Hello Team and others, Neil Nelson wrote: > I do not think a simple vote without careful thought and discussion > will obtain a consensus. > > And it is not clear to me why you suppose there is some major > problem that requires the kind of argument we are engaged in. Two > days ago we were working along quite well and now you are going to > the mat for what seems to be a minor issue. I do not see why we do > not just continue as we were and think about and discuss the ideas > you are presenting. Neil, I think Harold is trying to pull us somewhere. Of course I am comforable devoloping the way we curently are, but Harold *is* right, we do have to become official, because if we're not official, we are illegal and if we are illegal, we can't sell anything. Suppose there is some great revenue from the entire project (I think you agree to this point), I am happy if Harold decides to put some more money to the matter and it to that end we get another coworker, in fact somebody that will do the overflow works for us, it is noting but a very good way to go. This is to the best of all of us. However do keep in mind that it is practical imposible to turn somebody like me to a solid suggestion-maker, I will continue my work, however I will not allow it to effect the work I have on my supposed official position. C'ya! -- Cellphone: 0038640809676 Don't feel bad about asking/telling me anything, I will always gladly reply. Digging for info? Try AI Meta Search: Http://WWW.AIMetaSearch.Com MesonAI -- If nobody else wants to do it, why shouldn't we?(TM) Http://WWW.MesonAI.Com