Welcome to my Den!
You guessed it, this is my page as boring as that is.
About Me
I am a Wolf Daemon Otherkin.
I used to work as a IT Consultant contractor for various companies such
as a local company here called WaveComm
Yes there site sucks, unless they had it redisigned lately, I made that site based apon what they wanted, I do ALOT better then that crap, but hey, they got what they asked for right? I used to climb towers and chip ice off wireless internet dishes in the cold of february, that was fun, not, but I needed the money.
I now run my own show partly and am still looking for a PT job for about 10-20 hours a week as well.
I like things simple, and thus I keep them simple, I live either at home or with some one else or with nature, I work only what I need to get by on and I enjoy life this way, I can't stand having to much to worry about such as bills etc, thus I don't put my self in them situations. I don't believe in the credit system and ignore it all together to me it don't exsist and don't apply as I will never ask for a loan or a credit car, etc..
I like my life as it is, and the chalanges it presents, it makes life more interesting and I just laugh at it and say bring it on, I live for the moment and for what nature has to offer, not no bible or church that rules over my thoughts etc. not that thats wrong, that is your choice to follow in thus it is right for you.
I am a naturalist, in fact I would get along quite well with indians and have in the past though even they have become tanted by "normal" human society on the most part.
I believe in the way of the wolf and nature and I believe in the laws of nature only.
I love helping others, well not normal humans, but Therians, Furs, Otherkins, you know..
In the past week I have help set up this site and others for free and some not for free all depends on the nature of the project. In general I love helping others to the point I have been known to spend money on them over my self, some times that is not a good thing though, I am better at that though now.
I also run
WereHost, a FREE hosting firm for the communities of the furred (external and internal)

I also started a free syndicated news service called Were World, it's full name is long but it's
Were World Syndicate & Dedicated Communications, phew, breaths..
Back a couple years ago I fucked up pritty bad, I basically called the whole Therianthrope community posers, why, because I thought I was the only true "were" out there, what the **** was I thinking? Well I was the one that was wrong, I was the one that didn't fit and I didn't understand what it was and thought I did, boy was I wrong. I am not a Therian, I now know this, that is why I disagreed with allot of the stuff, I am for the most part an Otherkin, but I can be considered a Contherian, but I am not as inclined to call my self that though. I was called a poser, well in sorts I was as I am not a Therian yet I was then calling my self one, so if the shoe fits where it.
Since then and rather recently I have grown with the harsh but needed harshness from the communities I have come to terms with my self and know what I am now.
I have made a few people mad, and funny enough Coyote was one, that I have heard is hard as he has much patience, well, I can't say I didn't deserve the bite I got there.
So now I say this, you will not here me call Therians posers, because I am not one of you though I am not all that much different either, you are all different in your own ways, and I respect that and I will keep my opinions to my self unless I know or see a specific person that shares close similer beliefs.
I will be honest here, in the past I did ONE (1) time try to start a site and take the name from some one else, that site was PAWS, at the time the site was down, had a 404 page, so I thought it was gone and thought I start a new, well stupid me!
I got my skin chewed off and to date still do behind my back, no I can't stop that from happening, but note that that was a mistake I made and a rather dumb one, but that does not mean for anyone to go out and start hacking my sites, calling me a fraud which I found out about from various folks. I am not a fraud, I am me.
Some one said that I was trying to hide with a new name and shit, hello, I had this name before I had Ironpaws, not much longer but I did, Ironpaws didn't agree with me and was confused over Ironclaw and such others, so I thus went back to Nitruswolf.
I am not trying to hide who I am and I am not faking who I am, this is me, don't like me then go shove it I could care less, but for those who don't know me I ask to give me a chance before listening to rumars and judging by them, you be the judge, if a rumar said if you jump off this bridge and survive then I'll give you a thousdand dollars, would you do it? I wouldn't!
I may be sparatic at times, I am a sparatic guy, I live for the moment.
I may go and say dumb things and shit that no one else believes, that
don't matter, just have a laugh at it and/or ignore it, I like fucking with peoples minds some times and confusing them, don't like it then tell me, I won't do it to you no more, I have respect you know.
I have my quarks and weaknesses, so don't everyone else some more then others so just get used to it, it's part of life!
Some things I can't stand!
- People who say "you just want your cake and eat it too!"
uhh, duhh sherlock!
What else am I going to do, sit there and day dream myself eating it?!
You know, the kind that should just die or should have never
been born, like a person crossing a busy itersection diaganally straight through it and you almost run them over while driving through with the sun in your eyes and they look at you like you done something wrong, I can name 0 laws broken for me, but you, 3 laws, J-walking, wreckless indangerment and obtruction of an intersection, ohh wait 4, trying to comit suicide, those would have been inforced in this city if I had reported it, well maybe not the last one, but they always stick it all on you here!
- People who don't read the fine print and don't think it applies just because they didn't read it.
That there is just stupidity at it's best.
- People who complain that a free service is having issues.
It's free quit your damn complaining, least it is available to you so cheap!
People who hunt for bargons when shopping for a service and talk you down lower in price will only be a continues waste of time, money and resources as they will be the ones always bugging about the smallest things.
- I hate humans that hunt for sport period!
I would love to hunt them for sport and would do so if legalized ever! heh