[02:24:49] -InfoServ- *** Message(s) of the Day *** [02:24:49] -InfoServ- [Random Webchat: webchat.rbose.org:9090] Notice from DNS, posted 05:35 on 03/03/2011: [02:24:49] -InfoServ- We got this adress now enabled pointing randomly to one of our 2 current webchats (at viper.rbose.org and fat64.rbose.org). [02:24:49] -InfoServ- [Random IRC Adress: irc.rbose.org] Notice from DNS, posted 05:03 on 03/03/2011: [02:24:49] -InfoServ- Finally we got this adress running rotating to one of our 3 current IRC servers. [02:24:49] -InfoServ- [fat64.rbose.org downtime] Notice from DNS, posted 06:20 on 03/01/2011: [02:24:49] -InfoServ- fat64.rbose.org will be having a planned downtime on the coming sunday night / monday morning (between 6.march 11:00PM and 7.march 05:00AM UTC). A temporarily mumble server will be announced later. [02:24:49] -InfoServ- *** End of Message(s) of the Day ***