[00:10:25] http://elinux.org/Rpi_Cases#Lego_Case [00:10:26] URL Title: RPi Cases - eLinux.org [00:12:24] http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/411 [00:12:25] URL Title: Introducing Gertboard | Raspberry Pi [00:12:26] oh lord [00:13:41] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Quit: Leaving) [00:13:42] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Quit: Leaving) [00:52:46] oh raspberry heaven [01:01:59] *** Joins: Hans (webchat@RBOSE-j1hk9a.chello.nl) [01:02:11] Hey, hey [01:04:11] hello hans [01:04:15] hoe gaat het met jou [01:06:14] Goed FAT64, bedankt. Hoe is het met jouw vandaag dan? [01:07:45] veel goed :) [01:07:53] ik heb guitar hero gestrijden! [01:08:07] also I suck at dutch, but that wont keep me from trying x) [01:09:27] Hahaha, where are you from? [01:09:38] Sweden :> [01:09:42] And Guitar hero is a nice game. [01:09:51] I live here trying to make up enough money to buy land and get out of this crazy society [01:09:57] y e s [01:10:00] I have been to sweden beautifulcountry [01:10:04] I sang like a boaus [01:10:09] or a bus, with throat cancer [01:10:16] oh? where in swe? [01:10:58] Stockholm [01:11:08] and I have seen the countryside [01:11:27] mountains, and other things [01:11:51] So you live now in Holland and you want to go back to Sweden? [01:15:41] ah [01:15:52] I am going to holland this summer somehow, I want to hitchhike there [01:15:55] never been [01:19:47] Hitchhike in Holland = Massive FAIL [01:23:01] *** Quits: ades (ades@RBOSE-5hj.9kd.99.82.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [01:23:25] well TO holland seems to work :) [01:23:38] inside I am not so sure [01:30:06] sleep will be initiated. shutting down all I/O modules. exit message: Good night! [01:35:09] *** Quits: Hans (webchat@RBOSE-j1hk9a.chello.nl) (Quit: Page closed) [04:21:55] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: ) [08:18:00] *** Quits: Kebap23 (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [08:46:18] *** Joins: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [09:25:33] ,poke Viper [09:25:33] * rBOTse pokes Viper with some free technology designs [09:29:19] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [09:39:29] *** Joins: Kebap23 (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [09:39:57] *** Joins: Kebap23_ (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [09:44:05] *** Quits: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:47:35] *** Quits: Kebap23 (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [09:52:17] *** Joins: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [09:54:59] *** Quits: Kebap23_ (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [11:07:50] http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/04/linux-kernel-in-2011-15-million-total-lines-of-code-and-microsoft-is-a-top-contributor.ars [11:07:51] kalken's URL: http://xrl.us/bm6bqj [11:07:51] URL Title: Linux kernel in 2011: 15 million total lines of code and Microsoft is a top contributor [11:12:33] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) [11:29:36] http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303877604577381592575221730.html?mod=googlenews_wsj [11:29:37] URL Title: Japan's Last Nuclear Reactor to Close Saturday - WSJ.com [13:40:26] *** Joins: Kebap23 (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [13:45:50] *** Quits: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [13:53:28] *** Quits: Kebap23 (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [14:14:44] *** Joins: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [14:17:08] -nobody- Out`Of`Control has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:20:40] *** Quits: Viper (Viper@Evil.Troll) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [14:36:26] *** Joins: Viper (Viper@RBOSE-fnj.k3a.168.192.IP) [14:36:41] -nobody- Out`Of`Control has joined on FREENODE [14:36:42] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Out`Of`Control [15:44:19] *** Quits: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [15:44:43] *** Joins: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [16:27:17] http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57428067-83/fbi-we-need-wiretap-ready-web-sites-now/?tag=mncol;morePosts [16:27:18] URL Title: FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now | Security & Privacy - CNET News [16:27:23] lol [16:44:42] http://www.wimp.com/fastestwire/ [16:44:43] URL Title: Fastest wire bending in the world. [VIDEO] [16:55:51] kalken: incrädiböl, hade jag aldrig trott. ang. japan reaktör. [17:02:18] verkar vara maintainence och lite sånt dock. [17:02:29] sen var det mindre än jag trodde av totala elförbrukningen [17:02:49] hade för mig japan hade näst flest kärnkraftverk i världen eller något sånt? [18:10:33] they had. [18:11:49] -nobody- Kebap has joined on FREENODE [18:11:51] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Kebap [18:12:18] -nobody- Kebap has left on FREENODE [18:50:55] http://shweeb.com/index.php?m=transport [18:50:56] URL Title: Shweeb [21:09:18] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [21:24:26] http://www.wimp.com/robotsolves/ [21:24:27] URL Title: Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds. [VIDEO] [21:51:42] 15<12DNS777@FREENODE15> ppl need to learn to use free formats for videos and music [21:53:59] or at least that ppl test if their vidoes and audio files are compatible with free software [21:54:17] i say that because i cant watch the video actually, at least not on their website [21:55:09] DNS777: do you mean the wimp? [21:55:13] yes [21:55:36] * lukas cannot watch that neither [21:55:42] but many webmasters seems to not give a fuck about free formats [21:56:01] (or compatibility with free software) [21:56:26] maybe they should be called rather webslaves? ;) [21:56:37] webslavemaster [21:58:16] but what i still didnt try is to compile the latest lightspark [21:58:25] it should support avm2 [22:06:12] (gnash still just supports avm1) [22:26:46] if people were not stupid (or uninformed) they would be no mp3's on the net anymore :D [22:33:09] i'm having a hard time choosing what to do about it, so the path i choose atm is to use open free alternatives whenever it is possible (and works ok) [23:38:54] http://radar.oreilly.com/2012/05/drm-free-day-forever.html < good move [23:38:55] URL Title: DRM-Free Day, forever. - O'Reilly Radar [23:42:55] but could be better of course [23:43:08] at least some kind of move XD [23:45:01] we need to support freedom as much as we can, be4 its taken away [23:45:28] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: ) [23:45:31] * DNS777 waves a big freedom flag in #RBOSE