[10:12:59] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) [11:28:03] *** Quits: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) (Connection closed) [11:34:17] *** Joins: Caly (Caly@RBOSE.org) [14:44:09] http://me.veekun.com/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/ [14:44:10] URL Title: PHP: a fractal of bad design - fuzzy notepad [16:31:52] *** Quits: Evil (Viper@Evil.Troll) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) [17:24:24] Caly: all serverbased scripting is bad because it does not scale well. Benifits with using javascript-based designs is that the whole page does not have to be reloaded when something happens, and also that the client can help with doing the heavy lifting (eg, sorting data etc) [17:24:44] *serverside scripting [18:45:21] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed) [20:15:21] *** Quits: Key (supybot@root.password) (pms.rbose.org viper.rbose.org) [20:15:21] *** Quits: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) (pms.rbose.org viper.rbose.org) [20:15:21] *** Quits: SoNeta (piespy@RBOSE-gkfu2h) (pms.rbose.org viper.rbose.org) [20:15:37] *** Joins: SoNeta (piespy@RBOSE-gkfu2h) [20:15:37] *** Joins: nobody (UFO@Unidentified.Flying.Object) [20:15:37] *** Joins: Key (supybot@root.password) [20:46:44] *** Joins: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) [21:48:17] *** Quits: kman (kman@RBOSE-1vjua3.student.uu.se) (Connection closed)