them, it would be easier to stop it before a wider culture starts to build. [01:42:54] scrdcow: yeah, for instance, we had mainly doft drinks, wine, cherry, beer, cider, meed.. then came prohibition, and even after we legalized it again, the major use today is hard liquor. [01:42:58] Evil: but I don't endorse it. [01:43:12] Caly drug problem are pharmacy. Not the one you are talking about :P [01:43:21] Evil: hehe [01:43:53] Caly: laws doesn't start or stop drug use imo. for some perhaps, but I think it has much more to do with propaganda. [01:43:54] In China the US impoosed drug laws to fight of the cutlurally stable use of Opium, resulting in a black market emerging changing the less harmful Opium use, to a dwelled use of heroin instead. [01:44:09] scrdcow there is no Bullet factolry in Africa from what i know LOL [01:44:32] Evil: hehe yes, but we have global market ;-) and also global black market [01:44:45] most bullets are made in eu/usa [01:44:48] Afghanistan is mostly about heroin production, it raised from 23% to almost 90% of global market under US control, so that the US had a control mechanism over China. [01:45:04] Same with Coca, that was used like coffe before prohibition. [01:45:27] now, well, need I even mention Cocain and crack? [01:45:40] Caly: I read an article about afghan people trying to make saffron to be the main crop instead of poppy. that would rock, much cheaper saffron :-D [01:45:54] (and less heorin) [01:46:04] then maybe they find out that saffron is addictive aswell ;-( [01:46:37] The only medical problem with Cannabis today, is due to the balck markets potency-race, that focus on THC concentration, and deminish the anti-psycotic CBN and CBD content. [01:46:58] scrdcow: yeah, I read it just a few days ago as well, smart move. [01:47:08] But the CIA will never let that happen. [01:47:18] it will be hard. [01:47:40] They sponsor the guerillas in south america to avoid the end of drug trafficking there. [01:47:49] It's quite well documented. [01:48:54] You see again, it's not black and white. There's a spectrum, and we're worsening the situation every fucking time we criminalize. [01:50:55] In Sweden our politicians are totally full of themselves saying that our fine hard drug policies proves that fewer people try drugs, and fewer people use drugs. That might be true, but we have much much more use of hard drugs and less use of soft drugs. [01:51:06] At least until the CB culture got here ^^ [01:52:07] In Holland, Portugal etc, more people try drugs, but less people starts using hard drugs. [01:52:21] It is much better for society. [01:53:44] prohibition always creates stigmatization, which is always negative at the individual level [01:54:00] but it's a mix of criminalization, how it's acctually followd up in praxis, what help you can actually get if you get into problem, what the propaganda says etc etc [01:54:30] yeah, it's a MEDICAL problem, not a legal one. [01:55:07] for ex many people in power positions is against shoot exchange. but they could have a prohibition and still allow it. they could have better treatmeant for heroin addicts etc. but the politics thinks that good help will encourage people to try. [01:55:18] same with sex market laws, social, NOT legal. No hooker wants prohibition, it puts them in much more danger. [01:55:49] scrdcow: yeah. so idiotic. [01:56:05] (is it called shoot) [01:56:24] free needles anyway [01:56:25] yes prohibition itself doesn't do much, doesn't help anything atleast, doesn't try to solve anything. [01:56:51] Caly: i dunno. i just search on tyda.se when I don't know the word and pick the one that looks best ;-) [01:57:02] Caly: but it's needle yes. [01:57:05] well, it attempts to solve a symptom [01:57:36] but doesn't even succeed in that ^^ [01:58:04] ofc everyone would try heroin if they had access to clean needles.. errrr... [01:58:34] if you create an insentive for a lucrative market, it will arise. [01:58:34] I must be a real addict by now, i have had a box full o needles for years and years.. [01:58:51] and a prohibition does that. [01:59:04] I don't think anyone here missed Deek Jacksons "Illegal Drugs Bullshit" huh? [01:59:16] haven't seen it. but low on time right now. [01:59:27] to much info already. disk is full. [01:59:29] hehe [01:59:47] need to relax on the info-speed-junkie thing ;-) [02:00:25] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlR0JrNOKIg [02:00:26] You4Tube 2[Title] Illegal Drugs Bullshit - Deek Jackson 2[Category] Comedy 2[Duration] 0:08:06 2[Views] 25256 2[Rating] 4.88 2[Uploaded] 2009-02-02 2[Description] Deek Jacksons Bullshit Vol 1 on DVD http://deekjackson.com [02:01:05] save it for later if yo