Please add notices here as you edit the site, so we know what's going on.
Please see
database backup log to see when the database was last backed up.
12. September 2005
? I have added some more theriotypes to
03. September 2005
Nitruswolf Upgraded the Wiki system for security reasons, the upgrade went without a catch!
23. June 2005
The web host for this web site is in ther process of moving to a new datacenter. This is expected to cause little or no downtime what so ever as we are forwarding the old IP's on the old system at the old data center to the new system at the new data center there for all ubdates will take effect seamlessly, we have done this in the past with no downtime or problems even though it is a quite pain staking process, it's worth it to us. For more information about the web host please visit or the owning companies web site Were Host is owned and operated by the owner of FarComm
? IT.
08. June 2005
Web site had massive error, took some time to diagnose.
At first it seemed liked some one hacked the web site, then it seemed that a new setting on the server was the culprit but that was installed a month before the error so that didn't add up. What it turned out to be was that the server was having issues with writting to the temporary swap drive and in turn miss wrote a cache file to the cache folder which messed up database entries and the file couldn't be removed with the uninstaller nor FTP so I used File Manager which has master say over the account, nothing survives the file manager, lol, and deleted the file plus one folder which was currupt. These things happen, you can not control hardware and tell it to not malfunction, though you can wish for that, but it aint happening, lol. I have completely reinstalled this web site and restored from database backup few changes have been lost, any changes after May 13, 2005 have been lost, we appologize for this.
13. May 2005
DustWolf Long delay of nothing... but now added a couple of terms from various sources. I would encurage any kind of activity on the site. Adding comments is an excelent way to contribute if you preffer not to change the actual content of the pages, as is adding any notices in the shoutbox (on the right).
12. Apr 2005
Nitruswolf Werehost wen't through some major changes and is now hosting through a new datacenter, the old hosting service wen't to heck as the new owner didn't care much to keep the employees or was stupid thinking everything could handle it's self!
Any way, downtime should be for the most part a thing of the past, 99.9% uptime is back and faster in general at that!
1. Apr 2005
DustWolf) Added defenition for
Lycan, meaning movie lycan. No joke.
31. Mar 2005
DustWolf) Updated defenitions for
dream shift,
shift and
were community from the
Therianthropy FAQ resource. Also allocated some more financial resources to, to keep it going and innitiated a restructure of the company.
20. Mar 2005
DustWolf) Added term link for
Garou and updated
Kitsune with defenition from the
werelist forum. Also cleaned old news from the
Home Page.
03. Mar 2005
Nitruswolf) Removed flames from Shoutbox took the IP from the logs and contacted the ISP of the violator, I also made the Shoutbox member only now do to this. We brought this apon our selves the person was visiting from as some one posted a direct link there, this will only bring flamers, haters, and narrow minded people to this site, if I get any more people coming through this site to the rest of my sites and business I will block referrals to this site.
28. Feb 2005
Nitruswolf) Added an important announcement on the home page for
helping out wolves!
DustWolf) Added more terms & defenitions (
index) and more links:
NEW: USENET (light-weight e-mail based forum) links under the
external links section, 3 of which on my home server so everybody has access! Also updated the
Plans page with the idea of
WikiTherian and what we plan to accomplish with it.
17. Feb 2005
DustWolf) I added another external wiki,'s wiki, to which you can link with a link "Otherkin:Term".
16. Feb 2005
DustWolf) Site wen't offline due to a bug. We restored from backups which we made earlier that day, so all your content should be in place. I added external wiki Wikipedia, which means you can now link to it's terms via link: "Wikipedia:Term".
15. Feb 2005
Nitruswolf) Added the Shoutbox to the right side of the web site.
He also edited various pages such as the
Browsing page, ohh and this page!
He has removed the top and bottom banners and will be adding custom headers and footers soon.
For some reason the javascript for the menu folders messed up while editing so he had to create a work around, not as fancy but it works.
(Prander) Has made various changes in places including the
Home Page.
14. Feb 2005
DustWolf) Added more terms from various sources. We have also apparently got a few new
editors. Welcome on board!
Nitruswolf) Added the
"Index" link to the Main Menu which is also now called the "Main Menu" and not just Menu

and also edited the
home page to explain it's presence in the case of removal of the link on the
home page. Nitrus also added the "Therian News" menu under the Login menu that displays news via RSS feeds from Were World located at
13. Feb 2005
DustWolf) Added the
users index for people to refference to thermselves in.
NitrusWolf has obviously been editing the website design also. Some minor MISC changes to various pages.
DustWolf) Added the
documentaries page.
12. Feb 2005
DustWolf) I have copied all I could find in the
WereList Encyclopedia. I have added the authors names accordingly, but there are no e-mail links. Those who want to take credit are free to create their personal sites and provide all the information they want in there.
I have also copied definitions I could
Google up.
11. Feb 2005
DustWolf) Wiki created. Since I, the admin, have not much time, I expect you to fill in what you know of