

WikiTherian is a Wikipedia-like system built and funded by DustWolf with the intention to provide a standalone wiki encyclopedia that can be filled with various details regarding Therianthropy.

For a detailed explanation on what we plan to accomplish with this website, see the Plans page.

The system has 100 MB of free wikispace (which is something rather hard to fill up with text and well-compressed images alone) and running on 2 OC192 and 2 OC48 totalling up for a 24 GBps connection. The server is a state of the art with it's dual 3Ghz processors, this machine can run like 3 older systems and still do other complex tasks with ease. The idea was to provide something that will do fine for a wiki encyclopedia for the entire Therian community, and we have found such a system to deploy it!

A few words about our host: WereHost... It's a fresh business that is FREE as well as Ad free and very suitable for Therian websites. wink

This web site has been designed with less graphics for your fast browsing pleasure.
The graphics that are contained on this site such as the header and footer graphics are saved in a rapid load 0 Dithering Octree GIF format. This site is not about being fantcy, it's about being informative and easy to use, those are the two keys that come first here at the WikiTherian.