[00:18:34] *** Joins: anne (anne@RBOSE-4er81v.centertel.pl) [00:29:00] Caly,i dont know how it looks in Spain, but here is a lot of insects...i dont know why i've never noticed them before... [00:29:28] *** Joins: hakufu (jonte@RBOSE-ma1m9h.bredband.comhem.se) [00:35:44] today i found a big spider in raisins. but im quite brave and still vegan;) [00:37:59] , qr [00:37:59] anne: Quote #205: "All the organizations who ask for money - regardless it they mean donations, payed courses, books, videos, campaigns, etc. - are like churches to the World Bank. ~ Viper" (added by lukas at 09:07 PM, August 15, 2011) [00:38:21] , qr [00:38:21] anne: Quote #201: "The Bible is a book that has been read more and examined less than any book that ever existed. -Thomas Paine" (added by Caly at 09:21 PM, August 12, 2011) [00:39:35] , qr [00:39:35] anne: Quote #176: "Take the initiative. Go to work, and above all co-operate and don't hold back on one another or try to gain at the expense of another. Any success in such lopsidedness will be increasingly short-lived. These are the synergetic rules that evolution is employing and trying to make clear to us. They are not man-made laws. They are the infinitely accommodative laws of the intellectual integrity governing (1 more message) [00:42:13] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: ) [00:43:32] *** Quits: anne (anne@keep.it.simple) (Quit: ) [07:02:53] *** Quits: comotion (preston@RBOSE-rse.n3l.36.158.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [07:18:26] -nobody- magnetron has quit FREENODE (Remote host closed the connection) [08:03:52] , qr [08:03:52] duxck: Quote #196: "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. -George Washington" (added by Caly at 02:23 PM, August 09, 2011) [10:13:59] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) [10:17:47] comotion_: sounds like some useful stuff you have in mind there. [10:18:27] as for video, the (decently large) video site that seems most resistent to censorship and harrassments so far is actually DailyMotion [10:27:50] http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/sexuella-trakasserier-ar-vardag ja, det är ju precis den riktiningen vi vill att utvecklingen skall ta.... :( [10:27:51] URL Title: Sexuella trakasserier är vardag - DN.SE [10:31:18] whops wrong channel [11:01:29] http://www.freedomporn.org/smut/Freedom_Porn [11:01:31] URL Title: Freedom Porn [11:01:49] Caly xD [11:02:17] need to show that for FFF ! [11:02:22] ( Fuck for forrest ) [12:21:00] https://www.bof.nl/2012/05/08/netherlands-first-country-in-europe-with-net-neutrality/ [12:21:01] URL Title: Netherlands first country in Europe with net neutrality « Bits of Freedom [12:21:11] \o/ Hell yeah! [12:31:12] *** Joins: comotion (preston@RBOSE-p37p03.hackeriet.no) [12:52:04] *** Joins: bitter (webchat@RBOSE-07kf56.priv.bahnhof.se) [13:00:11] *** Quits: bitter (webchat@RBOSE-07kf56.priv.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [13:12:50] have you guys looked inte gnunet? (about decentralized networks and filesystems) [13:13:00] and TAHOE-LAFS [13:18:23] (but I guess so) [13:22:47] scrdcow: didn't look at gnunet hard enough [13:23:09] take a look at the pad linked if you have done research I'm all ears [13:27:58] not deep research just have looked at various distributed filesystems som years back and tried to figure out which one would be nice to try out. [13:28:32] and gnunet seemed to solve most things (as a net), but maybe not fast enough, widespread enough etc.. [13:28:53] and tahoe-lafs seemed to solve most things when it came to filesystem (but maybe not fast enough etc..) [14:10:27] -nobody- Calyp has quit FREENODE (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:13:34] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [17:33:16] https://tahoe-lafs.org/~zooko/network-and-reliance-topology.png [17:33:30] I am thinking of a system that turns every node into a storage server [17:33:38] and where there are no "red links" [17:33:57] which scales to a bajillion storage server [17:34:18] that's the sort of constraints I'm putting on this design [18:04:18] *** Joins: Kebap23 (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [18:08:38] *** Quits: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [18:25:00] *** Joins: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [18:29:36] -nobody- magnetron has joined on FREENODE [18:29:51] *** Quits: Kebap23 (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [19:04:08] *** Joins: Evil (Viper@RBOSE-fnj.k3a.168.192.IP) [19:10:19] comotion: i'm not sure if I follow you. you want server and client in one program instead of divided? [19:10:37] comotion: so that it would be inpossible to only run one or the other? [19:12:52] dude, this is peer2peer [19:12:56] there is no server and no client [19:13:12] or rather, p2p is both server and client [19:14:03] scrdcow: you are thinking of some division of labour that won't exist in this system [19:15:01] I will rather separate this way: overlay net backend, physical storage backend, user interfaces [19:45:48] yes, you always have server and client [20:07:09] I did MQ today. [20:07:26] Got me thinking if there is any open source alternative out there for message broker systems [20:08:41] MQ? [20:08:45] 0mq [20:09:06] Websphere Message Queue from IBM :3 [20:09:22] ya, 0mq [20:09:32] http://www.zeromq.org/ [20:09:33] URL Title: The Intelligent Transport Layer - zeromq [20:09:35] ooh [20:09:41] lemme check! :)) [20:10:00] I'm basically shortcutting you through a ton of crap and raight to the sweet spot [20:10:08] Yeah I see, it's fantastic [20:10:20] have I said I love you today? [20:10:23] because I do. [20:10:30] ;-) thx [20:10:40] there is a google talk about 0mq if you're into that sort of thing [20:10:56] a video? [20:10:58] yup [20:11:05] I will do just athat tonight! [20:11:29] IBM foobar'd everything so badly with their extensive set of rules, so I would be happy to get something opensource running instead [20:11:33] get my hands on the juicy things in life [20:12:37] I think activeMQ is opensource too, but it's some fubar java shite [20:12:46] skip it and go 0mq instead [20:12:51] yes! [20:13:00] java is not capable of loving humans [20:15:07] http://www.zeromq.org/blog:video-introduction [20:15:08] URL Title: Video Introduction to ØMQ - zeromq [20:15:13] i forget where that 0mq google talk is [20:16:02] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G6-GksU7Ko [20:16:03] You4Tube 2[Title] Build reliable, traceable, distributed systems with ZeroMQ 2[Category] Education 2[Duration] 0:36:22 2[Views] 2707 2[Rating] 5.00 2[Uploaded] 2012-03-11 2[Description] Jérôme Petazzoni We will show how to build simple yet powerful RPC code with ZeroMQ, with very few (if any!) modification to existing code. We will build fan-in and fan-out topologies with ZeroMQ special socket types to implement PUB/SUB patterns a [20:16:06] maybe [20:16:44] no maybe not [20:22:17] yea might be it [20:22:19] funny voice [20:24:20] this was wellwritten, http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all [20:24:21] URL Title: ØMQ - The Guide - ØMQ - The Guide [20:24:26] mm :) I like it [20:28:10] haha, there exists example in ADA. [20:28:25] I started fiddeling with ada last weekend :3 it was messy.. [20:42:12] ada huh [20:42:17] some people <3 ada [20:42:33] I had a comp.sci prof that was like that [20:42:37] but I recommend lua [20:42:43] for n00bs and l33ts alike [20:58:05] *** Quits: Evil (Viper@Evil.Troll) (Connection closed) [21:00:07] https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/QLe3tSmtSM4 < torvalds cant install a newer gnu/linux distro on his mac mini [21:03:46] comotion: ok, but all in the same program or that woul be three different programs? [21:12:34] "It's user friendly... It's just picky about its friends" :-D [21:45:22] ;D [22:29:51] 'Of course, some of the blame goes to Apple, who obviously likes "Thinking Different". Even when "different" means "worse".' ~ Linus Torvalds [22:30:13] lol, it's _always_ worse [23:10:37] -nobody- disconnected from FREENODE: Ping sent at 2012-05-09T23:08:33 not replied to. [23:10:59] -nobody- nobody has quit FREENODE (Disconnected by services) [23:11:07] -nobody- nobody` has joined on FREENODE [23:12:01] -nobody- nick change by nobody` to nobody on FREENODE [23:12:08] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +o nobody [23:19:08] *** Quits: rwx (ludens@RBOSE-1a6.kh4.158.93.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds)