[00:13:47] *** Joins: Hans (webchat@RBOSE-j1hk9a.chello.nl) [00:14:20] *** Quits: Hans (webchat@RBOSE-j1hk9a.chello.nl) (Quit: Page closed) [00:16:09] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kimsan@RBOSE-b8raf0.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.) [00:37:11] *** Joins: rwx (ludens@RBOSE-1a6.kh4.158.93.IP) [01:07:10] *** Joins: DustWolf (DustWolf@RBOSE-20iolm.ctrl-alt-del.si) [01:08:45] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: ) [02:53:17] *** Quits: hakufu (jonte@RBOSE-ma1m9h.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [03:07:56] *** Joins: hakufu (jonte@RBOSE-ma1m9h.bredband.comhem.se) [07:17:01] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [08:01:15] o/ [08:06:41] ! [08:07:37] Sup! [08:30:36] *** Quits: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [08:41:33] *** Joins: Kebap (LeckerKebap@RBOSE-goo3c7.unitymediagroup.de) [10:08:58] o/ Kebap [10:15:41] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE-jru75t.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) [10:15:49] -nobody- Calyp has joined on FREENODE [10:15:51] -nobody- mode change by ChanServ on FREENODE: +v Calyp [10:24:10] http://www.ted.com/talks/rory_sutherland_perspective_is_everything.html [10:24:11] Talk title: Rory Sutherland: Perspective is everything - The circumstances of our lives may matter less than how we see them, says Rory Sutherland. At TEDxAthens, he makes a compelling case for how reframing is the key to happiness. [10:43:09] http://dns.telecomix.org/ [10:43:10] URL Title: Telecomix Censorship-proof DNS [10:53:15] *** Joins: Kimsan (Kimsan@RBOSE-b8raf0.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) [11:05:02] comotion: yo! [11:05:13] comotion_: ping [11:36:47] pong [11:36:52] Caly: sup [11:37:32] comotion: was wondering if you're hosting that EP lite ? [11:38:02] trying to find somwhere to demo it / use it for our projects [11:38:42] I found a nice one at pad.tn hosted by a tunisian hackerspace =P [11:39:24] ep lite? [11:39:33] Etherpad Lite [11:39:44] pad.microdisko.no is hosted by a dear friend of mine ;-) [11:39:45] are you a lot of folks or is it just you [11:39:45] http://pad.microdisko.no/p/distrifs [11:39:46] URL Title: Etherpad Lite [11:39:54] whom I believe you have met [11:40:12] mkay... [11:40:19] pippin? [11:40:22] I constantly use it for my own projects [11:40:24] no, krav [11:41:19] one word of advice tho: pads go down some times. krav does back up the database, but I still export time-critical stuff to .txt when I leave the pad [11:41:36] mkay [11:42:09] I intend to set one up here if I can't find any good one in Spain. (and translated into spanish) [11:42:29] That pad.tn is in french, the fisrt one I found that was not in English.. [11:42:47] pad.tn?hmm [11:43:01] yeah, sleak URL there =P [11:43:27] just picked it for a demo here, easy for them to remember [11:43:34] tunisia eh [11:44:18] you'll be hard pressed to find a shorter url [11:44:32] but I dunno, I prefer a pad where I can go poke the admin if it is done [11:44:40] sometimes pads end up having critical info [11:45:01] actually, we used piratepad at fscons, and when it went down it made a semi-serious problem [11:45:30] and a friend-of-a-friend had a pad, when that one went down we lost evertything. it was a setback [12:27:48] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) [12:46:04] ,weather valencia [12:46:05] Weather for Valencia, Valencia on 1970-01-01 00:00UTC 2[Current:] 24℃, Clear, Wind: N at 6 km/h, Humidity: 53% 2[Forecast:] Thu: Fog ( 24℃ | 14℃ ), Fri: Clear ( 26℃ | 15℃ ), Sat: Mostly Sunny ( 27℃ | 19℃ ), Sun: Clear ( 27℃ | 17℃ ) [12:47:49] Caly: what about piratepad or planka-pad? [12:48:14] scrdcow: the lite version of PiratePad seems far less buggy [12:48:30] ah, lite. [12:48:39] and uses way less performance on the server side if I understand it correctly [12:49:00] allright [12:49:19] seems to gain popularity. [12:50:02] But DAMN, I wish Wave had gotten more adopted =/ [12:50:10] It was truly the bomb [12:51:01] something like that with a layer of anonymity and no need for registration would kick ass [12:58:31] well, they released the protocol [13:07:08] *** Quits: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: ) [13:07:19] Caly: Wave was so awesome so people did not understand :D [13:09:11] very much so, yeah. I think Google did a huge mistake by trying to get users from people in general [13:09:50] was such an awesome tool for documentation, not so much a social medium as they tried to make it out to be [13:10:57] comotion: yeah, thankfully, but I can't code for shit, so I won't be struggling to make it something I can use =/ [14:03:50] https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/549225_285746911507830_171089306306925_637483_741618876_n.jpg - hehe [14:04:44] I don't think google killed it [14:04:59] if they had killed it they prolly would have opensourced it [14:05:19] there still is no open alternative to google docs [14:05:41] pads are great, and we need padding of spreadsheets and other stuff the way wave worked [14:07:32] you are right tho, open anon wave would be so fantastic [14:20:29] comotion: not so shure they would open source it just because they didn't see it succeed, some aspects of it are propably a tad harmful to their business model [14:20:46] ofc [14:21:03] I thought alot about wth happened to Rosy for example (Their ingenious translation bot (engine) ffor Wave [14:21:29] It would obliterate a very profitable language barrier... [14:21:47] And I sooo want to see that part as an FOSS project! [14:21:59] Rosy was actually more important to the planet then Wave inho [14:22:03] *imho [14:22:54] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Wave [14:22:55] URL Title: Apache Wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [14:24:44] seems like we could set it up again [14:37:28] http://duckduckgo.com/bang.html [14:37:29] URL Title: DuckDuckGo !Bang [14:42:32] yea I just wish that duckduckgo's generic search would yeild more useful results [14:43:05] and finish in less than the 5 seconds, which feels sluggish [14:43:30] also, there is no guarantee besides their privacypolicy that they are "good" [14:43:40] that's why I like yacy better [14:45:33] mm [14:46:06] as usual it comes dont to parcticality vs. the-best-shit-out-there-in-all-aspects-except-speed :-D [14:46:19] wooah.. deja vu... [14:56:03] comotion: what do you think about YaCy then? [14:56:15] given it do need installing etc. [14:56:26] I find the results fascinating sometimes. [14:57:15] DuckDuckGo seems to get better att not hitting alot of BS and commersial shit lately though, wich I really like about YaCy [14:58:06] oh, you already commented on YaCy, thought you would find it to your liking =) [14:58:11] *assumed [15:02:20] we are all freetards, sucking up all free solutions [15:04:35] =) [15:05:00] I need to install YaCy on my new mint dist btw -_- [15:05:28] been so buissy since I got here that such stuff has been put on ice [15:05:42] i shall try to get my server going [15:06:04] it didn't like my treatment of having a cuttingboard for food right over it so stuff fell into it sometimes ;-( [15:06:15] or maybe something else. [15:08:54] I got to know the YaCy dude on my first FSCONS [15:09:06] smart dude, I like the approach [15:09:45] only YaCy is a big java process so it doesn't play nice with other processes on the same box [15:14:22] https://github.com/apache/wave/commits/trunk looks like wave is still being developed [15:14:23] URL Title: Commit History · apache/wave · GitHub [15:15:20] great, just hope it gets somwhere [15:39:08] sure, if someone sets it up and uses it [15:39:13] it should be usable, no>? [15:40:23] I guess [15:40:48] it wasn't precisely finished when they released it for public use... [15:40:56] (google) [15:41:01] as beta, but still [15:41:39] well, heading home for food and beverage, and then down to the plantation, laters! [15:41:52] blessings [15:48:22] haha, sweet http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ppalovera.es%2Fng_somos.php [15:48:23] URL Title: Google Translate [15:48:23] Caly's URL: http://x0.no/4iyl [15:49:42] Spanish (bad) political party site [16:00:17] hehe, oldskool deface [17:46:49] *** Joins: antilect (antilect@RBOSE-rstl57.bredband.comhem.se) [19:29:52] party on wayne [19:32:43] *** Joins: DZR (Darren@RBOSE-ab2.qv0.211.190.IP) [19:33:02] Hello :) [19:33:45] yo DZR :] [19:36:03] Hello FAT64 hows it going?? [19:36:26] very nice! I am studying dutch and relaxing. hows your life? [19:38:17] Just left an interesting village in Costa Rica - waiting for a coach and heading to the sea for a few days b4 back to Europe [19:38:39] http://www.sonador.info/en/index.html [19:38:40] URL Title: Longo Mai, Costa Rica [19:40:28] oooh [19:40:54] Costa Rica man. :D sounds super [19:41:03] hotter than the surface o' the sun [19:43:19] rainy season started in the village so most afternoons the rains took the heat away. [19:49:27] ok ^ [19:49:32] hope you met interesting people in that village [19:52:03] Mind blown [19:52:04] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETGO6QEjx9Q&feature=related [19:52:05] You4Tube 2[Title] 100 Chillout Classics - The World's Best Chillout Album ( Part 1 ) 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 3:52:26 2[Views] 2264493 2[Rating] 4.92 2[Uploaded] 2011-12-09 2[Description] Track List 01. Fragile State - The Facts & The Dreams [05:03] 02. Alpha X - Blue Love [05:43] 03. Roebeck - 1000 Miles [04:39] 04. Goloka - Thinking About You [07:40] 05. Fragile State - Barney Fade (Future Loop Foundation Mix) [08:02] 06. On [19:52:12] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lv9r7Vg3Oo&feature=related [19:52:13] You4Tube 2[Title] 2 Hours of "that sweet sound" everyone likes 2[Category] Music 2[Duration] 2:00:00 2[Views] 730667 2[Rating] 4.43 2[Uploaded] 2011-01-10 2[Description] Enjoy. Automatic loop: http://www.youtube.com/v/2Lv9r7Vg3Oo&loop=1 Altered noise(richer sound & slight light pitch): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs94hqpcQqg [19:52:16] Båda samtidigt :3 [19:52:25] Both at the same time :) [19:52:29] Perfect for studying. [19:52:42] Ambient sounds really improves the atmosphere. [19:53:06] <3 [19:54:14] was interesting in the village - not quite what I expected but interesting [20:00:22] The massive piece of land there is owned by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longo_Mai but it appears they are largely uninterested in what goes on there. [20:00:23] URL Title: Longo Mai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [20:23:12] http://www.n0.se/f/n/8e8b3_562417_324030011000319_136531246416864_770620_486072523_n.jpg [20:34:28] ;-) [20:34:32] just what I needed [20:34:39] chillout + sweet sound at the same time [20:57:48] *** Quits: DZR (Darren@RBOSE-ab2.qv0.211.190.IP) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [21:06:11] *** Joins: bitter (webchat@RBOSE-580539.tbcn.telia.com) [21:07:17] *** Quits: bitter (webchat@RBOSE-580539.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Page closed) [22:28:23] *** Joins: Evil (Viper@RBOSE-fnj.k3a.168.192.IP) [22:44:41] *** Quits: hakufu (jonte@RBOSE-ma1m9h.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [22:45:03] *** Joins: Hans (qwebirc@RBOSE-j1hk9a.chello.nl) [22:45:34] Hi [22:46:17] *** Quits: Hans (qwebirc@RBOSE-j1hk9a.chello.nl) (Quit: Page closed) [23:16:59] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [23:32:28] *** Quits: Kimsan (Kimsan@RBOSE-b8raf0.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.) 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