udon't have 8 more minutes ;) [02:01:30] I have to say no. hehe. say no to youtube links! don't get addicted ;-) [02:01:48] I just need ot finnish of tons of shit already, not build up more. [02:01:59] bookmark [02:02:35] I never use bookmarks. it will be another of those "have to go through" things. I need to clear it more so that I actually can do other work. [02:02:49] else I get stuck. [02:03:16] but wth.. hehe but.. argh... trying to not to get hooked on stuff that makes me loose my focus :-) [02:03:27] I won't force you to watch comedy. [02:03:40] no it's ok :-) [02:03:46] so many good points... [02:04:34] just don't watch all his stufff now, FKN news has a shitload of episodes [02:04:45] need to cook, bath, make a 4-5h playlist and maybe bake before 10-11 oclock. [02:04:56] wooha [02:07:10] "To view this video please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up." i don't have an account. [02:07:25] found another one [02:07:48] oh, I have already seen this. [02:07:57] ah, thought so [02:08:27] Must have ssen it like 20-30 times ^^ [02:08:28] http://searchengineland.com/french-court-fines-google-660000-dollars-google-maps-109930 O_o [02:08:29] URL Title: French Court Fines Google $660,000 Because Google Maps Is Free [02:08:50] ane: yeah, I saw that the other day, fucking insane! [02:09:57] FKN always make me laugh [02:10:33] "Here are the head lies today!" [02:11:37] "moron that story later" xD [02:15:50] 03* 14magnetron@FREENODE lurks [02:16:42] =P [02:19:52] 05<04Calyp@FREENODE05> magnetron: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3DjrCRsgW4 [02:19:53] You4Tube 2[Title] THE LATEST FOOTAGE - FKN Newz 020312 2[Category] Comedy 2[Duration] 0:17:01 2[Views] 1382 2[Rating] 4.91 2[Uploaded] 2012-02-02 2[Description] http://www.fknnewz.com - The weekly edition made for SKY Channel 203 UK - every fri midnight [02:20:05] 05<04Calyp@FREENODE05> from 7:25---> [02:20:08] 05<04Calyp@FREENODE05> xD [02:26:21] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jHe5OjAm_E [02:26:22] You4Tube 2[Title] RAP NEWS 2: OBAMA wins Nobel War is Peace Prize 2[Category] Comedy 2[Duration] 0:05:12 2[Views] 147692 2[Rating] 4.94 2[Uploaded] 2009-10-12 2[Description] http://thejuicemedia.com Rap News - episode 2 - Back by popular demand, Robert Foster turns his attention to the soaring Orwellian rhetoric hailing from Oslo, where Barack Obama is currently receiving the prestigious Nobel War-is-Peace prize. This second episo [02:26:47] *** Joins: Caly_ (Caly@RBOSE-mqsarj.cust.telenor.se) [02:26:54] -nobody- Caly_ has joined on FREENODE [02:26:56] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Caly_ [02:28:50] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:32:06] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [03:31:56] *** Quits: ane (qWEBirc@RBOSE-d3boav.play-internet.pl) (Quit: Page closed) [03:36:47] *** Caly_ is now known as Caly [03:37:18] -nobody- nick change by Caly_ to Calyp on FREENODE [03:37:41] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Changing host) [03:37:42] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [03:37:44] -nobody- mode change by whedon.freenode.net on FREENODE: +v Calyp [03:42:05] *** Joins: ane (qWEBirc@RBOSE-d3boav.play-internet.pl) [03:47:52] *** Quits: Cyclo (cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Quit: Leaving) [03:52:17] *** Quits: ane (qWEBirc@RBOSE-d3boav.play-internet.pl) (Quit: Page closed) [04:09:57] http://law.rightpundits.com/?p=632 [04:09:59] URL Title: Amazon Deletes Orwell Books From Kindle: 1984 and Animal Farm Removed » Right Juris [04:10:10] old, but oh, the humor [04:57:27] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Quit: Leaving) [04:57:28] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Quit: Leaving) [08:18:24] *** Joins: Explorer (Explorer@RBOSE-krc62v.catv.broadband.hu) [08:18:28] *** Quits: Explorer (Explorer@RBOSE-krc62v.catv.broadband.hu) (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/) [08:23:05] *** Joins: ZyaX (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) [08:34:00] *** Joins: zyhax_ (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) [08:34:00] *** Quits: ZyaX (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) (Connection closed) [08:45:54] *** Joins: ZyaX (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) [08:45:54] *** Quits: zyhax_ (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) (Connection closed) [08:52:07] *** Joins: zyhax_ (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) [08:59:10] *** Quits: ZyaX (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [10:06:17] http://de2.eu.apcdn.com/full/55824.jpg :-D [10:06:18] URL Title: http://apina.biz/55824.jpg [11:35:12] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-98ahop.cust.telenor.se) [11:35:18] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [11:35:19] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Changing host) [11:35:21] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [11:35:22] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Calyp [11:36:58] hi Caly :) [11:38:27] hi lukas [11:46:37] guys, if you don't know about this, worth checking, https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Canadian_Holocaust - canadian gov and church mass crimes [11:46:40] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6637396204037343133 [11:46:53] URL Title: Kevin Annett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [11:46:58] URL Title: UNREPENTANT: KEVIN ANNETT AND CANADAS GENOCIDE (documentary) [11:56:21] *** Joins: Cyclo (cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) [13:05:09] http://fosdem.org/2012/news/video-streaming-urls [13:05:10] URL Title: Video streaming URLs | fosdem.org [13:05:36] "FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet." [13:13:52] thanks DNS for sharing :) [14:13:16] http://iloveubuntu.net/firefox-11-beta-1-released-page-inspector-3d-view wtf lol [14:15:02] funny 3d websites [14:17:02] btw https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/sound lmms 0.4.13 to grab [14:17:04] URL Title: Sound : DNS [14:18:39] http://www.byggahus.se/nyheter/han-bygger-hus-av-euro-sedlar [14:18:41] URL Title: Han bygger hus av euro-sedlar | Byggahus.se [14:18:46] man builds house out of euro's :D [14:19:06] he asked for old euro bills from the moneyproducers and shredded them up for buildingblocks lolz [14:20:15] his favorite band is probably METALlica [14:20:19] lol jk [14:21:58] :] [14:42:11] hi Kebap :) could you check query please? [14:46:34] ok [14:57:56] *** Joins: APE (sixth_ape@RBOSE-1tp6mi.mweb.co.za) [15:02:59] *** Joins: APE2 (sixth_ape@RBOSE-1tp6mi.mweb.co.za) [15:06:01] *** Quits: APE (sixth_ape@RBOSE-1tp6mi.mweb.co.za) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [15:11:25] hey there fancy pants [15:39:06] that's me! [15:48:20] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [16:02:57] *** Joins: Kebap21 (Max@RBOSE-nl7ccc.adsl.alicedsl.de) [16:03:10] -nobody- Kebap has joined on FREENODE [16:04:50] -nobody- Kebap23 has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:05:52] *** Quits: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-nl7ccc.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [17:33:11] *** Quits: zyhax_ (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: In Soviet Russia peer's connection is reset by you.) [17:35:51] *** Joins: ZyaX (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) [18:18:48] *** Quits: derAKTIVist (qwebirc@RBOSE-g4p260.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Page closed) [18:28:55] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:32:40] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [18:45:29] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [18:45:30] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Changing host) [18:45:32] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [18:45:33] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Calyp [18:45:37] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-503k3m.cust.telenor.se) [19:19:56] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [19:43:51] -nobody- Kebap has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:48:20] *** Quits: Kebap21 (Max@RBOSE-nl7ccc.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [19:48:22] *** Joins: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-rpuukk.adsl.hansenet.de) [19:50:44] -nobody- Kebap23 has joined on FREENODE [19:50:45] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Kebap23 [19:59:30] -nobody- Kebap23 has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:00:50] *** Quits: Kebap (Max@RBOSE-rpuukk.adsl.hansenet.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [20:02:30] *** Joins: Kebap23 (Max@RBOSE-rpuukk.adsl.hansenet.de) [20:02:30] *** Kebap23 is now known as Kebap [20:02:43] -nobody- Kebap23 has joined on FREENODE [20:02:44] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Kebap23 [23:01:20] *** Quits: Cyclo (cyclo@RBOSE-pdk.uv3.156.78.IP) (Connection closed) [23:02:01] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [23:05:12] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [23:19:47] -nobody- fossrox has joined on FREENODE [23:19:48] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v fossrox [23:22:02] *** Quits: ZyaX (9jti8d8@RBOSE-5lntnm.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds)